# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # frozen_string_literal: false require_relative "helper" class TestCSVTable < Test::Unit::TestCase extend DifferentOFS def setup super @rows = [ CSV::Row.new(%w{A B C}, [1, 2, 3]), CSV::Row.new(%w{A B C}, [4, 5, 6]), CSV::Row.new(%w{A B C}, [7, 8, 9]) ] @table = CSV::Table.new(@rows) @header_table = CSV::Table.new( [CSV::Row.new(%w{A B C}, %w{A B C}, true)] + @rows ) @header_only_table = CSV::Table.new([], headers: %w{A B C}) end def test_initialize assert_not_nil(@table) assert_instance_of(CSV::Table, @table) end def test_modes assert_equal(:col_or_row, @table.mode) # non-destructive changes, intended for one shot calls cols = @table.by_col assert_equal(:col_or_row, @table.mode) assert_equal(:col, cols.mode) assert_equal(@table, cols) rows = @table.by_row assert_equal(:col_or_row, @table.mode) assert_equal(:row, rows.mode) assert_equal(@table, rows) col_or_row = rows.by_col_or_row assert_equal(:row, rows.mode) assert_equal(:col_or_row, col_or_row.mode) assert_equal(@table, col_or_row) # destructive mode changing calls assert_equal(@table, @table.by_row!) assert_equal(:row, @table.mode) assert_equal(@table, @table.by_col_or_row!) assert_equal(:col_or_row, @table.mode) end def test_headers assert_equal(@rows.first.headers, @table.headers) end def test_headers_empty t = CSV::Table.new([]) assert_equal Array.new, t.headers end def test_headers_only assert_equal(%w[A B C], @header_only_table.headers) end def test_headers_modified_by_row table = CSV::Table.new([], headers: ["A", "B"]) table << ["a", "b"] table.first << {"C" => "c"} assert_equal(["A", "B", "C"], table.headers) end def test_index ################## ### Mixed Mode ### ################## # by row @rows.each_index { |i| assert_equal(@rows[i], @table[i]) } assert_equal(nil, @table[100]) # empty row # by row with Range assert_equal([@table[1], @table[2]], @table[1..2]) # by col @rows.first.headers.each do |header| assert_equal(@rows.map { |row| row[header] }, @table[header]) end assert_equal([nil] * @rows.size, @table["Z"]) # empty col # by cell, row then col assert_equal(2, @table[0][1]) assert_equal(6, @table[1]["C"]) # by cell, col then row assert_equal(5, @table["B"][1]) assert_equal(9, @table["C"][2]) # with headers (by col) assert_equal(["B", 2, 5, 8], @header_table["B"]) ################### ### Column Mode ### ################### @table.by_col! assert_equal([2, 5, 8], @table[1]) assert_equal([2, 5, 8], @table["B"]) ################ ### Row Mode ### ################ @table.by_row! assert_equal(@rows[1], @table[1]) assert_raise(TypeError) { @table["B"] } ############################ ### One Shot Mode Change ### ############################ assert_equal(@rows[1], @table[1]) assert_equal([2, 5, 8], @table.by_col[1]) assert_equal(@rows[1], @table[1]) end def test_set_row_or_column ################## ### Mixed Mode ### ################## # set row @table[2] = [10, 11, 12] assert_equal([%w[A B C], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [10, 11, 12]], @table.to_a) @table[3] = CSV::Row.new(%w[A B C], [13, 14, 15]) assert_equal( [%w[A B C], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [10, 11, 12], [13, 14, 15]], @table.to_a ) # set col @table["Type"] = "data" assert_equal( [ %w[A B C Type], [1, 2, 3, "data"], [4, 5, 6, "data"], [10, 11, 12, "data"], [13, 14, 15, "data"] ], @table.to_a ) @table["Index"] = [1, 2, 3] assert_equal( [ %w[A B C Type Index], [1, 2, 3, "data", 1], [4, 5, 6, "data", 2], [10, 11, 12, "data", 3], [13, 14, 15, "data", nil] ], @table.to_a ) @table["B"] = [100, 200] assert_equal( [ %w[A B C Type