parse_struct_literal_body_without_path = struct literal body without path .suggestion = you might have forgotten to add the struct literal inside the block parse_struct_literal_needing_parens = invalid struct literal .suggestion = you might need to surround the struct literal in parentheses parse_maybe_report_ambiguous_plus = ambiguous `+` in a type .suggestion = use parentheses to disambiguate parse_maybe_recover_from_bad_type_plus = expected a path on the left-hand side of `+`, not `{$ty}` parse_add_paren = try adding parentheses parse_forgot_paren = perhaps you forgot parentheses? parse_expect_path = expected a path parse_maybe_recover_from_bad_qpath_stage_2 = missing angle brackets in associated item path .suggestion = try: `{$ty}` parse_incorrect_semicolon = expected item, found `;` .suggestion = remove this semicolon .help = {$name} declarations are not followed by a semicolon parse_incorrect_use_of_await = incorrect use of `await` .parentheses_suggestion = `await` is not a method call, remove the parentheses .postfix_suggestion = `await` is a postfix operation parse_in_in_typo = expected iterable, found keyword `in` .suggestion = remove the duplicated `in` parse_invalid_variable_declaration = invalid variable declaration parse_switch_mut_let_order = switch the order of `mut` and `let` parse_missing_let_before_mut = missing keyword parse_use_let_not_auto = write `let` instead of `auto` to introduce a new variable parse_use_let_not_var = write `let` instead of `var` to introduce a new variable parse_invalid_comparison_operator = invalid comparison operator `{$invalid}` .use_instead = `{$invalid}` is not a valid comparison operator, use `{$correct}` .spaceship_operator_invalid = `<=>` is not a valid comparison operator, use `std::cmp::Ordering` parse_invalid_logical_operator = `{$incorrect}` is not a logical operator .note = unlike in e.g., Python and PHP, `&&` and `||` are used for logical operators .use_amp_amp_for_conjunction = use `&&` to perform logical conjunction .use_pipe_pipe_for_disjunction = use `||` to perform logical disjunction parse_tilde_is_not_unary_operator = `~` cannot be used as a unary operator .suggestion = use `!` to perform bitwise not parse_unexpected_if_with_if = unexpected `if` in the condition expression .suggestion = remove the `if` parse_unexpected_token_after_not = unexpected {$negated_desc} after identifier parse_unexpected_token_after_not_bitwise = use `!` to perform bitwise not parse_unexpected_token_after_not_logical = use `!` to perform logical negation parse_unexpected_token_after_not_default = use `!` to perform logical negation or bitwise not parse_malformed_loop_label = malformed loop label .suggestion = use the correct loop label format parse_lifetime_in_borrow_expression = borrow expressions cannot be annotated with lifetimes .suggestion = remove the lifetime annotation .label = annotated with lifetime here parse_field_expression_with_generic = field expressions cannot have generic arguments parse_macro_invocation_with_qualified_path = macros cannot use qualified paths parse_unexpected_token_after_label = expected `while`, `for`, `loop` or `{"{"}` after a label .suggestion_remove_label = consider removing the label .suggestion_enclose_in_block = consider enclosing expression in a block parse_require_colon_after_labeled_expression = labeled expression must be followed by `:` .note = labels are used before loops and blocks, allowing e.g., `break 'label` to them .label = the label .suggestion = add `:` after the label parse_do_catch_syntax_removed = found removed `do catch` syntax .note = following RFC #2388, the new non-placeholder syntax is `try` .suggestion = replace with the new syntax parse_float_literal_requires_integer_part = float literals must have an integer part .suggestion = must have an integer part parse_invalid_int_literal_width = invalid width `{$width}` for integer literal .help = valid widths are 8, 16, 32, 64 and 128 parse_invalid_num_literal_base_prefix = invalid base prefix for number literal .note = base prefixes (`0xff`, `0b1010`, `0o755`) are lowercase .suggestion = try making the prefix lowercase parse_invalid_num_literal_suffix = invalid suffix `{$suffix}` for number literal .label = invalid suffix `{$suffix}` .help = the suffix must be one of the numeric types (`u32`, `isize`, `f32`, etc.) parse_invalid_float_literal_width = invalid width `{$width}` for float literal .help = valid widths are 32 and 64 parse_invalid_float_literal_suffix = invalid suffix `{$suffix}` for float literal .label = invalid suffix `{$suffix}` .help = valid suffixes are `f32` and `f64` parse_int_literal_too_large = integer literal is too large parse_missing_semicolon_before_array = expected `;`, found `[` .suggestion = consider adding `;` here parse_invalid_block_macro_segment = cannot use a `block` macro fragment here .label = the `block` fragment is within this context parse_expect_dotdot_not_dotdotdot = expected `..