require 'test_helper' describe Slop::BoolOption do before do @options = @verbose = @options.bool "--verbose" @quiet = @options.bool "--quiet" @inversed = @options.bool "--inversed", default: true @bloc = @options.bool("--bloc"){|val| (@bloc_val ||= []) << val} @result = @options.parse %w(--verbose --no-inversed --bloc --no-bloc) end it "returns true if used" do assert_equal true, @result[:verbose] end it "returns false if not used" do assert_equal false, @result[:quiet] end it "can be inversed via --no- prefix" do assert_equal false, @result[:inversed] end it "will invert the value passed to &block via --no- prefix" do assert_equal [true, false], @bloc_val end end describe Slop::IntegerOption do before do @options = @age = @options.integer "--age" @minus = @options.integer "--minus" @plus = @options.integer "--plus" @result = @options.parse %w(--age 20 --minus -10 --plus +30) end it "returns the value as an integer" do assert_equal 20, @result[:age] assert_equal (-10), @result[:minus] assert_equal 30, @result[:plus] end it "returns nil for non-numbers by default" do @result.parser.parse %w(--age hello) assert_nil @result[:age] end end describe Slop::FloatOption do before do @options = @apr = @options.float "--apr" @apr_value = 2.9 @minus = @options.float "--minus" @plus = @options.float "--plus" @scientific_notation = @options.float "--scientific-notation" @scientific_notation_value = 4e21 @result = @options.parse %W(--apr #{@apr_value} --minus -6.1 --plus +9.4 --scientific-notation #{@scientific_notation_value}) end it "returns the value as a float" do assert_equal @apr_value, @result[:apr] assert_equal (-6.1), @result[:minus] assert_equal 9.4, @result[:plus] end it "parses scientific notations" do assert_equal @scientific_notation_value, @result[:scientific_notation] @scientific_notation_value = 4E21 @result = @options.parse %W(--scientific-notation #{@scientific_notation_value}) assert_equal @scientific_notation_value, @result[:scientific_notation] @scientific_notation_value = 4.0e21 @result = @options.parse %W(--scientific-notation #{@scientific_notation_value}) assert_equal @scientific_notation_value, @result[:scientific_notation] @scientific_notation_value = -4e21 @result = @options.parse %W(--scientific-notation #{@scientific_notation_value}) assert_equal @scientific_notation_value, @result[:scientific_notation] @scientific_notation_value = 4e-21 @result = @options.parse %W(--scientific-notation #{@scientific_notation_value}) assert_equal @scientific_notation_value, @result[:scientific_notation] end it "returns nil for non-numbers by default" do @result.parser.parse %w(--apr hello) assert_nil @result[:apr] end end describe Slop::ArrayOption do before do @options = @files = @options.array "--files" @multi = @options.array "-M", delimiter: nil @delim = @options.array "-d", delimiter: ":" @limit = @options.array "-l", limit: 2 @result = @options.parse %w(--files foo.txt,bar.rb) end it "defaults to []" do assert_equal [], @result[:d] end it "parses comma separated args" do assert_equal %w(foo.txt bar.rb), @result[:files] end it "collects multiple option values" do @result.parser.parse %w(--files foo.txt --files bar.rb) assert_equal %w(foo.txt bar.rb), @result[:files] end it "collects multiple option values with no delimiter" do @result.parser.parse %w(-M foo,bar -M bar,qux) assert_equal %w(foo,bar bar,qux), @result[:M] end it "can use a custom delimiter" do @result.parser.parse %w(-d foo.txt:bar.rb) assert_equal %w(foo.txt bar.rb), @result[:d] end it "can use a custom limit" do @result.parser.parse %w(-l foo,bar,baz) assert_equal ["foo", "bar,baz"], @result[:l] end end describe Slop::NullOption do before do @options = @version = @options.null('--version') @result = @options.parse %w(--version) end it 'has a return value of true' do assert_equal true, @result[:version] end it 'is not included in to_hash' do assert_equal({}, @result.to_hash) end end describe Slop::RegexpOption do before do @options = @exclude = @options.regexp "--exclude" @exclude_value = "redirect|news" @result = @options.parse %W(--exclude #{@exclude_value}) end it "returns the value as a Regexp" do assert_equal, @result[:exclude] end end