diff options
authorJordon Bedwell <>2012-03-13 20:58:12 -0500
committerJordon Bedwell <>2012-03-13 20:58:12 -0500
commit56fbbc73d5e01d29e77d48ac01fbd1dd923db72c (patch)
parentcd99566816817d33a8776b8dace4b1c0812b6f9a (diff)
New version of Pry Plugin system, check it out epitron, robgleeson, cirwin and banistergalaxy.
Oh, did I mention? It's untested?
1 files changed, 244 insertions, 124 deletions
diff --git a/lib/pry/plugins.rb b/lib/pry/plugins.rb
index 33106aae..f3606787 100644
--- a/lib/pry/plugins.rb
+++ b/lib/pry/plugins.rb
@@ -1,134 +1,264 @@
-# A ready to build gem that is already deployed for this plugin system:
-# Tl;dr merge this fucking plugin because it doesn't break anything at all, only adds features ontop of Pry.
-# The goal of this plugin is not to change the way pry acts with plugins, or reacts to plugins, just to add
-# features to plugins, features we will soon maybe want, such as tracking the instances, information about
-# plugins being merged in directly from the gemspec, centralizing plugin information to kill off the redundancy
-# we have... and so forth. The original idea was to also allow hook based loading, but this is infeasable at
-# this point since no plugin really needs it, but there will be two hook points, load first and load last. It's
-# the same principle as load first init last but in this case it's going to be hook based (only to the plugin
-# system and not the author) where a plugin can use the pre-defined methods MyPlugin.first (on self obviously)
-# and MyPlugin#last (on the instance obviously -- but it will fall back to .last for classes that hide :new.)
-# It also adds a few optional and nifty features such as define_plugin but this isn't needed at all, but it's
-# recommended for the author to use it if they want to override the few things we allow them to override such
-# as the description shown when you type the command 'help'.
-# The reason I separate User Space Plugins and Top Level Plugins is because there needs to be an audit trail
-# not for us, but for the user. Clearly they could just monkey patch the class but that is on them if they
-# chose to do that, the way we do it is keeping it in UserPlugins and Plugins so each can be clearly traced
-# back to it's origin, because sometimes tracing shit back to a monkey patch can be pretty damn complicated
-# and our goal should be to make it simple, not complicated and this plugin system is designed to be extensible
-# and simple, not complicated.
-# As it stands right now, this plugin system replicates every feature (apart from the way users interact with
-# it via ~/.pryrc) of the current plugin system while adding the new features. It requires no modifications to
-# current plugins and will never require any modifications to current gems and uses almost the same amount of
-# code which means that well why not just try it? It's not slower, it does not hinder and what it does is mostly
-# behind the scenes for Pry itself.
class Pry
class Plugins
- PREFIX = /^pry-/
+ @acceptable_opts = [:version, :name, :description]
+ Pry::Config.plugins =
+ @blacklist, @enabled, @plugins = [], {}, {}
- Pry::Config.plugins =
- Pry::Config.user =
- Pry::Plugins.const_set(:User,
- @disabled, @enabled, @plugins = [], {}, {}
class << self
+ attr_reader :prefix
+ @prefix = /\Apry-/
+ ##
+ # Exists as a compability layer, I am no fan of these constants laying around when we should
+ # clearly give users the abilty to modify things to their needs if we can. I would prefer
+ # we kill this constant.
+ PREFIX = @prefix
+ ##
+ # Prefix=(v) is a method to set a custom prefix for pry if pry- isn't floating your boat.
+ # The idea is that companies should be able to customise their prefix to whatever they
+ # want, we do not know why they would want this but at the same time we should not care
+ # because everybody has a reason.
+ #
+ # REMOVAL NOTICE: I added this mostly to teach myself about playing with and cleaning
+ # Regex's, although a simple task to most, I like to always test myself on random
+ # bits every once in a while. This feature could very well be removed since it's not
+ # really needed. Though for those of you who want custom prefixes I will fight to keep
+ # that, just not this 'complicated' code.
+ #
+ # Method: Pry::Plugins.prefix=
+ # Simple Usage: Pry::Plugins.prefix = 'prefix' => /\Aprefix-/
+ # Simple Usage: Pry::Plugins.prefix = /prefix/ => /\Aprefix-/
+ # Simple Usage: Pry::Plugins.prefix = /\Aprefix-/ => /\Aprefix-/
+ # Ruby1.8 Compatible: Known to be incompatible with lesser than 1.9.3 because of append.
