%% ------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Basho Technologies, Inc. %% %% This file is provided to you under the Apache License, %% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file %% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain %% a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, %% software distributed under the License is distributed on an %% "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY %% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the %% specific language governing permissions and limitations %% under the License. %% %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(lager_test_backend). -include("lager.hrl"). -behaviour(gen_event). -export([init/1, handle_call/2, handle_event/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]). -define(TEST_SINK_NAME, '__lager_test_sink'). %% <-- used by parse transform -define(TEST_SINK_EVENT, '__lager_test_sink_lager_event'). %% <-- used by lager API calls and internals for gen_event -record(state, {level :: list(), buffer :: list(), ignored :: term()}). -compile({parse_transform, lager_transform}). -ifdef(TEST). -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). -record(test, {attrs :: list(), format :: list(), args :: list()}). -export([pop/0, count/0, count_ignored/0, flush/0, print_state/0]). -endif. init(Level) -> {ok, #state{level=lager_util:config_to_mask(Level), buffer=[], ignored=[]}}. handle_call(count, #state{buffer=Buffer} = State) -> {ok, length(Buffer), State}; handle_call(count_ignored, #state{ignored=Ignored} = State) -> {ok, length(Ignored), State}; handle_call(flush, State) -> {ok, ok, State#state{buffer=[], ignored=[]}}; handle_call(pop, #state{buffer=Buffer} = State) -> case Buffer of [] -> {ok, undefined, State}; [H|T] -> {ok, H, State#state{buffer=T}} end; handle_call(get_loglevel, #state{level=Level} = State) -> {ok, Level, State}; handle_call({set_loglevel, Level}, State) -> {ok, ok, State#state{level=lager_util:config_to_mask(Level)}}; handle_call(print_state, State) -> spawn(fun() -> lager:info("State ~p", [lager:pr(State, ?MODULE)]) end), timer:sleep(100), {ok, ok, State}; handle_call(print_bad_state, State) -> spawn(fun() -> lager:info("State ~p", [lager:pr({state, 1}, ?MODULE)]) end), timer:sleep(100), {ok, ok, State}; handle_call(_Request, State) -> {ok, ok, State}. handle_event({log, Msg}, #state{level=LogLevel,buffer=Buffer,ignored=Ignored} = State) -> case lager_util:is_loggable(Msg, LogLevel, ?MODULE) of true -> {ok, State#state{buffer=Buffer ++ [{lager_msg:severity_as_int(Msg), lager_msg:datetime(Msg), lager_msg:message(Msg), lager_msg:metadata(Msg)}]}}; _ -> {ok, State#state{ignored=Ignored ++ [ignored]}} end; handle_event(_Event, State) -> {ok, State}. handle_info(_Info, State) -> {ok, State}. terminate(_Reason, _State) -> ok. code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}. -ifdef(TEST). pop() -> pop(lager_event). count() -> count(lager_event). count_ignored() -> count_ignored(lager_event). flush() -> flush(lager_event). print_state() -> print_state(lager_event). print_bad_state() -> print_bad_state(lager_event). pop(Sink) -> gen_event:call(Sink, ?MODULE, pop). count(Sink) -> gen_event:call(Sink, ?MODULE, count). count_ignored(Sink) -> gen_event:call(Sink, ?MODULE, count_ignored). flush(Sink) -> gen_event:call(Sink, ?MODULE, flush). print_state(Sink) -> gen_event:call(Sink, ?MODULE, print_state). print_bad_state(Sink) -> gen_event:call(Sink, ?MODULE, print_bad_state). has_line_numbers() -> %% are we R15 or greater % this gets called a LOT - cache the answer case erlang:get({?MODULE, has_line_numbers}) of undefined -> R = otp_version() >= 15, erlang:put({?MODULE, has_line_numbers}, R), R; Bool -> Bool end. otp_version() -> otp_version(erlang:system_info(otp_release)). otp_version([$R | Rel]) -> {Ver, _} = string:to_integer(Rel), Ver; otp_version(Rel) -> {Ver, _} = string:to_integer(Rel), Ver. not_running_test() -> ?assertEqual({error, lager_not_running}, lager:log(info, self(), "not running")). lager_test_() -> {foreach, fun setup/0, fun cleanup/1, [ {"observe that there is nothing up my sleeve", fun() -> ?assertEqual(undefined, pop()), ?assertEqual(0, count()) end }, {"test sink not running", fun() -> ?assertEqual({error, {sink_not_configured, test}}, lager:log(test, info, self(), "~p", "not running")) end }, {"logging works", fun() -> lager:warning("test message"), ?assertEqual(1, count()), {Level, _Time, Message, _Metadata} = pop(), ?assertMatch(Level, lager_util:level_to_num(warning)), ?assertEqual("test message", Message), ok end }, {"unsafe logging works", fun() -> lager:warning_unsafe("test message"), ?assertEqual(1, count()), {Level, _Time, Message, _Metadata} = pop(), ?assertMatch(Level, lager_util:level_to_num(warning)), ?assertEqual("test message", Message), ok end }, {"logging with arguments works", fun() -> lager:warning("test message ~p", [self()]), ?assertEqual(1, count()), {Level, _Time, Message,_Metadata} = pop(), ?assertMatch(Level, lager_util:level_to_num(warning)), ?assertEqual(lists:flatten(io_lib:format("test message ~p", [self()])), lists:flatten(Message)), ok end }, {"unsafe logging with args works", fun() -> lager:warning("test message ~p", [self()]), ?assertEqual(1, count()), {Level, _Time, Message,_Metadata} = pop(), ?assertMatch(Level, lager_util:level_to_num(warning)), ?assertEqual(lists:flatten(io_lib:format("test message ~p", [self()])), lists:flatten(Message)), ok end }, {"logging works from inside a begin/end block", fun() -> ?assertEqual(0, count()), begin lager:warning("test message 2") end, ?assertEqual(1, count()), ok end }, {"logging works from inside a list comprehension", fun() -> ?assertEqual(0, count()), [lager:warning("test message") || _N <- lists:seq(1, 10)], ?assertEqual(10, count()), ok end }, {"logging works from a begin/end block inside a list comprehension", fun() -> ?assertEqual(0, count()), [ begin lager:warning("test message") end || _N <- lists:seq(1, 10)], ?assertEqual(10, count()), ok end }, {"logging works from a nested list comprehension", fun() -> ?assertEqual(0, count()), [ [lager:warning("test message") || _N <- lists:seq(1, 10)] || _I <- lists:seq(1, 10)], ?assertEqual(100, count()), ok end }, {"variables inplace of literals in logging statements work", fun() -> ?assertEqual(0, count()), Attr = [{a, alpha}, {b, beta}], Fmt = "format ~p", Args = [world], lager:info(Attr, "hello"), lager:info(Attr, "hello ~p", [world]), lager:info(Fmt, [world]), lager:info("hello ~p", Args), lager:info(Attr, "hello ~p", Args), lager:info([{d, delta}, {g, gamma}], Fmt, Args), ?assertEqual(6, count()), {_Level, _Time, Message, Metadata} = pop(), ?assertMatch([{a, alpha}, {b, beta}|_], Metadata), ?assertEqual("hello", lists:flatten(Message)), {_Level, _Time2, Message2, _Metadata2} = pop(), ?assertEqual("hello world", lists:flatten(Message2)), {_Level, _Time3, Message3, _Metadata3} = pop(), ?assertEqual("format