# -*- coding: us-ascii -*- # frozen_string_literal: false require 'test/unit' class TestObject < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @verbose = $VERBOSE end def teardown $VERBOSE = @verbose end def test_itself feature6373 = '[ruby-core:44704] [Feature #6373]' object = Object.new assert_same(object, object.itself, feature6373) end def test_yield_self feature = '[ruby-core:46320] [Feature #6721]' object = Object.new assert_same(self, object.yield_self {self}, feature) assert_same(object, object.yield_self {|x| break x}, feature) enum = object.yield_self assert_instance_of(Enumerator, enum) assert_equal(1, enum.size) end def test_dup assert_equal 1, 1.dup assert_equal true, true.dup assert_equal nil, nil.dup assert_equal false, false.dup x = :x; assert_equal x, x.dup x = "bug13145".intern; assert_equal x, x.dup x = 1 << 64; assert_equal x, x.dup x = 1.72723e-77; assert_equal x, x.dup assert_raise(TypeError) do Object.new.instance_eval { initialize_copy(1) } end end def test_clone a = Object.new def a.b; 2 end c = a.clone assert_equal(false, c.frozen?) assert_equal(false, a.frozen?) assert_equal(2, c.b) c = a.clone(freeze: true) assert_equal(true, c.frozen?) assert_equal(false, a.frozen?) assert_equal(2, c.b) a.freeze c = a.clone assert_equal(true, c.frozen?) assert_equal(true, a.frozen?) assert_equal(2, c.b) assert_raise(ArgumentError) {a.clone(freeze: [])} d = a.clone(freeze: false) def d.e; 3; end assert_equal(false, d.frozen?) assert_equal(true, a.frozen?) assert_equal(2, d.b) assert_equal(3, d.e) assert_equal 1, 1.clone assert_equal true, true.clone assert_equal nil, nil.clone assert_equal false, false.clone x = :x; assert_equal x, x.dup x = "bug13145".intern; assert_equal x, x.dup x = 1 << 64; assert_equal x, x.clone x = 1.72723e-77; assert_equal x, x.clone assert_raise(ArgumentError) {1.clone(freeze: false)} assert_raise(ArgumentError) {true.clone(freeze: false)} assert_raise(ArgumentError) {nil.clone(freeze: false)} assert_raise(ArgumentError) {false.clone(freeze: false)} x = EnvUtil.labeled_class("\u{1f4a9}").new assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, /\u{1f4a9}/) do Object.new.clone(freeze: x) end c = Class.new do attr_reader :f end o = c.new def o.initialize_clone(_, freeze: true) @f = freeze super end clone = o.clone assert_kind_of c, clone assert_equal true, clone.f clone = o.clone(freeze: false) assert_kind_of c, clone assert_equal false, clone.f class << o remove_method(:initialize_clone) end def o.initialize_clone(_) super end assert_kind_of c, o.clone assert_raise(ArgumentError) { o.clone(freeze: false) } end def test_init_dupclone cls = Class.new do def initialize_clone(orig); throw :initialize_clone; end def initialize_dup(orig); throw :initialize_dup; end end obj = cls.new assert_throw(:initialize_clone) {obj.clone} assert_throw(:initialize_dup) {obj.dup} end def test_instance_of assert_raise(TypeError) { 1.instance_of?(1) } end def test_kind_of assert_raise(TypeError) { 1.kind_of?(1) } end def test_freeze_immediate assert_equal(true, 1.frozen?) 1.freeze assert_equal(true, 1.frozen?) assert_equal(true, 2.frozen?) assert_equal(true, true.frozen?) assert_equal(true, false.frozen?) assert_equal(true, nil.frozen?) end def test_frozen_error_message name = "C\u{30c6 30b9 30c8}" klass = EnvUtil.labeled_class(name) { attr_accessor :foo } obj = klass.new.freeze assert_raise_with_message(FrozenError, /#{name}/) { obj.foo = 1 } end def test_nil_to_f assert_equal(0.0, nil.to_f) end def test_nil_to_s str = nil.to_s assert_equal("", str) assert_predicate(str, :frozen?) assert_same(str, nil.to_s) end def test_true_to_s str = true.to_s assert_equal("true", str) assert_predicate(str, :frozen?) assert_same(str, true.to_s) end def test_false_to_s str = false.to_s assert_equal("false", str) assert_predicate(str, :frozen?) assert_same(str, false.to_s) end def test_not assert_equal(false, Object.new.send(:!)) assert_equal(true, nil.send(:!)) end def test_true_and