+ def prefix=(v)
+ unless v.is_a?(Regexp)
+ v = v.to_s
+ # Defensively guard against user ignorance.
+ if v.start_with?('/') && v.end_with?('/')
+ prefix = /#{v.gsub(/\A\//, '').gsub(/\/\Z/)}/
+ end
+ v = /\A#{v.chomp!('-')}-/
+ else
+ # Converts bad user regex to a decent one, depends though..
+ v = /#{v.source.chomp('-').gsub(/\\A/, '').prepend('\A')}-/
+ end
+ @prefix = v
+ end
def plugins; @plugins.dup end
- def prefix; PREFIX end
def enabled; @enabled.dup end
def disabled; @disabled.dup end
- def disable(*values)
- values.each do |value|
- if !value.empty? && value.is_a?(String)
- @disabled.push(value)
+ ##
+ # Validate opts sits as the option validator for Pry::Plugin.define_plugin and it's sister.
+ # It's an internal function that uses @acceptable_opts to validate that there are no extra
+ # options sent and that version is valid.
+ #
+ # Arguments: opts (Hash)
+ # Method: Validate Opts
+ # Internal: Yes
+ # Requires eq: Yes, converts string keys to hash keys.
+ # Ruby1.8 Compatible: Unknown, inject({}) known to fail.
+ def validate_opts(opts)
+ opts = opts.inject({}) do |h, (k, v)|
+ if v.nil?
+ v = ''
+ end
+ h.update(k.to_sym => v)
+ end
+ @acceptable_opts.each do |k|
+ unless opts.include?(k)
+ raise(RuntimeError, 'Missing required plugin option', 'Pry')
- warn "Invalid plugin name #{value}, ignored."
+ if k == :version
+ if !Gem::Version.correct?(opts[:version])
+ raise(RuntimeError, 'Improper version passed as a plugin options', 'Pry')
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ unknown_opts = (opts.keys - @acceptable_opts)
+ unless unknown_opts.length == 0
+ raise(RuntimeError, "Unknown opts: #{opts.join(', ')}) passed as a plugin options", 'Pry')
+ end
+ opts
+ end
+ ##
+ # Disable is a method to disable plugis before they even get required. There is also an
+ # alias called disabled! that exists only as a compability layer for old skool users.
+ # It accepts unlimited options and does not warn you if a plugin name is invalid, it will
+ # simply ignore it.
+ #
+ # REFACTOR WARNING: This could be refactored within minutes of it's initial commit or even
+ # the night after. There is strong debate between Jordon and Jordon over whether to raise
+ # or warn if a plugin name is invalid and rejected for inclusion. Unless a fight breaks
+ # out and one of the Jordon's ends up dead you will have a decision about this soon.
+ #
+ # Arguments: *values (strings)
+ # Method: Pry::Plugins.disable
+ # Internal: No
+ # Requires eq: No
+ # Simple usage: Pry::Plugins.disable 'pry-plugin_name1, pry-plugin_name2'
+ # Simple usage: Pry::Plugins.disable 'pry-plugin_name1', 'pry-plugin_name2'
+ def disable(*values)
+ do |value|
+ if !value.empty? && value.is_a?(String) && value !~ /\s/ && value !~ /\A\d+\Z/
+ @blacklist.push(value)
alias :disable :disable!
- if (@config_disabled = Pry.config.plugins.disabled).is_a? String
- # Thanks Ducanbeevers for spotting this bug.....
- @config_disabled = @config_disabled.split /,\s*/
+ if (@disabled = Pry.config.plugins.disabled).is_a?(String)
+ @disabled = @disabled.split(/,\s*/)
- if !@config_disabled.is_a? Array
- @config_disabled = []
+ if !@disabled.is_a?(Array)
+ @disabled = []
warn "A #{@config_disabled.class} is not accepted for disabled plugins"
- @config_disabled.to_a.each { |plugin| disable plugin }
- remove_instance_variable(:@config_disabled)
+ @disabled.each { |p| disable(p) }
+ remove_instance_variable(:@disabled)
+ # Define is a public but somewhat internal method for defining a plugin in the user space
+ # of Pry. It is preferred that users use define-plugin % &block when the command is
+ # added to Pry. The main reason it is considered public but somewhat internal is that
+ # the second argument is always considered empty and therefore a clone of name in downcase
+ # form. Any user who uses this method should never define a second argument as it will
+ # raise.
+ #
+ # There are some major differences to note about user space plugins in that user space
+ # plugins have no known information other then the constant name and it's instance. This
+ # could change and be reverted to it's earlier state where it did assume some of it and
+ # send it up, but until there is an elegent way discussed about the Pry.config options
+ # it's derived from this will be left out.
