use failure::{bail, ResultExt}; use flate2::write::GzEncoder; use std::fs::{read_link, symlink_metadata}; use std::io::{self, empty, BufWriter, Write}; use std::path::Path; use tar::{Builder, Header}; use walkdir::WalkDir; use xz2::write::XzEncoder; use crate::util::*; use crate::Result; actor! { #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Tarballer { /// The input folder to be compressed. input: String = "package", /// The prefix of the tarballs. output: String = "./dist", /// The folder in which the input is to be found. work_dir: String = "./workdir", } } impl Tarballer { /// Generates the actual tarballs pub fn run(self) -> Result<()> { let tar_gz = self.output.clone() + ".tar.gz"; let tar_xz = self.output.clone() + ".tar.xz"; // Remove any existing files. for file in &[&tar_gz, &tar_xz] { if Path::new(file).exists() { remove_file(file)?; } } // Sort files by their suffix, to group files with the same name from // different locations (likely identical) and files with the same // extension (likely containing similar data). let (dirs, mut files) = get_recursive_paths(&self.work_dir, &self.input) .with_context(|_| "failed to collect file paths")?; files.sort_by(|a, b| a.bytes().rev().cmp(b.bytes().rev())); // Prepare the `.tar.gz` file. let gz = GzEncoder::new(create_new_file(tar_gz)?, flate2::Compression::best()); // Prepare the `.tar.xz` file. Note that preset 6 takes about 173MB of memory // per thread, so we limit the number of threads to not blow out 32-bit hosts. // (We could be more precise with `MtStreamBuilder::memusage()` if desired.) let stream = xz2::stream::MtStreamBuilder::new() .threads(Ord::min(num_cpus::get(), 8) as u32) .preset(6) .encoder()?; let xz = XzEncoder::new_stream(create_new_file(tar_xz)?, stream); // Write the tar into both encoded files. We write all directories // first, so files may be directly created. (See rust-lang/ let tee = RayonTee(xz, gz); let buf = BufWriter::with_capacity(1024 * 1024, tee); let mut builder = Builder::new(buf); let pool = rayon::ThreadPoolBuilder::new() .num_threads(2) .build() .unwrap(); pool.install(move || { for path in dirs { let src = Path::new(&self.work_dir).join(&path); builder .append_dir(&path, &src) .with_context(|_| format!("failed to tar dir '{}'", src.display()))?; } for path in files { let src = Path::new(&self.work_dir).join(&path); append_path(&mut builder, &src, &path) .with_context(|_| format!("failed to tar file '{}'", src.display()))?; } let RayonTee(xz, gz) = builder .into_inner() .with_context(|_| "failed to finish writing .tar stream")? .into_inner() .ok() .unwrap(); // Finish both encoded files. let (rxz, rgz) = rayon::join( || { xz.finish() .with_context(|_| "failed to finish .tar.xz file") }, || { gz.finish() .with_context(|_| "failed to finish .tar.gz file") }, ); rxz?; rgz?; Ok(()) }) } } fn append_path(builder: &mut Builder, src: &Path, path: &String) -> Result<()> { let stat = symlink_metadata(src)?; let mut header = Header::new_gnu(); header.set_metadata(&stat); if stat.file_type().is_symlink() { let link = read_link(src)?; header.set_link_name(&link)?; builder.append_data(&mut header, path, &mut empty())?; } else { if cfg!(windows) { // Windows doesn't really have a mode, so `tar` never marks files executable. // Use an extension whitelist to update files that usually should be so. const EXECUTABLES: [&'static str; 4] = ["exe", "dll", "py", "sh"]; if let Some(ext) = src.extension().and_then(|s| s.to_str()) { if EXECUTABLES.contains(&ext) { let mode = header.mode()?; header.set_mode(mode | 0o111); } } } let file = open_file(src)?; builder.append_data(&mut header, path, &file)?; } Ok(()) } /// Returns all `(directories, files)` under the source path. fn get_recursive_paths(root: P, name: Q) -> Result<(Vec, Vec)> where P: AsRef, Q: AsRef, { let root = root.as_ref(); let name = name.as_ref(); if !name.is_relative() && !name.starts_with(root) { bail!( "input '{}' is not in work dir '{}'", name.display(), root.display() ); } let mut dirs = vec![]; let mut files = vec![]; for entry in WalkDir::new(root.join(name)) { let entry = entry?; let path = entry.path().strip_prefix(root)?; let path = path_to_str(&path)?; if entry.file_type().is_dir() { dirs.push(path.to_owned()); } else { files.push(path.to_owned()); } } Ok((dirs, files)) } struct RayonTee(A, B); impl Write for RayonTee { fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result { self.write_all(buf)?; Ok(buf.len()) } fn write_all(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<()> { let (a, b) = (&mut self.0, &mut self.1); let (ra, rb) = rayon::join(|| a.write_all(buf), || b.write_all(buf)); ra.and(rb) } fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> { let (a, b) = (&mut self.0, &mut self.1); let (ra, rb) = rayon::join(|| a.flush(), || b.flush()); ra.and(rb) } }