Slop ==== Slop is a simple option collector with an easy to remember syntax and friendly API. **NOTE** This software is still unstable, it contains bugs and lacks core features Installation ------------ ### Rubygems gem install slop ### GitHub git clone git:// cd slop gem build slop.gemspec gem install slop-.gem Usage ----- s = Slop.parse(ARGV) do option(:v, :verbose, "Enable verbose mode", :default => false) option(:n, :name, "Your name", true) # compulsory argument option(:c, :country, "Your country", :argument => true) # the same thing option(:a, :age, "Your age", true, :optional => true) # optional argument option(:address, "Your address", :optional => true) # the same # shortcut option aliases opt(:height, "Your height") o(:weight, "Your weight") end # using `--name Lee -a 100` s.options_hash #=> {:verbose=>false, :name=>"Lee", :age=>"100", :address=>nil} s.value_for(:name) #=> "Lee" # or grab the Option object directly option = s.option_for(:name) option.description #=> "Your name" # You can also use switch values to set options according to arguments s = Slop.parse(ARGV) do option(:v, :verbose, :default => false, :switch => true) option(:applicable_age, :default => 10, :switch => 20) end # without `-v` s.value_for(:verbose) #=> false # using `-v` s.value_for(:verbose) #=> true # using `--applicable_age` s.value_for(:applicable_age) #=> 20 Callbacks --------- If you'd like to trigger an event when an option is used, you can pass a block to your option. Here's how: Slop.parse(ARGV) do opt(:v, :version, "Display the version") do puts "Version 1.0.1" exit end end Now when using the `--version` option on the command line, the trigger will be called and its contents executed. Casting ------- If you want to return values of specific types, for example a Symbol or Integer you can pass the `:as` attribute to your option. s = Slop.parse("--age 20") do opt(:age, true, :as => Integer) # :int/:integer both also work end s.value_for(:age) #=> 20 # not "20" Slop will also check your default attributes type to see if it can cast the new value to the same type. s = Slop.parse("--port 110") do opt(port, true, :default => 80) end s.value_for(:port) #=> 110 Lists ----- You can of course also parse lists into options. Here's how: s = Slop.parse("--people lee,injekt") do opt(:people, true, :as => Array) end s.value_for(:people) #=> ["lee", "injekt"] You can also change both the split delimiter and limit s = Slop.parse("--people lee:injekt:bob") do opt(:people, true, :as => Array, :delimiter => ':', :limit => 2) end s.value_for(:people) #=> ["lee", "injekt:bob"] Contributing ------------ If you'd like to contribute to Slop (it's **really** appreciated) please fork the GitHub repository, create your feature/bugfix branch, add specs, and send me a pull request. I'd be more than happy to look at it.