path: root/test
diff options
authorLee Jarvis <>2014-11-18 22:16:20 +0000
committerLee Jarvis <>2014-11-18 22:29:15 +0000
commite78399b4841d709ccc02de14c583f92ef8a649ff (patch)
tree012575c9523f7e8ba712d8421f189e0aec5ed65e /test
parentc67a27c4b7554cbf66536e5bcebed60ff4cc7feb (diff)
Start of rewrite
Diffstat (limited to 'test')
6 files changed, 62 insertions, 260 deletions
diff --git a/test/command_test.rb b/test/command_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index abe4b4f..0000000
--- a/test/command_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-require 'helper'
-class CommandTest < TestCase
- def setup
- @command =
- end
- def teardown
- @command = nil
- end
- def option(*args, &block)
- @command.option(*args, &block)
- end
- def options(*args)
- { |a| option(*Array(a)) }
- end
- def parse(items, &block)
- @command.parse(items, &block)
- end
- test "option" do
- @command.option :user
- assert_kind_of Slop::Option, @command.options[:user]
- end
- test "command" do
- @command.command :add
- assert_kind_of Slop::Command, @command.commands[:add]
- end
- test "parse with runner" do
- run = nil
- options :foo, :bar
- @command.process do |command, args|
- run = 1
- assert command.is_a?(Slop::Command)
- assert_equal ['foo', 'bar'], args
- end
- parse %w[foo bar]
- assert_equal 1, run
- end
- test "[]" do
- option "user="
- parse %w(--user Lee)
- assert_equal "Lee", @command[:user]
- end
- test "present?" do
- options "user", "verbose"
- parse %w(--user)
- assert @command.present?("user")
- assert @command.user?
- refute @command.verbose?
- end
- test "global?" do
- assert
- refute
- end
- test "to_hash" do
- options "user=", "verbose", "other"
- parse %w(--user Lee --verbose)
- assert_equal({user: "Lee", verbose: nil, other: nil}, @command.to_hash)
- @command.command(:foo) { option :bar= }
- parse %w(foo --bar baz etc)
- assert_equal({user: "Lee", verbose: nil, other: nil, foo: {bar: "baz"}}, @command.to_hash)
- end
- test "short_flag_prefix" do
- assert_equal '@', '@').short_flag_prefix
- assert_equal '-', @command.short_flag_prefix
- end
- test "long_flag_prefix" do
- assert_equal '!!', '!!').long_flag_prefix
- assert_equal '--', @command.long_flag_prefix
- end
- test "flag_match" do
- assert @command.flag_match?("--user")
- refute @command.flag_match?("user")
- assert '@').flag_match?('@foo')
- end
- test "clean_flag" do
- assert_equal "user", @command.clean_flag("--user")
- assert_equal "u", @command.clean_flag("-u")
- assert_equal "user", @command.clean_flag("user")
- assert_equal "@user", @command.clean_flag("@user")
- end
diff --git a/test/helper.rb b/test/helper.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e6ec32f..0000000
--- a/test/helper.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-$VERBOSE = true
-require 'slop'
-require 'minitest/autorun'
-require 'stringio'
-class TestCase < Minitest::Test
- def self.test(name, &block)
- define_method("test_#{name.gsub(/\W/, '_')}", &block) if block
- end
-end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/option_test.rb b/test/option_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d02140..0000000
--- a/test/option_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-require 'helper'
-class OptionTest < TestCase
- def option(*args, &block)
-, args, &block)
- end
- def option_to_a(*args, &block)
- option = option(*args, &block)
- [option.short, option.long, option.description]
- end
- def option_as(as, value, config = {})
- config.merge!(as: as)
- option =, ["foo=", config])
- option.value = value
- option.value
- end
- test "::option" do
- assert_equal ['u', nil, nil], option_to_a('u')
- assert_equal ['u', nil, nil], option_to_a('u=')
- assert_equal [nil, 'user', nil], option_to_a('user')
- assert_equal [nil, 'user', nil], option_to_a('user=')
- assert_equal ['u', 'user', nil], option_to_a('u=', 'user')
- assert_equal ['u', 'user', nil], option_to_a('u', 'user=')
- assert_equal ['u', 'user', 'Foo'], option_to_a('u', 'user=', 'Foo')
- assert_equal [nil, 'user', 'Foo'], option_to_a('user', 'Foo')
- assert_equal ['u', nil, 'Foo Bar'], option_to_a('u', 'Foo Bar')
- assert_equal ['u', nil, 'Foo Bar'], option_to_a('u', 'Foo Bar', lorem: 'ipsum')
- end
- test "argument?" do
- assert option("user=").argument?
