path: root/deps/netlink/src/netlink_gen.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'deps/netlink/src/netlink_gen.erl')
1 files changed, 798 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/netlink/src/netlink_gen.erl b/deps/netlink/src/netlink_gen.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0787c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/netlink/src/netlink_gen.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,798 @@
+%%% @author tony <>
+%%% @copyright (C) 2013, tony
+%%% @doc
+%%% Generate netlink decoder & header files
+%%% @end
+%%% Created : 29 May 2013 by tony <>
+-define(INFILE, "").
+-define(ERL_MOD, "netl_codec").
+-define(INT_SIZE_32, true).
+-define(LONG_SIZE_32, true).
+-define(int_t, int32_t).
+-define(uint_t, uint32_t).
+-define(int_t, int64_t).
+-define(uint_t, uint64_t).
+-define(long_t, int32_t).
+-define(ulong_t, uint32_t).
+-define(long_t, int64_t).
+-define(ulong_t, uint64_t).
+-define(short_t, int16_t).
+-define(ushort_t, uint16_t).
+-define(char_t, int8_t).
+-define(uchar_t, uint8_t).
+ {
+ error = 0 :: integer(), %% number of errors detected
+ defs :: term(), %% Symbol -> Value
+ enums :: term(), %% Name->[{atom(),integer()}]}
+ attrs :: term(), %% Name->[{atom(),integer(),type()}]
+ recs :: term() %% Name->[{atom(),integer(),type()}]
+ }).
+start() ->
+ G0 = #gen { defs = dict:new(),
+ enums = dict:new(),
+ attrs = dict:new(),
+ recs = dict:new() },
+ {ok,Fd} = file:open(?INFILE, [read]),
+ try fold_file_terms(fun load_term/3, G0, Fd) of
+ {ok,G1} ->
+ ok = emit_hrl(G1),
+ ok = emit_erl(G1);
+ Error -> Error
+ after
+ file:close(Fd)
+ end.
+load_term({define,Name,Value},Ln,G) ->
+ Value1 = lookup_value(Value, G),
+ D = case dict:find(Name, G#gen.defs) of
+ {ok,Value1} ->
+ G#gen.defs;
+ {ok,_Value2} ->
+ io:format("~s:~w: warning ~s redefined\n",
+ [?INFILE,Ln,Name]),
+ dict:store(Name,Value1,G#gen.defs);
+ error ->
+ dict:store(Name,Value1,G#gen.defs)
+ end,
+ G#gen { defs = D };
+load_term({enum,Name,Enums}, Ln, G) when is_atom(Name), is_list(Enums) ->
+ case dict:find(Name, G#gen.enums) of
+ {ok,_Enums} ->
+ io:format("~s:~w: error ~s allready defined\n",
+ [?INFILE,Ln,Name]),
+ G1 = inc_error(G),
+ load_enums(Name,Enums,Ln,G1);
+ error ->
+ load_enums(Name,Enums,Ln,G)
+ end;
+load_term({attribute,Name,Attrs}, Ln, G) when is_atom(Name), is_list(Attrs) ->
+ case dict:find(Name, G#gen.attrs) of
+ {ok,_Attrs} ->
+ io:format("~s:~w: error ~s allready defined\n",
+ [?INFILE,Ln,Name]),
+ G1 = inc_error(G),
+ load_attrs(Name,Attrs,Ln,G1);
+ error ->
+ load_attrs(Name,Attrs,Ln,G)
+ end;
+load_term({record,Name,Fields}, Ln, G) when is_atom(Name), is_list(Fields) ->
+ case dict:find(Name, G#gen.recs) of
+ {ok,_Attrs} ->
+ io:format("~s:~w: error ~s allready defined\n",
+ [?INFILE,Ln,Name]),
+ G1 = inc_error(G),
+ load_fields(Name,Fields,Ln,G1);
+ error ->
+ load_fields(Name,Fields,Ln,G)
+ end;
+load_term({record,Name,Type}, Ln, G) when is_atom(Name), is_atom(Type) ->
+ case dict:find(Type, G#gen.recs) of
+ error ->
+ io:format("~s:~w: error ~s not defined\n",
+ [?INFILE,Ln,Type]),
+ G1 = inc_error(G),
+ G2 = load_fields(Type,[],Ln,G1),
+ load_fields(Name,Type,Ln,G2);
+ {ok,_} ->
+ case dict:find(Name, G#gen.recs) of
+ {ok,_Attrs} ->
+ io:format("~s:~w: error ~s allready defined\n",
+ [?INFILE,Ln,Name]),
+ G1 = inc_error(G),
+ load_fields(Name,Type,Ln,G1);
+ error ->
+ load_fields(Name,Type,Ln,G)
+ end
+ end;
+load_term(Other, Ln, G) ->
+ io:format("~s:~w: error badly formed term ~p\n", [?INFILE,Ln,Other]),
+ inc_error(G).
