# frozen_string_literal: true version = File.foreach(File.expand_path("../lib/date.rb", __FILE__)).find do |line| /^\s*VERSION\s*=\s*["'](.*)["']/ =~ line and break $1 end Gem::Specification.new do |s| s.name = "date" s.version = version s.summary = "A subclass of Object includes Comparable module for handling dates." s.description = "A subclass of Object includes Comparable module for handling dates." if Gem::Platform === s.platform and s.platform =~ 'java' or RUBY_ENGINE == 'jruby' s.platform = 'java' # No files shipped, no require path, no-op for now on JRuby else s.require_path = %w{lib} s.files = [ "README.md", "lib/date.rb", "ext/date/date_core.c", "ext/date/date_parse.c", "ext/date/date_strftime.c", "ext/date/date_strptime.c", "ext/date/date_tmx.h", "ext/date/extconf.rb", "ext/date/prereq.mk", "ext/date/zonetab.h", "ext/date/zonetab.list" ] s.extensions = "ext/date/extconf.rb" end s.required_ruby_version = ">= 2.6.0" s.authors = ["Tadayoshi Funaba"] s.email = [nil] s.homepage = "https://github.com/ruby/date" s.licenses = ["Ruby", "BSD-2-Clause"] end