Index], [1, 100, 3, "data", 1], [4, 200, 6, "data", 2], [10, nil, 12, "data", 3], [13, nil, 15, "data", nil] ], @table.to_a ) # verify resulting table assert_equal(<<-CSV, @table.to_csv) A,B,C,Type,Index 1,100,3,data,1 4,200,6,data,2 10,,12,data,3 13,,15,data, CSV # with headers @header_table["Type"] = "data" assert_equal(%w[Type data data data], @header_table["Type"]) ################### ### Column Mode ### ################### @table.by_col! @table[1] = [2, 5, 11, 14] assert_equal( [ %w[A B C Type Index], [1, 2, 3, "data", 1], [4, 5, 6, "data", 2], [10, 11, 12, "data", 3], [13, 14, 15, "data", nil] ], @table.to_a ) @table["Extra"] = "new stuff" assert_equal( [ %w[A B C Type Index Extra], [1, 2, 3, "data", 1, "new stuff"], [4, 5, 6, "data", 2, "new stuff"], [10, 11, 12, "data", 3, "new stuff"], [13, 14, 15, "data", nil, "new stuff"] ], @table.to_a ) ################ ### Row Mode ### ################ @table.by_row! @table[1] = (1..6).to_a assert_equal( [ %w[A B C Type Index Extra], [1, 2, 3, "data", 1, "new stuff"], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [10, 11, 12, "data", 3, "new stuff"], [13, 14, 15, "data", nil, "new stuff"] ], @table.to_a ) assert_raise(TypeError) { @table["Extra"] = nil } end def test_set_by_col_with_header_row r = [ CSV::Row.new(%w{X Y Z}, [97, 98, 99], true) ] t = CSV::Table.new(r) t.by_col! t['A'] = [42] assert_equal(['A'], t['A']) end def test_each ###################### ### Mixed/Row Mode ### ###################### i = 0 @table.each do |row| assert_equal(@rows[i], row) i += 1 end # verify that we can chain the call assert_equal(@table, @table.each { }) # without block enum = @table.each assert_instance_of(Enumerator, enum) assert_equal(@table.size, enum.size) i = 0 enum.each do |row| assert_equal(@rows[i], row) i += 1 end ################### ### Column Mode ### ################### @table.by_col! headers = @table.headers @table.each do |header, column| assert_equal(headers.shift, header) assert_equal(@table[header], column) end # without block enum = @table.each assert_instance_of(Enumerator, enum) assert_equal(@table.headers.size, enum.size) headers = @table.headers enum.each do |header, column| assert_equal(headers.shift, header) assert_equal(@table[header], column) end ############################ ### One Shot Mode Change ### ############################ @table.by_col_or_row! @table.each { |row| assert_instance_of(CSV::Row, row) } @table.by_col.each { |tuple| assert_instance_of(Array, tuple) } @table.each { |row| assert_instance_of(CSV::Row, row) } end def test_each_by_col_duplicated_headers table = CSV.parse(<<-CSV, headers: true) a,a,,,b 1,2,3,4,5 11,12,13,14,15 CSV assert_equal([ ["a", ["1", "11"]], ["a", ["2", "12"]], [nil, ["3", "13"]], [nil, ["4", "14"]], ["b", ["5", "15"]], ], table.by_col.each.to_a) end def test_each_split yielded_values = [] @table.each do |column1, column2, column3| yielded_values << [column1, column2, column3] end assert_equal(@rows.collect(&:to_a), yielded_values) end def test_enumerable assert_equal( @rows.values_at(0, 2), @table.select { |row| (row["B"] % 2).zero? } ) assert_equal(@rows[1], @table.find { |row| row["C"] > 5 }) end def test_to_a assert_equal([%w[A B C], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]], @table.to_a) # with headers assert_equal( [%w[A B C], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]], @header_table.to_a ) end def test_to_csv csv = <<-CSV A,B,C 1,2,3 4,5,6 7,8,9 CSV # normal conversion assert_equal(csv, @table.to_csv) assert_equal(csv, @table.to_s) # alias # with options assert_equal( csv.gsub(",", "|").gsub("\n", "\r\n"), @table.to_csv(col_sep: "|", row_sep: "\r\n") ) assert_equal( csv.lines.to_a[1..