module Slop # Cast the option argument to a String. class StringOption < Option def call(value) value.to_s end end # Cast the option argument to a symbol. class SymbolOption < Option def call(value) value.to_sym end end # Cast the option argument to true or false. # Override default_value to default to false instead of nil. # This option type does not expect an argument. However, the API # supports value being passed. This is to ensure it can capture # an explicit false value class BoolOption < Option attr_accessor :explicit_value FALSE_VALUES = [false, 'false', 'no', 'off', '0'].freeze TRUE_VALUES = [true, 'true', 'yes', 'on', '1'].freeze VALID_VALUES = (FALSE_VALUES + TRUE_VALUES).freeze def valid?(value) return true if value.is_a?(String) && value.start_with?("--") value.nil? || VALID_VALUES.include?(value) end def call(value) self.explicit_value = value !force_false? end def value if force_false? false else super end end def force_false? FALSE_VALUES.include?(explicit_value) end def default_value config[:default] || false end def expects_argument? false end end BooleanOption = BoolOption # Cast the option argument to an Integer. class IntegerOption < Option INT_STRING_REGEXP = /\A[+-]?\d+\z/.freeze def valid?(value) value =~ INT_STRING_REGEXP end def call(value) value.to_i end end IntOption = IntegerOption # Cast the option argument to a Float. class FloatOption < Option FLOAT_STRING_REGEXP = /\A[+-]?(?:0|[1-9]\d*)(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?\z/.freeze def valid?(value) value =~ FLOAT_STRING_REGEXP end def call(value) value.to_f end end # Collect multiple items into a single Array. Support # arguments separated by commas or multiple occurences. class ArrayOption < Option def call(value) @value ||= [] if delimiter @value.concat value.split(delimiter, limit) else @value << value end end def default_value config[:default] || [] end def delimiter config.fetch(:delimiter, ",") end def limit config[:limit] || 0 end end # Cast the option argument to a Regexp. class RegexpOption < Option def call(value) end end # An option that discards the return value, inherits from Bool # since it does not expect an argument. class NullOption < BoolOption def null? true end end end