# frozen_string_literal: false require "rubygems" require "irb" require "irb/extend-command" require_relative "helper" module TestIRB class CommandTestCase < TestCase def setup @pwd = Dir.pwd @tmpdir = File.join(Dir.tmpdir, "test_reline_config_#{$$}") begin Dir.mkdir(@tmpdir) rescue Errno::EEXIST FileUtils.rm_rf(@tmpdir) Dir.mkdir(@tmpdir) end Dir.chdir(@tmpdir) @home_backup = ENV["HOME"] ENV["HOME"] = @tmpdir @xdg_config_home_backup = ENV.delete("XDG_CONFIG_HOME") save_encodings IRB.instance_variable_get(:@CONF).clear @is_win = (RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /mswin|msys|mingw|cygwin|bccwin|wince|emc/) end def teardown ENV["XDG_CONFIG_HOME"] = @xdg_config_home_backup ENV["HOME"] = @home_backup Dir.chdir(@pwd) FileUtils.rm_rf(@tmpdir) restore_encodings end def execute_lines(*lines, conf: {}, main: self, irb_path: nil) IRB.init_config(nil) IRB.conf[:VERBOSE] = false IRB.conf[:PROMPT_MODE] = :SIMPLE IRB.conf.merge!(conf) input = TestInputMethod.new(lines) irb = IRB::Irb.new(IRB::WorkSpace.new(main), input) irb.context.return_format = "=> %s\n" irb.context.irb_path = irb_path if irb_path IRB.conf[:MAIN_CONTEXT] = irb.context capture_output do irb.eval_input end end end class FrozenObjectTest < CommandTestCase def test_calling_command_on_a_frozen_main main = Object.new.freeze out, err = execute_lines( "irb_info", main: main ) assert_empty err assert_match(/RUBY_PLATFORM/, out) end end class CommnadAliasTest < CommandTestCase def test_vars_with_aliases @foo = "foo" $bar = "bar" out, err = execute_lines( "@foo\n", "$bar\n", ) assert_empty err assert_match(/"foo"/, out) assert_match(/"bar"/, out) ensure remove_instance_variable(:@foo) $bar = nil end end class InfoTest < CommandTestCase def setup super @locals_backup = ENV.delete("LANG"), ENV.delete("LC_ALL") end def teardown super ENV["LANG"], ENV["LC_ALL"] = @locals_backup end def test_irb_info_multiline FileUtils.touch("#{@tmpdir}/.inputrc") FileUtils.touch("#{@tmpdir}/.irbrc") out, err = execute_lines( "irb_info", conf: { USE_MULTILINE: true, USE_SINGLELINE: false } ) expected = %r{ Ruby\sversion:\s.+\n IRB\sversion:\sirb\s.+\n InputMethod:\sAbstract\sInputMethod\n \.irbrc\spath:\s.+\n RUBY_PLATFORM:\s.+\n East\sAsian\sAmbiguous\sWidth:\s\d\n #{@is_win ? 'Code\spage:\s\d+\n' : ''} }x assert_empty err assert_match expected, out end def test_irb_info_singleline FileUtils.touch("#{@tmpdir}/.inputrc") FileUtils.touch("#{@tmpdir}/.irbrc") out, err = execute_lines( "irb_info", conf: { USE_MULTILINE: false, USE_SINGLELINE: true } ) expected = %r{ Ruby\sversion:\s.+\n IRB\sversion:\sirb\s.+\n InputMethod:\sAbstract\sInputMethod\n \.irbrc\spath:\s.+\n RUBY_PLATFORM:\s.+\n East\sAsian\sAmbiguous\sWidth:\s\d\n #{@is_win ? 'Code\spage:\s\d+\n' : ''} }x assert_empty err assert_match expected, out end def test_irb_info_multiline_without_rc_files inputrc_backup = ENV["INPUTRC"] ENV["INPUTRC"] = "unknown_inpurc" ext_backup = IRB::IRBRC_EXT IRB.__send__(:remove_const, :IRBRC_EXT) IRB.const_set(:IRBRC_EXT, "unknown_ext") out, err = execute_lines( "irb_info", conf: { USE_MULTILINE: true, USE_SINGLELINE: false } ) expected = %r{ Ruby\sversion:\s.+\n IRB\sversion:\sirb\s.+\n InputMethod:\sAbstract\sInputMethod\n RUBY_PLATFORM:\s.+\n East\sAsian\sAmbiguous\sWidth:\s\d\n #{@is_win ? 'Code\spage:\s\d+\n' : ''} }x assert_empty err assert_match expected, out ensure ENV["INPUTRC"] = inputrc_backup IRB.