+%% Load enums, enumerate warn about multiple usage of names and values!
+load_enums(Name,Enums0,Ln,G) ->
+ Enums = enumerate(Enums0,G),
+ G1 = check_enumeration(Name,Enums,Ln,G),
+ D = dict:store(Name, Enums, G1#gen.enums),
+ G1#gen { enums = D}.
+check_enumeration(Name,[{E,V}|Es],Ln,G) ->
+ case lists:keyfind(E,1,Es) of
+ false ->
+ case lists:keyfind(V,2,Es) of
+ false ->
+ check_enumeration(Name,Es,Ln,G);
+ {E1,V} ->
+ io:format("~s:~w: value for ~w also used by ~w\n",
+ [?INFILE,Ln,E,E1]),
+ G1 = inc_error(G),
+ check_enumeration(Name,Es,Ln,G1)
+ end;
+ {E,_V1} ->
+ io:format("~s:~w: enum ~s multiply defined\n",
+ [?INFILE,Ln,E]),
+ G1 = inc_error(G),
+ check_enumeration(Name,Es,Ln,G1)
+ end;
+check_enumeration(_Name, [], _Ln,G) ->
+ G.
+%% generate uniq values for names not assigne values
+enumerate(Enums,G) ->
+ Enums1 = lists:map(fun({E,V}) -> {E,lookup_value(V,G)};
+ (E) -> E
+ end, Enums),
+ Vs0 = lists:foldl(fun({_E,V},Acc) -> [V|Acc];
+ (_E,Acc) -> Acc
+ end, [], Enums1),
+ Vs1 = lists:usort(Vs0),
+ enumerate(Enums1, 0, Vs1).
+enumerate([{E,V}|Es], I, Vs) when is_atom(E) ->
+ [{E,V}|enumerate(Es, I, Vs)];
+enumerate(Es0=[E|Es], I, Vs) when is_atom(E) ->
+ case lists:member(I,Vs) of
+ true -> enumerate(Es0,I+1,Vs);
+ false -> [{E,I}|enumerate(Es,I+1,Vs)]
+ end;
+enumerate([],_I,_Vs) ->
+ [].
+%% Load record fields
+load_fields(Name,Type,_Ln,G) when is_atom(Type) ->
+ D = dict:store(Name, Type, G#gen.recs),
+ G#gen { recs = D };
+load_fields(Name,Fields,Ln,G) ->
+ Fields1 = [{F,I,T} ||
+ {I,{F,T}} <-
+ lists:zip(lists:seq(1,length(Fields)),Fields)],
+ G1 = check_fields(Name,Fields1,Ln,G),
+ D = dict:store(Name, Fields1, G1#gen.recs),
+ G1#gen { recs = D }.
+check_fields(Name,[{'_',_I,T}|Fs],Ln,G) ->
+ G1 = check_type({record,Name,'_'}, T, Ln, G),
+ check_fields(Name, Fs, Ln, G1);
+check_fields(Name,[{F,_I,T}|Fs],Ln,G) ->
+ case lists:keymember(F,1,Fs) of
+ true ->
+ io:format("~s:~w: field ~s multiply defined\n",
+ [?INFILE,Ln,F]),
+ G1 = inc_error(G),
+ G2 = check_type({record,Name,F}, T, Ln, G1),
+ check_fields(Name, Fs, Ln, G2);
+ false ->
+ G1 = check_type({record,Name,F}, T, Ln, G),
+ check_fields(Name, Fs, Ln, G1)
+ end;
+check_fields(_Name,[],_Ln,G) ->
+ G.
+%% Load attribute fields
+load_attrs(Name,Attrs,Ln,G) ->
+ Attrs1 = [{A,I,T} ||
+ {I,{A,T}} <- lists:zip(lists:seq(0,length(Attrs)-1),Attrs)],
+ G1 = check_attrs(Name,Attrs1,Ln,G),
+ D = dict:store(Name, Attrs1, G1#gen.attrs),
+ G1#gen { attrs = D }.