assert_equal(true, true & true) assert_equal(true, true & 1) assert_equal(false, true & false) assert_equal(false, true & nil) end def test_true_or assert_equal(true, true | true) assert_equal(true, true | 1) assert_equal(true, true | false) assert_equal(true, true | nil) end def test_true_xor assert_equal(false, true ^ true) assert_equal(false, true ^ 1) assert_equal(true, true ^ false) assert_equal(true, true ^ nil) end def test_false_and assert_equal(false, false & true) assert_equal(false, false & 1) assert_equal(false, false & false) assert_equal(false, false & nil) end def test_false_or assert_equal(true, false | true) assert_equal(true, false | 1) assert_equal(false, false | false) assert_equal(false, false | nil) end def test_false_xor assert_equal(true, false ^ true) assert_equal(true, false ^ 1) assert_equal(false, false ^ false) assert_equal(false, false ^ nil) end def test_methods o = Object.new a1 = o.methods a2 = o.methods(false) def o.foo; end assert_equal([:foo], o.methods(true) - a1) assert_equal([:foo], o.methods(false) - a2) end def test_methods2 c0 = Class.new c1 = Class.new(c0) c1.module_eval do public ; def foo; end protected; def bar; end private ; def baz; end end c2 = Class.new(c1) c2.module_eval do public ; def foo2; end protected; def bar2; end private ; def baz2; end end o0 = c0.new o2 = c2.new assert_equal([:baz, :baz2], (o2.private_methods - o0.private_methods).sort) assert_equal([:baz2], (o2.private_methods(false) - o0.private_methods(false)).sort) assert_equal([:bar, :bar2], (o2.protected_methods - o0.protected_methods).sort) assert_equal([:bar2], (o2.protected_methods(false) - o0.protected_methods(false)).sort) assert_equal([:foo, :foo2], (o2.public_methods - o0.public_methods).sort) assert_equal([:foo2], (o2.public_methods(false) - o0.public_methods(false)).sort) end def test_methods_prepend bug8044 = '[ruby-core:53207] [Bug #8044]' o = Object.new def o.foo; end assert_equal([:foo], o.methods(false)) class << o; prepend Module.new; end assert_equal([:foo], o.methods(false), bug8044) end def test_methods_prepend_singleton c = Class.new(Module) {private def foo; end} k = c.new k.singleton_class c.module_eval {prepend(Module.new)} assert_equal([:foo], k.private_methods(false)) end def test_instance_variable_get o = Object.new o.instance_eval { @foo = :foo } assert_equal(:foo, o.instance_variable_get(:@foo)) assert_equal(nil, o.instance_variable_get(:@bar)) assert_raise(NameError) { o.instance_variable_get('@') } assert_raise(NameError) { o.instance_variable_get(:'@') } assert_raise(NameError) { o.instance_variable_get(:foo) } assert_raise(NameError) { o.instance_variable_get("bar") } assert_raise(TypeError) { o.instance_variable_get(1) } n = Object.new def n.to_str; @count = defined?(@count) ? @count + 1 : 1; "@foo"; end def n.count; @count; end assert_equal(:foo, o.instance_variable_get(n)) assert_equal(1, n.count) end def test_instance_variable_set o = Object.new o.instance_variable_set(:@foo, :foo) assert_equal(:foo, o.instance_eval { @foo }) assert_raise(NameError) { o.instance_variable_set(:'@', 1) } assert_raise(NameError) { o.instance_variable_set('@', 1) } assert_raise(NameError) { o.instance_variable_set(:foo, 1) } assert_raise(NameError) { o.instance_variable_set("bar", 1) } assert_raise(TypeError) { o.instance_variable_set(1, 1) } n = Object.new def n.to_str; @count = defined?(@count) ? @count + 1 : 1; "@foo"; end def n.count; @count; end o.instance_variable_set(n, :bar) assert_equal(:bar, o.instance_eval { @foo }) assert_equal(1, n.count) end def test_instance_variable_defined o = Object.new o.instance_eval { @foo = :foo } assert_equal(true, o.instance_variable_defined?(:@foo)) assert_equal(false, o.instance_variable_defined?(:@bar)) assert_raise(NameError) { o.instance_variable_defined?(:'@') } assert_raise(NameError) { o.instance_variable_defined?('@') } assert_raise(NameError) { o.instance_variable_defined?