module Slop class Options include Enumerable DEFAULT_CONFIG = { suppress_errors: false, type: "null", banner: true, underscore_flags: true, } # The Array of Option instances we've created. attr_reader :options # An Array of separators used for the help text. attr_reader :separators # Our Parser instance. attr_reader :parser # A Hash of configuration options. attr_reader :config # The String banner prefixed to the help string. attr_accessor :banner def initialize(**config, &block) @options = [] @separators = [] @banner = config[:banner].is_a?(String) ? config[:banner] : config.fetch(:banner, "usage: #{$0} [options]") @config = DEFAULT_CONFIG.merge(config) @parser =, **@config) yield self if block_given? end # Add a new option. This method is an alias for adding a NullOption # (i.e an option with an ignored return value). # # Example: # # opts = Slop.parse do |o| # o.on '--version' do # puts Slop::VERSION # end # end # # opts.to_hash #=> {} # # Returns the newly created Option subclass. def on(*flags, **config, &block) desc = flags.pop unless flags.last.start_with?('-') config = self.config.merge(config) klass = Slop.string_to_option_class(config[:type].to_s) option =, desc, **config, &block) add_option option end # Add a separator between options. Used when displaying # the help text. def separator(string = "") if separators[options.size] separators[-1] += "\n#{string}" else separators[options.size] = string end end # Sugar to avoid `options.parser.parse(x)`. def parse(strings) parser.parse(strings) end # Implements the Enumerable interface. def each(&block) options.each(&block) end # Handle custom option types. Will fall back to raising an # exception if an option is not defined. def method_missing(name, *args, **config, &block) if respond_to_missing?(name) config[:type] = name on(*args, **config, &block) else super end end def respond_to_missing?(name, include_private = false) Slop.option_defined?(name) || super end # Return a copy of our options Array. def to_a options.dup end # Returns the help text for this options. Used by Result#to_s. def to_s(prefix: " " * 4) str = config[:banner] ? "#{banner}\n" : "" len = longest_flag_length{ |o,i| [o.tail, i] }.each do |opt, i| # use the index to fetch an associated separator if sep = separators[i] str << "#{sep}\n" end str << "#{prefix}#{opt.to_s(offset: len)}\n" if end if sep = separators[options.size] str << "#{sep}\n" end str end private def longest_flag_length (o = longest_option) && o.flag.length || 0 end def longest_option options.max { |a, b| a.flag.length <=> b.flag.length } end def add_option(option) options.each do |o| flags = o.flags & option.flags # Raise an error if we found an existing option with the same # flags. I can't immediately see a use case for this.. if flags.any? raise ArgumentError, "duplicate flags: #{flags}" end end options << option option end end end