+check_attrs(Name,[{A,_I,T}|As],Ln,G) ->
+ case lists:keymember(A,1,As) of
+ true ->
+ io:format("~s:~w: attribute ~s multiply defined\n",
+ [?INFILE,Ln,A]),
+ G1 = inc_error(G),
+ G2 = check_type({attribute,Name,A}, T, Ln, G1),
+ check_attrs(Name, As, Ln, G2);
+ false ->
+ G1 = check_type({attribute,Name,A}, T, Ln, G),
+ check_attrs(Name, As, Ln, G1)
+ end;
+check_attrs(_Name,[],_Ln,G) ->
+ G.
+emit_hrl(G) ->
+ {ok,Fd} = file:open(?ERL_MOD++".hrl", [write]),
+ try
+ dict:fold(
+ fun(K,V,_A) ->
+ io:format(Fd, "-define(~s, ~w).\n", [K, V])
+ end, ok, G#gen.defs),
+ dict:fold(
+ fun(K,V,_A) ->
+ Fields = lookup_fields(V, G),
+ Fs = list_to_tuple([N || {N,_I,_Type} <- Fields, N =/= '_']),
+ io:format(Fd, "-record(~s, ~w).\n", [K, Fs])
+ end, ok, G#gen.recs)
+ of
+ R -> R
+ after
+ file:close(Fd)
+ end.
+emit_erl(G) ->
+ {ok,Fd} = file:open(?ERL_MOD++".erl", [write]),
+ io:format(Fd, "-module(~s).\n", [?ERL_MOD]),
+ io:format(Fd, "-include(~p).\n", [?ERL_MOD++".hrl"]),
+ try emit_codec_(Fd, G) of
+ ok -> ok
+ after
+ file:close(Fd)
+ end.
+emit_codec_(Fd, G) ->
+ dict:fold(
+ fun(Name,_Tab,_) ->
+ io:format(Fd, "-export([dec_~s/1, enc_~s/1]).\n",
+ [Name,Name])
+ end, ok, G#gen.enums),
+ dict:fold(
+ fun(Name,_Tab,_) ->
+ io:format(Fd, "-export([dec_~s/1, enc_~s/1]).\n",
+ [Name,Name])
+ end, ok, G#gen.attrs),
+ dict:fold(
+ fun(Name,_Tab,_) ->
+ io:format(Fd, "-export([dec_~s/1, enc_~s/1]).\n",
+ [Name,Name])
+ end, ok, G#gen.recs),
+ dict:fold(
+ fun(Name,Tab,_) ->
+ %% decode
+ lists:foreach(
+ fun({Enum,Value}) ->
+ io:format(Fd,"dec_~s(~w) -> ~s;\n", [Name,Value,Enum])
+ end, Tab),
+ io:format(Fd,"dec_~s(V) -> V.\n", [Name]),
+ %% encode
+ lists:foreach(
+ fun({Enum,Value}) ->
+ io:format(Fd,"enc_~s(~s) -> ~w;\n", [Name,Enum,Value])
+ end, Tab),
+ io:format(Fd,"enc_~s(V) when is_integer(V) -> V;\n", [Name]),
+ io:format(Fd,"enc_~s(E) -> erlang:error({undefined,E}).\n",
+ [Name])
+ end, ok, G#gen.enums),
+ dict:fold(
+ fun(Name,Tab0,_) ->
+ %% extend addr_t => ipv4_addr_t | ipv6_addr_t
+ Tab = lists:foldr(
+ fun({A,I,addr_t},Acc) ->
+ [{A,I,ipv4_addr_t},{A,I,ipv6_addr_t} | Acc];
+ (E,Acc) -> [E|Acc]
+ end, [], Tab0),
+ lists:foreach(
+ fun({Attr,Index,Type}) ->
+ {M1,R1} = match_code(Type,native,"X",G),
+ io:format(Fd,
+ "dec_~s({~w,native,<<~s>>}) ->\n"
+ " {~s,~s};\n",
+ [Name,Index,M1,Attr,R1]),
+ {M2,R2} = match_code(Type,big,"X",G),
+ io:format(Fd,
+ "dec_~s({~w,big,<<~s>>}) ->\n"
+ " {~s,~s};\n",
+ [Name,Index,M2,Attr,R2])
+ end, Tab),
+ io:format(Fd,"dec_~s({I,_Endian,Bin}) -> {I,Bin}.\n", [Name]),
+ lists:foreach(
+ fun({Attr,Index,Type}) ->
+ {M1,C1} = gen_code(Type,native,"X",G),
+ io:format(Fd,"enc_~s({~s,native,~s}) ->\n"
+ " {~w,native,<<~s>>};\n",
+ [Name,Attr,M1,Index,C1]),
+ {M2,C2} = gen_code(Type,big,"X",G),
+ io:format(Fd,"enc_~s({~s,big,~s}) ->\n"
+ " {~w,big,<<~s>>};\n",
+ [Name,Attr,M2,Index,C2])
+ end, Tab),