world", lists:flatten(Message3)), {_Level, _Time4, Message4, _Metadata4} = pop(), ?assertEqual("hello world", lists:flatten(Message4)), {_Level, _Time5, Message5, _Metadata5} = pop(), ?assertEqual("hello world", lists:flatten(Message5)), {_Level, _Time6, Message6, Metadata6} = pop(), ?assertMatch([{d, delta}, {g, gamma}|_], Metadata6), ?assertEqual("format world", lists:flatten(Message6)), ok end }, {"list comprehension inplace of literals in logging statements work", fun() -> ?assertEqual(0, count()), Attr = [{a, alpha}, {b, beta}], Fmt = "format ~p", Args = [world], lager:info([{K, atom_to_list(V)} || {K, V} <- Attr], "hello"), lager:info([{K, atom_to_list(V)} || {K, V} <- Attr], "hello ~p", [{atom, X} || X <- Args]), lager:info([X || X <- Fmt], [world]), lager:info("hello ~p", [{atom, X} || X <- Args]), lager:info([{K, atom_to_list(V)} || {K, V} <- Attr], "hello ~p", [{atom, X} || X <- Args]), lager:info([{d, delta}, {g, gamma}], Fmt, [{atom, X} || X <- Args]), ?assertEqual(6, count()), {_Level, _Time, Message, Metadata} = pop(), ?assertMatch([{a, "alpha"}, {b, "beta"}|_], Metadata), ?assertEqual("hello", lists:flatten(Message)), {_Level, _Time2, Message2, _Metadata2} = pop(), ?assertEqual("hello {atom,world}", lists:flatten(Message2)), {_Level, _Time3, Message3, _Metadata3} = pop(), ?assertEqual("format world", lists:flatten(Message3)), {_Level, _Time4, Message4, _Metadata4} = pop(), ?assertEqual("hello {atom,world}", lists:flatten(Message4)), {_Level, _Time5, Message5, _Metadata5} = pop(), ?assertEqual("hello {atom,world}", lists:flatten(Message5)), {_Level, _Time6, Message6, Metadata6} = pop(), ?assertMatch([{d, delta}, {g, gamma}|_], Metadata6), ?assertEqual("format {atom,world}", lists:flatten(Message6)), ok end }, {"function calls inplace of literals in logging statements work", fun() -> ?assertEqual(0, count()), put(attrs, [{a, alpha}, {b, beta}]), put(format, "format ~p"), put(args, [world]), lager:info(get(attrs), "hello"), lager:info(get(attrs), "hello ~p", get(args)), lager:info(get(format), [world]), lager:info("hello ~p", erlang:get(args)), lager:info(fun() -> get(attrs) end(), "hello ~p", get(args)), lager:info([{d, delta}, {g, gamma}], get(format), get(args)), ?assertEqual(6, count()), {_Level, _Time, Message, Metadata} = pop(), ?assertMatch([{a, alpha}, {b, beta}|_], Metadata), ?assertEqual("hello", lists:flatten(Message)), {_Level, _Time2, Message2, _Metadata2} = pop(), ?assertEqual("hello world", lists:flatten(Message2)), {_Level, _Time3, Message3, _Metadata3} = pop(), ?assertEqual("format world", lists:flatten(Message3)), {_Level, _Time4, Message4, _Metadata4} = pop(), ?assertEqual("hello world", lists:flatten(Message4)), {_Level, _Time5, Message5, _Metadata5} = pop(), ?assertEqual("hello world", lists:flatten(Message5)), {_Level, _Time6, Message6, Metadata6} = pop(), ?assertMatch([{d, delta}, {g, gamma}|_], Metadata6), ?assertEqual("format world", lists:flatten(Message6)), ok end }, {"record fields inplace of literals in logging statements work", fun() -> ?assertEqual(0, count()), Test = #test{attrs=[{a, alpha}, {b, beta}], format="format ~p", args=[world]}, lager:info(Test#test.attrs, "hello"), lager:info(Test#test.attrs, "hello ~p", Test#test.args), lager:info(Test#test.format, [world]), lager:info("hello ~p", Test#test.args), lager:info(Test#test.attrs, "hello ~p", Test#test.args), lager:info([{d, delta}, {g, gamma}], Test#test.format, Test#test.args), ?assertEqual(6, count()), {_Level, _Time, Message, Metadata} = pop(), ?assertMatch([{a, alpha}, {b, beta}|_], Metadata), ?assertEqual("hello", lists:flatten(Message)), {_Level, _Time2, Message2, _Metadata2} = pop(), ?assertEqual("hello world", lists:flatten(Message2)), {_Level, _Time3, Message3, _Metadata3} = pop(), ?assertEqual("format world", lists:flatten(Message3)), {_Level, _Time4, Message4, _Metadata4} = pop(), ?assertEqual("hello world", lists:flatten(Message4)), {_Level, _Time5, Message5, _Metadata5} = pop(), ?assertEqual("hello world", lists:flatten(Message5)), {_Level, _Time6, Message6, Metadata6} = pop(), ?assertMatch([{d, delta}, {g, gamma}|_], Metadata6), ?assertEqual("format world", lists:flatten(Message6)), ok end }, {"log messages below the threshold are ignored", fun() -> ?assertEqual(0, count()), lager:debug("this message will be ignored"), ?assertEqual(0, count()), ?assertEqual(0, count_ignored()), lager_config:set(loglevel, {element(2, lager_util:config_to_mask(debug)), []}), lager:debug("this message should be ignored"), ?assertEqual(0, count()), ?assertEqual(1, count_ignored()), lager:set_loglevel(?MODULE, debug), ?assertEqual({?DEBUG bor ?INFO bor ?NOTICE bor ?WARNING bor ?ERROR bor ?CRITICAL bor ?ALERT bor ?EMERGENCY, []}, lager_config:get(loglevel)), lager:debug("this message should be logged"), ?assertEqual(1, count()), ?assertEqual(1, count_ignored()), ?assertEqual(debug, lager:get_loglevel(?MODULE)), ok end }, {"tracing works", fun() -> lager_config:set(loglevel, {element(2, lager_util:config_to_mask(error)), []}), ok = lager:info("hello world"), ?assertEqual(0, count()), lager:trace(?MODULE, [{module, ?MODULE}], debug), ?assertMatch({?ERROR bor ?CRITICAL bor ?ALERT bor ?EMERGENCY, _}, lager_config:get(loglevel)), %% elegible for tracing ok = lager:info("hello world"), %% NOT elegible for tracing ok = lager:log(info, [{pid, self()}], "hello world"), ?assertEqual(1, count()), ok end }, {"tracing works with custom attributes", fun() -> lager:set_loglevel(?MODULE, error), ?assertEqual({?ERROR bor ?CRITICAL bor ?ALERT bor ?EMERGENCY, []}, lager_config:get(loglevel)), lager_config:set(loglevel, {element(2, lager_util:config_to_mask(error)), []}), lager:info([{requestid, 6}], "hello world"), ?assertEqual(0, count()), lager:trace(?MODULE, [{requestid, 6}, {foo, bar}], debug), lager:info([{requestid, 6}, {foo, bar}], "hello world"), ?assertEqual(1, count()), lager:trace(?MODULE, [{requestid, '*'}], debug), lager:info([{requestid, 6}], "hello world"), ?assertEqual(2, count()), lager:clear_all_traces(), lager:info([{requestid, 6}], "hello world"), ?assertEqual(2, count()), ok end }, {"tracing works with custom attributes and event stream processing", fun() -> lager:set_loglevel(?MODULE, error), ?assertEqual({?ERROR bor ?CRITICAL bor ?ALERT bor ?EMERGENCY, []}, lager_config:get(loglevel)), lager_config:set(loglevel, {element(2, lager_util:config_to_mask(error)), []}), lager:info([{requestid, 6}], "hello world"), ?assertEqual(0, count()), lager:trace(?MODULE, [{requestid, '>', 5}, {requestid, '<', 7}, {foo, bar}], debug), lager:info([{requestid, 5}, {foo, bar}], "hello world"), lager:info([{requestid, 6}, {foo, bar}], "hello world"), ?assertEqual(1, count()), lager:clear_all_traces(), lager:trace(?MODULE, [{requestid, '>', 8}, {foo, bar}]), lager:info([{foo, bar}], "hello world"), lager:info([{requestid, 6}], "hello world"), lager:info([{requestid, 7}], "hello world"), lager:info([{requestid, 8}], "hello world"), lager:info([{requestid, 9}, {foo, bar}], "hello world"), lager:info([{requestid, 10}], "hello world"), ?assertEqual(2, count()), lager:trace(?MODULE, [{requestid, '>', 8}]), lager:info([{foo, bar}], "hello world"), lager:info([{requestid, 6}], "hello world"), lager:info([{requestid, 7}], "hello world"), lager:info([{requestid, 8}], "hello world"), lager:info([{requestid, 9}, {foo, bar}], "hello world"), lager:info([{requestid, 10}], "hello world"), ?assertEqual(4, count()), lager:trace(?MODULE, [{foo, '=', bar}]), lager:info([{foo, bar}], "hello world"), lager:info([{requestid, 6}], "hello world"), lager:info([{requestid, 7}], "hello world"), lager:info([{requestid, 8}], "hello world"), lager:info([{requestid, 9}, {foo, bar}], "hello world"), lager:info([{requestid, 10}], "hello world"), lager:trace(?MODULE, [{fu, '!'