# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative 'helper' separate_testing do require_relative '../lib/rack/rewindable_input' end module RewindableTest extend Minitest::Spec::DSL def setup @rio = Rack::RewindableInput.new(@io) end it "be able to handle to read()" do @rio.read.must_equal "hello world" end it "be able to handle to read(nil)" do @rio.read(nil).must_equal "hello world" end it "be able to handle to read(length)" do @rio.read(1).must_equal "h" end it "be able to handle to read(length, buffer)" do buffer = "".dup result = @rio.read(1, buffer) result.must_equal "h" result.object_id.must_equal buffer.object_id end it "be able to handle to read(nil, buffer)" do buffer = "".dup result = @rio.read(nil, buffer) result.must_equal "hello world" result.object_id.must_equal buffer.object_id end it "rewind to the beginning when #rewind is called" do @rio.rewind @rio.read(1).must_equal 'h' @rio.rewind @rio.read.must_equal "hello world" end it "be able to handle gets" do @rio.gets.must_equal "hello world" @rio.rewind @rio.gets.must_equal "hello world" end it "be able to handle size" do @rio.size.must_equal "hello world".size @rio.size.must_equal "hello world".size @rio.rewind @rio.gets.must_equal "hello world" end it "be able to handle each" do array = [] @rio.each do |data| array << data end array.must_equal ["hello world"] @rio.rewind array = [] @rio.each do |data| array << data end array.must_equal ["hello world"] end it "not buffer into a Tempfile if no data has been read yet" do @rio.instance_variable_get(:@rewindable_io).must_be_nil end it "buffer into a Tempfile when data has been consumed for the first time" do @rio.read(1) tempfile = @rio.instance_variable_get(:@rewindable_io) tempfile.wont_be :nil? @rio.read(1) tempfile2 = @rio.instance_variable_get(:@rewindable_io) tempfile2.path.must_equal tempfile.path end it "close the underlying tempfile upon calling #close" do @rio.read(1) tempfile = @rio.instance_variable_get(:@rewindable_io) @rio.close tempfile.must_be :closed? end it "handle partial writes to tempfile" do def @rio.filesystem_has_posix_semantics? def @rewindable_io.write(buffer) super(buffer[0..1]) end super end @rio.read(1) tempfile = @rio.instance_variable_get(:@rewindable_io) @rio.close tempfile.must_be :closed? end it "close the underlying tempfile upon calling #close when not using posix semantics" do def @rio.filesystem_has_posix_semantics?; false end @rio.read(1) tempfile = @rio.instance_variable_get(:@rewindable_io) @rio.close tempfile.must_be :closed? end it "be possible to call #close when no data has been buffered yet" do @rio.close.must_be_nil end it "be possible to call #close multiple times" do @rio.close.must_be_nil @rio.close.must_be_nil end after do @rio.close @rio = nil end end describe Rack::RewindableInput do describe "given an IO object that is already rewindable" do def setup @io = StringIO.new("hello world".dup) super end include RewindableTest end describe "given an IO object that is not rewindable" do def setup @io = StringIO.new("hello world".dup) @io.instance_eval do undef :rewind end super end include RewindableTest end describe "given an IO object whose rewind method raises Errno::ESPIPE" do def setup @io = StringIO.new("hello world".dup) def @io.rewind raise Errno::ESPIPE, "You can't rewind this!" end super end include RewindableTest end end describe Rack::RewindableInput::Middleware do it "wraps rack.input in RewindableInput" do app = proc{|env| [200, {}, [env['rack.input'].class.to_s]]} app.call('rack.input'=>StringIO.new(''))[2].must_equal ['StringIO'] app = Rack::RewindableInput::Middleware.new(app) app.call('rack.input'=>StringIO.new(''))[2].must_equal ['Rack::RewindableInput'] end end