+ io:format(Fd,"enc_~s({I,Endian,X}) -> {I,Endian,X}.\n", [Name])
+ end, ok, G#gen.attrs),
+ dict:fold(
+ fun(Name,RecType,_) ->
+ Fields = lookup_fields(RecType, G),
+ Named = [{Fi,Ix,Ti} || {Fi,Ix,Ti} <- Fields, Fi =/= '_'],
+ {Ms,Rs} = match_record_code(Fields, native, "X", G),
+ M = io_list_join(Ms, ","),
+ Rs1 = lists:map(fun({{Fi,_,_Ti},Ri}) ->
+ [atom_to_list(Fi),"=",Ri]
+ end, lists:zip(Named,Rs)),
+ R1 = ["#",atom_to_list(Name),"{", io_list_join(Rs1,","), "}"],
+ io:format(Fd,"dec_~s({native,<<~s>>}) ->\n"
+ " ~s.\n",
+ [Name,M,R1]),
+ {Ts,Bs} = gen_record_code(Fields, native, "X", G),
+ Ts1 = lists:map(fun({{Fi,_,_Ti},Ri}) ->
+ [atom_to_list(Fi),"=",Ri]
+ end, lists:zip(Named,Ts)),
+ R2 = ["#",atom_to_list(Name),"{", io_list_join(Ts1,","), "}"],
+ B = io_list_join(Bs, ","),
+ io:format(Fd,"enc_~s({_Endian,~s}) -> <<~s>>.\n",
+ [Name,R2,B]),
+ ok
+ end, ok, G#gen.recs).
+check_type(Ctx, {array,T}, Ln, G) ->
+ case is_base_type(T) of
+ true ->
+ G;
+ false ->
+ io:format("~s:~w: type ~w not allowed as base type in ~w\n",
+ [?INFILE,Ln,T,Ctx]),
+ inc_error(G)
+ end;
+check_type(_Ctx, {enum,Type,Enum}, Ln, G)
+ when is_atom(Type), is_atom(Enum) ->
+ case is_integer_type(Type) of
+ true ->
+ case dict:find(Enum, G#gen.enums) of
+ {ok,_} -> G;
+ error ->
+ io:format("~s:~w: enum type ~s not defined\n",
+ [?INFILE,Ln,Enum]),
+ inc_error(G)
+ end;
+ false ->
+ io:format("~s:~w: enum must have an integer base type\n",
+ [?INFILE,Ln]),
+ inc_error(G)
+ end;
+check_type(_Ctx, {flags,Type,Enum}, Ln, G)
+ when is_atom(Type), is_atom(Enum) ->
+ case is_unsigned_type(Type) of
+ true ->
+ case dict:find(Enum, G#gen.enums) of
+ {ok,_} -> G;
+ error ->
+ io:format("~s:~w: enum type ~s not defined\n",
+ [?INFILE,Ln,Enum]),
+ inc_error(G)
+ end;
+ false ->
+ io:format("~s:~w: flags must have an unsigned base type\n",
+ [?INFILE,Ln]),
+ inc_error(G)
+ end;
+check_type(Ctx, {tlvs,Name}, Ln, G) ->
+ %% fixme, check that Ctx is {attribute,...}
+ case dict:find(Name, G#gen.attrs) of
+ error ->
+ io:format("~s:~w: attribute type ~s name not found in ~w\n",
+ [?INFILE,Ln,Name,Ctx]),
+ inc_error(G);
+ {ok,_} ->
+ G
+ end;
+check_type(Ctx, T, Ln, G) ->
+ case is_base_type(T) of
+ true -> G;
+ false ->
+ case T of
+ string_t -> G;
+ binary_t -> G;
+ Type when is_atom(Type) ->
+ case lookup_type(Type, G) of
+ false ->
+ io:format("~s:~w: type ~s name not found in ~w\n",
+ [?INFILE,Ln,Type,Ctx]),
+ inc_error(G);
+ _Typedef ->
+ G
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ io:format("~s:~w: type ~w not allowed in ~w\n",
+ [?INFILE,Ln,T,Ctx]),
+ inc_error(G)
+ end
+ end.
+is_base_type(T) ->
+ case is_integer_type(T) of
+ true -> true;
+ false ->
+ case T of
+ addr_t -> true;
+ ether_addr_t -> true;
+ ipv4_addr_t -> true;
+ ipv6_addr_t -> true;
+ _ -> false
+ end
+ end.
+is_integer_type(T) ->
+ is_unsigned_type(T) orelse is_signed_type(T).