}]), lager:info([{foo, bar}], "hello world"), lager:info([{ooh, car}], "hello world"), lager:info([{fu, bar}], "hello world"), lager:trace(?MODULE, [{fu, '*'}]), lager:info([{fu, bar}], "hello world"), ?assertEqual(10, count()), lager:clear_all_traces(), lager:info([{requestid, 6}], "hello world"), ?assertEqual(10, count()), ok end }, {"tracing custom attributes works with event stream processing statistics and reductions", fun() -> lager:set_loglevel(?MODULE, error), ?assertEqual({?ERROR bor ?CRITICAL bor ?ALERT bor ?EMERGENCY, []}, lager_config:get(loglevel)), lager_config:set(loglevel, {element(2, lager_util:config_to_mask(error)), []}), lager:info([{requestid, 6}], "hello world"), ?assertEqual(0, count()), lager:trace(?MODULE, [{beta, '*'}]), lager:trace(?MODULE, [{meta, "data"}]), lager:info([{meta, "data"}], "hello world"), lager:info([{beta, 2}], "hello world"), lager:info([{beta, 2.1}, {foo, bar}], "hello world"), lager:info([{meta, <<"data">>}], "hello world"), ?assertEqual(8, ?DEFAULT_TRACER:info(input)), ?assertEqual(6, ?DEFAULT_TRACER:info(output)), ?assertEqual(2, ?DEFAULT_TRACER:info(filter)), lager:clear_all_traces(), lager:trace(?MODULE, [{meta, "data"}]), lager:trace(?MODULE, [{beta, '>', 2}, {beta, '<', 2.12}]), lager:info([{meta, "data"}], "hello world"), lager:info([{beta, 2}], "hello world"), lager:info([{beta, 2.1}, {foo, bar}], "hello world"), lager:info([{meta, <<"data">>}], "hello world"), ?assertEqual(8, ?DEFAULT_TRACER:info(input)), ?assertEqual(4, ?DEFAULT_TRACER:info(output)), ?assertEqual(4, ?DEFAULT_TRACER:info(filter)), lager:clear_all_traces(), lager:trace_console([{beta, '>', 2}, {meta, "data"}]), lager:trace_console([{beta, '>', 2}, {beta, '<', 2.12}]), Reduced = {all,[{any,[{beta,'<',2.12},{meta,'=',"data"}]}, {beta,'>',2}]}, ?assertEqual(Reduced, ?DEFAULT_TRACER:info('query')), lager:clear_all_traces(), lager:info([{requestid, 6}], "hello world"), ?assertEqual(5, count()), ok end }, {"persistent traces work", fun() -> ?assertEqual(0, count()), lager:debug([{foo, bar}], "hello world"), ?assertEqual(0, count()), application:stop(lager), application:set_env(lager, traces, [{lager_test_backend, [{foo, bar}], debug}]), lager:start(), lager:debug([{foo, bar}], "hello world"), ?assertEqual(1, count()), application:unset_env(lager, traces), ok end }, {"tracing honors loglevel", fun() -> lager:set_loglevel(?MODULE, error), ?assertEqual({?ERROR bor ?CRITICAL bor ?ALERT bor ?EMERGENCY, []}, lager_config:get(loglevel)), {ok, T} = lager:trace(?MODULE, [{module, ?MODULE}], notice), ok = lager:info("hello world"), ?assertEqual(0, count()), ok = lager:notice("hello world"), ?assertEqual(1, count()), lager:stop_trace(T), ok = lager:notice("hello world"), ?assertEqual(1, count()), ok end }, {"record printing works", fun() -> print_state(), {Level, _Time, Message, _Metadata} = pop(), ?assertMatch(Level, lager_util:level_to_num(info)), {mask, Mask} = lager_util:config_to_mask(info), ?assertEqual("State #state{level={mask,"++integer_to_list(Mask)++"},buffer=[],ignored=[]}", lists:flatten(Message)), ok end }, {"record printing fails gracefully", fun() -> print_bad_state(), {Level, _Time, Message, _Metadata} = pop(), ?assertMatch(Level, lager_util:level_to_num(info)), ?assertEqual("State {state,1}", lists:flatten(Message)), ok end }, {"record printing fails gracefully when no lager_record attribute", fun() -> spawn(fun() -> lager:info("State ~p", [lager:pr({state, 1}, lager)]) end), timer:sleep(100), {Level, _Time, Message, _Metadata} = pop(), ?assertMatch(Level, lager_util:level_to_num(info)), ?assertEqual("State {state,1}", lists:flatten(Message)), ok end }, {"record printing fails gracefully when input is not a tuple", fun() -> spawn(fun() -> lager:info("State ~p", [lager:pr(ok, lager)]) end), timer:sleep(100), {Level, _Time, Message, _Metadata} = pop(), ?assertMatch(Level, lager_util:level_to_num(info)), ?assertEqual("State ok", lists:flatten(Message)), ok end }, {"record printing fails gracefully when module is invalid", fun() -> spawn(fun() -> lager:info("State ~p", [lager:pr({state, 1}, not_a_module)]) end), timer:sleep(1000), {Level, _Time, Message, _Metadata} = pop(), ?assertMatch(Level, lager_util:level_to_num(info)), ?assertEqual("State {state,1}", lists:flatten(Message)), ok end }, {"installing a new handler adjusts the global loglevel if necessary", fun() -> ?assertEqual({?INFO bor ?NOTICE bor ?WARNING bor ?ERROR bor ?CRITICAL bor ?ALERT bor ?EMERGENCY, []}, lager_config:get(loglevel)), supervisor:start_child(lager_handler_watcher_sup, [lager_event, {?MODULE, foo}, debug]), ?assertEqual({?DEBUG bor ?INFO bor ?NOTICE bor ?WARNING bor ?ERROR bor ?CRITICAL bor ?ALERT bor ?EMERGENCY, []}, lager_config:get(loglevel)), ok end }, {"metadata in the process dictionary works", fun() -> lager:md([{platypus, gravid}, {sloth, hirsute}, {duck, erroneous}]), lager:info("I sing the animal kingdom electric!"), {_Level, _Time, _Message, Metadata} = pop(), ?assertEqual(gravid, proplists:get_value(platypus, Metadata)), ?assertEqual(hirsute, proplists:get_value(sloth, Metadata)), ?assertEqual(erroneous, proplists:get_value(duck, Metadata)), ?assertEqual(undefined, proplists:get_value(eagle, Metadata)), lager:md([{platypus, gravid}, {sloth, hirsute}, {eagle, superincumbent}]), lager:info("I sing the animal kingdom dielectric!"), {_Level2, _Time2, _Message2, Metadata2} = pop(), ?assertEqual(gravid, proplists:get_value(platypus, Metadata2)), ?assertEqual(hirsute, proplists:get_value(sloth, Metadata2)), ?assertEqual(undefined, proplists:get_value(duck, Metadata2)), ?assertEqual(superincumbent, proplists:get_value(eagle, Metadata2)), ok end }, {"unsafe messages really are not truncated", fun() -> lager:info_unsafe("doom, doom has come upon you all ~p", [string:copies("doom", 1500)]), {_, _, Msg,_Metadata} = pop(), ?assert(length(lists:flatten(Msg)) == 6035) end }, {"can't store invalid