diff options
authorAdam Leff <>2015-09-10 21:40:07 -0400
committerAdam Leff <>2015-09-10 21:40:07 -0400
commit779d03f5427ea1bb856a13779989c10e02325671 (patch)
parentaea4ec3c2342fde9d142596237d4e46f60e50bf4 (diff)
Added additional linux/platform tests and tightened up WRL tests
Added tests for #os_release_info and #read_os_release_info as they appear to be untested. Testing these allowed the tests for WRL5 and WRL7 to be tightened up and slimmed down to only test the functionality for those two OS variants.
2 files changed, 103 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ohai/plugins/linux/platform.rb b/lib/ohai/plugins/linux/platform.rb
index 1a46b232..f8a6d65e 100644
--- a/lib/ohai/plugins/linux/platform.rb
+++ b/lib/ohai/plugins/linux/platform.rb
@@ -143,7 +143,8 @@ Ohai.plugin(:Platform) do
# kernel release will be used - ex. 3.13
platform_version `uname -r`.strip
elsif os_release_file_is_cisco?
- raise 'unknown Cisco /etc/os-release ID-LIKE field' unless os_release_info['ID_LIKE'].include?('wrlinux')
+ raise 'unknown Cisco /etc/os-release or /etc/cisco-release ID-LIKE field' if
+ os_release_info['ID_LIKE'].nil? || ! os_release_info['ID_LIKE'].include?('wrlinux')
case os_release_info['ID']
when 'nexus'
@@ -151,7 +152,7 @@ Ohai.plugin(:Platform) do
when 'ios_xr'
platform 'ios_xr'
- raise 'unknown Cisco /etc/os-release ID field'
+ raise 'unknown Cisco /etc/os-release or /etc/cisco-release ID field'
platform_family 'wrlinux'
diff --git a/spec/unit/plugins/linux/platform_spec.rb b/spec/unit/plugins/linux/platform_spec.rb
index e7a7885b..025ea223 100644
--- a/spec/unit/plugins/linux/platform_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/plugins/linux/platform_spec.rb
@@ -650,31 +650,116 @@ CISCO_RELEASE
- describe "on Wind River Linux 5 for Cisco Nexus" do
+ describe '#read_os_release_info' do
+ let(:file_contents) { "COW=MOO\nDOG=\"BARK\"" }
+ it 'returns nil if the file does not exist' do
+ allow(File).to receive(:exist?).with('/etc/test-release').and_return(false)
+ expect(@plugin.read_os_release_info('/etc/test-release')).to be nil
+ end
- let(:have_os_release) { true }
+ it 'returns a hash of expected contents' do
+ allow(File).to receive(:exist?).with('/etc/test-release').and_return(true)
+ allow(File).to receive(:read).with('/etc/test-release').and_return(file_contents)
+ release_info = @plugin.read_os_release_info('/etc/test-release')
- it "should set platform to nexus and platform_family to wrlinux" do
- @plugin.lsb = nil
- expect(File).to receive(:read).twice.with("/etc/os-release").and_return("ID=nexus\nID_LIKE=wrlinux\nNAME=Nexus\nVERSION=\"7.0(3)I2(0.475E.6)\"\nVERSION_ID=\"7.0(3)I2\"\nPRETTY_NAME=\"Nexus 7.0(3)I2\"\nHOME_URL=\nBUILD_ID=6\nCISCO_RELEASE_INFO=/etc/os-release")
- expect(@plugin[:platform]).to eq("nexus")
- expect(@plugin[:platform_family]).to eq("wrlinux")
- expect(@plugin[:platform_version]).to eq("7.0(3)I2(0.475E.6)")
+ expect(release_info['COW']).to eq('MOO')
+ expect(release_info['DOG']).to eq('BARK')
- describe "on Wind River Linux 7 for Cisco IOS-XR" do
+ describe '#os_release_info' do
+ context 'when CISCO_RELEASE_INFO is not populated' do
+ let(:release_info) { { 'ID' => 'os_id' } }
+ before do
+ allow(File).to receive(:exist?).with('/etc/os-release').and_return(true)