(:foo) } assert_raise(NameError) { o.instance_variable_defined?("bar") } assert_raise(TypeError) { o.instance_variable_defined?(1) } n = Object.new def n.to_str; @count = defined?(@count) ? @count + 1 : 1; "@foo"; end def n.count; @count; end assert_equal(true, o.instance_variable_defined?(n)) assert_equal(1, n.count) end def test_remove_instance_variable { 'T_OBJECT' => Object.new, 'T_CLASS,T_MODULE' => Class.new(Object), 'generic ivar' => '', }.each do |desc, o| e = assert_raise(NameError, "#{desc} iv removal raises before set") do o.remove_instance_variable(:@foo) end assert_equal([o, :@foo], [e.receiver, e.name]) o.instance_eval { @foo = :foo } assert_equal(:foo, o.remove_instance_variable(:@foo), "#{desc} iv removal returns original value") assert_not_send([o, :instance_variable_defined?, :@foo], "#{desc} iv removed successfully") e = assert_raise(NameError, "#{desc} iv removal raises after removal") do o.remove_instance_variable(:@foo) end assert_equal([o, :@foo], [e.receiver, e.name]) end end def test_convert_string o = Object.new def o.to_s; 1; end assert_raise(TypeError) { String(o) } o.singleton_class.remove_method(:to_s) def o.to_s; "o"; end assert_equal("o", String(o)) def o.to_str; "O"; end assert_equal("O", String(o)) def o.respond_to?(*) false; end assert_raise(TypeError) { String(o) } end def test_convert_array o = Object.new def o.to_a; 1; end assert_raise(TypeError) { Array(o) } o.singleton_class.remove_method(:to_a) def o.to_a; [1]; end assert_equal([1], Array(o)) def o.to_ary; [2]; end assert_equal([2], Array(o)) def o.respond_to?(*) false; end assert_equal([o], Array(o)) end def test_convert_hash assert_equal({}, Hash(nil)) assert_equal({}, Hash([])) assert_equal({key: :value}, Hash(key: :value)) assert_raise(TypeError) { Hash([1,2]) } assert_raise(TypeError) { Hash(Object.new) } o = Object.new def o.to_hash; {a: 1, b: 2}; end assert_equal({a: 1, b: 2}, Hash(o)) o.singleton_class.remove_method(:to_hash) def o.to_hash; 9; end assert_raise(TypeError) { Hash(o) } end def test_to_integer o = Object.new def o.to_i; nil; end assert_raise(TypeError) { Integer(o) } o.singleton_class.remove_method(:to_i) def o.to_i; 42; end assert_equal(42, Integer(o)) def o.respond_to?(*) false; end assert_raise(TypeError) { Integer(o) } end class MyInteger def initialize(n); @num = n; end def to_int; @num; end def <=>(n); @num <=> n.to_int; end def <=(n); @num <= n.to_int; end def +(n); MyInteger.new(@num + n.to_int); end end def test_check_to_integer o1 = MyInteger.new(1) o9 = MyInteger.new(9) n = 0 Range.new(o1, o9).step(2) {|x| n += x.to_int } assert_equal(1+3+5+7+9, n) end def test_max_shape_variation_with_performance_warnings assert_in_out_err([], <<-INPUT, %w(), /Maximum shapes variations \(8\) reached by Foo, instance variables accesses will be slower\.$/) $VERBOSE = true Warning[:performance] = true class Foo; end 10.times do |i| Foo.new.instance_variable_set(:"@a\#{i}", nil) end INPUT end def test_redefine_method_under_verbose assert_in_out_err([], <<-INPUT, %w(2), /warning: method redefined; discarding old foo$/) $VERBOSE = true o = Object.new def o.foo; 1; end def o.foo; 2; end p o.foo INPUT end def test_redefine_method_which_may_case_serious_problem assert_in_out_err([], <<-INPUT, [], %r"warning: redefining `object_id' may cause serious problems$") $VERBOSE = false def (Object.new).object_id; end INPUT assert_in_out_err([], <<-INPUT, [], %r"warning: redefining `__send__' may cause serious problems$") $VERBOSE = false def (Object.new).