+is_unsigned_type(T) ->
+ case T of
+ ulong_t -> true;
+ ushort_t -> true;
+ uchar_t -> true;
+ uint_t -> true;
+ uint8_t -> true;
+ uint16_t -> true;
+ uint32_t -> true;
+ uint64_t -> true;
+ _ -> false
+ end.
+is_signed_type(T) ->
+ case T of
+ long_t -> true;
+ int_t -> true;
+ short_t -> true;
+ char_t -> true;
+ int8_t -> true;
+ int16_t -> true;
+ int32_t -> true;
+ int64_t -> true;
+ _ -> false
+ end.
+%% generate match code
+%% {BitMatch, TermCode}
+match_code(int_t, E, X, G) -> match_code(?int_t, E, X, G);
+match_code(uint_t, E, X, G) -> match_code(?uint_t, E, X, G);
+match_code(long_t, E, X, G) -> match_code(?long_t, E, X, G);
+match_code(ulong_t, E, X, G) -> match_code(?ulong_t, E, X, G);
+match_code(short_t, E, X, G) -> match_code(?short_t, E, X, G);
+match_code(ushort_t, E, X, G) -> match_code(?ushort_t, E, X, G);
+match_code(char_t, E, X, G) -> match_code(?char_t, E, X, G);
+match_code(uchar_t, E, X, G) -> match_code(?uchar_t, E, X, G);
+match_code(uint64_t,native,X,_G) -> match_int_code(X,64,unsigned,native);
+match_code(uint32_t,native,X,_G) -> match_int_code(X,32,unsigned,native);
+match_code(uint16_t,native,X,_G) -> match_int_code(X,16,unsigned,native);
+match_code(uint8_t,native,X,_G) -> match_int_code(X,8,unsigned,native);
+match_code(uint64_t,big,X,_G) -> match_int_code(X,64,unsigned,big);
+match_code(uint32_t,big,X,_G) -> match_int_code(X,32,unsigned,big);
+match_code(uint16_t,big,X,_G) -> match_int_code(X,16,unsigned,big);
+match_code(uint8_t,big,X,_G) -> match_int_code(X,8,unsigned,big);
+match_code(uint64_t,little,X,_G) -> match_int_code(X,64,unsigned,little);
+match_code(uint32_t,little,X,_G) -> match_int_code(X,32,unsigned,little);
+match_code(uint16_t,little,X,_G) -> match_int_code(X,16,unsigned,little);
+match_code(uint8_t,little,X,_G) -> match_int_code(X,8,unsigned,little);
+match_code(int64_t,native,X,_G) -> match_int_code(X,64,signed,native);
+match_code(int32_t,native,X,_G) -> match_int_code(X,32,signed,native);
+match_code(int16_t,native,X,_G) -> match_int_code(X,16,signed,native);
+match_code(int8_t,native,X,_G) -> match_int_code(X,8,signed,native);
+match_code(int64_t,big,X,_G) -> match_int_code(X,64,signed,big);
+match_code(int32_t,big,X,_G) -> match_int_code(X,32,signed,big);
+match_code(int16_t,big,X,_G) -> match_int_code(X,16,signed,big);
+match_code(int8_t, big,X,_G) -> match_int_code(X,8,signed,big);
+match_code(int64_t,little,X,_G) -> match_int_code(X,64,signed,little);
+match_code(int32_t,little,X,_G) -> match_int_code(X,32,signed,little);
+match_code(int16_t,little,X,_G) -> match_int_code(X,16,signed,little);
+match_code(int8_t,little,X,_G) -> match_int_code(X,8,signed,little);
+match_code(binary_t,_Endian,X,_G) ->
+ {[X,"/binary"],X};
+match_code(string_t,_Endian,X,_G) ->
+ {[X,"/binary"], ["binary_to_list(hd(binary:split(",X,",","<<0>>)))"]};
+match_code({enum,BaseType,Name},Endian,X,G) ->
+ Xe = X++"e",
+ Decode = "dec_"++atom_to_list(Name),
+ {Match,Value} = match_code(BaseType,Endian,Xe,G),
+ {Match,[Decode,"(",Value,")"]};
+match_code({flags,BaseType,Name},Endian,X,G) ->
+ Xf = X++"f",
+ Decode = "dec_"++atom_to_list(Name),
+ {Match,Value} = match_code(BaseType,Endian,Xf,G),
+ {Match,["netlink_codec:decode_flags(",Value,",fun ",Decode,"/1)"]};
+match_code({array,BaseType},Endian,X,G) ->
+ %% [Xi || <<Xi:32/unsigned-big>> <= X ]
+ Xi = X++"i",
+ %% Well, Xi must be equal to Value here!