metadata", fun() -> ?assertEqual(ok, lager:md([{platypus, gravid}, {sloth, hirsute}, {duck, erroneous}])), ?assertError(badarg, lager:md({flamboyant, flamingo})), ?assertError(badarg, lager:md("zookeeper zephyr")), ok end } ] }. extra_sinks_test_() -> {foreach, fun setup_sink/0, fun cleanup/1, [ {"observe that there is nothing up my sleeve", fun() -> ?assertEqual(undefined, pop(?TEST_SINK_EVENT)), ?assertEqual(0, count(?TEST_SINK_EVENT)) end }, {"logging works", fun() -> ?TEST_SINK_NAME:warning("test message"), ?assertEqual(1, count(?TEST_SINK_EVENT)), {Level, _Time, Message, _Metadata} = pop(?TEST_SINK_EVENT), ?assertMatch(Level, lager_util:level_to_num(warning)), ?assertEqual("test message", Message), ok end }, {"logging with arguments works", fun() -> ?TEST_SINK_NAME:warning("test message ~p", [self()]), ?assertEqual(1, count(?TEST_SINK_EVENT)), {Level, _Time, Message,_Metadata} = pop(?TEST_SINK_EVENT), ?assertMatch(Level, lager_util:level_to_num(warning)), ?assertEqual(lists:flatten(io_lib:format("test message ~p", [self()])), lists:flatten(Message)), ok end }, {"variables inplace of literals in logging statements work", fun() -> ?assertEqual(0, count(?TEST_SINK_EVENT)), Attr = [{a, alpha}, {b, beta}], Fmt = "format ~p", Args = [world], ?TEST_SINK_NAME:info(Attr, "hello"), ?TEST_SINK_NAME:info(Attr, "hello ~p", [world]), ?TEST_SINK_NAME:info(Fmt, [world]), ?TEST_SINK_NAME:info("hello ~p", Args), ?TEST_SINK_NAME:info(Attr, "hello ~p", Args), ?TEST_SINK_NAME:info([{d, delta}, {g, gamma}], Fmt, Args), ?assertEqual(6, count(?TEST_SINK_EVENT)), {_Level, _Time, Message, Metadata} = pop(?TEST_SINK_EVENT), ?assertMatch([{a, alpha}, {b, beta}|_], Metadata), ?assertEqual("hello", lists:flatten(Message)), {_Level, _Time2, Message2, _Metadata2} = pop(?TEST_SINK_EVENT), ?assertEqual("hello world", lists:flatten(Message2)), {_Level, _Time3, Message3, _Metadata3} = pop(?TEST_SINK_EVENT), ?assertEqual("format world", lists:flatten(Message3)), {_Level, _Time4, Message4, _Metadata4} = pop(?TEST_SINK_EVENT), ?assertEqual("hello world", lists:flatten(Message4)), {_Level, _Time5, Message5, _Metadata5} = pop(?TEST_SINK_EVENT), ?assertEqual("hello world", lists:flatten(Message5)), {_Level, _Time6, Message6, Metadata6} = pop(?TEST_SINK_EVENT), ?assertMatch([{d, delta}, {g, gamma}|_], Metadata6), ?assertEqual("format world", lists:flatten(Message6)), ok end }, {"log messages below the threshold are ignored", fun() -> ?assertEqual(0, count(?TEST_SINK_EVENT)), ?TEST_SINK_NAME:debug("this message will be ignored"), ?assertEqual(0, count(?TEST_SINK_EVENT)), ?assertEqual(0, count_ignored(?TEST_SINK_EVENT)), lager_config:set({?TEST_SINK_EVENT, loglevel}, {element(2, lager_util:config_to_mask(debug)), []}), ?TEST_SINK_NAME:debug("this message should be ignored"), ?assertEqual(0, count(?TEST_SINK_EVENT)), ?assertEqual(1, count_ignored(?TEST_SINK_EVENT)), lager:set_loglevel(?TEST_SINK_EVENT, ?MODULE, undefined, debug), ?assertEqual({?DEBUG bor ?INFO bor ?NOTICE bor ?WARNING bor ?ERROR bor ?CRITICAL bor ?ALERT bor ?EMERGENCY, []}, lager_config:get({?TEST_SINK_EVENT, loglevel})), ?TEST_SINK_NAME:debug("this message should be logged"), ?assertEqual(1, count(?TEST_SINK_EVENT)), ?assertEqual(1, count_ignored(?TEST_SINK_EVENT)), ?assertEqual(debug, lager:get_loglevel(?TEST_SINK_EVENT, ?MODULE)), ok end } ] }. setup_sink() -> error_logger:tty(false), application:load(lager), application:set_env(lager, handlers, []), application:set_env(lager, error_logger_redirect, false), application:set_env(lager, extra_sinks, [{?TEST_SINK_EVENT, [{handlers, [{?MODULE, info}]}]}]), lager:start(), gen_event:call(lager_event, ?MODULE, flush), gen_event:call(?TEST_SINK_EVENT, ?MODULE, flush). setup() -> error_logger:tty(false), application:load(lager), application:set_env(lager, handlers, [{?MODULE, info}]), application:set_env(lager, error_logger_redirect, false), lager:start(), gen_event:call(lager_event, ?MODULE, flush). cleanup(_) -> application:stop(lager), application:stop(goldrush), error_logger:tty(true). crash(Type) -> spawn(fun() -> gen_server:call(crash, Type) end), timer:sleep(100), _ = gen_event:which_handlers(error_logger), ok. test_body(Expected, Actual) -> case has_line_numbers() of true -> ExLen = length(Expected), {Body, Rest} = case length(Actual) > ExLen of true -> {string:substr(Actual, 1, ExLen), string:substr(Actual, (ExLen + 1))}; _ -> {Actual, []} end, ?assertEqual(Expected, Body), % OTP-17 (and maybe later releases) may tack on additional info % about the failure, so if Actual starts with Expected (already % confirmed by having gotten past assertEqual above) and ends % with " line NNN" we can ignore what's in-between. By extension, % since there may not be line information appended at all, any % text we DO find is reportable, but not a test failure. case Rest of [] -> ok; _ -> % isolate the extra data and report it if it's not just % a line number indicator case re:run(Rest, "^.*( line \\d+)$", [{capture, [1]}]) of nomatch -> ?debugFmt( "Trailing data \"~s\" following \"~s\"", [Rest, Expected]); {match, [{0, _}]} -> % the whole sting is " line NNN" ok; {match, [{Off, _}]} -> ?debugFmt( "Trailing data \"~s\" following \"~s\"", [string:substr(Rest, 1, Off), Expected]) end end; _ -> ?assertEqual(Expected, Actual) end. error_logger_redirect_crash_test_() -> TestBody=fun(Name,CrashReason,Expected) -> {Name, fun() -> Pid = whereis(crash), crash(CrashReason), {Level, _, Msg,Metadata} = pop(), test_body(Expected, lists:flatten(Msg)), ?assertEqual(Pid,proplists:get_value(pid,Metadata)), ?assertEqual(lager_util:level_to_num(error),Level) end } end, {foreach, fun() -> error_logger:tty(false), application:load(lager), application:set_env(lager, error_logger_redirect, true), application:set_env(lager, handlers, [{?MODULE, error}]), lager:start(), crash:start() end, fun(_) -> application:stop(lager), application:stop(goldrush), case whereis(crash) of undefined -> ok; Pid -> exit(Pid, kill) end, error_logger:tty(true) end, [ {"again, there is nothing up my sleeve", fun() -> ?assertEqual(undefined, pop()), ?assertEqual(0, count()) end }, TestBody("bad return value",bad_return,"gen_server crash terminated with reason: bad return value: bleh"), TestBody("bad return value with string",bad_return_string,"gen_server crash terminated with reason: bad return value: {tuple,{tuple,\"string\"}}"), TestBody("bad return uncaught throw",throw,"gen_server crash terminated with reason: bad return value: a_ball"), TestBody("case clause",case_clause,"gen_server crash terminated with reason: no case clause matching {} in crash:handle_call/3"), TestBody("case clause string",case_clause_string,"gen_server crash terminated with reason: no case clause matching \"crash\" in crash:handle_call/3"), TestBody("function clause",function_clause,"gen_server crash terminated with reason: no function clause matching crash:function({})"), TestBody("if clause",if_clause,"gen_server crash terminated with reason: no true branch found while evaluating