__send__; end INPUT bug10421 = '[ruby-dev:48691] [Bug #10421]' assert_in_out_err([], <<-INPUT, ["1"], [], bug10421) $VERBOSE = false class C < BasicObject def object_id; 1; end end puts C.new.object_id INPUT end def test_remove_method c = Class.new c.freeze assert_raise(FrozenError) do c.instance_eval { remove_method(:foo) } end c = Class.new do def meth1; "meth" end end d = Class.new(c) do alias meth2 meth1 end o1 = c.new assert_respond_to(o1, :meth1) assert_equal("meth", o1.meth1) o2 = d.new assert_respond_to(o2, :meth1) assert_equal("meth", o2.meth1) assert_respond_to(o2, :meth2) assert_equal("meth", o2.meth2) d.class_eval do remove_method :meth2 end bug2202 = '[ruby-core:26074]' assert_raise(NoMethodError, bug2202) {o2.meth2} %w(object_id __send__ initialize).each do |m| assert_in_out_err([], <<-INPUT, %w(:ok), %r"warning: removing `#{m}' may cause serious problems$") $VERBOSE = false begin Class.new.instance_eval { remove_method(:#{m}) } rescue NameError p :ok end INPUT end m = "\u{30e1 30bd 30c3 30c9}" c = Class.new assert_raise_with_message(NameError, /#{m}/) do c.class_eval {remove_method m} end c = Class.new { define_method(m) {} remove_method(m) } assert_raise_with_message(NameError, /#{m}/) do c.class_eval {remove_method m} end end def test_method_missing assert_raise(ArgumentError) do 1.instance_eval { method_missing } end c = Class.new c.class_eval do protected def foo; end end assert_raise(NoMethodError) do c.new.foo end assert_raise(NoMethodError) do 1.instance_eval { method_missing(:method_missing) } end c.class_eval do undef_method(:method_missing) end assert_raise(ArgumentError) do c.new.method_missing end bug2494 = '[ruby-core:27219]' c = Class.new do def method_missing(meth, *args) super end end b = c.new foo rescue nil assert_nothing_raised(bug2494) {[b].flatten} end def test_respond_to_missing_string c = Class.new do def respond_to_missing?(id, priv) !(id !~ /\Agadzoks\d+\z/) ^ priv end end foo = c.new assert_equal(false, foo.respond_to?("gadzooks16")) assert_equal(true, foo.respond_to?("gadzooks17", true)) assert_equal(true, foo.respond_to?("gadzoks16")) assert_equal(false, foo.respond_to?("gadzoks17", true)) end def test_respond_to_missing c = Class.new do def respond_to_missing?(id, priv) if id == :foobar true else false end end def method_missing(id, *args) if id == :foobar return [:foo, *args] else super end end end foo = c.new assert_equal([:foo], foo.foobar); assert_equal([:foo, 1], foo.foobar(1)); assert_equal([:foo, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], foo.foobar(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)); assert_respond_to(foo, :foobar) assert_not_respond_to(foo, :foobarbaz) assert_raise(NoMethodError) do foo.foobarbaz end foobar = foo.method(:foobar) assert_equal(-1, foobar.arity); assert_equal([:foo], foobar.call); assert_equal([:foo, 1], foobar.call(1)); assert_equal([:foo, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], foobar.call(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)); assert_equal(foobar, foo.method(:foobar)) assert_not_equal(foobar, c.new.method(:foobar)) c = Class.new(c) assert_equal(false, c.method_defined?(:foobar)) assert_raise(NameError, '[ruby-core:25748]') do c.instance_method(:foobar) end m = Module.new assert_equal(false, m.method_defined?(:foobar)) assert_raise(NameError, '[ruby-core:25748]') do m.instance_method(:foobar) end end def test_implicit_respond_to bug5158 = '[ruby-core:38799]' p = Object.new called = [] p.singleton_class.class_eval do define_method(:to_ary) do called << [:to_ary, bug5158] end end [[p]].flatten assert_equal([[:to_ary, bug5158]], called, bug5158) called = [] p.singleton_class.class_eval do define_method(:respond_to?) do |*a| called << [:respond_to?, *a] false end end [[p]].flatten assert_equal([[:respond_to?, :to_ary, true]], called, bug5158) end def test_implicit_respond_to_arity_1 p = Object.new called = [] p.singleton_class.class_eval do define_method(:respond_to?) do |a, priv = false| called << [:respond_to?, a] false end end [[p]].flatten assert_equal([[:respond_to?, :to_ary]], called, '[bug:6000]') end def test_implicit_respond_to_arity_3 p = Object.new called = [] p.singleton_class.class_eval do define_method(:respond_to?) do |a, b, c| called << [:respond_to?, a, b, c] false end end msg = 'respond_to? must accept 1 or 2 arguments (requires 3)' assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, msg, '[bug:6000]') do [[p]].flatten end end def test_method_missing_passed_block bug5731 = '[ruby-dev:44961]' c = Class.new do def method_missing(meth, *args) yield(meth, *args) end end a = c.new result = nil assert_nothing_raised(LocalJumpError, bug5731) do a.foo {|x| result = x} end assert_equal(:foo, result, bug5731) result = nil e = a.enum_for(:foo) assert_nothing_raised(LocalJumpError, bug5731) do e.each {|x| result = x} end assert_equal(:foo, result, bug5731) c = Class.new do def respond_to_missing?