#!/usr/bin/env ruby require "fileutils" test_lib_files = [ ["lib/core_assertions.rb", "test/lib"], ["lib/find_executable.rb", "test/lib"], ["lib/envutil.rb", "test/lib"], ["lib/helper.rb", "test/lib"], ["rakelib/sync_tool.rake", "rakelib"], ].map do |file, dest| [file, dest, File.read("#{__dir__}/#{file}")] end repos = %w[ bigdecimal cgi cmath date delegate did_you_mean digest drb erb etc fileutils find forwardable io-console io-nonblock io-wait ipaddr irb logger net-http net-protocol open-uri open3 openssl optparse ostruct pathname pstore psych racc resolv stringio strscan tempfile time timeout tmpdir uri weakref win32ole yaml zlib ] branch_name = "update-test-lib-#{Time.now.strftime("%Y%m%d")}" title = "Update test libraries from ruby/ruby #{Time.now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")}" commit = `git rev-parse HEAD`.chomp message = "From https://github.com/ruby/ruby/commit/#{commit}" update = true keep = nil topdir = nil while arg = ARGV.shift case arg when '--dry-run' update = false keep = true when '--update' update = true keep = false if keep.nil? when '--no-update' update = false keep = true if keep.nil? when '--keep' keep = true when '--no-keep' keep = false when '--' break else if topdir ARGV.unshift(arg) else topdir = arg end break end end topdir ||= '..' repos = ARGV unless ARGV.empty? repos.each do |repo| puts "#{repo}: start" Dir.chdir("#{topdir}/#{repo}") do if `git branch --list #{branch_name}`.empty? system(*%W"git switch master") system(*%W"git switch -c #{branch_name}") else puts "#{repo}: skip" next end test_lib_files.each do |file, dest, code| FileUtils.mkdir_p(dest) file = "#{dest}/#{File.basename(file)}" File.binwrite(file, code) system "git add #{file}" end if IO.popen(%W"git commit -m #{title}\n\n#{message}", &:read).chomp =~ /nothing to commit/ puts "#{repo}: nothing to update" elsif update system(*%W"git push") system(*%W"gh repo set-default ruby/#{repo}") system(*%W"gh pr create --base master --head ruby:#{branch_name} --title #{title} --body #{message}") puts "#{repo}: updated" end unless keep system "git switch master" system "git branch -D #{branch_name}" end end rescue StandardError => e puts e end