path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 24 insertions, 172 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 221fde4..47c39f8 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -2,200 +2,52 @@ Slop
Slop is a simple option parser with an easy to remember syntax and friendly API.
-API Documentation is available [here](
[![Build Status](](
-opts = Slop.parse do
- banner 'Usage: foo.rb [options]'
- on 'name=', 'Your name'
- on 'p', 'password', 'An optional password', optional_argument: true
- on 'v', 'verbose', 'Enable verbose mode'
-# if ARGV is `--name Lee -v`
-opts.verbose? #=> true
-opts.password? #=> false
-opts[:name] #=> 'lee'
-opts.to_hash #=> {:name=>"Lee", :password=>nil, :verbose=>true}
-Advanced Usage
-Slop.parse do
- on :v, :verbose, 'Enable verbose mode'
- cmd :add, ignore_case: true do
- on :f, :force, 'Force add'
- on :d, :dir=, 'Output directory'
- process do |cmd, opts|
- puts "Adding #{opts.first} to #{cmd[:dir]} ..."
- end
- end
- cmd :rm do
- on :f, :force, 'Force rm'
- process do |cmd, opts|
- unless cmd.force?
- abort "--force must be present"
- end
- end
- end
gem install slop
-Printing Help
-Slop attempts to build a good looking help string to print to your users. You
-can see this by calling `` or simply `puts opts`.
-Configuration Options
-| Key | Description | Default
-| `strict` | Raise `InvalidOptionError` for unknown options | true
-| `help` | Automatically add the `--help` option | true
-| `ignore_case` | `-A` will be processed the same as `-a` | false
-| `multiple_switches` | When disabled, parses `-abc` as `-a` with the argument `bc` | true
-opts = Slop.parse do
- on :list=, as: Array
-# ruby run.rb --list one,two
-opts[:list] #=> ["one", "two"]
-# ruby run.rb --list one,two --list three
-opts[:list] #=> ["one", "two", "three"]
-You can also specify a delimiter and limit.
-opts = Slop.parse do
- on :list=, as: Array, delimiter: ':', limit: 2
-# ruby run.rb --list one:two:three
-opts[:list] #=> ["one", "two:three"]
-opts = Slop.parse do
- on :range=, as: Range
+opts = Slop.parse do |o|
+ o.string '-h', '--host', 'a hostname'
+ o.integer '--port', 'custom port', default: 80
+ o.bool '-v', '--verbose', 'enable verbose mode'
+ o.bool '-q', '--quiet', 'surpress output (quiet mode)'
-# ruby run.rb --range 1..10
-opts[:range] #=> 1..10
-# ruby run.rb --range 1...10
-opts[:range] #=> 1...10
-# ruby run.rb --range 1-10
-opts[:range] #=> 1..10
-# ruby run.rb --range 1,10
-opts[:range] #=> 1..10
-Slop has an 'autocreate' feature. This feature is intended to create
-options on the fly, without having to specify them yourself. In some case,
-using this code could be all you need in your application:
-# ruby run.rb --foo bar --baz --name lee
-opts = Slop.parse(autocreate: true)
-opts.to_hash #=> {:foo=>"bar", :baz=>true, :name=>"lee"}
-opts.fetch_option(:name).expects_argument? #=> true
-Slop supports git style sub-commands, like so:
-opts = Slop.parse do
- on '-v', 'Print the version' do
- puts "Version 1.0"
- end
- command 'add' do
- on :v, :verbose, 'Enable verbose mode'
- on :name, 'Your name'
+ARGV #=> -v --host
- run do |opts, args|
- puts "You ran 'add' with options #{opts.to_hash} and args: #{args.inspect}"
- end
- end
+opts[:host] #=>
+opts.verbose? #=> true
+opts.quiet? #=> false
-# ruby run.rb -v
-#=> Version 1.0
-# ruby run.rb add -v foo --name Lee
-#=> You ran 'add' with options {:verbose=>true,:name=>"Lee"} and args ["foo"]
-opts.to_hash(true) # Pass true to tell Slop to merge sub-command option values.
-# => { :v => nil, :add => { :v => true, :name => "Lee" } }
+opts.to_hash #=> { host: "", port: 80, verbose: true, quiet: nil }
-Woah woah, why you hating on OptionParser?
-I'm not, honestly! I love OptionParser. I really do, it's a fantastic library.
-So why did I build Slop? Well, I find myself using OptionParser to simply
-gather a bunch of key/value options, usually you would do something like this:
-require 'optparse'
-things = {}
-opt = do |opt|
- opt.on('-n', '--name NAME', 'Your name') do |name|
- things[:name] = name
- end
- opt.on('-a', '--age AGE', 'Your age') do |age|
- things[:age] = age.to_i
- end
+Advanced Usage
- # you get the point
+Printing Help
-things #=> { :name => 'lee', :age => 105 }
-Which is all great and stuff, but it can lead to some repetition. The same
-thing in Slop:
+Slop has a built in `ArrayOption` for handling array values:
-require 'slop'
-opts = Slop.parse do
- on :n, :name=, 'Your name'
- on :a, :age=, 'Your age', as: Integer
+opts = Slop.parse do |o|
+ # the delimiter defaults to ','
+ o.array '--files', 'a list of files', delimiter: ','
-opts.to_hash #=> { :name => 'lee', :age => 105 }
+# both of these will return o[:files] as ["foo.txt", "bar.rb"]:
+# --files foo.txt,bar.rb
+# --files foo.txt --files bar.rb