+ {Match,Value} = match_code(BaseType,Endian,Xi,G),
+ {[X,"/binary"], ["[",Value," || <<",Match,">> <= ",X,"]"] };
+match_code({tlvs,Name},_Endian,X,_G) ->
+ Xi = X++"i",
+ Decode = "dec_"++atom_to_list(Name),
+ {[X,"/binary"],
+ ["[",Decode,"(",Xi,") || ",
+ Xi," <- netlink_codec:decode_tlv_list(",X,")]"]};
+match_code(ether_addr_t, _, X,_G) ->
+ Xs = [X++integer_to_list(I) || I <- lists:seq(1,6)],
+ {string:join(Xs,","), ["{", string:join(Xs,","), "}"]};
+match_code(ipv4_addr_t, _, X,_G) ->
+ Xi = [X++integer_to_list(I) || I <- lists:seq(1,4)],
+ Xm = [J++":8" || J <- Xi],
+ {string:join(Xm,","),
+ ["{", string:join(Xi,","), "}"]};
+match_code(ipv6_addr_t,_,X,_G) ->
+ Xi = [X++integer_to_list(I) || I <- lists:seq(1,8)],
+ Xm = [J++":16" || J <- Xi],
+ {string:join(Xm,","),
+ ["{", string:join(Xi,","), "}"]};
+%% match_code(addr_t,_,X,_G) ->
+%% Xi = [X++integer_to_list(I) || I <- lists:seq(1,4)],
+%% Xm = [J++":8" || J <- Xi],
+%% {string:join(Xm,","),
+%% ["{", string:join(Xi,","), "}"]};
+match_code(Name,Endian,X,G) ->
+ case dict:find(Name, G#gen.recs) of
+ error ->
+ %% assume attribute!
+ {ok,_} = dict:find(Name, G#gen.attrs),
+ Decode = "dec_"++atom_to_list(Name),
+ {[X,"/binary"], [Decode,"(netlink_codec:decode_tlv(",X,"))"]};
+ {ok,RecType} ->
+ Fields = lookup_fields(RecType,G),
+ Named = [{Fi,Ix,Ti} || {Fi,Ix,Ti} <- Fields, Fi =/= '_'],
+ {Ms,Rs} = match_record_code(Fields, Endian, X, G),
+ M = io_list_join(Ms, ","),
+ Rs1 = lists:map(fun({{Fi,_,_Ti},Ri}) ->
+ [atom_to_list(Fi),"=",Ri]
+ end, lists:zip(Named,Rs)),
+ R = ["#",atom_to_list(Name),"{", io_list_join(Rs1,","), "}"],
+ {M, R}
+ end.
+match_record_code(Fs, Endian, X, G) ->
+ match_record_code_(Fs, Endian, X, G, [], []).
+match_record_code_([{'_',_Ix,Type}|Fs], Endian, X, G, Ms, Rs) ->
+ {M,_R} = match_code(Type, Endian, "_", G),
+ match_record_code_(Fs, Endian, X, G, [M|Ms], Rs);
+match_record_code_([{_Field,Ix,Type}|Fs], Endian, X, G, Ms, Rs) ->
+ Xi = X++integer_to_list(Ix),
+ {M,R} = match_code(Type, Endian, Xi, G),
+ match_record_code_(Fs, Endian, X, G, [M|Ms], [R|Rs]);
+match_record_code_([], _Endian, _X, _G, Ms, Rs) ->
+ {lists:reverse(Ms), lists:reverse(Rs)}.
+%% X:Size/<sign>-<endian> => Decode
+%% {BitMatch,Decode}
+match_int_code(X,Size,Sign,Endian) ->
+ {[X,":",integer_to_list(Size),"/",
+ atom_to_list(Sign),"-",atom_to_list(Endian)], X}.