-1].join(''), @table.to_csv(:write_headers => false) ) # with headers assert_equal(csv, @header_table.to_csv) end def test_to_csv_limit_positive assert_equal(<<-CSV, @table.to_csv(limit: 2)) A,B,C 1,2,3 4,5,6 CSV end def test_to_csv_limit_positive_over assert_equal(<<-CSV, @table.to_csv(limit: 5)) A,B,C 1,2,3 4,5,6 7,8,9 CSV end def test_to_csv_limit_zero assert_equal(<<-CSV, @table.to_csv(limit: 0)) A,B,C CSV end def test_to_csv_limit_negative assert_equal(<<-CSV, @table.to_csv(limit: -2)) A,B,C 1,2,3 4,5,6 CSV end def test_to_csv_limit_negative_over assert_equal(<<-CSV, @table.to_csv(limit: -5)) A,B,C CSV end def test_append # verify that we can chain the call assert_equal(@table, @table << [10, 11, 12]) # Array append assert_equal(CSV::Row.new(%w[A B C], [10, 11, 12]), @table[-1]) # Row append assert_equal(@table, @table << CSV::Row.new(%w[A B C], [13, 14, 15])) assert_equal(CSV::Row.new(%w[A B C], [13, 14, 15]), @table[-1]) end def test_delete_mixed_one ################## ### Mixed Mode ### ################## # delete a row assert_equal(@rows[1], @table.delete(1)) # delete a col assert_equal(@rows.map { |row| row["A"] }, @table.delete("A")) # verify resulting table assert_equal(<<-CSV, @table.to_csv) B,C 2,3 8,9 CSV end def test_delete_mixed_multiple ################## ### Mixed Mode ### ################## # delete row and col second_row = @rows[1] a_col = @rows.map { |row| row["A"] } a_col_without_second_row = a_col[0..0] + a_col[2..-1] assert_equal([ second_row, a_col_without_second_row, ], @table.delete(1, "A")) # verify resulting table assert_equal(<<-CSV, @table.to_csv) B,C 2,3 8,9 CSV end def test_delete_column ################### ### Column Mode ### ################### @table.by_col! assert_equal(@rows.map { |row| row[0] }, @table.delete(0)) assert_equal(@rows.map { |row| row["C"] }, @table.delete("C")) # verify resulting table assert_equal(<<-CSV, @table.to_csv) B 2 5 8 CSV end def test_delete_row ################ ### Row Mode ### ################ @table.by_row! assert_equal(@rows[1], @table.delete(1)) assert_raise(TypeError) { @table.delete("C") } # verify resulting table assert_equal(<<-CSV, @table.to_csv) A,B,C 1,2,3 7,8,9 CSV end def test_delete_with_blank_rows data = "col1,col2\nra1,ra2\n\nrb1,rb2" table = CSV.parse(data, :headers => true) assert_equal(["ra2", nil, "rb2"], table.delete("col2")) end def test_delete_if_row ###################### ### Mixed/Row Mode ### ###################### # verify that we can chain the call assert_equal(@table, @table.delete_if { |row| (row["B"] % 2).zero? }) # verify resulting table assert_equal(<<-CSV, @table.to_csv) A,B,C 4,5,6 CSV end def test_delete_if_row_without_block ###################### ### Mixed/Row Mode ### ###################### enum = @table.delete_if assert_instance_of(Enumerator, enum) assert_equal(@table.size, enum.size) # verify that we can chain the call assert_equal(@table, enum.each { |row| (row["B"] % 2).zero? }) # verify resulting table assert_equal(<<-CSV, @table.to_csv) A,B,C 4,5,6 CSV end def test_delete_if_column ################### ### Column Mode ### ################### @table.by_col! assert_equal(@table, @table.delete_if { |h, v| h > "A" }) assert_equal(<<-CSV, @table.to_csv) A 1 4 7 CSV end def test_delete_if_column_without_block ################### ### Column Mode ### ################### @table.by_col! enum = @table.delete_if assert_instance_of(Enumerator, enum) assert_equal(@table.headers.size, enum.size) assert_equal(@table, enum.each { |h, v| h > "A" }) assert_equal(<<-CSV, @table.to_csv) A 