if expression in crash:handle_call/3"), TestBody("try clause",try_clause,"gen_server crash terminated with reason: no try clause matching [] in crash:handle_call/3"), TestBody("undefined function",undef,"gen_server crash terminated with reason: call to undefined function crash:booger/0 from crash:handle_call/3"), TestBody("bad math",badarith,"gen_server crash terminated with reason: bad arithmetic expression in crash:handle_call/3"), TestBody("bad match",badmatch,"gen_server crash terminated with reason: no match of right hand value {} in crash:handle_call/3"), TestBody("bad arity",badarity,"gen_server crash terminated with reason: fun called with wrong arity of 1 instead of 3 in crash:handle_call/3"), TestBody("bad arg1",badarg1,"gen_server crash terminated with reason: bad argument in crash:handle_call/3"), TestBody("bad arg2",badarg2,"gen_server crash terminated with reason: bad argument in call to erlang:iolist_to_binary([\"foo\",bar]) in crash:handle_call/3"), TestBody("bad record",badrecord,"gen_server crash terminated with reason: bad record state in crash:handle_call/3"), TestBody("noproc",noproc,"gen_server crash terminated with reason: no such process or port in call to gen_event:call(foo, bar, baz)"), TestBody("badfun",badfun,"gen_server crash terminated with reason: bad function booger in crash:handle_call/3") ] }. error_logger_redirect_test_() -> {foreach, fun() -> error_logger:tty(false), application:load(lager), application:set_env(lager, error_logger_redirect, true), application:set_env(lager, handlers, [{?MODULE, info}]), lager:start(), lager:log(error, self(), "flush flush"), timer:sleep(100), gen_event:call(lager_event, ?MODULE, flush) end, fun(_) -> application:stop(lager), application:stop(goldrush), error_logger:tty(true) end, [ {"error reports are printed", fun() -> sync_error_logger:error_report([{this, is}, a, {silly, format}]), _ = gen_event:which_handlers(error_logger), {Level, _, Msg,Metadata} = pop(), ?assertEqual(lager_util:level_to_num(error),Level), ?assertEqual(self(),proplists:get_value(pid,Metadata)), Expected = "this: is, a, silly: format", ?assertEqual(Expected, lists:flatten(Msg)) end }, {"string error reports are printed", fun() -> sync_error_logger:error_report("this is less silly"), _ = gen_event:which_handlers(error_logger), {Level, _, Msg,Metadata} = pop(), ?assertEqual(lager_util:level_to_num(error),Level), ?assertEqual(self(),proplists:get_value(pid,Metadata)), Expected = "this is less silly", ?assertEqual(Expected, lists:flatten(Msg)) end }, {"error messages are printed", fun() -> sync_error_logger:error_msg("doom, doom has come upon you all"), _ = gen_event:which_handlers(error_logger), {Level, _, Msg,Metadata} = pop(), ?assertEqual(lager_util:level_to_num(error),Level), ?assertEqual(self(),proplists:get_value(pid,Metadata)), Expected = "doom, doom has come upon you all", ?assertEqual(Expected, lists:flatten(Msg)) end }, {"error messages with unicode characters in Args are printed", fun() -> sync_error_logger:error_msg("~ts", ["Привет!"]), _ = gen_event:which_handlers(error_logger), {Level, _, Msg,Metadata} = pop(), ?assertEqual(lager_util:level_to_num(error),Level), ?assertEqual(self(),proplists:get_value(pid,Metadata)), ?assertEqual("Привет!", lists:flatten(Msg)) end }, {"error messages are truncated at 4096 characters", fun() -> sync_error_logger:error_msg("doom, doom has come upon you all ~p", [string:copies("doom", 10000)]), _ = gen_event:which_handlers(error_logger), {_, _, Msg,_Metadata} = pop(), ?assert(length(lists:flatten(Msg)) < 5100) end }, {"info reports are printed", fun() -> sync_error_logger:info_report([{this, is}, a, {silly, format}]), _ = gen_event:which_handlers(error_logger), {Level, _, Msg,Metadata} = pop(), ?assertEqual(lager_util:level_to_num(info),Level), ?assertEqual(self(),proplists:get_value(pid,Metadata)), Expected = "this: is, a, silly: format", ?assertEqual(Expected, lists:flatten(Msg)) end }, {"info reports are truncated at 4096 characters", fun() -> sync_error_logger:info_report([[{this, is}, a, {silly, format}] || _ <- lists:seq(0, 600)]), _ = gen_event:which_handlers(error_logger), {Level, _, Msg,Metadata} = pop(), ?assertEqual(lager_util:level_to_num(info),Level), ?assertEqual(self(),proplists:get_value(pid,Metadata)), ?assert(length(lists:flatten(Msg)) < 5000) end }, {"single term info reports are printed", fun() -> sync_error_logger:info_report({foolish, bees}), _ = gen_event:which_handlers(error_logger), {Level, _, Msg,Metadata} = pop(), ?assertEqual(lager_util:level_to_num(info),Level), ?assertEqual(self(),proplists:get_value(pid,Metadata)), ?assertEqual("{foolish,bees}", lists:flatten(Msg)) end }, {"single term error reports are printed", fun() -> sync_error_logger:error_report({foolish, bees}), _ = gen_event:which_handlers(error_logger), {Level, _, Msg,Metadata} = pop(), ?assertEqual(lager_util:level_to_num(error),Level), ?assertEqual(self(),proplists:get_value(pid,Metadata)), ?assertEqual("{foolish,bees}", lists:flatten(Msg)) end }, {"string info reports are printed", fun() -> sync_error_logger:info_report("this is less silly"), _ = gen_event:which_handlers(error_logger), {Level, _, Msg,Metadata} = pop(), ?assertEqual(lager_util:level_to_num(info),Level), ?assertEqual(self(),proplists:get_value(pid,Metadata)), ?assertEqual("this is less silly", lists:flatten(Msg)) end }, {"string info reports are truncated at 4096 characters", fun() -> sync_error_logger:info_report(string:copies("this is less silly", 1000)), _ = gen_event:which_handlers(error_logger), {Level, _, Msg,Metadata} = pop(), ?assertEqual(lager_util:level_to_num(info),Level), ?assertEqual(self(),proplists:get_value(pid,Metadata)), ?assert(length(lists:flatten(Msg)) < 5100) end }, {"strings in a mixed report are printed as strings", fun() -> sync_error_logger:info_report(["this is less silly", {than, "this"}]), _ = gen_event:which_handlers(error_logger), {Level, _, Msg,Metadata} = pop(), ?assertEqual(lager_util:level_to_num(info),Level), ?assertEqual(self(),proplists:get_value(pid,Metadata)), ?assertEqual("\"this is less silly\", than: \"this\"", lists:flatten(Msg)) end }, {"info messages are printed", fun() -> sync_error_logger:info_msg("doom, doom has come upon you all"), _ = gen_event:which_handlers(error_logger), {Level, _, Msg,Metadata} = pop(), ?assertEqual(lager_util:level_to_num(info),Level), ?assertEqual(self(),proplists:get_value(pid,Metadata)), ?assertEqual("doom, doom has come upon you all", lists:flatten(Msg)) end }, {"info messages are truncated at 4096 characters", fun() -> sync_error_logger:info_msg("doom, doom has come upon you all ~p", [string:copies("doom", 10000)]), _ = gen_event:which_handlers(error_logger), {Level, _, Msg,Metadata} = pop(), ?assertEqual(lager_util:level_to_num(info),Level), ?assertEqual(self(),proplists:get_value(pid,Metadata)), ?assert(length(lists:flatten(Msg)) < 5100) end }, {"info