__send__(:remove_const, :IRBRC_EXT) IRB.const_set(:IRBRC_EXT, ext_backup) end def test_irb_info_singleline_without_rc_files inputrc_backup = ENV["INPUTRC"] ENV["INPUTRC"] = "unknown_inpurc" ext_backup = IRB::IRBRC_EXT IRB.__send__(:remove_const, :IRBRC_EXT) IRB.const_set(:IRBRC_EXT, "unknown_ext") out, err = execute_lines( "irb_info", conf: { USE_MULTILINE: false, USE_SINGLELINE: true } ) expected = %r{ Ruby\sversion:\s.+\n IRB\sversion:\sirb\s.+\n InputMethod:\sAbstract\sInputMethod\n RUBY_PLATFORM:\s.+\n East\sAsian\sAmbiguous\sWidth:\s\d\n #{@is_win ? 'Code\spage:\s\d+\n' : ''} }x assert_empty err assert_match expected, out ensure ENV["INPUTRC"] = inputrc_backup IRB.__send__(:remove_const, :IRBRC_EXT) IRB.const_set(:IRBRC_EXT, ext_backup) end def test_irb_info_lang FileUtils.touch("#{@tmpdir}/.inputrc") FileUtils.touch("#{@tmpdir}/.irbrc") ENV["LANG"] = "ja_JP.UTF-8" ENV["LC_ALL"] = "en_US.UTF-8" out, err = execute_lines( "irb_info", conf: { USE_MULTILINE: true, USE_SINGLELINE: false } ) expected = %r{ Ruby\sversion: .+\n IRB\sversion:\sirb .+\n InputMethod:\sAbstract\sInputMethod\n \.irbrc\spath: .+\n RUBY_PLATFORM: .+\n LANG\senv:\sja_JP\.UTF-8\n LC_ALL\senv:\sen_US\.UTF-8\n East\sAsian\sAmbiguous\sWidth:\s\d\n }x assert_empty err assert_match expected, out end end class MeasureTest < CommandTestCase def test_measure conf = { PROMPT: { DEFAULT: { PROMPT_I: '> ', PROMPT_S: '> ', PROMPT_C: '> ', PROMPT_N: '> ' } }, PROMPT_MODE: :DEFAULT, MEASURE: false } c = Class.new(Object) out, err = execute_lines( "3\n", "measure\n", "3\n", "measure :off\n", "3\n", conf: conf, main: c ) assert_empty err assert_match(/\A=> 3\nTIME is added\.\n=> nil\nprocessing time: .+\n=> 3\n=> nil\n=> 3\n/, out) assert_empty(c.class_variables) end def test_measure_enabled_by_rc conf = { PROMPT: { DEFAULT: { PROMPT_I: '> ', PROMPT_S: '> ', PROMPT_C: '> ', PROMPT_N: '> ' } }, PROMPT_MODE: :DEFAULT, MEASURE: true } out, err = execute_lines( "3\n", "measure :off\n", "3\n", conf: conf, ) assert_empty err assert_match(/\Aprocessing time: .+\n=> 3\n=> nil\n=> 3\n/, out) end def test_measure_enabled_by_rc_with_custom measuring_proc = proc { |line, line_no, &block| time = Time.now result = block.() puts 'custom processing time: %fs' % (Time.now - time) if IRB.conf[:MEASURE] result } conf = { PROMPT: { DEFAULT: { PROMPT_I: '> ', PROMPT_S: '> ', PROMPT_C: '> ', PROMPT_N: '> ' } }, PROMPT_MODE: :DEFAULT, MEASURE: true, MEASURE_PROC: { CUSTOM: measuring_proc } } out, err = execute_lines( "3\n", "measure :off\n", "3\n", conf: conf, ) assert_empty err assert_match(/\Acustom processing time: .+\n=> 3\n=> nil\n=> 3\n/, out) end def test_measure_with_custom measuring_proc = proc { |line, line_no, &block| time = Time.now result = block.() puts 'custom processing time: %fs' % (Time.now - time) if IRB.conf[:MEASURE] result } conf = { PROMPT: { DEFAULT: { PROMPT_I: '> ', PROMPT_S: '> ', PROMPT_C: '> ', PROMPT_N: '> ' } }, PROMPT_MODE: :DEFAULT, MEASURE: false, MEASURE_PROC: { CUSTOM: measuring_proc } } out, err = execute_lines( "3\n", "measure\n", "3\n", "measure :off\n", "3\n", conf: conf ) assert_empty err assert_match(/\A=> 3\nCUSTOM is added\.\n=> nil\ncustom processing time: .+\n=> 3\n=> nil\n=> 3\n/, out) end def test_measure_with_proc conf = { PROMPT: { DEFAULT: { PROMPT_I: '> ', PROMPT_S: '> ', PROMPT_C: '> ', PROMPT_N: '> ' } }, PROMPT_MODE: :DEFAULT, MEASURE: false, } c = Class.new(Object) out, err = execute_lines( "3\n", "measure { |context, code, line_no, &block|\n", " result = block.