Copyright (C) 2014-2016, Jaguar Land Rover This document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. **Version 0.5.0** # INSTALLATION OF RVI (UBUNTU 14.04 TRUSTY) # This document describes the installation process for the RVI project on an Ubuntu 14.04 Linux machine. Packages are also available for [Debian]( and [Raspbian]( See [``````]( for building from source. Please see [``````]( for a general description of the project and its structure. Please see [``````]( for details on configuring and launching the system once it has been built. The first milestone of the RVI project is the HVAC demo. Please see ```hvac_demo/``` for details on how to setup, launch and drive the demo. # READER ASSUMPTIONS # In order to build the system, the reader is assumed to be able to: 1. Have a basic understanding of Linux system operations. 2. Install packages on the system. Please note that the configuration process described in `````` may have additional skill requirements. # PREREQUISITES # 1. The Ubuntu 14.04 system have the latest updates installed. 2. The user can gain root access to install packages. 3. There is at least 5GB of space availabled for packages and code. ----
# INSTALLATION PROCESS # ## INSTALL DEPENDENCIES ## Install dependent libraries via `apt-get`: sudo apt-get install python-jsonrpclib ## INSTALL ESL-ERLANG ## Install `esl-erlang` 18.2, or a later version 18 release: Tested packages of the latest versions of Erlang can be downloaded from []( Add the following line to your /etc/apt/sources.list deb trusty contrib Update and install esl-erlang sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install esl-erlang **If you receive an authentication error** (such as NO_PUBKEY): note the hexadecimal value (e.g., 6D975C4791E7EE5E) and request the key: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys HEX where HEX is the hexadecimal value specified in the error. Then rerun the ```update``` and ```install``` commands. ## DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL RVI ## Download the RVI package from the remote location: wget http://(TODO)/rvi_0.5.0-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb Then install RVI via dpkg: sudo dpkg -i rvi_0.5.0-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb ---- ## TEST THE RVI SYSTEM ## To confirm that RVI has installed successfully, run: sudo service rvi start Expected output: * Starting Remote Vehicle Interaction Node... rvi [ OK ] Find out which services are registered through `rvi_get_services`: /usr/lib/rvi_core/rvi_get_services The command should return no output, since we have not registered any services yet. Register a service by calling `rvi_service` -- start with "hello": /usr/lib/rvi_core/rvi_service hello Expected output: RVI General Service. RVI node URL: http://localhost:9001 Service: Press enter to quit: In another terminal, call `rvi_get_services` again to see the newly registered service: Invoke the service through `rvi_call` and the full service name: /usr/lib/rvi_core/rvi_call In terminal 1 (where you called `rvi_service`), you should see the following output: Service invoked! args: {} In terminal 2 (where you called `rvi_call`), you should see the following output: RVI Node: http://localhost:9001 Service: args: {} You can pass arguments to a service call with the format name=value: /usr/lib/rvi_core/rvi_call \ a=b message=hello ## CREATE A RELEASE ## The installer configures a release with default (insecure) values. See `````` for details on configuring and creating a developer and production release that can be launched.