# __COPYRIGHT__ SCons - a software construction tool This is the scons-README file for a version of SCons packaged for local execution--that is, execution out of a specific local directory, without having to install SCons as a system-wide utility. You are likely reading this file in one of the following two situations: 1) You have unpacked an scons-local-{version} package and are examining the contents. In this case, you are presumably interested in using this package to include a local copy of SCons with some other software that you package, so that you can use SCons to build your software without forcing all of your users to have it fully installed. Instructions for this can be found below. If you are not looking to use SCons in this way, then please use either the scons-{version} package to install SCons on your system, or the scons-src-{version} package if you want the full source to SCons, including its packaging code and underlying tests and testing infrastructure. 2) This file was included in some other software package so that the package could be built using SCons. In this case, follow the instructions provided with the rest of the software package for how to use SCons to build and/or install the software. The file containing build and installation instructions will typically be named README or INSTALL. LATEST VERSION ============== Before going further, you can check for the latest version of the scons-local package, or any SCons package, at the SCons download page: https://scons.org/pages/download.html EXECUTION REQUIREMENTS ====================== Running SCons requires Python 3.5 or higher. There should be no other dependencies or requirements to run SCons. The default SCons configuration assumes use of the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler suite on WIN32 systems (either through the Visual Studio product, or through the separate Build Tools), and assumes a C compiler named 'cc', a C++ compiler named 'c++', and a Fortran compiler named 'g77' (such as found in the GNU Compiler Collection) on any other type of system. You may, of course, override these default values by appropriate configuration of Environment construction variables. INSTALLATION ============ Installation of this package should be as simple as unpacking the archive (either .tar.gz or .zip) in any directory (top-level or a subdirectory) within the software package with which you want to ship SCons. Once you have installed this package, you should write an SConstruct file at the top level of your source tree to build your software as you see fit. Then modify the build/install instructions for your package to instruct your users to execute SCons as follows (if you installed this package in your top-level directory): $ python scons.py Or (if, for example, you installed this package in a subdirectory named "scons"): $ python scons/scons.py That should be all you have to do. (If it isn't that simple, please let us know!) CONTENTS OF THIS PACKAGE ======================== This scons-local package consists of the following: scons-LICENSE A copy of the copyright and terms under which SCons is distributed (the Open Source Initiative-approved MIT license). A disclaimer has been added to the beginning to make clear that this license applies only to SCons, and not to any separate software you've written with which you're planning to package SCons. scons-README What you're looking at right now. scons-local-{version}/ The SCons build engine. This is structured as a Python library. scons.py The SCons script itself. The script sets up the Python sys.path variable to use the build engine found in the scons-local-{version}/ directory in preference to any other SCons build engine installed on your system. DOCUMENTATION ============= Because this package is intended to be included with other software by experienced users, we have not included any SCons documentation in this package (other than this scons-README file you're reading right now). If, however, you need documentation about SCons, then consult any of the following from the corresponding scons-{version} or scons-src-{version} package: The RELEASE.txt file (src/RELEASE.txt file in the scons-src-{version} package), which contains notes about this specific release, including known problems. The CHANGES.txt file (src/CHANGES.txt file in the scons-src-{version} package), which contains a list of changes since the previous release. The scons.1 man page (doc/man/scons.1 in the scons-src-{version} package), which contains a section of small examples for getting started using SCons. Additional documentation for SCons is available at: http://www.scons.org/doc.html LICENSING ========= SCons is distributed under the MIT license, a full copy of which is available in the scons-LICENSE file in this package. The MIT license is an approved Open Source license, which means: This software is OSI Certified Open Source Software. OSI Certified is a certification mark of the Open Source Initiative. More information about OSI certifications and Open Source software is available at: http://www.opensource.org/ REPORTING BUGS ============== The SCons project welcomes bug reports and feature requests. Please make sure you send email with the problem or feature request to the SCons users mailing list, which you can join via the link below: http://two.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/scons-users Once you have discussed your issue on the users mailing list and the community has confirmed that it is either a new bug or a duplicate of an existing bug, then please follow the instructions the community provides to file a new bug or to add yourself to the CC list for an existing bug You can explore the list of existing bugs, which may include workarounds for the problem you've run into, on GitHub: https://github.com/SCons/scons/issues MAILING LISTS ============= A mailing list for users of SCons is available. You may send questions or comments to the list at: scons-users@scons.org You may subscribe to the scons-users mailing list at: http://two.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/scons-users An active mailing list for developers of SCons is available. You may send questions or comments to the list at: scons-dev@scons.org You may subscribe to the developer's mailing list using form on this page: http://two.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/scons-dev Subscription to the developer's mailing list is by approval. In practice, no one is refused list membership, but we reserve the right to limit membership in the future and/or weed out lurkers. There are other mailing lists available for SCons users, for notification of SCons code changes, and for notification of updated bug reports and project documents. Please see our mailing lists page for details. FOR MORE INFORMATION ==================== Check the SCons web site at: http://www.scons.org/ Author Info =========== SCons was originally written by Steven Knight, knight at baldmt dot com. Since around 2010 it has been maintained by the SCons development team, co-managed by Bill Deegan and Gary Oberbrunner, with many contributors, including but not at all limited to: - Chad Austin - Dirk Baechle - Charles Crain - William Deegan - Steve Leblanc - Rob Managan - Greg Noel - Gary Oberbrunner - Anthony Roach - Greg Spencer - Tom Tanner - Anatoly Techtonik - Christoph Wiedemann - Mats Wichmann - Russel Winder - Mats Wichmann \... and many others.