`, found `...` .suggestion = use `..` to fill in the rest of the fields parse_if_expression_missing_then_block = this `if` expression is missing a block after the condition .add_then_block = add a block here .condition_possibly_unfinished = this binary operation is possibly unfinished parse_if_expression_missing_condition = missing condition for `if` expression .condition_label = expected condition here .block_label = if this block is the condition of the `if` expression, then it must be followed by another block parse_expected_expression_found_let = expected expression, found `let` statement parse_expect_eq_instead_of_eqeq = expected `=`, found `==` .suggestion = consider using `=` here parse_expected_else_block = expected `{"{"}`, found {$first_tok} .label = expected an `if` or a block after this `else` .suggestion = add an `if` if this is the condition of a chained `else if` statement parse_outer_attribute_not_allowed_on_if_else = outer attributes are not allowed on `if` and `else` branches .branch_label = the attributes are attached to this branch .ctx_label = the branch belongs to this `{$ctx}` .suggestion = remove the attributes parse_missing_in_in_for_loop = missing `in` in `for` loop .use_in_not_of = try using `in` here instead .add_in = try adding `in` here parse_missing_expression_in_for_loop = missing expression to iterate on in `for` loop .suggestion = try adding an expression to the `for` loop parse_loop_else = `{$loop_kind}...else` loops are not supported .note = consider moving this `else` clause to a separate `if` statement and use a `bool` variable to control if it should run .loop_keyword = `else` is attached to this loop parse_missing_comma_after_match_arm = expected `,` following `match` arm .suggestion = missing a comma here to end this `match` arm parse_catch_after_try = keyword `catch` cannot follow a `try` block .help = try using `match` on the result of the `try` block instead parse_comma_after_base_struct = cannot use a comma after the base struct .note = the base struct must always be the last field .suggestion = remove this comma parse_eq_field_init = expected `:`, found `=` .suggestion = replace equals symbol with a colon parse_dotdotdot = unexpected token: `...` .suggest_exclusive_range = use `..` for an exclusive range .suggest_inclusive_range = or `..=` for an inclusive range parse_left_arrow_operator = unexpected token: `<-` .suggestion = if you meant to write a comparison against a negative value, add a space in between `<` and `-` parse_remove_let = expected pattern, found `let` .suggestion = remove the unnecessary `let` keyword parse_use_eq_instead = unexpected `==` .suggestion = try using `=` instead parse_use_empty_block_not_semi = expected { "`{}`" }, found `;` .suggestion = try using { "`{}`" } instead parse_comparison_interpreted_as_generic = `<` is interpreted as a start of generic arguments for `{$type}`, not a comparison .label_args = interpreted as generic arguments .label_comparison = not interpreted as comparison .suggestion = try comparing the cast value parse_shift_interpreted_as_generic = `<<` is interpreted as a start of generic arguments for `{$type}`, not a shift .label_args = interpreted as generic arguments .label_comparison = not interpreted as shift .suggestion = try shifting the cast value parse_found_expr_would_be_stmt = expected expression, found `{$token}` .label = expected expression parse_leading_plus_not_supported = leading `+` is not supported .label = unexpected `+` .suggestion_remove_plus = try removing the `+` parse_parentheses_with_struct_fields = invalid `struct` delimiters or `fn` call arguments .suggestion_braces_for_struct = if `{$type}` is a struct, use braces as delimiters .suggestion_no_fields_for_fn = if `{$type}` is a function, use the arguments directly parse_labeled_loop_in_break = parentheses are required around this expression to avoid confusion with a labeled break expression parse_sugg_wrap_expression_in_parentheses = wrap the expression in parentheses parse_array_brackets_instead_of_braces = this is a block expression, not an array .suggestion = to make an array, use square brackets instead of curly braces parse_match_arm_body_without_braces = `match` arm body without braces .label_statements = {$num_statements -> [one] this statement is not surrounded by a body *[other] these statements are not surrounded by a body } .label_arrow = while parsing the `match` arm starting here .suggestion_add_braces = surround the {$num_statements -> [one] statement *[other] statements } with a body .suggestion_use_comma_not_semicolon = replace `;` with `,` to end a `match` arm expression parse_inclusive_range_extra_equals = unexpected `=` after inclusive range .suggestion_remove_eq = use `..