1 4 7 CSV end def test_delete_headers_only ################### ### Column Mode ### ################### @header_only_table.by_col! # delete by index assert_equal([], @header_only_table.delete(0)) assert_equal(%w[B C], @header_only_table.headers) # delete by header assert_equal([], @header_only_table.delete("C")) assert_equal(%w[B], @header_only_table.headers) end def test_values_at ################## ### Mixed Mode ### ################## # rows assert_equal(@rows.values_at(0, 2), @table.values_at(0, 2)) assert_equal(@rows.values_at(1..2), @table.values_at(1..2)) # cols assert_equal([[1, 3], [4, 6], [7, 9]], @table.values_at("A", "C")) assert_equal([[2, 3], [5, 6], [8, 9]], @table.values_at("B".."C")) ################### ### Column Mode ### ################### @table.by_col! assert_equal([[1, 3], [4, 6], [7, 9]], @table.values_at(0, 2)) assert_equal([[1, 3], [4, 6], [7, 9]], @table.values_at("A", "C")) ################ ### Row Mode ### ################ @table.by_row! assert_equal(@rows.values_at(0, 2), @table.values_at(0, 2)) assert_raise(TypeError) { @table.values_at("A", "C") } ############################ ### One Shot Mode Change ### ############################ assert_equal(@rows.values_at(0, 2), @table.values_at(0, 2)) assert_equal([[1, 3], [4, 6], [7, 9]], @table.by_col.values_at(0, 2)) assert_equal(@rows.values_at(0, 2), @table.values_at(0, 2)) end def test_array_delegation assert_not_empty(@table, "Table was empty.") assert_equal(@rows.size, @table.size) end def test_inspect_shows_current_mode str = @table.inspect assert_include(str, "mode:#{@table.mode}", "Mode not shown.") @table.by_col! str = @table.inspect assert_include(str, "mode:#{@table.mode}", "Mode not shown.") end def test_inspect_encoding_is_ascii_compatible assert_send([Encoding, :compatible?, Encoding.find("US-ASCII"), @table.inspect.encoding], "inspect() was not ASCII compatible." ) end def test_inspect_with_rows additional_rows = [ CSV::Row.new(%w{A B C}, [101, 102, 103]), CSV::Row.new(%w{A B C}, [104, 105, 106]), CSV::Row.new(%w{A B C}, [107, 108, 109]) ] table = CSV::Table.new(@rows + additional_rows) str_table = table.inspect assert_equal(<<-CSV, str_table) # A,B,C 1,2,3 4,5,6 7,8,9 101,102,103 104,105,106 CSV end def test_dig_mixed # by row assert_equal(@rows[0], @table.dig(0)) assert_nil(@table.dig(100)) # empty row # by col assert_equal([2, 5, 8], @table.dig("B")) assert_equal([nil] * @rows.size, @table.dig("Z")) # empty col # by row then col assert_equal(2, @table.dig(0, 1)) assert_equal(6, @table.dig(1, "C")) # by col then row assert_equal(5, @table.dig("B", 1)) assert_equal(9, @table.dig("C", 2)) end def test_dig_by_column @table.by_col! assert_equal([2, 5, 8], @table.dig(1)) assert_equal([2, 5, 8], @table.dig("B")) # by col then row assert_equal(5, @table.dig("B", 1)) assert_equal(9, @table.dig("C", 2)) end def test_dig_by_row @table.by_row! assert_equal(@rows[1], @table.dig(1)) assert_raise(TypeError) { @table.dig("B") } # by row then col assert_equal(2, @table.dig(0, 1)) assert_equal(6, @table.dig(1, "C")) end def test_dig_cell table = CSV::Table.new([CSV::Row.new(["A"], [["foo", ["bar", ["baz"]]]])]) # by row, col then cell assert_equal("foo", table.dig(0, "A", 0)) assert_equal(["baz"], table.dig(0, "A", 1, 1)) # by col, row then cell assert_equal("foo", table.dig("A", 0, 0)) assert_equal(["baz"], table.dig("A", 0, 1, 1)) end def test_dig_cell_no_dig table = CSV::Table.new([CSV::Row.new(["A"], ["foo"])]) # by row, col then cell assert_raise(TypeError) do table.dig(0, "A", 0) end # by col, row then cell assert_raise(TypeError) do table.dig("A", 0, 0) end end end