Copyright (C) 2014-2016, Jaguar Land Rover This document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. **Version 0.5.0** # INSTALLATION OF RVI (RASPBIAN) # This document describes the installation process for the RVI project on Raspbian. Packages are also available for [Ubuntu]( and [Raspbian]( See `````` for building from source. Please see `````` for a general description of the project and its structure. Please see `````` for details on configuring and launching the system once it has been built. The first milestone of the RVI project is the HVAC demo. Please see ```hvac_demo/``` for details on how to setup, launch and drive the demo. # READER ASSUMPTIONS # In order to build the system, the reader is assumed to be able to: 1. Have a basic understanding of Linux system operations. 2. Install packages on the system. Please note that the configuration process described in `````` may have additional skill requirements. # PREREQUISITES # 1. The Raspbian system has the latest updates installed. 2. The user has sudo access to install packages. 3. There is at least 5GB of space availabled for packages and code. ---- # INSTALLATION PROCESS # ## GET RASPBIAN PACKAGES ## Download the Raspbian package from Then extract the tarball to get packages for Erlang and RVI, as well as an install script. ## INSTALL ERLANG AND RVI ## Make the install script executable: sudo chmod +x installRVI Then run the install script: ./installRVI This does the following: 1. Extracts the Erlang tarball 2. Installs the required Erlang packages * `erlang-base` * `erlang-asnl` * `erlang-crypto` * `erlang-eunit` * `erlang-public key` * `erlang-ssl` * `erlang-syntax-tools` 3. Installs other dependencies (`bluez` and `python-jsonrpclib`) 4. Installs `rvi` 5. Starts `rvi` via `systemctl` 6. Checks the status of `rvi` via `systemctl`. ---- ## TEST THE RVI SYSTEM ## To confirm that RVI has started, use `systemctl` as root user: systemctl status rvi Expected output: ● rvi.service - Remote Vehicle Interaction Service Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/rvi.service; disabled) Active: active (running) since Tue 2016-02-23 18:30:03 UTC; 48ms ago Process: 6049 ExecStart=/usr/bin/rvi_ctl -c /etc/rvi/rvi.config start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Main PID: 6081 (run_erl) CGroup: /system.slice/rvi.service ├─6081 run_erl -daemon /tmp/rvi_6049/ /var/log/rvi exec erl -boot /tmp/rvi_6049/rvi/start -sname rvi -config /tmp/rvi_6049/rvi/sys -setcookie rvi_cookie ├─6084 /usr/lib/erlang/erts-7.2/bin/erlexec -boot /tmp/rvi_6049/rvi/start -sname rvi -config /tmp/rvi_6049/rvi/sys -setcookie rvi_cookie ├─6093 sh -c "/usr/lib/erlang/erts-7.2/bin/epmd" -daemon └─6094 /usr/lib/erlang/erts-7.2/bin/epmd -daemon ## GET STARTED WITH SERVICES ## Find out which services are registered through `rvi_get_services`: /usr/lib/rvi_core/rvi_get_services The command should return no output, since we have not registered any services yet. Register a service by calling `rvi_service` -- start with "hello": /usr/lib/rvi_core/rvi_service hello Expected output: RVI General Service. RVI node URL: http://localhost:9001 Service: Press enter to quit: In another terminal, call `rvi_get_services` again to see the newly registered service: Invoke the service through `rvi_call` and the full service name: /usr/lib/rvi_core/rvi_call In terminal 1 (where you called `rvi_service`), you should see the following output: Service invoked! args: {} In terminal 2 (where you called `rvi_call`), you should see the following output: RVI Node: http://localhost:9001 Service: args: {} You can pass arguments to a service call with the format name=value: /usr/lib/rvi_core/rvi_call \ a=b message=hello ## CREATE A RELEASE ## The installer configures a release with default (insecure) values. See `````` for details on configuring and creating a developer and production release that can be launched.