messages with unicode characters in Args are printed", fun() -> sync_error_logger:info_msg("~ts", ["Привет!"]), _ = gen_event:which_handlers(error_logger), {Level, _, Msg,Metadata} = pop(), ?assertEqual(lager_util:level_to_num(info),Level), ?assertEqual(self(),proplists:get_value(pid,Metadata)), ?assertEqual("Привет!", lists:flatten(Msg)) end }, {"warning messages with unicode characters in Args are printed", fun() -> sync_error_logger:warning_msg("~ts", ["Привет!"]), Map = error_logger:warning_map(), _ = gen_event:which_handlers(error_logger), {Level, _, Msg,Metadata} = pop(), ?assertEqual(lager_util:level_to_num(Map),Level), ?assertEqual(self(),proplists:get_value(pid,Metadata)), ?assertEqual("Привет!", lists:flatten(Msg)) end }, {"warning messages are printed at the correct level", fun() -> sync_error_logger:warning_msg("doom, doom has come upon you all"), Map = error_logger:warning_map(), _ = gen_event:which_handlers(error_logger), {Level, _, Msg,Metadata} = pop(), ?assertEqual(lager_util:level_to_num(Map),Level), ?assertEqual(self(),proplists:get_value(pid,Metadata)), ?assertEqual("doom, doom has come upon you all", lists:flatten(Msg)) end }, {"warning reports are printed at the correct level", fun() -> sync_error_logger:warning_report([{i, like}, pie]), Map = error_logger:warning_map(), _ = gen_event:which_handlers(error_logger), {Level, _, Msg,Metadata} = pop(), ?assertEqual(lager_util:level_to_num(Map),Level), ?assertEqual(self(),proplists:get_value(pid,Metadata)), ?assertEqual("i: like, pie", lists:flatten(Msg)) end }, {"single term warning reports are printed at the correct level", fun() -> sync_error_logger:warning_report({foolish, bees}), Map = error_logger:warning_map(), _ = gen_event:which_handlers(error_logger), {Level, _, Msg,Metadata} = pop(), ?assertEqual(lager_util:level_to_num(Map),Level), ?assertEqual(self(),proplists:get_value(pid,Metadata)), ?assertEqual("{foolish,bees}", lists:flatten(Msg)) end }, {"application stop reports", fun() -> sync_error_logger:info_report([{application, foo}, {exited, quittin_time}, {type, lazy}]), _ = gen_event:which_handlers(error_logger), {Level, _, Msg,Metadata} = pop(), ?assertEqual(lager_util:level_to_num(info),Level), ?assertEqual(self(),proplists:get_value(pid,Metadata)), ?assertEqual("Application foo exited with reason: quittin_time", lists:flatten(Msg)) end }, {"supervisor reports", fun() -> sync_error_logger:error_report(supervisor_report, [{errorContext, france}, {offender, [{name, mini_steve}, {mfargs, {a, b, [c]}}, {pid, bleh}]}, {reason, fired}, {supervisor, {local, steve}}]), _ = gen_event:which_handlers(error_logger), {Level, _, Msg,Metadata} = pop(), ?assertEqual(lager_util:level_to_num(error),Level), ?assertEqual(self(),proplists:get_value(pid,Metadata)), ?assertEqual("Supervisor steve had child mini_steve started with a:b(c) at bleh exit with reason fired in context france", lists:flatten(Msg)) end }, {"supervisor reports with real error", fun() -> sync_error_logger:error_report(supervisor_report, [{errorContext, france}, {offender, [{name, mini_steve}, {mfargs, {a, b, [c]}}, {pid, bleh}]}, {reason, {function_clause,[{crash,handle_info,[foo]}]}}, {supervisor, {local, steve}}]), _ = gen_event:which_handlers(error_logger), {Level, _, Msg,Metadata} = pop(), ?assertEqual(lager_util:level_to_num(error),Level), ?assertEqual(self(),proplists:get_value(pid,Metadata)), ?assertEqual("Supervisor steve had child mini_steve started with a:b(c) at bleh exit with reason no function clause matching crash:handle_info(foo) in context france", lists:flatten(Msg)) end }, {"supervisor reports with real error and pid", fun() -> sync_error_logger:error_report(supervisor_report, [{errorContext, france}, {offender, [{name, mini_steve}, {mfargs, {a, b, [c]}}, {pid, bleh}]}, {reason, {function_clause,[{crash,handle_info,[foo]}]}}, {supervisor, somepid}]), _ = gen_event:which_handlers(error_logger), {Level, _, Msg,Metadata} = pop(), ?assertEqual(lager_util:level_to_num(error),Level), ?assertEqual(self(),proplists:get_value(pid,Metadata)), ?assertEqual("Supervisor somepid had child mini_steve started with a:b(c) at bleh exit with reason no function clause matching crash:handle_info(foo) in context france", lists:flatten(Msg)) end }, {"supervisor_bridge reports", fun() -> sync_error_logger:error_report(supervisor_report, [{errorContext, france}, {offender, [{mod, mini_steve}, {pid, bleh}]}, {reason, fired}, {supervisor, {local, steve}}]), _ = gen_event:which_handlers(error_logger), {Level, _, Msg,Metadata} = pop(), ?assertEqual(lager_util:level_to_num(error),Level), ?assertEqual(self(),proplists:get_value(pid,Metadata)), ?assertEqual("Supervisor steve had child at module mini_steve at bleh exit with reason fired in context france", lists:flatten(Msg)) end }, {"application progress report", fun() -> sync_error_logger:info_report(progress, [{application, foo}, {started_at, node()}]), _ = gen_event:which_handlers(error_logger), {Level, _, Msg,Metadata} = pop(), ?assertEqual(lager_util:level_to_num(info),Level), ?assertEqual(self(),proplists:get_value(pid,Metadata)), Expected = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("Application foo started on node ~w", [node()])), ?assertEqual(Expected, lists:flatten(Msg)) end }, {"supervisor progress report", fun() -> lager:set_loglevel(?MODULE, debug), ?assertEqual({?DEBUG bor ?INFO bor ?NOTICE bor ?WARNING bor ?ERROR bor ?CRITICAL bor ?ALERT bor ?EMERGENCY, []}, lager_config:get(loglevel)), sync_error_logger:info_report(progress, [{supervisor, {local, foo}}, {started, [{mfargs, {foo, bar, 1}}, {pid, baz}]}]), _ = gen_event:which_handlers(error_logger), {Level, _, Msg,Metadata} = pop(), ?assertEqual(lager_util:level_to_num(debug),Level), ?assertEqual(self(),proplists:get_value(pid,Metadata)), ?assertEqual("Supervisor foo started foo:bar/1 at pid baz", lists:flatten(Msg)) end }, {"supervisor progress report with pid", fun() -> lager:set_loglevel(?MODULE, debug), ?assertEqual({?DEBUG bor ?INFO bor ?NOTICE bor ?WARNING bor ?ERROR bor ?CRITICAL bor ?ALERT bor ?EMERGENCY, []}, lager_config:get(loglevel)), sync_error_logger:info_report(progress, [{supervisor, somepid}, {started, [{mfargs, {foo, bar, 1}}, {pid, baz}]}]), _ = gen_event:which_handlers(error_logger), {Level, _, Msg,Metadata} = pop(), ?assertEqual(lager_util:level_to_num(debug),Level), ?assertEqual(self(),proplists:get_value(pid,Metadata)), ?assertEqual("Supervisor somepid started foo:bar/1 at pid baz", lists:flatten(Msg)) end }, {"crash report for emfile", fun() -> sync_error_logger:error_report(crash_report, [[{pid, self()}, {registered_name, []}, {error_info, {error, emfile, [{stack, trace, 1}]}}], []]), _ = gen_event:which_handlers(error_logger), {Level, _, Msg,Metadata} = pop(), ?assertEqual(lager_util:level_to_num(error),Level), ?assertEqual(self(),proplists:get_value(pid,Metadata)), Expected = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("CRASH