# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative 'helper' separate_testing do require_relative '../lib/rack/show_status' require_relative '../lib/rack/lint' require_relative '../lib/rack/mock_request' end describe Rack::ShowStatus do def show_status(app) Rack::Lint.new Rack::ShowStatus.new(app) end it "provide a default status message" do req = Rack::MockRequest.new( show_status(lambda{|env| [404, { "content-type" => "text/plain", "content-length" => "0" }, []] })) res = req.get("/", lint: true) res.must_be :not_found? res.wont_be_empty res["content-type"].must_equal "text/html" assert_match(res, /404/) assert_match(res, /Not Found/) end it "let the app provide additional information" do req = Rack::MockRequest.new( show_status( lambda{|env| env["rack.showstatus.detail"] = "gone too meta." [404, { "content-type" => "text/plain", "content-length" => "0" }, []] })) res = req.get("/", lint: true) res.must_be :not_found? res.wont_be_empty res["content-type"].must_equal "text/html" assert_match(res, /404/) assert_match(res, /Not Found/) assert_match(res, /too meta/) end it "let the app provide additional information with non-String details" do req = Rack::MockRequest.new( show_status( lambda{|env| env["rack.showstatus.detail"] = ['gone too meta.'] [404, { "content-type" => "text/plain", "content-length" => "0" }, []] })) res = req.get("/", lint: true) res.must_be :not_found? res.wont_be_empty res["content-type"].must_equal "text/html" assert_includes(res.body, '404') assert_includes(res.body, 'Not Found') assert_includes(res.body, '["gone too meta."]') end it "escape error" do detail = "" req = Rack::MockRequest.new( show_status( lambda{|env| env["rack.showstatus.detail"] = detail [500, { "content-type" => "text/plain", "content-length" => "0" }, []] })) res = req.get("/", lint: true) res.wont_be_empty res["content-type"].must_equal "text/html" assert_match(res, /500/) res.wont_include detail res.body.must_include Rack::Utils.escape_html(detail) end it "not replace existing messages" do req = Rack::MockRequest.new( show_status( lambda{|env| [404, { "content-type" => "text/plain", "content-length" => "4" }, ["foo!"]] })) res = req.get("/", lint: true) res.must_be :not_found? res.body.must_equal "foo!" end it "pass on original headers" do headers = { "www-authenticate" => "Basic blah" } req = Rack::MockRequest.new( show_status(lambda{|env| [401, headers, []] })) res = req.get("/", lint: true) res["www-authenticate"].must_equal "Basic blah" end it "replace existing messages if there is detail" do req = Rack::MockRequest.new( show_status( lambda{|env| env["rack.showstatus.detail"] = "gone too meta." [404, { "content-type" => "text/plain", "content-length" => "4" }, ["foo!"]] })) res = req.get("/", lint: true) res.must_be :not_found? res.wont_be_empty res["content-type"].must_equal "text/html" res["content-length"].wont_equal "4" assert_match(res, /404/) assert_match(res, /too meta/) res.body.wont_match(/foo/) end it "close the original body" do closed = false body = Object.new def body.each; yield 's' end body.define_singleton_method(:close) { closed = true } req = Rack::MockRequest.new( show_status(lambda{|env| [404, { "content-type" => "text/plain", "content-length" => "0" }, body] })) req.get("/", lint: true) closed.must_equal true end end