path: root/deps/wse/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/wse/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 88 deletions
diff --git a/deps/wse/ b/deps/wse/
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index a9443f3..0000000
--- a/deps/wse/
+++ /dev/null
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-wse - Websockets for Erlang
-WSE is a simple, standalone, websocket server which execute
-request in the browser instead of in the web server. There is a bit
-of boot strapping that may need help from a web server. But a simple
-web page and a browser is all that it takes to get running.
-To get control of part of a web page (or all of it) use the following
-HTML snippet. Also make sure you have ej.js and wse.js in the same directory.
- <html><head>
- <title>wse demo page</title>
- <script src='ej.js'></script>
- <script src='wse.js'></script>
- <script>
- window.onload = function() {
- if ("ws://localhost:1234/websession"))
- Wse.start('wse_demo', 'run', ["myid"]);
- };
- </script></head>
- <body>
- <div id="myid"></div>
- </body></html>
-Next thing is to start erlang wse server (default to port 1234):
- $ erl
- > wse_server:start().
-Then have the erlang module wse_demo in the path somewhere:
- -module(wse_demo).
- -export([run/2]).
- run(Ws, Where) ->
- ElemNode = wse:createElement(Ws, "p"),
- TextNode = wse:createTextNode(Ws, "Hello world"),
- wse:appendChild(Ws, ElemNode, TextNode),
- wse:appendChild(Ws, wse:id(Where), ElemNode).
-The browser will call wse_demo:run (via the websocket) with the web socket proxy process as a the first argument and the "myid" as the second argument. From thereon the web page can be manipulated at will.
-# register pages
-One nice trick to interact with pages from command line is to
-register the page it self
- <html><head>
- <title>Page A</title>
- <script src='ej.js'></script>
- <script src='wse.js'></script>
- <script>
- window.onload = function() {
- if ("ws://localhost:1234/websession")) {
- Wse.register('page_a');
- };
- </script>
- </head><body>
- <p id="x">Hello A World</p>
- </body></html>
-Now this page should be registered in erlang and can be tested. Start with
-changing the text in the paragraf on the page.
- > {ok,X} = wse:getElementById(page_a, "x").
- > {ok,Text} = wse:firstChild(page_a, X).
- > wse:set(page_a, Text, "nodeValue", "Hej A").
-Or we could send some ehtml (erlang style html) defining a button to it
- > wse:send(page_a, "x", {button,[{id,"y"}],["Press Me"]}).
-Or why not send a whole table to it
- > wse:send(page_a, "x", {table,[],[{tr,[],[{td,[],["A"]},{td,[],["B"]}]},{tr,[],[{td,[],["C"]},{td,[],["D"]}]}]}).
-To have events sent to us when pressing a button, using send, we can do
- > {ok,E} = wse:create_event(page_a).
- > wse:send(page_a, "x", {button,[{id,"y"},{onclick,"Wse.notify("++integer_to_list(E)++",'click');"}],["Press Me"]}).
-Click on the button on page A a couple of times
- > flush().
- Shell got {notify,2,[],"click"}
- Shell got {notify,2,[],"click"}
- Shell got {notify,2,[],"click"}