=` instead .note = inclusive ranges end with a single equals sign (`..=`) parse_inclusive_range_match_arrow = unexpected `>` after inclusive range .label = this is parsed as an inclusive range `..=` .suggestion = add a space between the pattern and `=>` parse_inclusive_range_no_end = inclusive range with no end .suggestion_open_range = use `..` instead .note = inclusive ranges must be bounded at the end (`..=b` or `a..=b`) parse_struct_literal_not_allowed_here = struct literals are not allowed here .suggestion = surround the struct literal with parentheses parse_invalid_interpolated_expression = invalid interpolated expression parse_hexadecimal_float_literal_not_supported = hexadecimal float literal is not supported parse_octal_float_literal_not_supported = octal float literal is not supported parse_binary_float_literal_not_supported = binary float literal is not supported parse_not_supported = not supported parse_invalid_literal_suffix = suffixes on {$kind} literals are invalid .label = invalid suffix `{$suffix}` parse_invalid_literal_suffix_on_tuple_index = suffixes on a tuple index are invalid .label = invalid suffix `{$suffix}` .tuple_exception_line_1 = `{$suffix}` is *temporarily* accepted on tuple index fields as it was incorrectly accepted on stable for a few releases .tuple_exception_line_2 = on proc macros, you'll want to use `syn::Index::from` or `proc_macro::Literal::*_unsuffixed` for code that will desugar to tuple field access .tuple_exception_line_3 = see issue #60210 for more information parse_non_string_abi_literal = non-string ABI literal .suggestion = specify the ABI with a string literal parse_mismatched_closing_delimiter = mismatched closing delimiter: `{$delimiter}` .label_unmatched = mismatched closing delimiter .label_opening_candidate = closing delimiter possibly meant for this .label_unclosed = unclosed delimiter parse_incorrect_visibility_restriction = incorrect visibility restriction .help = some possible visibility restrictions are: `pub(crate)`: visible only on the current crate `pub(super)`: visible only in the current module's parent `pub(in path::to::module)`: visible only on the specified path .suggestion = make this visible only to module `{$inner_str}` with `in` parse_assignment_else_not_allowed = ... else {"{"} ... {"}"} is not allowed parse_expected_statement_after_outer_attr = expected statement after outer attribute parse_doc_comment_does_not_document_anything = found a documentation comment that doesn't document anything .help = doc comments must come before what they document, if a comment was intended use `//` .suggestion = missing comma here parse_const_let_mutually_exclusive = `const` and `let` are mutually exclusive .suggestion = remove `let` parse_invalid_expression_in_let_else = a `{$operator}` expression cannot be directly assigned in `let...else` parse_invalid_curly_in_let_else = right curly brace `{"}"}` before `else` in a `let...else` statement not allowed parse_extra_if_in_let_else = remove the `if` if you meant to write a `let...else` statement parse_compound_assignment_expression_in_let = can't reassign to an uninitialized variable .suggestion = initialize the variable .help = if you meant to overwrite, remove the `let` binding parse_suffixed_literal_in_attribute = suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes .help = instead of using a suffixed literal (`1u8`, `1.0f32`, etc.), use an unsuffixed version (`1`, `1.0`, etc.) parse_invalid_meta_item = expected unsuffixed literal or identifier, found `{$token}` parse_label_inner_attr_does_not_annotate_this = the inner attribute doesn't annotate this {$item} parse_sugg_change_inner_attr_to_outer = to annotate the {$item}, change the attribute from inner to outer style parse_inner_attr_not_permitted_after_outer_doc_comment = an inner attribute is not permitted following an outer doc comment .label_attr = not permitted following an outer doc comment .label_prev_doc_comment = previous doc comment .label_does_not_annotate_this = {parse_label_inner_attr_does_not_annotate_this} .sugg_change_inner_to_outer = {parse_sugg_change_inner_attr_to_outer} parse_inner_attr_not_permitted_after_outer_attr = an inner attribute is not permitted following an outer attribute .label_attr = not permitted following an outer attribute .label_prev_attr = previous outer attribute .label_does_not_annotate_this = {parse_label_inner_attr_does_not_annotate_this} .sugg_change_inner_to_outer = {parse_sugg_change_inner_attr_to_outer} parse_inner_attr_not_permitted = an inner attribute is not permitted in this context .label_does_not_annotate_this = {parse_label_inner_attr_does_not_annotate_this} .sugg_change_inner_to_outer = {parse_sugg_change_inner_attr_to_outer} parse_inner_attr_explanation = inner attributes, like `#![no_std]`, annotate the item enclosing them, and are usually found at the beginning of source files parse_outer_attr_explanation = outer attributes, like `#[test]`, annotate the item following them parse_inner_doc_comment_not_permitted = expected outer doc comment .note = inner doc comments like this (starting with `//!