path: root/doc/syntax
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authordrbrain <drbrain@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>2013-01-15 06:55:43 +0000
committerdrbrain <drbrain@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>2013-01-15 06:55:43 +0000
commite071e13068a92c367a87f529926997657c309ce3 (patch)
treef26588e5fcddc991ad44ca18d5f50cb0f7d82dc3 /doc/syntax
parent68b072bfbabdcd78b4d7980c15ab83163ecbacd3 (diff)
* doc/syntax/control_expressions.rdoc: Added description of control
expressions in ruby. git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/syntax')
1 files changed, 399 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/syntax/control_expressions.rdoc b/doc/syntax/control_expressions.rdoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8523aea794
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/syntax/control_expressions.rdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
+= Control Expressions
+Ruby has a variety of ways to control execution. All the expressions described
+here return a value.
+For the tests in these control expressions, +nil+ and +false+ are false-values
+and +true+ and any other object are true-values. In this document "true" will
+mean "true-value" and "false" will mean "false-value".
+== +if+ Expression
+The simplest +if+ expression has two parts, a "test" expression and a "then"
+expression. If the "test" expression evaluates to a true then the "then"
+expression is evaluated.
+Here is a simple if statement:
+ if true then
+ puts "the test resulted in a true-value"
+ end
+This will print "the test resulted in a true-value".
+The +then+ is optional:
+ if true
+ puts "the test resulted in a true-value"
+ end
+This document will include the optional +then+ for all expressions. Many
+people omit the +then+ part of the if and other expressions.
+You may also add an +else+ expression. If the test does not evaluate to true
+the +else+ expression will be executed:
+ if false then
+ puts "the test resulted in a true-value"
+ else
+ puts "the test resulted in a false-value"
+ end
+This will print "the test resulted in a false-value".
+You may add an arbitrary number of extra tests to an if expression using
++elsif+. An +elsif+ executes when all tests above the +elsif+ are false.
+ a = 1
+ if a == 0 then
+ puts "a is zero"
+ elsif a == 1 then
+ puts "a is one"
+ else
+ puts "a is some other value"
+ end
+This will print "a is one" as <code>1<code> is not equal to <code>0</code>.
+Since +else+ is only executed when there are no matching conditions.
+Once a condition matches, either the +if+ condition or any +elsif+ condition,
+the +if+ expression is complete and no further tests will be performed.
+In this example only "a is one" is printed:
+ a = 1
+ if a == 0 then
+ puts "a is zero"
+ elsif a == 1 then
+ puts "a is one"
+ elsif a >= 1 then
+ puts "a is greater than or equal to one"
+ else
+ puts "a is some other value"
+ end
+The tests for +if+ and +elsif+ may have side-effects. The most common use of
+side-effect is to cache a value into a local variable:
+ if a = object.some_value then
+ # do something to a
+ end
+The result value of an +if+ expression is the last value executed in the
+== +unless+ Expression
+The +unless+ expression is the opposite of the +if+ expression. If the value
+is false the "then" expression is executed:
+ unless true then
+ puts "the value is a false-value"
+ end
+This prints nothing as true is not a false-value.
+Note that the above +unless+ expression is the same as:
+ if not true then
+ puts "the value is a false-value"
+ end
+Like an +if+ expression you may use an +else+ condition with +unless+:
+ unless true then
+ puts "the value is false"
+ else
+ puts "the value is true"
+ end
+This prints "the value is true" from the +else+ condition.
+You may not use +elsif+ with an +unless+ expression.
+The result value of an +unless+ expression is the last value executed in the
+== Modifier +if+ and +unless+
++if+ and +unless+ can also be used to modify an expression. When used as a
+modifier the left-hand side is the "then" expression and the right-hand side
+is the "test" expression:
+ a = 0
+ a += 1 if
+ p a
+This will print 1.
+ a = 0
+ a += 1 unless
+ p a
+This will print 0.
+While the modifier and standard versions have both a "test" expression and a
+"then" expression, they are not exact transformations of each other due to
+parse order. Here is an example that shows the difference:
+ p a if a =
+This raises the NameError "undefined local variable or method `a'".
+When ruby parses this it first encounters +a+ as a method call in the "then"
+expression, then later sees +a+ as a local variable in the "test" expression.
+When running this line it first executes the "test" expression, <code>a =</code>.
+Since the test is true it then executes the "then" expression, <code>p
+a</code>. Since the +a+ in the body was recorded as a method which does not
+exist the NameError is raised.
+The same as true for +unless+.
+== +case+ Expression
+The +case+ expression can be used in two ways.
+The most common way is to compare an object against multiple patterns. The
+patterns are matched using the +===+ method which is aliased to +==+ on
+Object. Other classes must override it to give meaningful behavior. See
+Module#=== and Regexp#=== for examples.