(id, priv) true end def method_missing(id, *args, &block) return block.call(:foo, *args) end end foo = c.new result = nil assert_nothing_raised(LocalJumpError, bug5731) do foo.foobar {|x| result = x} end assert_equal(:foo, result, bug5731) result = nil assert_nothing_raised(LocalJumpError, bug5731) do foo.enum_for(:foobar).each {|x| result = x} end assert_equal(:foo, result, bug5731) result = nil foobar = foo.method(:foobar) foobar.call {|x| result = x} assert_equal(:foo, result, bug5731) result = nil foobar = foo.method(:foobar) foobar.enum_for(:call).each {|x| result = x} assert_equal(:foo, result, bug5731) end def test_send_with_no_arguments assert_raise(ArgumentError) { 1.send } end def test_send_with_block x = :ng 1.send(:times) { x = :ok } assert_equal(:ok, x) x = :ok o = Object.new def o.inspect yield if block_given? super end begin nil.public_send(o) { x = :ng } rescue TypeError end assert_equal(:ok, x) end def test_public_send c = Class.new do def pub :ok end def invoke(m) public_send(m) end protected def prot :ng end private def priv :ng end end.new assert_equal(:ok, c.public_send(:pub)) assert_raise(NoMethodError) {c.public_send(:priv)} assert_raise(NoMethodError) {c.public_send(:prot)} assert_raise(NoMethodError) {c.invoke(:priv)} bug7499 = '[ruby-core:50489]' assert_raise(NoMethodError, bug7499) {c.invoke(:prot)} end def test_no_superclass_method bug2312 = '[ruby-dev:39581]' o = Object.new e = assert_raise(NoMethodError) { o.method(:__send__).call(:never_defined_test_no_superclass_method) } m1 = e.message assert_no_match(/no superclass method/, m1, bug2312) e = assert_raise(NoMethodError) { o.method(:__send__).call(:never_defined_test_no_superclass_method) } assert_equal(m1, e.message, bug2312) e = assert_raise(NoMethodError) { o.never_defined_test_no_superclass_method } assert_equal(m1.lines.first, e.message.lines.first, bug2312) end def test_superclass_method bug2312 = '[ruby-dev:39581]' assert_in_out_err(["-e", "module Enumerable;undef min;end; (1..2).min{}"], "", [], /no superclass method/, bug2312) end def test_specific_eval_with_wrong_arguments assert_raise(ArgumentError) do 1.instance_eval("foo") { foo } end assert_raise(ArgumentError) do 1.instance_eval end assert_raise(ArgumentError) do 1.instance_eval("", 1, 1, 1) end end class InstanceExec INSTANCE_EXEC = 123 end def test_instance_exec x = 1.instance_exec(42) {|a| self + a } assert_equal(43, x) x = "foo".instance_exec("bar") {|a| self + a } assert_equal("foobar", x) assert_raise(NameError) do InstanceExec.new.instance_exec { INSTANCE_EXEC } end end def test_extend assert_raise(ArgumentError) do 1.extend end end def test_to_s x = eval(<<-EOS) class ToS\u{3042} new.to_s end EOS assert_match(/\bToS\u{3042}:/, x) name = "X".freeze x = Object.new class<\z/, x.inspect) x.instance_variable_set(:@ivar, :value) assert_match(/\A#\z/, x.inspect) x = Object.new x.instance_variable_set(:@recur, x) assert_match(/\A#>\z/, x.inspect) x = Object.new x.instance_variable_set(:@foo, "value") x.instance_variable_set(:@bar, 42) assert_match(/\A#\z/, x.inspect) # Bug: [ruby-core:19167] x = Object.new x.instance_variable_set(:@foo, NilClass) assert_match(/\A#\z/, x.inspect) x.instance_variable_set(:@foo, TrueClass) assert_match(/\A#\z/, x.inspect) x.instance_variable_set(:@foo, FalseClass) assert_match(/\A#\z/, x.inspect) # #inspect does not call #to_s anymore feature6130 = '[ruby-core:43238]' x = Object.new def x.to_s "to_s" end assert_match(/\A#\z/, x.inspect, feature6130) x = eval(<<-EOS) class Inspect\u{3042} new.inspect end EOS assert_match(/\bInspect\u{3042}:/, x) x = eval(<<-EOS) class Inspect\u{3042} def initialize @\u{3044} = 42 end new end EOS assert_match(/\bInspect\u{3042}:.