- refute option("user").argument?
- end
- test "optional_argument?" do
- assert option("user", optional_argument: true).optional_argument?
- refute option("user").optional_argument?
- end
- test "runner" do
- assert_equal "foo", option("user", runner: "foo").runner
- assert_kind_of Proc, option("user") { }.runner
- refute option("user").runner
- end
- test "call" do
- called = true
- option = option("user") { called = true }
- option.value = 'foo'
- assert_equal 'foo',
- assert called
- end
- test "execute" do
- option = option("user")
- assert_equal 0, option.count
- option.execute
- assert_equal 1, option.count
- end
- test "key" do
- assert_equal "foo", option("f", "foo").key
- assert_equal "foo", option("foo").key
- assert_equal "f", option("f").key
- end
- test "help" do
- skip "not implemented"
- end
- test "default" do
- assert_equal nil, option("f").call
- assert_equal "foo", option("f", default: "foo").call
- end
- test "as(String)" do
- assert_equal "foo", option_as(String, "foo")
- end
- test "as(Symbol)" do
- assert_equal :foo, option_as(Symbol, "foo")
- end
- test "as(Array)" do
- assert_equal ["foo", "bar"], option_as(Array, "foo,bar")
- assert_equal ["foo", "bar"], option_as(Array, "foo:bar", delimiter: ":")
- assert_equal ["foo", "bar:baz"], option_as(Array, "foo:bar:baz", delimiter: ":", limit: 2)
- end
- test "as(Integer)" do
- assert_equal 1, option_as(Integer, "1")
- end
- test "as(Float)" do
- assert_equal 1.4, option_as(Float, "1.4")
- end
- test "as(Range)" do
- assert_equal((1..10), option_as(Range, "1..10"))
- assert_equal((1..10), option_as(Range, "1-10"))
- assert_equal((1..10), option_as(Range, "1,10"))
- assert_equal((1...10), option_as(Range, "1...10"))
- assert_equal((-1..10), option_as(Range, "-1..10"))
- assert_equal((1..-10), option_as(Range, "1..-10"))
- assert_equal((1..1), option_as(Range, "1"))
- assert_equal((-1..10), option_as(Range, "-1..10", optional_argument: true))
- end
- test "as(Custom)" do
- reverse = proc { |v| v.reverse }
- assert_equal "oof", option_as(reverse, "foo")
- end
diff --git a/test/options_test.rb b/test/options_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97c45d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/options_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+require 'test_helper'
+describe Slop::Options do
+ before do
+ @options =
+ end
+ describe "#add" do
+ it "defaults to string type" do
+ assert_kind_of Slop::StringOption, @options.add("--foo")
+ end
+ it "accepts custom types" do
+ module Slop; class FooOption < Option; end; end
+ assert_kind_of Slop::FooOption, @options.add("--foo", type: :foo)
+ end
+ it "adds multiple flags" do
+ option = @options.add("-f", "-F", "--foo")
+ assert_equal %w(-f -F --foo), option.flags
+ end
+ it "accepts a trailing description" do
+ option = @options.add("--foo", "fooey")
+ assert_equal "fooey", option.desc
+ end
+ it "adds the option" do
+ option = @options.add("--foo")
+ assert_equal [option], @options.to_a
+ end
+ it "raises an error when a duplicate flag is used" do
+ @options.add("--foo")
+ assert_raises(ArgumentError) { @options.add("--foo") }
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#method_missing" do
+ it "uses the method name as an option type" do
+ option = @options.string("--name")
+ assert_kind_of Slop::StringOption, option
+ end
+ it "raises if a type doesn't exist" do
+ assert_raises(NoMethodError) { @options.unknown }
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#respond_to?" do
+ it "handles custom types" do
+ module Slop; class BarOption < Option; end; end
+ assert @options.respond_to?(:bar)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/test/slop_test.rb b/test/slop_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d7b44d0..0000000
--- a/test/slop_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-require 'helper'
-class SlopTest < TestCase
- test "::parse!" do
- assert_kind_of Slop::Command, Slop.parse!(%w(foo))
- end
- test "::parse" do
- assert_kind_of Slop::Command, Slop.parse(%w(foo))
- end
- test "::new" do
- assert
- end
- test "errors" do
- begin
- Slop.parse(%w(--foo))
- rescue Slop::Error => e
- assert_kind_of Slop::Command, e.command
- assert_kind_of Slop::Command, e.opts
- assert e.message.include?("foo")
- end
- end
diff --git a/test/test_helper.rb b/test/test_helper.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a7b470
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_helper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+$VERBOSE = true
+require 'slop'
+require 'minitest/autorun'
+require 'stringio'