` or `/*!`) can only appear before items .suggestion = you might have meant to write a regular comment .label_does_not_annotate_this = the inner doc comment doesn't annotate this {$item} .sugg_change_inner_to_outer = to annotate the {$item}, change the doc comment from inner to outer style parse_expected_identifier_found_reserved_identifier_str = expected identifier, found reserved identifier `{$token}` parse_expected_identifier_found_keyword_str = expected identifier, found keyword `{$token}` parse_expected_identifier_found_reserved_keyword_str = expected identifier, found reserved keyword `{$token}` parse_expected_identifier_found_doc_comment_str = expected identifier, found doc comment `{$token}` parse_expected_identifier_found_str = expected identifier, found `{$token}` parse_expected_identifier_found_reserved_identifier = expected identifier, found reserved identifier parse_expected_identifier_found_keyword = expected identifier, found keyword parse_expected_identifier_found_reserved_keyword = expected identifier, found reserved keyword parse_expected_identifier_found_doc_comment = expected identifier, found doc comment parse_expected_identifier = expected identifier parse_sugg_escape_identifier = escape `{$ident_name}` to use it as an identifier parse_sugg_remove_comma = remove this comma parse_expected_semi_found_reserved_identifier_str = expected `;`, found reserved identifier `{$token}` parse_expected_semi_found_keyword_str = expected `;`, found keyword `{$token}` parse_expected_semi_found_reserved_keyword_str = expected `;`, found reserved keyword `{$token}` parse_expected_semi_found_doc_comment_str = expected `;`, found doc comment `{$token}` parse_expected_semi_found_str = expected `;`, found `{$token}` parse_sugg_change_this_to_semi = change this to `;` parse_sugg_add_semi = add `;` here parse_label_unexpected_token = unexpected token parse_unmatched_angle_brackets = {$num_extra_brackets -> [one] unmatched angle bracket *[other] unmatched angle brackets } .suggestion = {$num_extra_brackets -> [one] remove extra angle bracket *[other] remove extra angle brackets } parse_generic_parameters_without_angle_brackets = generic parameters without surrounding angle brackets .suggestion = surround the type parameters with angle brackets parse_comparison_operators_cannot_be_chained = comparison operators cannot be chained .sugg_parentheses_for_function_args = or use `(...)` if you meant to specify fn arguments .sugg_split_comparison = split the comparison into two .sugg_parenthesize = parenthesize the comparison parse_sugg_turbofish_syntax = use `::<...>` instead of `<...>` to specify lifetime, type, or const arguments parse_question_mark_in_type = invalid `?` in type .label = `?` is only allowed on expressions, not types .suggestion = if you meant to express that the type might not contain a value, use the `Option` wrapper type parse_unexpected_parentheses_in_for_head = unexpected parentheses surrounding `for` loop head .suggestion = remove parentheses in `for` loop parse_doc_comment_on_param_type = documentation comments cannot be applied to a function parameter's type .label = doc comments are not allowed here parse_attribute_on_param_type = attributes cannot be applied to a function parameter's type .label = attributes are not allowed here parse_pattern_method_param_without_body = patterns aren't allowed in methods without bodies .suggestion = give this argument a name or use an underscore to ignore it parse_self_param_not_first = unexpected `self` parameter in function .label = must be the first parameter of an associated function parse_const_generic_without_braces = expressions must be enclosed in braces to be used as const generic arguments .suggestion = enclose the `const` expression in braces parse_unexpected_const_param_declaration = unexpected `const` parameter declaration .label = expected a `const` expression, not a parameter declaration .suggestion = `const` parameters must be declared for the `impl` parse_unexpected_const_in_generic_param = expected lifetime, type, or constant, found keyword `const` .suggestion = the `const` keyword is only