Slop ==== Slop is a simple option collector with an easy to remember syntax and friendly API. **NOTE** This branch refers to the prerelease 1.0.0.rc1 version, this version has incompatible changes from version 0.0.3 (the latest stable version). You **should** upgrade. Installation ------------ ### Rubygems gem install slop --pre ### GitHub git clone git:// gem build slop.gemspec gem install slop-.gem Usage ----- # parse assumes ARGV, otherwise you can pass it your own Array opts = Slop.parse do on :v, :verbose, 'Enable verbose mode' # boolean value on :n, :name, 'Your name', true # compulsory argument on :a, :age, 'Your age', :optional => true # optional argument end # if ARGV is `-v --name 'lee jarvis'` opts.verbose? #=> true #=> true opts[:name] #=> 'lee jarvis' opts.age? #=> false opts[:age] #=> nil You can also return your options as a Hash opts.to_hash #=> {:name => 'Lee Jarvis', :verbose => true, :age => nil} If you don't like the method `on` (because it sounds like the option **expects** a callback), you can use the `opt` or `option` alternatives. on :v, :verbose opt :v, :verbose option :v, :verbose If you don't like that Slop evaluates your block, or you want slop access inside of your block without referring to `self`, you can pass a block argument to `parse`. Slop.parse do |opts| opts.on :v, :verbose opts.on :n, :name, 'Your name', true end If you want some pretty output for the user to see your options, you can just send the Slop object to `puts` or use the `help` method. puts opts puts Will output something like -v, --verbose Enable verbose mode -n, --name Your name -a, --age Your age You can also add a banner using the `banner` method opts = Slop.parse opts.banner = "Usage: foo.rb [options]" or opts = Slop.parse do banner "Usage: foo.rb [options]" end Callbacks --------- If you'd like to trigger an event when an option is used, you can pass a block to your option. Here's how: Slop.parse do on :V, :version, 'Print the version' do puts 'Version 1.0.0' exit end end Now when using the `--version` option on the command line, the trigger will be called and its contents executed. Ugh, Symbols ------------ Fine, don't use them Slop.parse do on :n, :name, 'Your name' on 'n', 'name', 'Your name' on '-n', '--name', 'Your name' end All of these options will do the same thing Ugh, Blocks ----------- C'mon man, this is Ruby, GTFO if you don't like blocks. opts = opts.on :v, :verbose opts.parse Smart ----- Slop is pretty smart when it comes to building your options, for example if you want your option to have a flag attribute, but no `--option` attribute, you can do this: on :n, "Your name" and Slop will detect a description in place of an option, so you don't have to do this: on :n, nil, "Your name", true You can also try other variations: on :name, "Your name" on :n, :name on :name, true Lists ----- You can of course also parse lists into options. Here's how: opts = Slop.parse do opt :people, true, :as => Array end # ARGV is `--people lee,john,bill` opts[:people] #=> ['lee', 'john', 'bill'] You can also change both the split delimiter and limit opts = Slop.parse do opt :people, true, :as => Array, :delimiter => ':', :limit => 2) end opts[:people] #=> ["lee", "injekt:bob"] Contributing ------------ If you'd like to contribute to Slop (it's **really** appreciated) please fork the GitHub repository, create your feature/bugfix branch, add tests, and send me a pull request. I'd be more than happy to look at it.