+ #
+ # REFACTOR WARNING: Jordon and Jordon are currently debating doing this like class_eval
+ # where we will accept both a string source and a block (either or) so the API could
+ # change to add that, but it won't affect current usages any as any Ruby programmer knows.
+ #
+ # Arguments:
+ # * name (string) -- The name of your plugin (use ClassCaps)
+ # * lower_name (string) -- Internal
+ # * &block the source of your plugin (can use anything available to normal plugins)
+ # Method: Validate Opts
+ # Internal: Yes
+ # Requires eq: Yes, converts string keys to hash keys.
+ # Ruby1.8 Compatible: Unknown, inject({}) known to fail.
- def(define_plugin plugin_name, &block)
- if block && plugin_name
+ def define(name, lower_name = name.downcase, &block)
+ if block && name && lower_name == name.downcase
- @enabled[plugin_name.downcase] = @plugins[plugin_name.downcase] = {
- :plugin_user_plugin => true,
- :plugin_instance => Pry::Plugins::User.const_set(plugin_name,, &block))
+ @enabled[lower_name] = @plugins[lower_name] = {
+ :user_plugin => true,
+ :instance => Pry::Plugins::User.const_set(name,, &block))
rescue => error
- @enabled.delete(plugin_name.downcase)
- @plugins.delete(plugin_name.downcase)
+ @enabled.delete(lower_name)
+ @plugins.delete(lower_name)
warn "Unable to create plugin received an error: #{error.message}"
- if !block && plugin_name || !plugin_name && block
- return warn 'Unable to define a plugin without both a PluginName an a it\'s block.'
+ if !block && name || !name && block
+ return warn('Unable to define a plugin without both a name an a it\'s block.')
+ else
+ if name.downcase != lower_name
+ raise(ArgumentError, 'wrong number of arguments (2 for 1)')
+ end
+ ##
+ # Load is the internal method for Pry to require all plugins that begin with the prefix.
+ # on of the big differences between this loader and Pry's loader is it does not assume
+ # the state of prefix by using the constant, it uses instance variable allowing the user
+ # to change the prefix to whatever they want.
+ #
+ # Arguments: None
+ # Method: Pry::Plugins.load
+ # Internal: Yes
+ # Requires eq: No
+ # Ruby1.8 Compatible: Unknown, Gem command might fail on some Debian and Fedora systems.
def load
- Gem::Specification.reject { |gem| !~ /\A#{prefix}/ }.each do |plugin|
- unless @user_disabled.include?(
+ Gem::Specification.reject { |gem| !~ @prefix }.each do |plugin|
+ unless @blacklist.include?(
unless @plugins[].is_a? Hash
@plugins[] = {
- :plugin_homepage => plugin.homepage,
- :plugin_name =>,
- :plugin_author =>,
- :plugin_user_plugin => false,
- :plugin_version => plugin.version.to_s,
- :plugin_description => plugin.description,
+ :homepage => plugin.homepage,
+ :author =>,
+ :name =>
+ :user_plugin => false,
+ :version => plugin.version.to_s,
+ :description => plugin.description,
unless plugin.activated?
- require @plugins[][:plugin_name]
+ # Can use too, I guess..
+ require @plugins[][:name]
rescue => error
- return raise RuntimeError, error.message, 'Pry' if error.message =~ /\ABailing/
+ if error.message =~ /\ABailing/
+ return raise RuntimeError, error.message, 'Pry'
+ end
warn "Plugin not loaded received an error: #{error.message} -- #{caller[1]}"
+ ##
+ # Start is the internal method for Pry to start plugins that wish to 'load' last. The
+ # idea is that the plugin creates the initialize method and puts anything they need done
+ # there and
+ # Load is the internal method for Pry to require all plugins that begin with the prefix.
+ # on of the big differences between this loader and Pry's loader is it does not assume
+ # the state of prefix by using the constant, it uses instance variable allowing the user
+ # to change the prefix to whatever they want.
