require_relative 'common' require_relative 'mitm_server' require 'fileutils' require 'tmpdir' require 'net/ssh' require 'timeout' # see Vagrantfile,playbook for env. # we're running as net_ssh_1 user password foo # and usually connecting to net_ssh_2 user password foo2pwd class TestHMacEtm < NetSSHTest include IntegrationTestHelpers variants = { etm256: "", etm512: "" } def config_with_macs(macs) config_lines ='/etc/ssh/sshd_config').split("\n") config_lines = do |line| if line =~ /^MACs/ "##{line}" else line end end config_lines.push("MACs #{macs}") end variants.each do |key, variant| define_method "test_with_only_hmac_etm#{key}" do start_sshd_7_or_later(config: config_with_macs(variant)) do |_pid, port| Timeout.timeout(4) do # We have our own sshd, give it a chance to come up before # listening. ret = Net::SSH.start( "localhost", "net_ssh_1", password: 'foopwd', port: port, hmac: [variant] ) do |ssh| assert_equal ssh.transport.algorithms.hmac_client, variant assert_equal ssh.transport.algorithms.hmac_server, variant ssh.exec! "echo 'foo123'" end assert_equal "foo123\n", ret rescue SocketError, Errno::ECONNREFUSED, Errno::EHOSTUNREACH sleep 0.25 retry end end end end variants.each do |key, variant| define_method "test_hmac_through_proxy_#{key}" do mitm ='localhost', 22) mitm.local_read_size = 2 * 1024 mitm.target_read_size = 19 # host, port = 'localhost', 22 host = port = mitm.port hmac_options = { hmac: variant } ssh = Net::SSH.start(host, "net_ssh_1", hmac_options.merge(port: port, password: 'foopwd')) (1...20).each do |i| ret = ssh.exec!("echo \"#{'f' * i}\"") assert_includes ret, 'f' * i end ssh.close end end end