# # Tests for communication capability with Pageant (or KeeAgent) # process, to include the case where it is running in different UAC # context. # # To run: # - Ensure that Pageant is running (not as administrator). # - Open two command prompts, one as an administrator and one limited # (normal). # - Within each, from the root net/ssh project directory, execute: # ruby -Ilib -Itest -rrubygems test/manual/test_pageant.rb # require_relative '../common' require 'net/ssh/authentication/agent' module Authentication class TestPageapnt < NetSSHTest def test_agent_should_be_able_to_negotiate begin agent.negotiate! rescue Net::SSH::Authentication::AgentNotAvailable puts "Test failing connect now!.... :#{$!}" sleep 1800 raise end end private def agent(auto = :connect) @agent ||= begin agent = Net::SSH::Authentication::Agent.new agent.connect! if auto == :connect agent end end end end