use rustc_serialize::json; use std::{fs, io}; use std::fs::File; use std::path::PathBuf; use datatype::{Config, DeviceReport, DownloadComplete, Error, Package, UpdateReport, UpdateRequest, UpdateRequestId, Url}; use http::{Client, Response}; /// Encapsulate the client configuration and HTTP client used for /// software-over-the-air updates. pub struct Sota<'c, 'h> { config: &'c Config, client: &'h Client, } impl<'c, 'h> Sota<'c, 'h> { /// Creates a new instance for Sota communication. pub fn new(config: &'c Config, client: &'h Client) -> Sota<'c, 'h> { Sota { config: config, client: client } } /// Takes a path and returns a new endpoint of the format /// `/api/v1/device_updates/$path`. fn endpoint(&self, path: &str) -> Url { let endpoint = format!("/api/v1/device_updates/{}{}", self.config.device.uuid, path); self.config.core.server.join(&endpoint).expect("couldn't build endpoint url") } /// Returns the path to a package on the device. fn package_path(&self, id: UpdateRequestId) -> Result { let mut path = PathBuf::new(); path.push(&self.config.device.packages_dir); path.push(id); Ok(try!(path.to_str().ok_or(Error::Parse(format!("Path is not valid UTF-8: {:?}", path)))).to_string()) } /// Query the Core server for any pending or in-flight package updates. pub fn get_update_requests(&mut self) -> Result, Error> { let resp_rx = self.client.get(self.endpoint("/queued"), None); let resp = try!(resp_rx.recv().ok_or(Error::Client("couldn't get new updates".to_string()))); let data = match resp { Response::Success(data) => data, Response::Failed(data) => return Err(Error::from(data)), Response::Error(err) => return Err(err) }; let text = try!(String::from_utf8(data.body)); Ok(try!(json::decode::>(&text))) } /// Download a specific update from the Core server. pub fn download_update(&mut self, id: UpdateRequestId) -> Result { let resp_rx = self.client.get(self.endpoint(&format!("/{}/download", id)), None); let resp = try!(resp_rx.recv().ok_or(Error::Client("couldn't download update".to_string()))); let data = match resp { Response::Success(data) => data, Response::Failed(data) => return Err(Error::from(data)), Response::Error(err) => return Err(err) }; let path = try!(self.package_path(id.clone())); let mut file = try!(File::create(&path)); let _ = io::copy(&mut &*data.body, &mut file); Ok(DownloadComplete { update_id: id, update_image: path.to_string(), signature: "".to_string() }) } /// Install an update using the package manager. pub fn install_update(&mut self, id: UpdateRequestId) -> Result { let ref pacman = self.config.device.package_manager; let path = self.package_path(id.clone()).expect("install_update expects a valid path"); pacman.install_package(&path).and_then(|(code, output)| { let _ = fs::remove_file(&path).unwrap_or_else(|err| error!("couldn't remove installed package: {}", err)); Ok(UpdateReport::single(id.clone(), code, output)) }).or_else(|(code, output)| { Err(UpdateReport::single(id.clone(), code, output)) }) } /// Send a list of the currently installed packages to the Core server. pub fn send_installed_packages(&mut self, packages: &Vec) -> Result<(), Error> { let body = try!(json::encode(packages)); let resp_rx = self.client.put(self.endpoint("/installed"), Some(body.into_bytes())); let resp = try!(resp_rx.recv().ok_or(Error::Client("couldn't send installed packages".to_string()))); match resp { Response::Success(_) => Ok(()), Response::Failed(data) => Err(Error::from(data)), Response::Error(err) => Err(err) } } /// Send the outcome of a package update to the Core server. pub fn send_update_report(&mut self, update_report: &UpdateReport) -> Result<(), Error> { let report = DeviceReport::new(&self.config.device.uuid, update_report); let body = try!(json::encode(&report)); let url = self.endpoint(&format!("/{}", report.device)); let resp_rx =, Some(body.into_bytes())); let resp = try!(resp_rx.recv().ok_or(Error::Client("couldn't send update report".to_string()))); match resp { Response::Success(_) => Ok(()), Response::Failed(data) => Err(Error::from(data)), Response::Error(err) => Err(err) } } /// Send system information from the device to the Core server. pub fn send_system_info(&mut self, body: &str) -> Result<(), Error> { let resp_rx = self.client.put(self.endpoint("/system_info"), Some(body.as_bytes().to_vec())); let resp = try!(resp_rx.recv().ok_or(Error::Client("couldn't send system info".to_string()))); match resp { Response::Success(_) => Ok(()), Response::Failed(data) => Err(Error::from(data)), Response::Error(err) => Err(err) } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use rustc_serialize::json; use super::*; use datatype::{Config, Package, UpdateRequest, UpdateRequestStatus}; use http::TestClient; #[test] fn test_get_update_requests() { let pending_update = UpdateRequest { requestId: "someid".to_string(), status: UpdateRequestStatus::Pending, packageId: Package { name: "fake-pkg".to_string(), version: "0.1.1".to_string() }, installPos: 0, createdAt: "2010-01-01".to_string() }; let json = format!("[{}]", json::encode(&pending_update).unwrap()); let mut sota = Sota { config: &Config::default(), client: &mut TestClient::from(vec![json.to_string()]), }; let updates: Vec = sota.get_update_requests().unwrap(); let ids: Vec = updates.iter().map(|p| p.requestId.clone()).collect(); assert_eq!(ids, vec!["someid".to_string()]) } }