# MIT License # # Copyright The SCons Foundation # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY # KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ Unit tests for the Python scanner. These tests validate proper working of the Python scanner by confirming that the results of the scan match expectations. The absolute path tests have strongly-defined behavior in that there is no real ambiguity to what they should result in. For example, if you import package x, you expect to get x/__init__.py as a dependency. The relative path tests that reach into ancestor directories do have some ambiguity in whether to depend upon __init__.py in those referenced ancestor directories. Python only allows these kinds of relative imports if the file is part of a package, in which case those ancestor directories' __init__.py files have already been imported. """ import SCons.compat import collections import os import unittest import TestCmd import SCons.Node.FS import SCons.Scanner.Python test = TestCmd.TestCmd(workdir='') test.dir_fixture('python_scanner') if os.path.normcase('foo') == os.path.normcase('FOO'): my_normpath = os.path.normcase else: my_normpath = os.path.normpath def deps_match(self, deps, headers) -> None: global my_normpath scanned = list(map(my_normpath, list(map(str, deps)))) expect = list(map(my_normpath, headers)) self.assertTrue(scanned == expect, "expect %s != scanned %s" % (expect, scanned)) # Copied from LaTeXTests.py. class DummyEnvironment(collections.UserDict): def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__() self.data.update(kwargs) self.fs = SCons.Node.FS.FS(test.workpath('')) self['ENV'] = {} def Dictionary(self, *args): return self.data def subst(self, strSubst, target=None, source=None, conv=None): if strSubst[0] == '$': return self.data[strSubst[1:]] return strSubst def subst_list(self, strSubst, target=None, source=None, conv=None): if strSubst[0] == '$': return [self.data[strSubst[1:]]] return [[strSubst]] def subst_path(self, path, target=None, source=None, conv=None): if not isinstance(path, list): path = [path] return list(map(self.subst, path)) def get_calculator(self): return None def get_factory(self, factory): return factory or self.fs.File def Dir(self, filename): return self.fs.Dir(filename) def File(self, filename): return self.fs.File(filename) class PythonScannerTestPythonPath(unittest.TestCase): def runTest(self) -> None: env = DummyEnvironment() s = SCons.Scanner.Python.PythonScanner env['ENV']['PYTHONPATH'] = test.workpath('') path = s.path(env) deps = s(env.File('imports_simple_package.py'), env, path) files = ['simple_package/__init__.py'] deps_match(self, deps, files) class PythonScannerTestPythonCallablePath(unittest.TestCase): def runTest(self) -> None: env = DummyEnvironment() s = SCons.Scanner.Python.PythonScanner env['ENV']['PYTHONPATH'] = test.workpath('') deps = s(env.File('imports_simple_package.py'), env, lambda : s.path(env)) files = ['simple_package/__init__.py'] deps_match(self, deps, files) class PythonScannerTestImportSimplePackage(unittest.TestCase): def runTest(self) -> None: env = DummyEnvironment() s = SCons.Scanner.Python.PythonScanner node = env.File('imports_simple_package.py') path = s.path(env, source=[node]) deps = s(node, env, path) files = ['simple_package/__init__.py'] deps_match(self, deps, files) # Repeat the test in case there are any issues caching includes. deps = s(node, env, path) deps_match(self, deps, files) class PythonScannerTestImportSimplePackageModule1As(unittest.TestCase): def runTest(self) -> None: env = DummyEnvironment() s = SCons.Scanner.Python.PythonScanner node = env.File('import_simple_package_module1_as.py') path = s.path(env, source=[node]) deps = s(node, env, path) files = ['simple_package/__init__.py', 'simple_package/module1.py'] deps_match(self, deps, files) class PythonScannerTestImportSimplePackageModuleAs(unittest.TestCase): def runTest(self) -> None: env = DummyEnvironment() s = SCons.Scanner.Python.PythonScanner node = env.File('import_simple_package_module1.py') path = s.path(env, source=[node]) deps = s(node, env, path) files = ['simple_package/__init__.py', 'simple_package/module1.py'] deps_match(self, deps, files) class PythonScannerTestFromImportSimplePackageModule1(unittest.TestCase): def runTest(self) -> None: env = DummyEnvironment() s = SCons.Scanner.Python.PythonScanner node = env.File('from_import_simple_package_module1.py') path = s.path(env, source=[node]) deps = s(node, env, path) files = ['simple_package/__init__.py', 'simple_package/module1.py'] deps_match(self, deps, files) class PythonScannerTestFromImportSimplePackageModule1As(unittest.TestCase): def runTest(self) -> None: env = DummyEnvironment() s = SCons.Scanner.Python.PythonScanner node = env.File('from_import_simple_package_module1_as.py') path = s.path(env, source=[node]) deps = s(node, env, path) files = ['simple_package/__init__.py', 'simple_package/module1.py'] deps_match(self, deps, files) class PythonScannerTestFromImportSimplePackageModulesNoSpace( unittest.TestCase): def runTest(self) -> None: env = DummyEnvironment() s = SCons.Scanner.Python.PythonScanner node = env.File('from_import_simple_package_modules_no_space.py') path = s.path(env, source=[node]) deps = s(node, env, path) files = ['simple_package/__init__.py', 'simple_package/module1.py', 'simple_package/module2.py'] deps_match(self, deps, files) class PythonScannerTestFromImportSimplePackageModulesWithSpace( unittest.TestCase): def runTest(self) -> None: env = DummyEnvironment() s = SCons.Scanner.Python.PythonScanner node = env.File('from_import_simple_package_modules_with_space.py') path = s.path(env, source=[node]) deps = s(node, env, path) files = ['simple_package/__init__.py', 'simple_package/module1.py', 'simple_package/module2.py'] deps_match(self, deps, files) class PythonScannerTestCurdirReferenceScript(unittest.TestCase): def runTest(self) -> None: env = DummyEnvironment() s = SCons.Scanner.Python.PythonScanner node = env.Dir('curdir_reference').File('script.py') path = s.path(env, source=[node]) deps = s(node, env, path) files = ['curdir_reference/helper.py'] deps_match(self, deps, files) class PythonScannerTestImportsNested3(unittest.TestCase): def runTest(self) -> None: env = DummyEnvironment() s = SCons.Scanner.Python.PythonScanner node = env.File('imports_nested3.py') path = s.path(env, source=[node]) deps = s(node, env, path) files = ['nested1/__init__.py', 'nested1/nested2/__init__.py', 'nested1/nested2/nested3/__init__.py'] deps_match(self, deps, files) class PythonScannerTestImportsGrandparentModule(unittest.TestCase): def runTest(self) -> None: env = DummyEnvironment() s = SCons.Scanner.Python.PythonScanner node = env.File( 'nested1/nested2/nested3/imports_grandparent_module.py') path = s.path(env, source=[node]) deps = s(node, env, path) files = ['nested1/module.py'] deps_match(self, deps, files) class PythonScannerTestImportsParentModule(unittest.TestCase): def runTest(self) -> None: env = DummyEnvironment() s = SCons.Scanner.Python.PythonScanner node = env.File( 'nested1/nested2/nested3/imports_parent_module.py') path = s.path(env, source=[node]) deps = s(node, env, path) files = ['nested1/nested2/module.py'] deps_match(self, deps, files) class PythonScannerTestImportsParentThenSubmodule(unittest.TestCase): def runTest(self) -> None: env = DummyEnvironment() s = SCons.Scanner.Python.PythonScanner node = env.File( 'nested1/nested2/nested3/imports_parent_then_submodule.py') path = s.path(env, source=[node]) deps = s(node, env, path) files = ['nested1/nested2a/__init__.py', 'nested1/nested2a/module.py'] deps_match(self, deps, files) class PythonScannerTestImportsModuleWithFunc(unittest.TestCase): def runTest(self) -> None: """ This test case tests the following import statement: `from simple_package.module1 import somefunc` with somefunc.py existing in the same folder as module1.py. It validates that the scanner doesn't accidentally take a dependency somefunc.py. """ env = DummyEnvironment() s = SCons.Scanner.Python.PythonScanner env['ENV']['PYTHONPATH'] = test.workpath('') deps = s(env.File('from_import_simple_package_module1_func.py'), env, lambda : s.path(env)) files = ['simple_package/__init__.py', 'simple_package/module1.py'] deps_match(self, deps, files) class PythonScannerTestFromNested1ImportNested2(unittest.TestCase): def runTest(self) -> None: """ This test case tests the following import statement: `from nested1 import module, nested2`. In this test, module is a Python module and nested2 is a package. Validates that the scanner can handle such mixed imports. """ env = DummyEnvironment() s = SCons.Scanner.Python.PythonScanner env['ENV']['PYTHONPATH'] = test.workpath('') deps = s(env.File('from_nested1_import_multiple.py'), env, lambda : s.path(env)) files = ['nested1/__init__.py', 'nested1/module.py', 'nested1/nested2/__init__.py'] deps_match(self, deps, files) class PythonScannerTestImportUnknownFiles(unittest.TestCase): def runTest(self) -> None: """ This test case tests importing files that are not found. If Python really can't find those files, it will fail. But this is intended to test the various failure paths in the scanner to make sure that they don't raise exceptions. """ env = DummyEnvironment() s = SCons.Scanner.Python.PythonScanner env['ENV']['PYTHONPATH'] = test.workpath('') deps = s(env.File('imports_unknown_files.py'), env, lambda : s.path(env)) files = [] deps_match(self, deps, files) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main() # Local Variables: # tab-width:4 # indent-tabs-mode:nil # End: # vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: