module Slop # This class encapsulates a Parser and Options pair. The idea is that # the Options class shouldn't have to deal with what happens when options # are parsed, and the Parser shouldn't have to deal with the state of # options once parsing is complete. This keeps the API really simple; A # Parser parses, Options handles options, and this class handles the # result of those actions. This class contains the important most used # methods. class Result attr_reader :parser, :options def initialize(parser) @parser = parser @options = parser.options end # Returns an option's value, nil if the option does not exist. def [](flag) (o = option(flag)) && o.value end alias get [] # Returns an option's value, raises UnknownOption if the option does not exist. def fetch(flag) o = option(flag) if o.nil? cleaned_key = clean_key(flag) raise"option not found: '#{cleaned_key}'", "#{cleaned_key}") else o.value end end # Set the value for an option. Raises an ArgumentError if the option # does not exist. def []=(flag, value) if o = option(flag) o.value = value else raise ArgumentError, "no option with flag `#{flag}'" end end alias set []= # Returns an Option if it exists. Ignores any prefixed hyphens. def option(flag) options.find do |o| o.flags.any? { |f| clean_key(f) == clean_key(flag) } end end def method_missing(name, *args, &block) if respond_to_missing?(name) (o = option(name.to_s.chomp("?"))) && used_options.include?(o) else super end end def respond_to_missing?(name, include_private = false) name.to_s.end_with?("?") || super end # Returns an Array of Option instances that were used. def used_options parser.used_options end # Returns an Array of Option instances that were not used. def unused_options parser.unused_options end # Example: # # opts = Slop.parse do |o| # o.string '--host' # '-p' # end # # # ruby run.rb connect --host 123 helo # opts.arguments #=> ["connect", "helo"] # # Returns an Array of String arguments that were not parsed. def arguments parser.arguments end alias args arguments # Returns a hash with option key => value. def to_hash Hash[options.reject(&:null?).map { |o| [o.key, o.value] }] end alias to_h to_hash def to_s(**opts) options.to_s(**opts) end private def clean_key(key) key = key.to_s.sub(/\A--?/, '') key = '-', '_' if parser.config[:underscore_flags] key.to_sym end end end