# frozen_string_literal: true RSpec.describe "bundle open" do context "when opening a regular gem" do before do install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "rails" G end it "opens the gem with BUNDLER_EDITOR as highest priority" do bundle "open rails", :env => { "EDITOR" => "echo editor", "VISUAL" => "echo visual", "BUNDLER_EDITOR" => "echo bundler_editor" } expect(out).to include("bundler_editor #{default_bundle_path("gems", "rails-2.3.2")}") end it "opens the gem with VISUAL as 2nd highest priority" do bundle "open rails", :env => { "EDITOR" => "echo editor", "VISUAL" => "echo visual", "BUNDLER_EDITOR" => "" } expect(out).to include("visual #{default_bundle_path("gems", "rails-2.3.2")}") end it "opens the gem with EDITOR as 3rd highest priority" do bundle "open rails", :env => { "EDITOR" => "echo editor", "VISUAL" => "", "BUNDLER_EDITOR" => "" } expect(out).to include("editor #{default_bundle_path("gems", "rails-2.3.2")}") end it "complains if no EDITOR is set" do bundle "open rails", :env => { "EDITOR" => "", "VISUAL" => "", "BUNDLER_EDITOR" => "" } expect(out).to eq("To open a bundled gem, set $EDITOR or $BUNDLER_EDITOR") end it "complains if gem not in bundle" do bundle "open missing", :env => { "EDITOR" => "echo editor", "VISUAL" => "", "BUNDLER_EDITOR" => "" }, :raise_on_error => false expect(err).to match(/could not find gem 'missing'/i) end it "does not blow up if the gem to open does not have a Gemfile" do git = build_git "foo" ref = git.ref_for("main", 11) install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem 'foo', :git => "#{lib_path("foo-1.0")}" G bundle "open foo", :env => { "EDITOR" => "echo editor", "VISUAL" => "", "BUNDLER_EDITOR" => "" } expect(out).to match("editor #{default_bundle_path.join("bundler/gems/foo-1.0-#{ref}")}") end it "suggests alternatives for similar-sounding gems" do bundle "open Rails", :env => { "EDITOR" => "echo editor", "VISUAL" => "", "BUNDLER_EDITOR" => "" }, :raise_on_error => false expect(err).to match(/did you mean rails\?/i) end it "opens the gem with short words" do bundle "open rec", :env => { "EDITOR" => "echo editor", "VISUAL" => "echo visual", "BUNDLER_EDITOR" => "echo bundler_editor" } expect(out).to include("bundler_editor #{default_bundle_path("gems", "activerecord-2.3.2")}") end it "opens subpath of the gem" do bundle "open activerecord --path lib/activerecord", :env => { "EDITOR" => "echo editor", "VISUAL" => "", "BUNDLER_EDITOR" => "" } expect(out).to include("editor #{default_bundle_path("gems", "activerecord-2.3.2")}/lib/activerecord") end it "opens subpath file of the gem" do bundle "open activerecord --path lib/version.rb", :env => { "EDITOR" => "echo editor", "VISUAL" => "", "BUNDLER_EDITOR" => "" } expect(out).to include("editor #{default_bundle_path("gems", "activerecord-2.3.2")}/lib/version.rb") end it "opens deep subpath of the gem" do bundle "open activerecord --path lib/active_record", :env => { "EDITOR" => "echo editor", "VISUAL" => "", "BUNDLER_EDITOR" => "" } expect(out).to include("editor #{default_bundle_path("gems", "activerecord-2.3.2")}/lib/active_record") end it "requires value for --path arg" do bundle "open activerecord --path", :env => { "EDITOR" => "echo editor", "VISUAL" => "", "BUNDLER_EDITOR" => "" }, :raise_on_error => false expect(err).to eq "Cannot specify `--path` option without a value" end it "suggests alternatives for similar-sounding gems when using subpath" do bundle "open Rails --path README.md", :env => { "EDITOR" => "echo editor", "VISUAL" => "", "BUNDLER_EDITOR" => "" }, :raise_on_error => false expect(err).to match(/did you mean rails\?/i) end it "suggests alternatives for similar-sounding gems when using deep subpath" do bundle "open Rails --path some/path/here", :env => { "EDITOR" => "echo editor", "VISUAL" => "", "BUNDLER_EDITOR" => "" }, :raise_on_error => false expect(err).to match(/did you mean rails\?/i) end it "opens subpath of the short worded gem" do bundle "open rec --path CHANGELOG.md", :env => { "EDITOR" => "echo editor", "VISUAL" => "", "BUNDLER_EDITOR" => "" } expect(out).to include("editor #{default_bundle_path("gems", "activerecord-2.3.2")}/CHANGELOG.md") end it "opens deep subpath of the short worded gem" do bundle "open rec --path lib/activerecord", :env => { "EDITOR" => "echo editor", "VISUAL" => "", "BUNDLER_EDITOR" => "" } expect(out).to include("editor #{default_bundle_path("gems", "activerecord-2.3.2")}/lib/activerecord") end it "opens subpath of the selected matching gem", :readline do env = { "EDITOR" => "echo editor", "VISUAL" => "echo visual", "BUNDLER_EDITOR" => "echo bundler_editor" } bundle "open active --path CHANGELOG.md", :env => env do |input, _, _| input.puts "2" end expect(out).to match(%r{bundler_editor #{default_bundle_path('gems', 'activerecord-2.3.2')}/CHANGELOG\.md\z}) end it "opens deep subpath of the selected matching gem", :readline do env = { "EDITOR" => "echo editor", "VISUAL" => "echo visual", "BUNDLER_EDITOR" => "echo bundler_editor" } bundle "open active --path lib/activerecord/version.rb", :env => env do |input, _, _| input.puts "2" end expect(out).to match(%r{bundler_editor #{default_bundle_path('gems', 'activerecord-2.3.2')}/lib/activerecord/version\.rb\z}) end it "select the gem from many match gems", :readline do env = { "EDITOR" => "echo editor", "VISUAL" => "echo visual", "BUNDLER_EDITOR" => "echo bundler_editor" } bundle "open active", :env => env do |input, _, _| input.puts "2" end expect(out).to match(/bundler_editor #{default_bundle_path('gems', 'activerecord-2.3.2')}\z/) end it "allows selecting exit from many match gems", :readline do env = { "EDITOR" => "echo editor", "VISUAL" => "echo visual", "BUNDLER_EDITOR" => "echo bundler_editor" } bundle "open active", :env => env do |input, _, _| input.puts "0" end end it "performs an automatic bundle install" do gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "rails" gem "foo" G bundle "config set auto_install 1" bundle "open rails", :env => { "EDITOR" => "echo editor", "VISUAL" => "", "BUNDLER_EDITOR" => "" } expect(out).to include("Installing foo 1.0") end it "opens the editor with a clean env" do bundle "open", :env => { "EDITOR" => "sh -c 'env'", "VISUAL" => "", "BUNDLER_EDITOR" => "" }, :raise_on_error => false expect(out).not_to include("BUNDLE_GEMFILE=") end end context "when opening a default gem" do let(:default_gems) do ruby(<<-RUBY).split("\n") if Gem::Specification.is_a?(Enumerable) puts Gem::Specification.select(&:default_gem?).map(&:name) end RUBY end before do skip "No default gems available on this test run" if default_gems.empty? install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "json" G end it "throws proper error when trying to open default gem" do bundle "open json", :env => { "EDITOR" => "echo editor", "VISUAL" => "echo visual", "BUNDLER_EDITOR" => "echo bundler_editor" } expect(out).to include("Unable to open json because it's a default gem, so the directory it would normally be installed to does not exist.") end end end