+ #
+ # Arguments: None
+ # Method: Pry::Plugins.load
+ # Internal: Yes
+ # Requires eq: No
+ # Ruby1.8 Compatible: Unknown, Gem command might fail on some Debian and Fedora systems.
def start
- @plugins.each do |plugin_name, plugin|
- unless @enabled[plugin_name]
- @enabled[plugin_name] = plugin.merge!(:legacy => true)
+ @plugins.each do |name, plugin|
+ unless @enabled[name]
+ @enabled[name] = plugin.merge!(:legacy => true)
- if plugin[:plugin_constant].is_a? Class
- begin @enabled[plugin_name][:plugin_instance] = plugin[:plugin_instance] = plugin[:plugin_constant].new
+ if plugin[:constant].is_a?(Class) && plugin[:constant].respond_to?(:new)
+ begin
+ unless plugin[:instance].instance_of?(plugin[:constant])
+ if plugin[:constant].instance_method(:initialize).owner == plugin[:constant]
+ @enabled[name][:instance] = plugin[:instance] = plugin[:constant].new
+ end
+ end
- # Just to be sure, sometimes it can happen....
- plugin.delete :plugin_instance
- @enabled[plugin_name].delete :plugin_instance
+ plugin.delete(:instance)
+ @enabled[name].delete :instance
@@ -138,69 +268,59 @@ class Pry
# Inherit.
- class UserPlugin
+ class Plugin
class << self
- attr_reader :plugin_name, :plugin_version, :plugin_homepage
- attr_reader :plugin_description, :plugin_author
attr_reader :version
- # Mock define_plugin for copy and paste repl testing but modify it a tiny bit.
- def define_plugin(plugin_name, plugin_description = nil, plugin_version = nil)
- if Gem::Version.correct?(plugin_description)
- plugin_version, plugin_description = plugin_description, nil
+ def define_plugin(opts)
+ opts = Pry::Plugins.validate_opts(opts)
+ if Pry::Plugins.plugins[opts[:name]].nil?
+ return raise "Bailing #{opts[:name]} does not match gem."
+ end
+ unless defined?(@version)
+ attr_reader :version
+ @version = opts[:version]
- plugin_version = @version if plugin_version.nil?
- const_set(:VERSION, plugin_version)
- @plugin_author = || (ENV['USERNAME'].to_s || '').capitalize
- @plugin_author = 'You' if @plugin_author.nil? || @plugin_author.empty?
- @plugin_name = name.to_s.downcase
- @plugin_description = plugin_description
- @plugin_version = @version = plugin_version
- @plugin_homepage = Pry::Config.user.homepage || 'http://localhost.localdomain'
+ const_set(:VERSION, opts[:version]) unless defined?(VERSION)
+ Pry::Plugins.class_eval <<-EVAL
+ @enabled["#{opts[:name]}"] = @plugins["#{opts[:name]}"].merge!({
+ :version => "#{opts[:version]}",
+ :name => "#{opts[:name]}",
+ :constant => #{name},
+ :description => "#{opts[:descriptio]}"
+ }) { |key, old, new| if new.nil?; old else; new end }
# Inherit.
- class Plugin
+ class User
class << self
- attr_reader :plugin_name, :plugin_version, :plugin_homepage
- attr_reader :plugin_description, :plugin_author
- attr_reader :version
- def define_plugin(plugin_name, plugin_description = nil, plugin_version = nil)
- return raise "Bailing #{plugin_name} does not match gem." if (ext_plugin = Pry::Plugins.plugins[plugin_name]).nil?
- plugin_version, plugin_description = plugin_description, nil if plugin_description == ext_plugin[:plugin_version]
- @plugin_version = @version = ext_plugin[:plugin_version] if plugin_version.nil?
- @plugin_description = plugin_description
- @plugin_description = ext_plugin[:plugin_description] if @plugin_description.nil?
- const_set(:VERSION, @version)
- @plugin_name = plugin_name
- @plugin_author = ext_plugin[:plugin_author]
- @plugin_homepage = ext_plugin[:plugin_homepage]
+ def define_plugin(opts)
+ opts = Pry::Plugins.validate_opts(opts)
+ unless defined?(@version)
+ attr_reader :version
+ @version = opts[:version]
+ end
- Pry::Plugins.class_eval <<-EVAL
- @enabled["#{plugin_name}"] = @plugins["#{plugin_name}"].merge!({
- :plugin_version => "#{plugin_version}",
- :plugin_name => "#{plugin_name}",
- :plugin_constant => #{name},
- :plugin_description => "#{plugin_description}"
- }) { |key, old, new| if new.nil?; old else; new end }
+ unless defined?(VERSION)
+ const_set(:VERSION, opts[:version])
+ end
+# This gets loaded early.
Pry::Plugins.load if defined?(Pry::Plugins)
+# This gets loaded at the very end of everything.
if defined?(Pry::Plugins) && Pry::Plugins.respond_to?(:start)
-end \ No newline at end of file