== Character Selectors === Character Selector A _character_ _selector_ is a string argument accepted by certain Ruby methods. Each of these instance methods accepts one or more character selectors: - String#tr(selector, replacements): returns a new string. - String#tr!(selector, replacements): returns +self+ or +nil+. - String#tr_s(selector, replacements): returns a new string. - String#tr_s!(selector, replacements): returns +self+ or +nil+. - String#count(*selectors): returns the count of the specified characters. - String#delete(*selectors): returns a new string. - String#delete!(*selectors): returns +self+ or +nil+. - String#squeeze(*selectors): returns a new string. - String#squeeze!(*selectors): returns +self+ or +nil+. A character selector identifies zero or more characters in +self+ that are to be operands for the method. In this section, we illustrate using method String#delete(selector), which deletes the selected characters. In the simplest case, the characters selected are exactly those contained in the selector itself: 'abracadabra'.delete('a') # => "brcdbr" 'abracadabra'.delete('ab') # => "rcdr" 'abracadabra'.delete('abc') # => "rdr" '0123456789'.delete('258') # => "0134679" '!@#$%&*()_+'.delete('+&#') # => "!@$%*()_" 'тест'.delete('т') # => "ес" 'こんにちは'.delete('に') # => "こんちは" Note that order and repetitions do not matter: 'abracadabra'.delete('dcab') # => "rr" 'abracadabra'.delete('aaaa') # => "brcdbr" In a character selector, these three characters get special treatment: - A leading caret ('^') functions as a "not" operator for the characters to its right: 'abracadabra'.delete('^bc') # => "bcb" '0123456789'.delete('^852') # => "258" - A hyphen ('-') between two other characters defines a range of characters instead of a plain string of characters: 'abracadabra'.delete('a-d') # => "rr" '0123456789'.delete('4-7') # => "012389" '!@#$%&*()_+'.delete(' -/') # => "@^_" # May contain more than one range. 'abracadabra'.delete('a-cq-t') # => "d" # Ranges may be mixed with plain characters. '0123456789'.delete('67-950-23') # => "4" # Ranges may be mixed with negations. 'abracadabra'.delete('^a-c') # => "abacaaba" - A backslash ('\') acts as an escape for a caret, a hyphen, or another backslash: 'abracadabra^'.delete('\^bc') # => "araadara" 'abracadabra-'.delete('a\-d') # => "brcbr" "hello\r\nworld".delete("\r") # => "hello\nworld" "hello\r\nworld".delete("\\r") # => "hello\r\nwold" "hello\r\nworld".delete("\\\r") # => "hello\nworld" === Multiple Character Selectors These instance methods accept multiple character selectors: - String#count(*selectors): returns the count of the specified characters. - String#delete(*selectors): returns a new string. - String#delete!(*selectors): returns +self+ or +nil+. - String#squeeze(*selectors): returns a new string. - String#squeeze!(*selectors): returns +self+ or +nil+. In effect, the given selectors are formed into a single selector consisting of only those characters common to _all_ of the given selectors. All forms of selectors may be used, including negations, ranges, and escapes. Each of these pairs of method calls is equivalent: s.delete('abcde', 'dcbfg') s.delete('bcd') s.delete('^abc', '^def') s.delete('^abcdef') s.delete('a-e', 'c-g') s.delete('cde')