source '' gemspec # What we need to do here is just *exclude* JRuby, but bundler has no way to do # this, because of some argument that I know I had with Yehuda and Carl years # ago, but I've since forgotten. Anyway, we actually need it here, and it's not # avaialable, so prepare yourself for a yak shave when this breaks. c_platforms = Bundler::Dsl::VALID_PLATFORMS.dup.delete_if do |platform| platform =~ /jruby/ end # Alternative solution that might work, but it has bad interactions with # Gemfile.lock if that gets committed/reused: # c_platforms = [:mri] if Gem.platforms.last.os == "java" group :extra do gem 'fcgi', :platforms => c_platforms gem 'memcache-client' gem 'thin', :platforms => c_platforms end