require_relative 'common' require 'fileutils' require 'tmpdir' require 'net/ssh' unless ENV['NET_SSH_NO_ED25519'] # see Vagrantfile,playbook for env. # we're running as net_ssh_1 user password foo # and usually connecting to net_ssh_2 user password foo2pwd class TestED25519PKeys < NetSSHTest include IntegrationTestHelpers def test_in_file_no_password Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| ssh_keygen "#{dir}/id_rsa_ed25519", "ed25519" set_authorized_key('net_ssh_1', "#{dir}/") ret = Net::SSH.start("localhost", "net_ssh_1", { keys: "#{dir}/id_rsa_ed25519" }) do |ssh| ssh.exec! 'echo "hello from:$USER"' end assert_equal "hello from:net_ssh_1\n", ret end end def test_ssh_agent Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| with_agent do ssh_keygen "#{dir}/id_rsa_ed25519", "ed25519" set_authorized_key('net_ssh_1', "#{dir}/") ssh_add("#{dir}/id_rsa_ed25519", "pwd") # TODO: fix bug in net ssh which reads public key even if private key is there sh "mv #{dir}/ #{dir}/" ret = Net::SSH.start("localhost", "net_ssh_1") do |ssh| ssh.exec! 'echo "hello from:$USER"' end assert_equal "hello from:net_ssh_1\n", ret end end end def test_in_file_with_password Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| ssh_keygen "#{dir}/id_rsa_ed25519", "ed25519" set_authorized_key('net_ssh_1', "#{dir}/") # TODO: fix bug in net ssh which reads public key even if private key is there sh "mv #{dir}/ #{dir}/" ret = Net::SSH.start("localhost", "net_ssh_1", { keys: "#{dir}/id_rsa_ed25519", passphrase: 'pwd' }) do |ssh| ssh.exec! 'echo "hello from:$USER"' end assert_equal "hello from:net_ssh_1\n", ret end end def test_with_only_ed25519_host_key config_lines ='/etc/ssh/sshd_config').split("\n") config_lines = do |line| if (line =~ /^HostKey /) && line !~ /ed25519/ "##{line}" else line end end'empty_kh') do |f| f.close with_sshd_config(config_lines.join("\n")) do ret = Net::SSH.start("localhost", "net_ssh_1", password: 'foopwd', user_known_hosts_file: [f.path]) do |ssh| ssh.exec! "echo 'foo'" end assert_equal "foo\n", ret end end end end end