path: root/components/dlink_tls/src/dlink_tls_rpc.erl
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1 files changed, 20 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/components/dlink_tls/src/dlink_tls_rpc.erl b/components/dlink_tls/src/dlink_tls_rpc.erl
index 6a90129..ad0d512 100644
--- a/components/dlink_tls/src/dlink_tls_rpc.erl
+++ b/components/dlink_tls/src/dlink_tls_rpc.erl
@@ -365,16 +365,20 @@ handle_socket(FromPid, PeerIP, PeerPort, data, Elems, CompSpec) ->
case opt(?DLINK_ARG_CMD, Elems, undefined) of
?debug("got authorize ~s:~w", [PeerIP, PeerPort]),
- [ RemoteAddress,
- RemotePort,
+ [ ProtoVersion,
Credentials ] =
Elems, undefined),
- process_authorize(FromPid, PeerIP, PeerPort, RemoteAddress, RemotePort,
- Credentials, CS);
+ try
+ process_authorize(FromPid, PeerIP, PeerPort,
+ Credentials, ProtoVersion, CS)
+ catch
+ throw:{protocol_failure, What} ->
+ ?error("Protocol failure (~p): ~p", [FromPid, What]),
+ exit(FromPid, protocol_failure)
+ end;
%% ?debug("got cred exch ~s:~w", [PeerIP, PeerPort]),
@@ -684,40 +688,29 @@ availability_msg(Availability, Services) ->
status_string(available ) -> ?DLINK_ARG_AVAILABLE;
status_string(unavailable) -> ?DLINK_ARG_UNAVAILABLE.
-process_authorize(FromPid, PeerIP, PeerPort, RemoteAddress,
- RemotePort, Credentials, CompSpec) ->
+process_authorize(FromPid, PeerIP, PeerPort,
+ Credentials, ProtoVersion, CompSpec) ->
?info("dlink_tls:authorize(): Peer Address: ~s:~p", [PeerIP, PeerPort ]),
- ?info("dlink_tls:authorize(): Remote Address: ~s:~p", [ RemoteAddress, RemotePort ]),
- {NRemoteAddress, NRemotePort} = Conn = {PeerIP, PeerPort},
- %% { NRemoteAddress, NRemotePort} = Conn =
- %% case { RemoteAddress, RemotePort } of
- %% { <<"">>, 0 } ->
- %% ?info("dlink_tls:authorize(): Remote is behind firewall. Will use ~p:~p",
- %% [ PeerIP, PeerPort]),
- %% { PeerIP, PeerPort };
- %% _ -> { RemoteAddress, RemotePort}
- %% end,
- log("auth ~s:~w", [NRemoteAddress, NRemotePort], CompSpec),
+ case ProtoVersion of
+ <<"1.", _/binary>> -> ok;
+ undefined -> ok;
+ _ ->
+ throw({protocol_failure, {unknown_version, ProtoVersion}})
+ end,
+ Conn = {PeerIP, PeerPort},
+ log("auth ~s:~w", [PeerIP, PeerPort], CompSpec),
PeerCert = rvi_common:get_value(dlink_tls_peer_cert, not_found, CompSpec),
authorize_rpc:store_creds(CompSpec, Credentials, Conn, PeerCert),
connection_authorized(FromPid, Conn, CompSpec).
send_authorize(Pid, CompSpec) ->
?debug("send_authorize() Pid = ~p; CompSpec = ~p", [Pid, abbrev(CompSpec)]),
- {LocalIP, LocalPort} = rvi_common:node_address_tuple(),
Creds = get_credentials(CompSpec),
dlink_tls_conn:send(Pid, rvi_common:pass_log_id(
- {?DLINK_ARG_ADDRESS, bin(LocalIP)},
- {?DLINK_ARG_PORT, LocalPort},
{?DLINK_ARG_CREDENTIALS, Creds}], CompSpec)).
-bin(S) ->
- iolist_to_binary(S).
connection_authorized(FromPid, {RemoteIP, RemotePort} = Conn, CompSpec) ->
%% If FromPid (the genserver managing the socket) is not yet registered
%% with the connection manager, this is an incoming connection