+%% generate generate-code
+%% return {Encode, BitConstruct}
+gen_code(int_t, E, X, G) -> gen_code(?int_t, E, X, G);
+gen_code(uint_t, E, X, G) -> gen_code(?uint_t, E, X, G);
+gen_code(long_t, E, X, G) -> gen_code(?long_t, E, X, G);
+gen_code(ulong_t, E, X, G) -> gen_code(?ulong_t, E, X, G);
+gen_code(short_t, E, X, G) -> gen_code(?short_t, E, X, G);
+gen_code(ushort_t, E, X, G) -> gen_code(?ushort_t, E, X, G);
+gen_code(char_t, E, X, G) -> gen_code(?char_t, E, X, G);
+gen_code(uchar_t, E, X, G) -> gen_code(?uchar_t, E, X, G);
+gen_code(uint64_t,native,X,_G) -> gen_int_code(X,64,unsigned,native);
+gen_code(uint32_t,native,X,_G) -> gen_int_code(X,32,unsigned,native);
+gen_code(uint16_t,native,X,_G) -> gen_int_code(X,16,unsigned,native);
+gen_code(uint8_t,native,X,_G) -> gen_int_code(X,8,unsigned,native);
+gen_code(uint64_t,big,X,_G) -> gen_int_code(X,64,unsigned,big);
+gen_code(uint32_t,big,X,_G) -> gen_int_code(X,32,unsigned,big);
+gen_code(uint16_t,big,X,_G) -> gen_int_code(X,16,unsigned,big);
+gen_code(uint8_t,big,X,_G) -> gen_int_code(X,8,unsigned,big);
+gen_code(uint64_t,little,X,_G) -> gen_int_code(X,64,unsigned,little);
+gen_code(uint32_t,little,X,_G) -> gen_int_code(X,32,unsigned,little);
+gen_code(uint16_t,little,X,_G) -> gen_int_code(X,16,unsigned,little);
+gen_code(uint8_t,little,X,_G) -> gen_int_code(X,8,unsigned,little);
+gen_code(int64_t,native,X,_G) -> gen_int_code(X,64,signed,native);
+gen_code(int32_t,native,X,_G) -> gen_int_code(X,32,signed,native);
+gen_code(int16_t,native,X,_G) -> gen_int_code(X,16,signed,native);
+gen_code(int8_t,native,X,_G) -> gen_int_code(X,8,signed,native);
+gen_code(int64_t,big,X,_G) -> gen_int_code(X,64,signed,big);
+gen_code(int32_t,big,X,_G) -> gen_int_code(X,32,signed,big);
+gen_code(int16_t,big,X,_G) -> gen_int_code(X,16,signed,big);
+gen_code(int8_t,big,X,_G) -> gen_int_code(X,8,signed,big);
+gen_code(int64_t,little,X,_G) -> gen_int_code(X,64,signed,little);
+gen_code(int32_t,little,X,_G) -> gen_int_code(X,32,signed,little);
+gen_code(int16_t,little,X,_G) -> gen_int_code(X,16,signed,little);
+gen_code(int8_t,little,X,_G) -> gen_int_code(X,8,signed,little);
+gen_code(binary_t, _Endian, X,_G) ->
+ {X, X};
+gen_code(string_t, _Endian, X,_G) ->
+ {X, ["(erlang:iolist_to_binary([",X,",0","]))/binary"]};
+gen_code({enum,BaseType,Name},Endian,X,G) ->
+ Encode = "enc_"++atom_to_list(Name),
+ E = ["(",Encode,"(",X,"))"],
+ {_M,C} = gen_code(BaseType,Endian,E,G),
+ {X,C};
+gen_code({flags,BaseType,Name},Endian,X,G) ->
+ Encode = "enc_"++atom_to_list(Name),
+ E = ["(","netlink_codec:encode_flags(",X,",fun ",Encode,"/1))"],
+ {_M,C} = gen_code(BaseType,Endian,E,G),
+ {X,C};
+gen_code({array,BaseType},Endian,X,G) ->
+ Xi = X++"i",
+ {_M,C} = gen_code(BaseType,Endian,Xi,G), %% M=Xi! only simple base types!
+ {X, ["(<< <<",C,">>", " || ",Xi," <- ",X,">>)/binary"]};
+gen_code({tlvs,Name},_Endian,X,_G) ->
+ Xi = X++"i",
+ Encode = "enc_"++atom_to_list(Name),
+ {X, [ "(netlink_codec:encode_tlv_list(",
+ "[",Encode,"(",Xi,") || ", Xi," <- ",X,"]", "))/binary"]};
+gen_code(ether_addr_t,_,X,_G) ->
+ Xi = [X++integer_to_list(I) || I <- lists:seq(1,6)],
+ Xm = [J++":8" || J <- Xi],
+ {["{", string:join(Xi,","),"}"], string:join(Xm,",") };
+gen_code(ipv4_addr_t,_,X,_G) ->
+ Xi = [X++integer_to_list(I) || I <- lists:seq(1,4)],
+ Xm = [J++":8" || J <- Xi],
+ {["{", string:join(Xi,","),"}"], string:join(Xm,",")};
+gen_code(ipv6_addr_t,_,X,_G) ->
+ Xi = [X++integer_to_list(I) || I <- lists:seq(1,8)],
+ Xm = [J++":16" || J <- Xi],
+ {["{", string:join(Xi,","), "}"], string:join(Xm,",")};
+%% gen_code(addr_t,_,X,_G) ->
+%% %% FIXME: use address family from message ?
