require 'net/ssh/multi/server' require 'net/ssh/multi/dynamic_server' module Net; module SSH; module Multi # Encapsulates a list of server objects, both dynamic (Net::SSH::Multi::DynamicServer) # and static (Net::SSH::Multi::Server). It attempts to make it transparent whether # a dynamic server set has been evaluated or not. Note that a ServerList is # NOT an Array, though it is Enumerable. class ServerList include Enumerable # Create a new ServerList that wraps the given server list. Duplicate entries # will be discarded. def initialize(list=[]) @list = list.uniq end # Adds the given server to the list, and returns the argument. If an # identical server definition already exists in the collection, the # argument is _not_ added, and the existing server record is returned # instead. def add(server) index = @list.index(server) if index server = @list[index] else @list.push(server) end server end # Adds an array (or otherwise Enumerable list) of servers to this list, by # calling #add for each argument. Returns +self+. def concat(servers) servers.each { |server| add(server) } self end # Iterates over each distinct server record in the collection. This will # correctly iterate over server records instantiated by a DynamicServer # as well, but only if the dynamic server has been "evaluated" (see # Net::SSH::Multi::DynamicServer#evaluate!). def each @list.each do |server| case server when Server then yield server when DynamicServer then server.each { |item| yield item } else raise ArgumentError, "server list contains non-server: #{server.class}" end end self end # Works exactly as Enumerable#select, but returns the result as a new # ServerList instance. def select subset = { |i| yield i } end # Returns an array of all servers in the list, with dynamic server records # expanded. The result is an array of distinct server records (duplicates # are removed from the result). def flatten result = @list.inject([]) do |aggregator, server| case server when Server then aggregator.push(server) when DynamicServer then aggregator.concat(server) else raise ArgumentError, "server list contains non-server: #{server.class}" end end result.uniq end alias to_ary flatten end end; end; end