+Here is an example of using +case+ to compare a String against a pattern:
+ case "12345"
+ when /^1/ then
+ puts "the string starts with one"
+ else
+ puts "I don't know what the string starts with"
+ end
+Here the string <code>"12345"</code> is compared with <code>/^1/</code> by
+calling <code>/^1/ === "12345"</code> which returns +true+. Like the +if+
+expression the first +when+ that matches is executed and all other matches are
+If no matches are found the +else+ is executed.
+The +else+ and +then+ are optional, this +case+ expression gives the same
+result as the one above:
+ case "12345"
+ when /^1/
+ puts "the string starts with one"
+ end
+You may place multiple conditions on the same +when+:
+ case "2"
+ when /^1/, "2" then
+ puts "the string starts with one or is '2'"
+ end
+Ruby will try each condition in turn, so first <code>/^1/ === "2"</code>
+returns +false+, then <code>"2" === "2"</code> returns +true+, so "the string
+starts with one or is '2'" is printed.
+The other way to use a +case+ expression is like an if-elsif expression:
+ a = 2
+ case
+ when a == 1, a == 2 then
+ puts "a is one or two"
+ when a == 3 then
+ puts "a is three"
+ else
+ puts "I don't know what a is"
+ end
+Again, the +then+ and +else+ are optional.
+The result value of a +case+ expression is the last value executed in the
+== +while+ Loop
+The +while+ loop executes while a condition is true:
+ a = 0
+ while a < 10 do
+ p a
+ a += 1
+ end
+ p a
+Prints the numbers 0 through 10. The condition <code>a < 10</code> is checked
+before the loop is entered, then the body executes, then the condition is
+checked again. When the condition results in false the loop is terminated.
+The +do+ keyword is optional. The following loop is equivalent to the loop
+ while a < 10
+ p a
+ a += 1
+ end
+The result of a +while+ loop is +nil+ unless +break+ is used to supply a
+== +until+ Loop
+The +until+ loop executes while a condition is false:
+ a = 0
+ until a > 10 do
+ p a
+ a += 1
+ end
+ p a
+This prints the numbers 0 through 11. Like a while loop the condition <code>a
+> 10</code> is checked when entering the loop and each time the loop body
+executes. If the condition is false the loop will continue to execute.
+Like a +while+ loop the +do+ is optional.
+Like a +while+ loop the result of an +until+ loop is nil unless +break+ is
+== +for+ Loop
+The +for+ loop consists of +for+ followed by a variable to contain the
+iteration argument followed by +in+ and the value to iterate over using #each.
+The +do+ is optional:
+ for value in [1, 2, 3] do
+ puts value
+ end
+Prints 1, 2 and 3.
+The +for+ loop is similar to using #each, but does not create a new variable
+The result value of a +for+ loop is the value iterated over unless +break+ is
+The +for+ loop is rarely used in modern ruby programs.
+== Modifier +while+ and +until+
+Like +if+ and +unless+, +while+ and +until+ can be used as modifiers:
+ a = 0
+ a += 1 while a < 10
+ p a # prints 10
++until+ used as a modifier:
+ a = 0
+ a += 1 until a > 10
+ p a # prints 11
+You can use +begin+ and +end+ to create a +while+ loop that runs the body once
+before the condition:
+ a = 0
+ begin
+ a += 1
+ end while a < 10
+ p a # prints 10
+If you don't use +rescue+ or +ensure+ Ruby optimizes away any exception
+handling overhead.
+== +break+ Statement
+Use +break+ to leave a block early. This will stop iterating over the items in +values+ if one of them is even:
+ values.each do |value|
+ break if value.even?
+ # ...
+ end
+You can also terminate from a +while+ loop using +break+:
+ a = 0
+ while true do
+ p a
+ a += 1
+ break if a < 10
+ end
+ p a
+This prints the numbers 0 and 1.
++break+ accepts a value that supplies the result of the expression it is
+"breaking" out of:
+ result = [1, 2, 3].each do |value|
+ break value * 2 if value.even?
+ end
+ p result # prints 4
+== +next+ Statement
+Use +next+ to skip the rest of the current iteration:
+ result = [1, 2, 3].map do |value|
+ next if value.even?
+ value * 2
+ end
+ p result # prints [2, nil, 6]
++next+ accepts an argument that can be used the result of the current block
+ result = [1, 2, 3].map do |value|
+ next value if value.even?
+ value * 2
+ end
+ p result # prints [2, 2, 6]
+== +redo+ Statement
+Use +redo+ to redo the current iteration:
+ result = []
+ while result.length < 10 do
+ result << result.length
+ redo if result.last.even?
+ result << result.length + 1
+ end
+ p result
+This prints [0, 1, 3, 3, 5, 5, 7, 7, 9, 9, 11]