+ allow(@plugin).to receive(:read_os_release_info).with('/etc/os-release').and_return(release_info)
+ end
+ it 'reads the os-release file' do
+ expect(@plugin).to receive(:read_os_release_info).with('/etc/os-release').and_return(release_info)
+ @plugin.os_release_info
+ end
+ it 'returns a hash of expected contents' do
+ expect(@plugin.os_release_info['ID']).to eq('os_id')
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when CISCO_RELEASE_INFO is populated' do
+ let(:release_info) { { 'ID' => 'os_id', 'CISCO_RELEASE_INFO' => '/etc/cisco-release' } }
+ let(:cisco_release_info) { { 'ID' => 'cisco_id' } }
+ before do
+ allow(File).to receive(:exist?).with('/etc/os-release').and_return(true)
+ allow(File).to receive(:exist?).with('/etc/cisco-release').and_return(true)
+ allow(@plugin).to receive(:read_os_release_info).with('/etc/os-release').and_return(release_info)
+ allow(@plugin).to receive(:read_os_release_info).with('/etc/cisco-release').and_return(cisco_release_info)
+ end
+ it 'reads the os-release AND the cisco-release file' do
+ expect(@plugin).to receive(:read_os_release_info).with('/etc/os-release').and_return(release_info)
+ expect(@plugin).to receive(:read_os_release_info).with('/etc/cisco-release').and_return(release_info)
+ @plugin.os_release_info
+ end
+ it 'returns the ID from the cisco-release file instead of the os-release file' do
+ expect(@plugin.os_release_info['ID']).to eq('cisco_id')
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'on Wind River Linux 5 for Cisco Nexus' do
let(:have_os_release) { true }
+ let(:os_release_info) do
+ {
+ 'ID' => 'nexus',
+ 'ID_LIKE' => 'wrlinux',
+ 'NAME' => 'Nexus',
+ 'VERSION' => '7.0(3)I2(0.475E.6)',
+ 'VERSION_ID' => '7.0(3)I2',
+ 'PRETTY_NAME' => 'Nexus 7.0(3)I2',
+ 'HOME_URL' => '',
+ 'BUILD_ID' => '6',
+ 'CISCO_RELEASE_INFO' => '/etc/os-release'
+ }
+ end
+ it 'should set platform to nexus and platform_family to wrlinux' do
+ allow(@plugin).to receive(:os_release_info).and_return(os_release_info)
+ @plugin.lsb = nil
+ expect(@plugin[:platform]).to eq('nexus')
+ expect(@plugin[:platform_family]).to eq('wrlinux')
+ expect(@plugin[:platform_version]).to eq('7.0(3)I2(0.475E.6)')
+ end
+ end
- it "should set platform to ios_xr and platform_family to wrlinux" do
+ describe 'on Wind River Linux 7 for Cisco IOS-XR' do
+ let(:have_os_release) { true }
+ let(:os_release_info) do
+ {
+ 'ID' => 'ios_xr',
+ 'ID_LIKE' => 'cisco-wrlinux wrlinux',
+ 'NAME' => 'IOS XR',
+ 'VERSION' => '',
+ 'VERSION_ID' => '',
+ 'PRETTY_NAME' => 'Cisco IOS XR Software, Version',
+ 'BUILD_ID' => '2015-09-10-15-50-17',
+ 'HOME_URL' => '',
+ 'CISCO_RELEASE_INFO' => '/etc/os-release'
+ }
+ end
+ it 'should set platform to ios_xr and platform_family to wrlinux' do
+ allow(@plugin).to receive(:os_release_info).and_return(os_release_info)
@plugin.lsb = nil
- expect(File).to receive(:read).twice.with("/etc/os-release").and_return("ID=ios_xr\nID_LIKE=cisco-wrlinux\nNAME=\"IOS XR\"\nVERSION=\"\"\nVERSION_ID=\nPRETTY_NAME=\"Cisco IOS XR Software, Version\"\nHOME_URL=\nCISCO_RELEASE_INFO=/etc/os-release")
- expect(@plugin[:platform]).to eq("ios_xr")
- expect(@plugin[:platform_family]).to eq("wrlinux")
- expect(@plugin[:platform_version]).to eq("")
+ expect(@plugin[:platform]).to eq('ios_xr')
+ expect(@plugin[:platform_family]).to eq('wrlinux')
+ expect(@plugin[:platform_version]).to eq('')