()\n", " puts 'aaa' if IRB.conf[:MEASURE]\n", " result\n", "}\n", "3\n", "measure { |context, code, line_no, &block|\n", " result = block.()\n", " puts 'bbb' if IRB.conf[:MEASURE]\n", " result\n", "}\n", "3\n", "measure :off\n", "3\n", conf: conf, main: c ) assert_empty err assert_match(/\A=> 3\nBLOCK is added\.\n=> nil\naaa\n=> 3\nBLOCK is added.\naaa\n=> nil\nbbb\n=> 3\n=> nil\n=> 3\n/, out) assert_empty(c.class_variables) end end class IrbSourceTest < CommandTestCase def test_irb_source File.write("#{@tmpdir}/a.rb", "a = 'hi'\n") out, err = execute_lines( "a = 'bug17564'\n", "a\n", "irb_source '#{@tmpdir}/a.rb'\n", "a\n", ) assert_empty err assert_pattern_list([ /=> "bug17564"\n/, /=> "bug17564"\n/, / => "hi"\n/, / => nil\n/, /=> "hi"\n/, ], out) end def test_irb_source_without_argument out, err = execute_lines( "irb_source\n", ) assert_empty err assert_match(/Please specify the file name./, out) end end class IrbLoadTest < CommandTestCase def test_irb_load File.write("#{@tmpdir}/a.rb", "a = 'hi'\n") out, err = execute_lines( "a = 'bug17564'\n", "a\n", "irb_load '#{@tmpdir}/a.rb'\n", "a\n", ) assert_empty err assert_pattern_list([ /=> "bug17564"\n/, /=> "bug17564"\n/, / => "hi"\n/, / => nil\n/, /=> "bug17564"\n/, ], out) end def test_irb_load_without_argument out, err = execute_lines( "irb_load\n", ) assert_empty err assert_match(/Please specify the file name./, out) end end class ShowSourceTest < CommandTestCase def test_show_source out, err = execute_lines( "show_source IRB.conf\n", ) assert_empty err assert_match(%r[/irb\.rb], out) end def test_show_source_method out, err = execute_lines( "p show_source('IRB.conf')\n", ) assert_empty err assert_match(%r[/irb\.rb], out) end def test_show_source_string out, err = execute_lines( "show_source 'IRB.conf'\n", ) assert_empty err assert_match(%r[/irb\.rb], out) end def test_show_source_alias out, err = execute_lines( "$ 'IRB.conf'\n", conf: { COMMAND_ALIASES: { :'$' => :show_source } } ) assert_empty err assert_match(%r[/irb\.rb], out) end def test_show_source_end_finder pend if RUBY_ENGINE == 'truffleruby' eval(code = <<-EOS, binding, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1) def show_source_test_method unless true end end unless defined?(show_source_test_method) EOS out, err = execute_lines( "show_source '#{self.class.name}#show_source_test_method'\n", ) assert_empty err assert_include(out, code) end end class WorkspaceCommandTestCase < CommandTestCase def setup super # create Foo under the test class's namespace so it doesn't pollute global namespace self.class.class_eval <<~RUBY class Foo; end RUBY end end class CwwsTest < WorkspaceCommandTestCase def test_cwws_returns_the_current_workspace_object out, err = execute_lines( "cwws.class", ) assert_empty err assert_include(out, self.class.name) end end class PushwsTest < WorkspaceCommandTestCase def test_pushws_switches_to_new_workspace_and_pushes_the_current_one_to_the_stack out, err = execute_lines( "pushws #{self.class}::Foo.new\n", "cwws.class", ) assert_empty err assert_include(out, "#{self.class}::Foo") end def test_pushws_extends_the_new_workspace_with_command_bundle out, err = execute_lines( "pushws Object.new\n", "self.singleton_class.ancestors" ) assert_empty err assert_include(out, "IRB::ExtendCommandBundle") end def test_pushws_prints_help_message_when_no_arg_is_given out, err = execute_lines( "pushws\n", ) assert_empty err assert_match(/No other workspace/, out) end end class WorkspacesTest < WorkspaceCommandTestCase def