diff options
authorJames Tucker <>2013-01-21 23:35:34 -0800
committerJames Tucker <>2013-01-21 23:35:34 -0800
commit3ebcf6a8ea830d3054d988319f32ce39b993d2d6 (patch)
parent5e0a9413a80e9b0aa8a74bfc806fb20f2ea0bf3c (diff)
Update README for 1.5.0 release
1 files changed, 24 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/README.rdoc b/README.rdoc
index c339c8bb..59b048e1 100644
--- a/README.rdoc
+++ b/README.rdoc
@@ -482,6 +482,30 @@ run on port 11211) and memcache-client installed.
* [SEC] Rack::Auth::AbstractRequest no longer symbolizes arbitrary strings
* Fixed erroneous test case in the 1.3.x series
+* January 21st, 2013: Thirty third public release 1.5.0
+ * Introduced hijack SPEC, for before-response and after-response hijacking
+ * SessionHash is no longer a Hash subclass
+ * Rack::File cache_control parameter is removed, in place of headers options
+ * Rack::Auth::AbstractRequest#scheme now yields strings, not symbols
+ * Rack::Utils cookie functions now format expires in RFC 2822 format
+ * Rack::File now has a default mime type
+ * rackup -b 'run".")', option provides command line configs
+ * Rack::Deflater will no longer double encode bodies
+ * Rack::Mime#match? provides convenience for Accept header matching
+ * Rack::Utils#q_values provides splitting for Accept headers
+ * Rack::Utils#best_q_match provides a helper for Accept headers
+ * Rack::Handler.pick provides convenience for finding available servers
+ * Puma added to the list of default servers (preferred over Webrick)
+ * Various middleware now correctly close body when replacing it
+ * Rack::Request#params is no longer persistent with only GET params
+ * Rack::Request#update_param and #delete_param provide persistent operations
+ * Rack::Request#trusted_proxy? now returns true for local unix sockets
+ * Rack::Response no longer forces Content-Types
+ * Rack::Sendfile provides local mapping configuration options
+ * Rack::Utils#rfc2109 provides old netscape style time output
+ * Updated HTTP status codes
+ * Ruby 1.8.6 likely no longer passes tests, and is no longer fully supported
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