require_relative 'common' require 'fileutils' require 'tmpdir' require 'net/ssh' require 'timeout' # see Vagrantfile,playbook for env. # we're running as net_ssh_1 user password foo # and usually connecting to net_ssh_2 user password foo2pwd class TestCertHostAuth < NetSSHTest include IntegrationTestHelpers def setup_ssh_env(&block) tmpdir do |dir| cert_type = "rsa" # cert_type = "ssh-ed25519" host_key_type = "ecdsa" # host_key_type = "ed25519" # create a cert, and sign the host key @cert = "#{dir}/ca" sh "rm -rf #{@cert} #{@cert}.pub" sh "ssh-keygen -t #{cert_type} -N '' -C 'ca@hosts.netssh' -f #{@cert} #{debug ? '' : '-q'}" FileUtils.cp "/etc/ssh/ssh_host_#{host_key_type}", "#{dir}/" Dir.chdir(dir) do sh "ssh-keygen -s #{@cert} -h -I one.hosts.netssh -n one.hosts.netssh #{debug ? '' : '-q'} #{dir}/" sh "ssh-keygen -L -f" if debug end signed_host_key = "/etc/ssh/ssh_host_#{host_key_type}" sh "sudo cp -f #{dir}/ #{signed_host_key}" # we don't use this for signing the cert @badcert = "#{dir}/badca" sh "rm -rf #{@badcert} #{@badcert}.pub" sh "ssh-keygen -t #{cert_type} -N '' -C 'ca@hosts.netssh' -f #{@badcert} #{debug ? '' : '-q'}" yield(cert_pub: "#{@cert}.pub", badcert_pub: "#{@badcert}.pub", signed_host_key: signed_host_key) end end def debug false end def test_host_should_match_when_host_key_was_signed_by_key'cert_kh') do |f| setup_ssh_env do |params| data =[:cert_pub]) f.write("@cert-authority [*.hosts.netssh]:2200 #{data}") f.close config_lines = ["HostCertificate #{params[:signed_host_key]}"] start_sshd_7_or_later(config: config_lines) do |_pid, port| Timeout.timeout(500) do # sleep 0.2 # sh "ssh -v -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 one.hosts.netssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=#{f.path} -p 2200" ret = Net::SSH.start("one.hosts.netssh", "net_ssh_1", password: 'foopwd', port: port, verify_host_key: :always, user_known_hosts_file: [f.path]) do |ssh| ssh.exec! "echo 'foo'" end assert_equal "foo\n", ret rescue SocketError, Errno::ECONNREFUSED, Errno::EHOSTUNREACH sleep 0.25 retry end end end end end def test_with_other_pub_key_host_key_should_not_match'cert_kh') do |f| setup_ssh_env do |params| data =[:badcert_pub]) f.write("@cert-authority [*.hosts.netssh]:2200 #{data}") f.close config_lines = ["HostCertificate #{params[:signed_host_key]}"] start_sshd_7_or_later(config: config_lines) do |_pid, port| Timeout.timeout(100) do sleep 0.2 assert_raises(Net::SSH::HostKeyMismatch) do Net::SSH.start("one.hosts.netssh", "net_ssh_1", password: 'foopwd', port: port, verify_host_key: :always, user_known_hosts_file: [f.path]) do |ssh| ssh.exec! "echo 'foo'" end end rescue SocketError, Errno::ECONNREFUSED, Errno::EHOSTUNREACH sleep 0.25 retry end end end end end end