test_workspaces_returns_the_array_of_non_main_workspaces out, err = execute_lines( "pushws #{self.class}::Foo.new\n", "workspaces.map { |w| w.class.name }", ) assert_empty err # self.class::Foo would be the current workspace # self.class would be the old workspace that's pushed to the stack assert_include(out, "=> [\"#{self.class}\"]") end def test_workspaces_returns_empty_array_when_no_workspaces_were_added out, err = execute_lines( "workspaces.map(&:to_s)", ) assert_empty err assert_include(out, "=> []") end end class PopwsTest < WorkspaceCommandTestCase def test_popws_replaces_the_current_workspace_with_the_previous_one out, err = execute_lines( "pushws Foo.new\n", "popws\n", "cwws.class", ) assert_empty err assert_include(out, "=> #{self.class}") end def test_popws_prints_help_message_if_the_workspace_is_empty out, err = execute_lines( "popws\n", ) assert_empty err assert_match(/workspace stack empty/, out) end end class ChwsTest < WorkspaceCommandTestCase def test_chws_replaces_the_current_workspace out, err = execute_lines( "chws #{self.class}::Foo.new\n", "cwws.class", ) assert_empty err assert_include(out, "=> #{self.class}::Foo") end def test_chws_does_nothing_when_receiving_no_argument out, err = execute_lines( "chws\n", "cwws.class", ) assert_empty err assert_include(out, "=> #{self.class}") end end class WhereamiTest < CommandTestCase def test_whereami out, err = execute_lines( "whereami\n", ) assert_empty err assert_match(/^From: .+ @ line \d+ :\n/, out) end def test_whereami_alias out, err = execute_lines( "@\n", ) assert_empty err assert_match(/^From: .+ @ line \d+ :\n/, out) end end class ShowCmdsTest < CommandTestCase def test_show_cmds out, err = execute_lines( "show_cmds\n" ) assert_empty err assert_match(/List all available commands and their description/, out) assert_match(/Start the debugger of debug\.gem/, out) end end class LsTest < CommandTestCase def test_ls out, err = execute_lines( "class P\n", " def m() end\n", " def m2() end\n", "end\n", "class C < P\n", " def m1() end\n", " def m2() end\n", "end\n", "module M\n", " def m1() end\n", " def m3() end\n", "end\n", "module M2\n", " include M\n", " def m4() end\n", "end\n", "obj = C.new\n", "obj.instance_variable_set(:@a, 1)\n", "obj.extend M2\n", "def obj.m5() end\n", "ls obj\n", ) assert_empty err assert_match(/^instance variables:\s+@a\n/m, out) assert_match(/P#methods:\s+m\n/m, out) assert_match(/C#methods:\s+m2\n/m, out) assert_match(/M#methods:\s+m1\s+m3\n/m, out) assert_match(/M2#methods:\s+m4\n/m, out) assert_match(/C.methods:\s+m5\n/m, out) end def test_ls_class out, err = execute_lines( "module M1\n", " def m2; end\n", " def m3; end\n", "end\n", "class C1\n", " def m1; end\n", " def m2; end\n", "end\n", "class C2 < C1\n", " include M1\n", " def m3; end\n", " def m4; end\n", " def self.m3; end\n", " def self.m5; end\n", "end\n", "ls C2" ) assert_empty err assert_match(/C2.methods:\s+m3\s+m5\n/, out) assert_match(/C2#methods:\s+m3\s+m4\n.*M1#methods:\s+m2\n.*C1#methods:\s+m1\n/, out) assert_not_match(/Module#methods/, out) assert_not_match(/Class#methods/, out) end def test_ls_module out, err = execute_lines( "module M1\n", " def m1; end\n", " def m2; end\n", "end\n", "module M2\n", " include M1\n", " def m1; end\n", " def m3; end\n", " def self.m4; end\n", "end\n", "ls M2" ) assert_empty err assert_match(/M2\.methods:\s+m4\n/, out) assert_match(/M2#methods:\s+m1\s+m3\n.