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authorrichard mcleod <>2017-09-01 14:22:41 -0400
committerrichard mcleod <>2017-09-01 14:30:22 -0400
commita21e33bb434c99ba988455493022dca7ec447619 (patch)
parent1b511f066ecfc07763f7a09ffbfc76ad61d1092f (diff)
changing method to gather AIX uptime
Signed-off-by: richard mcleod <>
2 files changed, 34 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ohai/plugins/aix/uptime.rb b/lib/ohai/plugins/aix/uptime.rb
index ce463753..1a1648a3 100644
--- a/lib/ohai/plugins/aix/uptime.rb
+++ b/lib/ohai/plugins/aix/uptime.rb
@@ -22,16 +22,32 @@ Ohai.plugin(:Uptime) do
collect_data(:aix) do
require "date"
- # Example output:
- # $ who -b
- # . system boot Jul 9 17:51
- so = shell_out("who -b")
- so.stdout.lines.each do |line|
- if line =~ /.* boot (.+)/
- uptime_seconds - DateTime.parse($1 + " #{}").strftime("%s").to_i
- uptime seconds_to_human(uptime_seconds)
- break
- end
+ # below we're going to assume that PID 1 is init (this is true 99.99999% of the time)
+ # output will look like this
+ # 1148-20:54:50
+ # This reads as 1148 days, 20 hours, 54 minutes, 50 seconds since the process was started (elapsed)
+ # who -b does not return the YEAR, so we need something more concrete
+ so = shell_out("LC_ALL=POSIX ps -o etime= -p 1").stdout
+ # Here we'll check our shell_out for a dash, which indicates there is a # of days involved
+ # We'll chunk off the days, hours (where applicable), minutes, seconds into seperate vars
+ # We also need to do this because ps -o etime= will not display days if the machine has been up for less than 24 hours
+ # If the machine has been up for less than one hour, the shell_out will not output hours hence our else
+ # see here:
+ d = nil
+ h = nil
+ case so
+ when /^\d+-\d/
+ (d, h, m, s) = so.split(/[-:]/)
+ when /^\d+:\d+:\d/
+ (h, m, s) = so.split(/[:]/)
+ else
+ (m, s) = so.split(/[:]/)
+ elapsed_seconds = ((d.to_i * 86400) + (h.to_i * 3600) + (m.to_i * 60) + s.to_i)
+ uptime_seconds - elapsed_seconds
+ uptime seconds_to_human(elapsed_seconds)
diff --git a/spec/unit/plugins/aix/uptime_spec.rb b/spec/unit/plugins/aix/uptime_spec.rb
index d04403f8..cabe1d64 100644
--- a/spec/unit/plugins/aix/uptime_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/plugins/aix/uptime_spec.rb
@@ -23,19 +23,18 @@ describe Ohai::System, "Aix plugin uptime" do
before(:each) do
@plugin = get_plugin("aix/uptime")
allow(@plugin).to receive(:collect_os).and_return(:aix)
- allow(Time).to receive_message_chain(:now, :to_i).and_return(1412072511)
- allow(Time).to receive_message_chain(:now, :zone).and_return("IST")
- allow(DateTime).to receive_message_chain(:parse, :strftime, :to_i).and_return(1411561320)
- allow(@plugin).to receive(:shell_out).with("who -b").and_return(mock_shell_out(0, " . system boot Sep 24 17:52", nil))
+ allow(@plugin).to receive(:shell_out).and_call_original
+ allow(Time).to receive_message_chain(:now, :to_i).and_return(1504287957)
+ allow(@plugin).to receive(:shell_out).with("LC_ALL=POSIX ps -o etime= -p 1").and_return(mock_shell_out(0,"1148-20:54:50", nil))
- it "should set uptime_seconds to uptime" do
- expect(@plugin[:uptime_seconds]).to eq(511191)
+ it "should set uptime_seconds to uptime with days" do
+ expect(@plugin[:uptime_seconds]).to eq(1405025467)
- it "should set uptime to a human readable date" do
- expect(@plugin[:uptime]).to eq("5 days 21 hours 59 minutes 51 seconds")
+ it "should set uptime to a human readable date with days" do
+ expect(@plugin[:uptime]).to eq("1148 days 20 hours 54 minutes 50 seconds")