needed in the definition of the type parse_async_move_order_incorrect = the order of `move` and `async` is incorrect .suggestion = try switching the order parse_double_colon_in_bound = expected `:` followed by trait or lifetime .suggestion = use single colon parse_fn_ptr_with_generics = function pointer types may not have generic parameters .suggestion = consider moving the lifetime {$arity -> [one] parameter *[other] parameters } to {$for_param_list_exists -> [true] the *[false] a } `for` parameter list parse_invalid_identifier_with_leading_number = identifiers cannot start with a number parse_maybe_fn_typo_with_impl = you might have meant to write `impl` instead of `fn` .suggestion = replace `fn` with `impl` here parse_expected_fn_path_found_fn_keyword = expected identifier, found keyword `fn` .suggestion = use `Fn` to refer to the trait parse_path_single_colon = path separator must be a double colon .suggestion = use a double colon instead parse_colon_as_semi = statements are terminated with a semicolon .suggestion = use a semicolon instead parse_type_ascription_removed = if you meant to annotate an expression with a type, the type ascription syntax has been removed, see issue #101728 parse_where_clause_before_tuple_struct_body = where clauses are not allowed before tuple struct bodies .label = unexpected where clause .name_label = while parsing this tuple struct .body_label = the struct body .suggestion = move the body before the where clause parse_async_fn_in_2015 = `async fn` is not permitted in Rust 2015 .label = to use `async fn`, switch to Rust 2018 or later parse_async_block_in_2015 = `async` blocks are only allowed in Rust 2018 or later parse_self_argument_pointer = cannot pass `self` by raw pointer .label = cannot pass `self` by raw pointer parse_visibility_not_followed_by_item = visibility `{$vis}` is not followed by an item .label = the visibility .help = you likely meant to define an item, e.g., `{$vis} fn foo() {"{}"}` parse_default_not_followed_by_item = `default` is not followed by an item .label = the `default` qualifier .note = only `fn`, `const`, `type`, or `impl` items may be prefixed by `default` parse_missing_struct_for_struct_definition = missing `struct` for struct definition .suggestion = add `struct` here to parse `{$ident}` as a public struct parse_missing_fn_for_function_definition = missing `fn` for function definition .suggestion = add `fn` here to parse `{$ident}` as a public function parse_missing_fn_for_method_definition = missing `fn` for method definition .suggestion = add `fn` here to parse `{$ident}` as a public method parse_ambiguous_missing_keyword_for_item_definition = missing `fn` or `struct` for function or struct definition .suggestion = if you meant to call a macro, try .help = if you meant to call a macro, remove the `pub` and add a trailing `!` after the identifier parse_missing_trait_in_trait_impl = missing trait in a trait impl .suggestion_add_trait = add a trait here .suggestion_remove_for = for an inherent impl, drop this `for` parse_missing_for_in_trait_impl = missing `for` in a trait impl .suggestion = add `for` here parse_expected_trait_in_trait_impl_found_type = expected a trait, found type parse_non_item_in_item_list = non-item in item list .suggestion_use_const_not_let = consider using `const` instead of `let` for associated const .label_list_start = item list starts here .label_non_item = non-item starts here .label_list_end = item list ends here .suggestion_remove_semicolon = consider removing this semicolon parse_bounds_not_allowed_on_trait_aliases = bounds are not allowed on trait aliases parse_trait_alias_cannot_be_auto = trait aliases cannot be `auto` parse_trait_alias_cannot_be_unsafe = trait aliases cannot be `unsafe` parse_associated_static_item_not_allowed = associated `static` items are not allowed parse_extern_crate_name_with_dashes = crate name using dashes are not valid in `extern crate` statements .label = dash-separated idents are not valid .suggestion = if the original crate name uses dashes you need to use underscores in the code parse_extern_item_cannot_be_const = extern items cannot be `const` .suggestion = try using a static value .note = for more information, visit parse_const_global_cannot_be_mutable = const globals cannot be mutable .label = cannot be mutable .suggestion = you might want to declare a static instead parse_missing_const_type = missing type for `{$kind}` item .suggestion = provide a type for the item parse_enum_struct_mutually_exclusive = `enum` and `struct` are mutually exclusive .suggestion = replace `enum struct` with parse_unexpected_token_after_struct_name = expected `where`, `{"{"}`, `(`, or `;` after struct name parse_unexpected_token_after_struct_name_found_reserved_identifier = expected `where`, `{"{"}`, `(`, or `;` after struct name, found reserved identifier `{$token}` parse_unexpected_token_after_struct_name_found_keyword = expected `where`, `{"{"}`, `(`, or `;` after struct name, found keyword `{$token}` parse_unexpected_token_after_struct_name_found_reserved_keyword = expected `where`, `{"{"}`, `(`, or `;` after struct name, found reserved keyword `{$token}` parse_unexpected_token_after_struct_name_found_doc_comment = expected `where`, `{"{"}`, `(`, or `;` after struct name, found doc comment `{$token}` parse_unexpected_token_after_struct_name_found_other = expected `where`, `{"{"}`, `(`, or `;` after struct name, found `{$token}` parse_unexpected_self_in_generic_parameters = unexpected keyword `Self` in generic parameters .note = you cannot use `Self` as a generic parameter because it is reserved for associated items parse_unexpected_default_value_for_lifetime_in_generic_parameters = unexpected default lifetime parameter .label = lifetime parameters cannot have default values parse_multiple_where_clauses = cannot define duplicate `where` clauses on an item .label = previous `where` clause starts here .suggestion = consider joining the two `where` clauses into one parse_nonterminal_expected_item_keyword = expected an item keyword parse_nonterminal_expected_statement = expected a statement parse_nonterminal_expected_ident = expected ident, found `{$token}` parse_nonterminal_expected_lifetime = expected a lifetime, found `{$token}` parse_or_pattern_not_allowed_in_let_binding = top-level or-patterns are not allowed in `let` bindings parse_or_pattern_not_allowed_in_fn_parameters = top-level or-patterns are not allowed in function parameters parse_sugg_remove_leading_vert_in_pattern = remove the `|` parse_sugg_wrap_pattern_in_parens = wrap the pattern in parentheses parse_note_pattern_alternatives_use_single_vert = alternatives in or-patterns are separated with `|`, not `||` parse_unexpected_vert_vert_before_function_parameter = unexpected `||` before function parameter .suggestion = remove the `||` parse_label_while_parsing_or_pattern_here = while parsing this or-pattern starting here parse_unexpected_vert_vert_in_pattern = unexpected token `||` in pattern .suggestion = use a single `|` to separate multiple alternative patterns parse_trailing_vert_not_allowed = a trailing `|` is not allowed in an or-pattern .suggestion = remove the `{$token}` parse_dotdotdot_rest_pattern = unexpected `...` .label = not a valid pattern .suggestion = for a rest pattern, use `..` instead of `...` parse_pattern_on_wrong_side_of_at = pattern on wrong side of `@` .label_pattern = pattern on the left, should be on the right .label_binding = binding on the right, should be on the left .suggestion = switch the order parse_expected_binding_left_of_at = left-hand side of `@` must be a binding .label_lhs = interpreted as a pattern, not a binding .label_rhs = also a pattern .note = bindings are `x`, `mut x`, `ref x`, and `ref mut x` parse_ambiguous_range_pattern = the range pattern here has ambiguous interpretation .suggestion = add parentheses to clarify the precedence parse_unexpected_lifetime_in_pattern = unexpected lifetime `{$symbol}` in pattern .suggestion = remove the lifetime parse_ref_mut_order_incorrect = the order of `mut` and `ref` is incorrect .suggestion = try switching the order parse_mut_on_nested_ident_pattern = `mut` must be attached to each individual binding .suggestion = add `mut` to each binding parse_mut_on_non_ident_pattern = `mut` must be followed by a named binding .suggestion = remove the `mut` prefix parse_note_mut_pattern_usage = `mut` may be followed by `variable` and `variable @ pattern` parse_repeated_mut_in_pattern = `mut` on a binding may not be repeated .suggestion = remove the additional `mut`s parse_dot_dot_dot_range_to_pattern_not_allowed = range-to patterns with `...` are not allowed .suggestion = use `..=` instead parse_enum_pattern_instead_of_identifier = expected identifier, found enum pattern parse_dot_dot_dot_for_remaining_fields = expected field pattern, found `{$token_str}` .suggestion = to omit remaining fields, use `..` parse_expected_comma_after_pattern_field = expected `,` parse_return_types_use_thin_arrow = return types are denoted using `->` .suggestion = use `->` instead parse_need_plus_after_trait_object_lifetime = lifetime in trait object type must be followed by `+` parse_expected_mut_or_const_in_raw_pointer_type = expected `mut` or `const` keyword in raw pointer type .suggestion = add `mut` or `const` here parse_lifetime_after_mut = lifetime must precede `mut` .suggestion = place the lifetime before `mut` parse_dyn_after_mut = `mut` must precede `dyn` .suggestion = place `mut` before `dyn` parse_fn_pointer_cannot_be_const = an `fn` pointer type cannot be `const` .label = `const` because of this .suggestion = remove the `const` qualifier parse_fn_pointer_cannot_be_async = an `fn` pointer type cannot be `async` .label = `async` because of this .suggestion = remove the `async` qualifier parse_nested_c_variadic_type = C-variadic type `...