*M1#methods:\s+m2\n/, out) assert_not_match(/Module#methods/, out) end def test_ls_instance out, err = execute_lines( "class Foo; def bar; end; end\n", "ls Foo.new" ) assert_empty err assert_match(/Foo#methods:\s+bar/, out) # don't duplicate assert_not_match(/Foo#methods:\s+bar\n.*Foo#methods/, out) end def test_ls_grep out, err = execute_lines("ls 42\n") assert_empty err assert_match(/times/, out) assert_match(/polar/, out) [ "ls 42, grep: /times/\n", "ls 42 -g times\n", "ls 42 -G times\n", ].each do |line| out, err = execute_lines(line) assert_empty err assert_match(/times/, out) assert_not_match(/polar/, out) end end def test_ls_grep_empty out, err = execute_lines("ls\n") assert_empty err assert_match(/whereami/, out) assert_match(/show_source/, out) [ "ls grep: /whereami/\n", "ls -g whereami\n", "ls -G whereami\n", ].each do |line| out, err = execute_lines(line) assert_empty err assert_match(/whereami/, out) assert_not_match(/show_source/, out) end end def test_ls_with_no_singleton_class out, err = execute_lines( "ls 42", ) assert_empty err assert_match(/Comparable#methods:\s+/, out) assert_match(/Numeric#methods:\s+/, out) assert_match(/Integer#methods:\s+/, out) end end class ShowDocTest < CommandTestCase def test_help_and_show_doc ["help", "show_doc"].each do |cmd| out, _ = execute_lines( "#{cmd} String#gsub\n", "\n", ) # the former is what we'd get without document content installed, like on CI # the latter is what we may get locally possible_rdoc_output = [/Nothing known about String#gsub/, /gsub\(pattern\)/] assert(possible_rdoc_output.any? { |output| output.match?(out) }, "Expect the `#{cmd}` command to match one of the possible outputs. Got:\n#{out}") end ensure # this is the only way to reset the redefined method without coupling the test with its implementation EnvUtil.suppress_warning { load "irb/cmd/help.rb" } end def test_show_doc_without_rdoc out, _ = without_rdoc do execute_lines( "show_doc String#gsub\n", "\n", ) end # if it fails to require rdoc, it only returns the command object assert_match(/=> IRB::ExtendCommand::Help\n/, out) ensure # this is the only way to reset the redefined method without coupling the test with its implementation EnvUtil.suppress_warning { load "irb/cmd/help.rb" } end end class EditTest < CommandTestCase def setup @original_editor = ENV["EDITOR"] # noop the command so nothing gets executed ENV["EDITOR"] = ": code" end def teardown ENV["EDITOR"] = @original_editor end def test_edit_without_arg out, err = execute_lines( "edit", irb_path: __FILE__ ) assert_empty err assert_match("path: #{__FILE__}", out) assert_match("command: ': code'", out) end def test_edit_with_path out, err = execute_lines( "edit #{__FILE__}" ) assert_empty err assert_match("path: #{__FILE__}", out) assert_match("command: ': code'", out) end def test_edit_with_non_existing_path out, err = execute_lines( "edit test_cmd_non_existing_path.rb" ) assert_empty err assert_match(/Can not find file: test_cmd_non_existing_path\.rb/, out) end def test_edit_with_constant out, err = execute_lines( "edit IRB::Irb" ) assert_empty err assert_match(/path: .*\/lib\/irb\.rb/, out) assert_match("command: ': code'", out) end def test_edit_with_class_method out, err = execute_lines( "edit IRB.start" ) assert_empty err assert_match(/path: .*\/lib\/irb\.rb/, out) assert_match("command: ': code'", out) end def test_edit_with_instance_method out, err = execute_lines( "edit IRB::Irb#run" ) assert_empty err assert_match(/path: .*\/lib\/irb\.rb/, out) assert_match("command: ': code'", out) end end end