# Ruby Hacking Guide This document gives some helpful instructions which should make your experience as a Ruby core developer easier. ## Setup ### Make It's common to want to compile things as quickly as possible. Ensuring `make` has the right `--jobs` flag will ensure all processors are utilized when building software projects To do this effectively, you can set `MAKEFLAGS` in your shell configuration/profile: ``` shell # On macOS with Fish shell: export MAKEFLAGS="--jobs "(sysctl -n hw.ncpu) # On macOS with Bash/ZSH shell: export MAKEFLAGS="--jobs $(sysctl -n hw.ncpu)" # On Linux with Fish shell: export MAKEFLAGS="--jobs "(nproc) # On Linux with Bash/ZSH shell: export MAKEFLAGS="--jobs $(nproc)" ``` ## Configure Ruby It's generally advisable to use a build directory. ``` shell ./autogen.sh mkdir build cd build ../configure --prefix $HOME/.rubies/ruby-head make install ``` ### Without Documentation If you are frequently building Ruby, this will reduce the time it takes to `make install`. ``` shell ../configure --disable-install-doc ``` ### Unexplainable Build Errors If you are having unexplainable build errors, after saving all your work, try running `git clean -xfd` in the source root to remove all git ignored local files. If you are working from a source directory that's been updated several times, you may have temporary build artefacts from previous releases which can cause build failures. ## Running Ruby ### Run Local Test Script You can create a file in the Ruby source root called `test.rb`. You can build `miniruby` and execute this script: ``` shell make run ``` If you want more of the standard library, you can use `runruby` instead of `run`. ## Running Tests You can run the following tests at once: ``` shell make check ``` ### Run Bootstrap Tests There are a set of tests in `bootstraptest/` which cover most basic features of the core Ruby language. ``` shell make test ``` ### Run Extensive Tests There are extensive tests in `test/` which cover a wide range of features of the Ruby core language. ``` shell make test-all ``` You can run specific tests by specifying their path: ``` shell make test-all TESTS=../test/fiber/test_io.rb ``` ### Run Ruby Spec Suite Tests The [Ruby Spec Suite](https://github.com/ruby/spec/) is a test suite that aims to provide an executable description for the behaviour of the language. ``` shell make test-spec ``` ### Building with Address Sanitizer Using the address sanitizer is a great way to detect memory issues. ``` shell > ./autogen.sh > mkdir build && cd build > export ASAN_OPTIONS="halt_on_error=0:use_sigaltstack=0:detect_leaks=0" > ../configure cppflags="-fsanitize=address -fno-omit-frame-pointer" optflags=-O0 LDFLAGS="-fsanitize=address -fno-omit-frame-pointer" > make ``` On Linux it is important to specify -O0 when debugging and this is especially true for ASAN which sometimes works incorrectly at higher optimisation levels.