` may not be nested inside another type parse_invalid_dyn_keyword = invalid `dyn` keyword .help = `dyn` is only needed at the start of a trait `+`-separated list .suggestion = remove this keyword parse_negative_bounds_not_supported = negative bounds are not supported .label = negative bounds are not supported .suggestion = {$num_bounds -> [one] remove the bound *[other] remove the bounds } parse_help_set_edition_cargo = set `edition = "{$edition}"` in `Cargo.toml` parse_help_set_edition_standalone = pass `--edition {$edition}` to `rustc` parse_note_edition_guide = for more on editions, read parse_unexpected_token_after_dot = unexpected token: `{$actual}` parse_cannot_be_raw_ident = `{$ident}` cannot be a raw identifier parse_cr_doc_comment = bare CR not allowed in {$block -> [true] block doc-comment *[false] doc-comment } parse_no_digits_literal = no valid digits found for number parse_invalid_digit_literal = invalid digit for a base {$base} literal parse_empty_exponent_float = expected at least one digit in exponent parse_float_literal_unsupported_base = {$base} float literal is not supported parse_more_than_one_char = character literal may only contain one codepoint .followed_by = this `{$chr}` is followed by the combining {$len -> [one] mark *[other] marks } `{$escaped_marks}` .non_printing = there are non-printing characters, the full sequence is `{$escaped}` .consider_normalized = consider using the normalized form `{$ch}` of this character .remove_non = consider removing the non-printing characters .use_double_quotes = if you meant to write a {$is_byte -> [true] byte string *[false] `str` } literal, use double quotes parse_no_brace_unicode_escape = incorrect unicode escape sequence .label = {parse_no_brace_unicode_escape} .use_braces = format of unicode escape sequences uses braces .format_of_unicode = format of unicode escape sequences is `\u{"{...}"}` parse_invalid_unicode_escape = invalid unicode character escape .label = invalid escape .help = unicode escape must {$surrogate -> [true] not be a surrogate *[false] be at most 10FFFF } parse_escape_only_char = {$byte -> [true] byte *[false] character } constant must be escaped: `{$escaped_msg}` .escape = escape the character parse_bare_cr = {$double_quotes -> [true] bare CR not allowed in string, use `\r` instead *[false] character constant must be escaped: `\r` } .escape = escape the character parse_bare_cr_in_raw_string = bare CR not allowed in raw string parse_too_short_hex_escape = numeric character escape is too short parse_invalid_char_in_escape = {parse_invalid_char_in_escape_msg}: `{$ch}` .label = {parse_invalid_char_in_escape_msg} parse_invalid_char_in_escape_msg = invalid character in {$is_hex -> [true] numeric character *[false] unicode } escape parse_out_of_range_hex_escape = out of range hex escape .label = must be a character in the range [\x00-\x7f] parse_leading_underscore_unicode_escape = {parse_leading_underscore_unicode_escape_label}: `_` parse_leading_underscore_unicode_escape_label = invalid start of unicode escape parse_overlong_unicode_escape = overlong unicode escape .label = must have at most 6 hex digits parse_unclosed_unicode_escape = unterminated unicode escape .label = missing a closing `{"}"}` .terminate = terminate the unicode escape parse_unicode_escape_in_byte = unicode escape in byte string .label = {parse_unicode_escape_in_byte} .help = unicode escape sequences cannot be used as a byte or in a byte string parse_empty_unicode_escape = empty unicode escape .label = this escape must have at least 1 hex digit parse_zero_chars = empty character literal .label = {parse_zero_chars} parse_lone_slash = invalid trailing slash in literal .label = {parse_lone_slash} parse_unskipped_whitespace = whitespace symbol '{$ch}' is not skipped .label = {parse_unskipped_whitespace} parse_multiple_skipped_lines = multiple lines skipped by escaped newline .label = skipping everything up to and including this point parse_unknown_prefix = prefix `{$prefix}` is unknown .label = unknown prefix .note = prefixed identifiers and literals are reserved since Rust 2021 .suggestion_br = use `br` for a raw byte string .suggestion_whitespace = consider inserting whitespace here parse_too_many_hashes = too many `#` symbols: raw strings may be delimited by up to 255 `#` symbols, but found {$num} parse_unknown_start_of_token = unknown start of token: {$escaped} .sugg_quotes = Unicode characters '“' (Left Double Quotation Mark) and '”' (Right Double Quotation Mark) look like '{$ascii_str}' ({$ascii_name}), but are not .sugg_other = Unicode character '{$ch}' ({$u_name}) looks like '{$ascii_str}' ({$ascii_name}), but it is not .help_null = source files must contain UTF-8 encoded text, unexpected null bytes might occur when a different encoding is used .note_repeats = character appears {$repeats -> [one] once more *[other] {$repeats} more times } parse_box_syntax_removed = `box_syntax` has been removed .suggestion = use `Box::new()` instead parse_bad_return_type_notation_output = return type not allowed with return type notation .suggestion = remove the return type parse_bad_return_type_notation_dotdot = return type notation uses `()` instead of `(..)` for elided arguments .suggestion = remove the `..` parse_bad_assoc_type_bounds = bounds on associated types do not belong here .label = belongs in `where` clause parse_attr_after_generic = trailing attribute after generic parameter .label = attributes must go before parameters parse_attr_without_generics = attribute without generic parameters .label = attributes are only permitted when preceding parameters parse_where_generics = generic parameters on `where` clauses are reserved for future use .label = currently unsupported parse_generics_in_path = unexpected generic arguments in path parse_assoc_lifetime = associated lifetimes are not supported .label = the lifetime is given here .help = if you meant to specify a trait object, write `dyn Trait + 'lifetime` parse_tilde_const_lifetime = `~const` may only modify trait bounds, not lifetime bounds parse_maybe_lifetime = `?` may only modify trait bounds, not lifetime bounds parse_parenthesized_lifetime = parenthesized lifetime bounds are not supported .suggestion = remove the parentheses parse_const_bounds_missing_tilde = const bounds must start with `~` .suggestion = add `~` parse_underscore_literal_suffix = underscore literal suffix is not allowed parse_expect_label_found_ident = expected a label, found an identifier .suggestion = labels start with a tick parse_inappropriate_default = {$article} {$descr} cannot be `default` .label = `default` because of this .note = only associated `fn`, `const`, and `type` items can be `default` parse_recover_import_as_use = expected item, found {$token_name} .suggestion = items are imported using the `use` keyword parse_single_colon_import_path = expected `::`, found `:` .suggestion = use double colon .note = import paths are delimited using `::` parse_bad_item_kind = {$descr} is not supported in {$ctx} .help = consider moving the {$descr} out to a nearby module scope parse_single_colon_struct_type = found single colon in a struct field type path .suggestion = write a path separator here parse_equals_struct_default = default values on `struct` fields aren't supported .suggestion = remove this unsupported default value parse_macro_rules_missing_bang = expected `!` after `macro_rules` .suggestion = add a `!` parse_macro_name_remove_bang = macro names aren't followed by a `!` .suggestion = remove the `!` parse_macro_rules_visibility = can't qualify macro_rules invocation with `{$vis}` .suggestion = try exporting the macro parse_macro_invocation_visibility = can't qualify macro invocation with `pub` .suggestion = remove the visibility .help = try adjusting the macro to put `{$vis}` inside the invocation parse_nested_adt = `{$kw_str}` definition cannot be nested inside `{$keyword}` .suggestion = consider creating a new `{$kw_str}` definition instead of nesting parse_function_body_equals_expr = function body cannot be `= expression;` .suggestion = surround the expression with `{"{"}` and `{"}"}` instead of `=` and `;` parse_box_not_pat = expected pattern, found {$descr} .note = `box` is a reserved keyword .suggestion = escape `box` to use it as an identifier parse_unmatched_angle = unmatched angle {$plural -> [true] brackets *[false] bracket } .suggestion = remove extra angle {$plural -> [true] brackets *[false] bracket } parse_missing_plus_in_bounds = expected `+` between lifetime and {$sym} .suggestion = add `+` parse_incorrect_braces_trait_bounds = incorrect braces around trait bounds .suggestion = remove the parentheses parse_kw_bad_case = keyword `{$kw}` is written in the wrong case .suggestion = write it in the correct case parse_meta_bad_delim = wrong meta list delimiters parse_cfg_attr_bad_delim = wrong `cfg_attr` delimiters parse_meta_bad_delim_suggestion = the delimiters should be `(` and `)` parse_malformed_cfg_attr = malformed `cfg_attr` attribute input .suggestion = missing condition and attribute .note = for more information, visit