+%% Xi = [X++integer_to_list(I) || I <- lists:seq(1,4)],
+%% Xm = [J++":8" || J <- Xi],
+%% {["{", string:join(Xi,","),"}"], string:join(Xm,",")};
+gen_code(Name,Endian,X,G) ->
+ case dict:find(Name, G#gen.recs) of
+ error ->
+ %% assume attribute!
+ Encode = "enc_"++atom_to_list(Name),
+ {X, [ "(netlink_codec:encode_tlv(",Encode,"(",X,")))"]};
+ {ok,RecType} ->
+ Fields = lookup_fields(RecType,G),
+ Named = [{Fi,Ix,Ti} || {Fi,Ix,Ti} <- Fields, Fi =/= '_'],
+ %% must be record
+ {Ts,Bs} = gen_record_code(Fields, Endian, X, G),
+ Ts1 = lists:map(fun({{Fi,_,_Ti},Ri}) ->
+ [atom_to_list(Fi),"=",Ri]
+ end, lists:zip(Named,Ts)),
+ R = ["#",atom_to_list(Name),"{", io_list_join(Ts1,","), "}"],
+ B = io_list_join(Bs, ","),
+ {R, B}
+ end.
+gen_record_code(Fs, Endian, X, G) ->
+ gen_record_code_(Fs, Endian, X, G, [], []).
+gen_record_code_([{'_',_Ix,Type}|Fs], Endian, X, G, Ms, Bs) ->
+ {_M,B} = gen_code(Type, Endian, "0", G),
+ gen_record_code_(Fs, Endian, X, G, Ms, [B|Bs]);
+gen_record_code_([{_Field,Ix,Type}|Fs], Endian, X, G, Ms, Bs) ->
+ Xi = X++integer_to_list(Ix),
+ {M,B} = gen_code(Type, Endian, Xi, G),
+ gen_record_code_(Fs, Endian, X, G, [M|Ms], [B|Bs]);
+gen_record_code_([], _Endian, _X, _G, Ms, Bs) ->
+ {lists:reverse(Ms), lists:reverse(Bs)}.
+%% return {TermMatch,BitConstruct}
+gen_int_code(X,Size,Sign,Endian) ->
+ {X, [X,":",integer_to_list(Size),"/",
+ atom_to_list(Sign),"-",atom_to_list(Endian)]}.
+%% io_list_join like string:join but for io_lists
+io_list_join([], _Sep) -> [];
+io_list_join([A], _Sep) -> [A];
+io_list_join([A|As], Sep) -> [A,Sep|io_list_join(As,Sep)].
+%% Get record indirections
+lookup_fields(Name, G) when is_atom(Name) ->
+ case dict:find(Name, G#gen.recs) of
+ {ok,Name1} ->
+ lookup_fields(Name1, G)
+ end;
+lookup_fields(Fields,_G) when is_list(Fields) ->
+ Fields.
+%% Lookup defined value
+lookup_value(Value, _G) when is_integer(Value) ->
+ Value;
+lookup_value(Name, G) when is_atom(Name) ->
+ case dict:find(Name, G#gen.defs) of
+ {ok,Name} -> Name; %% recursive!
+ {ok,Value} when is_atom(Value) -> lookup_value(Value,G);
+ {ok,Value} when is_integer(Value) -> Value;
+ error -> Name
+ end.
+%% lookup named type (record / attribute)
+lookup_type(Name, G) when is_atom(Name) ->
+ case dict:find(Name, G#gen.attrs) of
+ error ->
+ case dict:find(Name, G#gen.recs) of
+ error ->
+ false;
+ {ok,Value} -> {attribute,Name,Value}
+ end;
+ {ok,Value} -> {record,Name,Value}
+ end.
+inc_error(G) ->
+ G#gen { error = G#gen.error + 1}.
+%% util to fold all terms in a file
+fold_file_terms(Fun, Acc, Fd) ->
+ fold_file_terms(Fun, Acc, 1, Fd).
+fold_file_terms(Fun, Acc, Line, Fd) ->
+ case io:read(Fd, '', Line) of
+ {ok,Term,EndLine} ->
+ fold_file_terms(Fun, Fun(Term,Line,Acc), EndLine,Fd);
+ {error,Error,Line} ->
+ io:format("parse error:~w: ~p\n", [Line,Error]),
+ {error,Error};
+ {eof,_Line} ->
+ {ok,Acc}
+ end.