# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative "../spec_helper" module SyntaxSuggest ruby = ENV.fetch("RUBY", "ruby") RSpec.describe "Requires with ruby cli" do it "namespaces all monkeypatched methods" do Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| tmpdir = Pathname(dir) script = tmpdir.join("script.rb") script.write <<~'EOM' puts Kernel.private_methods EOM syntax_suggest_methods_file = tmpdir.join("syntax_suggest_methods.txt") api_only_methods_file = tmpdir.join("api_only_methods.txt") kernel_methods_file = tmpdir.join("kernel_methods.txt") d_pid = Process.spawn("#{ruby} -I#{lib_dir} -rsyntax_suggest #{script} 2>&1 > #{syntax_suggest_methods_file}") k_pid = Process.spawn("#{ruby} #{script} 2>&1 >> #{kernel_methods_file}") r_pid = Process.spawn("#{ruby} -I#{lib_dir} -rsyntax_suggest/api #{script} 2>&1 > #{api_only_methods_file}") Process.wait(k_pid) Process.wait(d_pid) Process.wait(r_pid) kernel_methods_array = kernel_methods_file.read.strip.lines.map(&:strip) syntax_suggest_methods_array = syntax_suggest_methods_file.read.strip.lines.map(&:strip) api_only_methods_array = api_only_methods_file.read.strip.lines.map(&:strip) # In ruby 3.1.0-preview1 the `timeout` file is already required # we can remove it if it exists to normalize the output for # all ruby versions [syntax_suggest_methods_array, kernel_methods_array, api_only_methods_array].each do |array| array.delete("timeout") end methods = (syntax_suggest_methods_array - kernel_methods_array).sort if methods.any? expect(methods).to eq(["syntax_suggest_original_load", "syntax_suggest_original_require", "syntax_suggest_original_require_relative"]) end methods = (api_only_methods_array - kernel_methods_array).sort expect(methods).to eq([]) end end # Since Ruby 3.2 includes syntax_suggest as a default gem, we might accidentally # be requiring the default gem instead of this library under test. Assert that's # not the case it "tests current version of syntax_suggest" do Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| tmpdir = Pathname(dir) script = tmpdir.join("script.rb") contents = <<~'EOM' puts "suggest_version is #{SyntaxSuggest::VERSION}" EOM script.write(contents) out = `#{ruby} -I#{lib_dir} -rsyntax_suggest/version #{script} 2>&1` expect(out).to include("suggest_version is #{SyntaxSuggest::VERSION}").once end end it "detects require error and adds a message with auto mode" do Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| tmpdir = Pathname(dir) script = tmpdir.join("script.rb") script.write <<~EOM describe "things" do it "blerg" do end it "flerg" end it "zlerg" do end end EOM require_rb = tmpdir.join("require.rb") require_rb.write <<~EOM load "#{script.expand_path}" EOM out = `#{ruby} -I#{lib_dir} -rsyntax_suggest #{require_rb} 2>&1` expect($?.success?).to be_falsey expect(out).to include('> 5 it "flerg"').once end end it "gem can be tested when executing on Ruby with default gem included" do skip if Gem::Version.new(RUBY_VERSION) < Gem::Version.new("3.2") out = `#{ruby} -I#{lib_dir} -rsyntax_suggest -e "puts SyntaxError.instance_method(:detailed_message).source_location" 2>&1` expect($?.success?).to be_truthy expect(out).to include(lib_dir.join("syntax_suggest").join("core_ext.rb").to_s).once end it "annotates a syntax error in Ruby 3.2+ when require is not used" do skip if Gem::Version.new(RUBY_VERSION) < Gem::Version.new("3.2") Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| tmpdir = Pathname(dir) script = tmpdir.join("script.rb") script.write <<~EOM describe "things" do it "blerg" do end it "flerg" end it "zlerg" do end end EOM out = `#{ruby} -I#{lib_dir} -rsyntax_suggest #{script} 2>&1` expect($?.success?).to be_falsey expect(out).to include('> 5 it "flerg"').once end end it "does not load internals into memory if no syntax error" do Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| tmpdir = Pathname(dir) script = tmpdir.join("script.rb") script.write <<~EOM class Dog end if defined?(SyntaxSuggest::DEFAULT_VALUE) puts "SyntaxSuggest is loaded" else puts "SyntaxSuggest is NOT loaded" end EOM require_rb = tmpdir.join("require.rb") require_rb.write <<~EOM load "#{script.expand_path}" EOM out = `#{ruby} -I#{lib_dir} -rsyntax_suggest #{require_rb} 2>&1` expect($?.success?).to be_truthy expect(out).to include("SyntaxSuggest is NOT loaded").once end end it "ignores eval" do Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| tmpdir = Pathname(dir) script = tmpdir.join("script.rb") script.write <<~'EOM' $stderr = STDOUT eval("def lol") EOM out = `#{ruby} -I#{lib_dir} -rsyntax_suggest #{script} 2>&1` expect($?.success?).to be_falsey expect(out).to include("(eval):1") expect(out).to_not include("SyntaxSuggest") expect(out).to_not include("Could not find filename") end end it "does not say 'syntax ok' when a syntax error fires" do Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| tmpdir = Pathname(dir) script = tmpdir.join("script.rb") script.write <<~'EOM' break EOM out = `#{ruby} -I#{lib_dir} -rsyntax_suggest -e "require_relative '#{script}'" 2>&1` expect($?.success?).to be_falsey expect(out.downcase).to_not include("syntax ok") expect(out).to include("Invalid break") end end end end