* @\u{3044}=42\b/, x.inspect) x.instance_variable_set("@\u{3046}".encode(Encoding::EUC_JP), 6) assert_match(/@\u{3046}=6\b/, x.inspect) end def test_singleton_methods assert_equal([], Object.new.singleton_methods) assert_equal([], Object.new.singleton_methods(false)) c = Class.new def c.foo; end assert_equal([:foo], c.singleton_methods - [:yaml_tag]) assert_equal([:foo], c.singleton_methods(false)) assert_equal([], c.singleton_class.singleton_methods(false)) c.singleton_class.singleton_class assert_equal([], c.singleton_class.singleton_methods(false)) o = c.new.singleton_class assert_equal([:foo], o.singleton_methods - [:yaml_tag]) assert_equal([], o.singleton_methods(false)) o.singleton_class assert_equal([:foo], o.singleton_methods - [:yaml_tag]) assert_equal([], o.singleton_methods(false)) c.extend(Module.new{def bar; end}) assert_equal([:bar, :foo], c.singleton_methods.sort - [:yaml_tag]) assert_equal([:foo], c.singleton_methods(false)) end def test_singleton_class x = Object.new xs = class << x; self; end assert_equal(xs, x.singleton_class) y = Object.new ys = y.singleton_class assert_equal(class << y; self; end, ys) assert_equal(NilClass, nil.singleton_class) assert_equal(TrueClass, true.singleton_class) assert_equal(FalseClass, false.singleton_class) assert_raise(TypeError) do 123.singleton_class end assert_raise(TypeError) do :foo.singleton_class end end def test_singleton_class_freeze x = Object.new xs = x.singleton_class x.freeze assert_predicate(xs, :frozen?) y = Object.new ys = y.singleton_class ys.prepend(Module.new) y.freeze assert_predicate(ys, :frozen?, '[Bug #19169]') end def test_redef_method_missing bug5473 = '[ruby-core:40287]' ['ArgumentError.new("bug5473")', 'ArgumentError, "bug5473"', '"bug5473"'].each do |code| exc = code[/\A[A-Z]\w+/] || 'RuntimeError' assert_separately([], <<-SRC) $VERBOSE = nil class ::Object def method_missing(m, *a, &b) raise #{code} end end assert_raise_with_message(#{exc}, "bug5473", #{bug5473.dump}) {1.foo} SRC end end def assert_not_initialize_copy a = yield b = yield assert_nothing_raised("copy") {a.instance_eval {initialize_copy(b)}} c = a.dup.freeze assert_raise(FrozenError, "frozen") {c.instance_eval {initialize_copy(b)}} d = a.dup [a, b, c, d] end def test_bad_initialize_copy assert_not_initialize_copy {Object.new} assert_not_initialize_copy {[].to_enum} assert_not_initialize_copy {Enumerator::Generator.new {}} assert_not_initialize_copy {Enumerator::Yielder.new {}} assert_not_initialize_copy {File.stat(__FILE__)} assert_not_initialize_copy {open(__FILE__)}.each(&:close) assert_not_initialize_copy {ARGF.class.new} assert_not_initialize_copy {Random.new} assert_not_initialize_copy {//} assert_not_initialize_copy {/.*/.match("foo")} st = Struct.new(:foo) assert_not_initialize_copy {st.new} end def test_type_error_message _issue = "Bug #7539" assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, "can't convert Array into Integer") {Integer([42])} assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, 'no implicit conversion of Array into Integer') {[].first([42])} assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, "can't convert Array into Rational") {Rational([42])} end def test_copied_ivar_memory_leak bug10191 = '[ruby-core:64700] [Bug #10191]' assert_no_memory_leak([], <<-"end;", <<-"end;", bug10191, timeout: 60, limit: 1.8) def (a = Object.new).set; @v = nil; end num = 500_000 end; num.times {a.clone.set} end; end def test_clone_object_should_not_be_old assert_normal_exit <<-EOS, '[Bug #13775]' b = proc { } 10.times do |i| b.clone GC.start end EOS end def test_frozen_inspect obj = Object.new obj.instance_variable_set(:@a, "a") ins = obj.inspect obj.freeze assert_equal(ins, obj.inspect) end end