REPORT Process ~w with 0 neighbours crashed with reason: maximum number of file descriptors exhausted, check ulimit -n", [self()])), ?assertEqual(Expected, lists:flatten(Msg)) end }, {"crash report for system process limit", fun() -> sync_error_logger:error_report(crash_report, [[{pid, self()}, {registered_name, []}, {error_info, {error, system_limit, [{erlang, spawn, 1}]}}], []]), _ = gen_event:which_handlers(error_logger), {Level, _, Msg,Metadata} = pop(), ?assertEqual(lager_util:level_to_num(error),Level), ?assertEqual(self(),proplists:get_value(pid,Metadata)), Expected = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("CRASH REPORT Process ~w with 0 neighbours crashed with reason: system limit: maximum number of processes exceeded", [self()])), ?assertEqual(Expected, lists:flatten(Msg)) end }, {"crash report for system process limit2", fun() -> sync_error_logger:error_report(crash_report, [[{pid, self()}, {registered_name, []}, {error_info, {error, system_limit, [{erlang, spawn_opt, 1}]}}], []]), _ = gen_event:which_handlers(error_logger), {Level, _, Msg,Metadata} = pop(), ?assertEqual(lager_util:level_to_num(error),Level), ?assertEqual(self(),proplists:get_value(pid,Metadata)), Expected = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("CRASH REPORT Process ~w with 0 neighbours crashed with reason: system limit: maximum number of processes exceeded", [self()])), ?assertEqual(Expected, lists:flatten(Msg)) end }, {"crash report for system port limit", fun() -> sync_error_logger:error_report(crash_report, [[{pid, self()}, {registered_name, []}, {error_info, {error, system_limit, [{erlang, open_port, 1}]}}], []]), _ = gen_event:which_handlers(error_logger), {Level, _, Msg,Metadata} = pop(), ?assertEqual(lager_util:level_to_num(error),Level), ?assertEqual(self(),proplists:get_value(pid,Metadata)), Expected = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("CRASH REPORT Process ~w with 0 neighbours crashed with reason: system limit: maximum number of ports exceeded", [self()])), ?assertEqual(Expected, lists:flatten(Msg)) end }, {"crash report for system port limit", fun() -> sync_error_logger:error_report(crash_report, [[{pid, self()}, {registered_name, []}, {error_info, {error, system_limit, [{erlang, list_to_atom, 1}]}}], []]), _ = gen_event:which_handlers(error_logger), {Level, _, Msg,Metadata} = pop(), ?assertEqual(lager_util:level_to_num(error),Level), ?assertEqual(self(),proplists:get_value(pid,Metadata)), Expected = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("CRASH REPORT Process ~w with 0 neighbours crashed with reason: system limit: tried to create an atom larger than 255, or maximum atom count exceeded", [self()])), ?assertEqual(Expected, lists:flatten(Msg)) end }, {"crash report for system ets table limit", fun() -> sync_error_logger:error_report(crash_report, [[{pid, self()}, {registered_name, test}, {error_info, {error, system_limit, [{ets,new,[segment_offsets,[ordered_set,public]]},{mi_segment,open_write,1},{mi_buffer_converter,handle_cast,2},{gen_server,handle_msg,5},{proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3}]}}], []]), _ = gen_event:which_handlers(error_logger), {Level, _, Msg,Metadata} = pop(), ?assertEqual(lager_util:level_to_num(error),Level), ?assertEqual(self(),proplists:get_value(pid,Metadata)), Expected = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("CRASH REPORT Process ~w with 0 neighbours crashed with reason: system limit: maximum number of ETS tables exceeded", [test])), ?assertEqual(Expected, lists:flatten(Msg)) end }, {"crash report for unknown system limit should be truncated at 500 characters", fun() -> sync_error_logger:error_report(crash_report, [[{pid, self()}, {error_info, {error, system_limit, [{wtf,boom,[string:copies("aaaa", 4096)]}]}}], []]), _ = gen_event:which_handlers(error_logger), {_, _, Msg,_Metadata} = pop(), ?assert(length(lists:flatten(Msg)) > 550), ?assert(length(lists:flatten(Msg)) < 600) end }, {"crash reports for 'special processes' should be handled right - function_clause", fun() -> {ok, Pid} = special_process:start(), unlink(Pid), Pid ! function_clause, timer:sleep(500), _ = gen_event:which_handlers(error_logger), {_, _, Msg, _Metadata} = pop(), Expected = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("CRASH REPORT Process ~p with 0 neighbours crashed with reason: no function clause matching special_process:foo(bar)", [Pid])), test_body(Expected, lists:flatten(Msg)) end }, {"crash reports for 'special processes' should be handled right - case_clause", fun() -> {ok, Pid} = special_process:start(), unlink(Pid), Pid ! {case_clause, wtf}, timer:sleep(500), _ = gen_event:which_handlers(error_logger), {_, _, Msg, _Metadata} = pop(), Expected = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("CRASH REPORT Process ~p with 0 neighbours crashed with reason: no case clause matching wtf in special_process:loop/0", [Pid])), test_body(Expected, lists:flatten(Msg)) end }, {"crash reports for 'special processes' should be handled right - exit", fun() -> {ok, Pid} = special_process:start(), unlink(Pid), Pid ! exit, timer:sleep(500), _ = gen_event:which_handlers(error_logger), {_, _, Msg, _Metadata} = pop(), Expected = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("CRASH REPORT Process ~p with 0 neighbours exited with reason: byebye in special_process:loop/0", [Pid])), test_body(Expected, lists:flatten(Msg)) end }, {"crash reports for 'special processes' should be handled right - error", fun() -> {ok, Pid} = special_process:start(), unlink(Pid), Pid ! error, timer:sleep(500), _ = gen_event:which_handlers(error_logger), {_, _, Msg, _Metadata} = pop(), Expected = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("CRASH REPORT Process ~p with 0 neighbours crashed with reason: mybad in special_process:loop/0", [Pid])), test_body(Expected, lists:flatten(Msg)) end }, {"webmachine error reports", fun() -> Path = "/cgi-bin/phpmyadmin", Reason = {error,{error,{badmatch,{error,timeout}}, [{myapp,dostuff,2,[{file,"src/myapp.erl"},{line,123}]}, {webmachine_resource,resource_call,3,[{file,"src/webmachine_resource.erl"},{line,169}]}]}}, sync_error_logger:error_msg("webmachine error: path=~p~n~p~n", [Path, Reason]), _ = gen_event:which_handlers(error_logger), {Level, _, Msg,Metadata} = pop(), ?assertEqual(lager_util:level_to_num(error),Level), ?assertEqual(self(),proplists:get_value(pid,Metadata)), ?assertEqual("Webmachine error at path \"/cgi-bin/phpmyadmin\" : no match of right hand value {error,timeout} in myapp:dostuff/2 line 123", lists:flatten(Msg)) end }, {"Cowboy error reports, 8 arg version", fun() -> Stack = [{my_handler,init, 3,[{file,"src/my_handler.erl"},{line,123}]}, {cowboy_handler,handler_init,4,[{file,"src/cowboy_handler.erl"},{line,169}]}], sync_error_logger:error_msg( "** Cowboy handler ~p terminating in ~p/~p~n" " for the reason ~p:~p~n" "** Options were ~p~n" "** Request was ~p~n" "** Stacktrace: ~p~n~n", [my_handler, init, 3, error, {badmatch, {error, timeout}}, [], "Request", Stack]), _ = gen_event:which_handlers(error_logger), {Level, _, Msg,Metadata} = pop(), ?assertEqual(lager_util:level_to_num(error),Level), ?assertEqual(self(),proplists:get_value(pid,Metadata)), ?assertEqual("Cowboy handler my_handler terminated in my_handler:init/3 with reason: no match of right hand value {error,timeout} in my_handler:init/3 line 123", lists:flatten(Msg)) end }, {"Cowboy error reports, 10 arg version", fun() -> Stack = [{my_handler,somecallback, 3,[{file,"src/my_handler.erl"},{line,123}]}, {cowboy_handler,handler_init,4,[{file,"src/cowboy_handler.erl"},{line,169}]}], sync_error_logger:error_msg( "** Cowboy handler ~p terminating in ~p/~p~n" " for the reason ~p:~p~n** Message was ~p~n" "** Options were ~p~n** Handler state was ~p~n" "** Request was ~p~n** Stacktrace: ~p~n~n", [my_handler, somecallback, 3, error, {badmatch, {error, timeout}}, hello, [], {}, "Request", Stack]), _ = gen_event:which_handlers(error_logger), {Level, _, Msg,Metadata} = pop(), ?assertEqual(lager_util:level_to_num(error),Level), ?assertEqual(self(),proplists:get_value(pid,Metadata)), ?assertEqual("Cowboy handler my_handler terminated in my_handler:somecallback/3 with reason: no match of right hand value {error,timeout} in my_handler:somecallback/3 line 123", lists:flatten(Msg)) end }, {"Cowboy error reports, 5 arg version", fun() -> sync_error_logger:error_msg( "** Cowboy handler ~p terminating; " "function ~p/~p was not exported~n" "** Request was ~p~n** State was ~p~n~n", [my_handler, to_json, 2, "Request", {}]), _ = gen_event:which_handlers(error_logger), {Level, _, Msg,Metadata} = pop(), ?assertEqual(lager_util:level_to_num(error),Level), ?assertEqual(self(),proplists:get_value(pid,Metadata)), ?assertEqual("Cowboy handler my_handler terminated with reason: call to undefined function my_handler:to_json/2", lists:flatten(Msg)) end }, {"messages should not be generated if they don't satisfy the threshold", fun() -> lager:set_loglevel(?MODULE, error), ?assertEqual({?ERROR bor ?CRITICAL bor ?ALERT bor ?EMERGENCY, []}, lager_config:get(loglevel)), sync_error_logger:info_report([hello, world]), _ = gen_event:which_handlers(error_logger), ?assertEqual(0, count()), ?assertEqual(0, count_ignored()), lager:set_loglevel(?MODULE, info), ?assertEqual({?INFO bor ?NOTICE bor ?WARNING bor ?ERROR bor ?CRITICAL bor ?ALERT bor ?EMERGENCY, []}, lager_config:get(loglevel)), sync_error_logger:info_report([hello, world]), _ = gen_event:which_handlers(error_logger), ?assertEqual(1, count()), ?assertEqual(0, count_ignored()), lager:set_loglevel(?MODULE, error), ?assertEqual({?ERROR bor ?CRITICAL bor ?ALERT bor ?EMERGENCY, []}, lager_config:get(loglevel)), lager_config:set(loglevel, {element(2, lager_util:config_to_mask(debug)), []}), sync_error_logger:info_report([hello, world]), _ = gen_event:which_handlers(error_logger), ?assertEqual(1, count()), ?assertEqual(1, count_ignored()) end } ] }. safe_format_test() -> ?assertEqual("foo bar", lists:flatten(lager:safe_format("~p ~p", [foo, bar], 1024))), ?assertEqual("FORMAT ERROR: \"~p ~p ~p\" [foo,bar]", lists:flatten(lager:safe_format("~p ~p ~p", [foo, bar], 1024))), ok. unsafe_format_test() -> ?assertEqual("foo bar", lists:flatten(lager:unsafe_format("~p ~p", [foo, bar]))), ?assertEqual("FORMAT ERROR: \"~p ~p ~p\" [foo,bar]", lists:flatten(lager:unsafe_format("~p ~p ~p", [foo, bar]))), ok. async_threshold_test_() -> {foreach, fun() -> error_logger:tty(false), ets:new(async_threshold_test, [set, named_table, public]), ets:insert_new(async_threshold_test, {sync_toggled, 0}), ets:insert_new(async_threshold_test, {async_toggled, 0}), application:load(lager), application:set_env(lager, error_logger_redirect, false), application:set_env(lager, async_threshold, 2), application:set_env(lager, async_threshold_window, 1), application:set_env(lager, handlers, [{?MODULE, info}]), lager:start() end, fun(_) -> application:unset_env(lager, async_threshold), application:stop(lager), application:stop(goldrush), ets:delete(async_threshold_test), error_logger:tty(true) end, [ {"async threshold works", fun() -> %% we start out async ?assertEqual(true, lager_config:get(async)), %% put a ton of things in the queue Workers = [spawn_monitor(fun() -> [lager:info("hello world") || _ <- lists:seq(1, 1000)] end) || _ <- lists:seq(1, 15)], %% serialize on mailbox _ = gen_event:which_handlers(lager_event), timer:sleep(500), %% By now the flood of messages will have %% forced the backend throttle to turn off %% async mode, but it's possible all %% outstanding requests have been processed, %% so checking the current status (sync or %% async) is an exercise in race control. %% Instead, we'll see whether the backend %% throttle has toggled into sync mode at any %% point in the past ?assertMatch([{sync_toggled, N}] when N > 0, ets:lookup(async_threshold_test, sync_toggled)), %% wait for all the workers to return, meaning that all the messages have been logged (since we're definitely in sync mode at the end of the run) collect_workers(Workers), %% serialize on the mailbox again _ = gen_event:which_handlers(lager_event), %% just in case... timer:sleep(1000), lager:info("hello world"), _ = gen_event:which_handlers(lager_event), %% async is true again now that the mailbox has drained ?assertEqual(true, lager_config:get(async)), ok end } ] }. collect_workers([]) -> ok; collect_workers(Workers) -> receive {'DOWN', Ref, _, _, _} -> collect_workers(lists:keydelete(Ref, 2, Workers)) end. produce_n_error_logger_msgs(N) -> lists:foreach(fun (K) -> error_logger:error_msg("Foo ~p!", [K]) end, lists:seq(0, N-1) ). high_watermark_test_() -> {foreach, fun() -> error_logger:tty(false), application:load(lager), application:set_env(lager, error_logger_redirect, true), application:set_env(lager, handlers, [{lager_test_backend, info}]), application:set_env(lager, async_threshold, undefined), lager:start() end, fun(_) -> application:stop(lager), error_logger:tty(true) end, [ {"Nothing dropped when error_logger high watermark is undefined", fun () -> ok = error_logger_lager_h:set_high_water(undefined), timer:sleep(100), produce_n_error_logger_msgs(10), timer:sleep(500), ?assert(count() >= 10) end }, {"Mostly dropped according to error_logger high watermark", fun () -> ok = error_logger_lager_h:set_high_water(5), timer:sleep(100), produce_n_error_logger_msgs(50), timer:sleep(1000), ?assert(count() < 20) end }, {"Non-notifications are not dropped", fun () -> ok = error_logger_lager_h:set_high_water(2), timer:sleep(100), spawn(fun () -> produce_n_error_logger_msgs(300) end), timer:sleep(50), %% if everything were dropped, this call would be dropped %% too, so lets hope it's not ?assert(is_integer(count())), timer:sleep(1000), ?assert(count() < 10) end } ] }. -endif.