# # SConstruct file to build scons packages during development. # # See the README.rst file for an overview of how SCons is built and tested. import os.path import sys import textwrap from time import strftime copyright_years = strftime('2001 - %Y') # This gets inserted into the man pages to reflect the month of release. month_year = strftime('%B %Y') # # MIT License # # Copyright The SCons Foundation # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY # KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # project = 'scons' default_version = '4.5.1' copyright = "Copyright (c) %s The SCons Foundation" % copyright_years # # We let the presence or absence of various utilities determine whether # or not we bother to build certain pieces of things. This should allow # people to still do SCons packaging work even if they don't have all # of the utilities installed # print("git :%s" % git) print("gzip :%s" % gzip) print("unzip :%s" % unzip) print("zip :%s" % zip_path) # # Adding some paths to sys.path, this is mainly needed # for the doc toolchain. # addpaths = [os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'bin')), os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'testing/framework'))] for a in addpaths: if a not in sys.path: sys.path.append(a) # Use site_scons logic to process command line arguments command_line = BuildCommandLine(default_version) command_line.process_command_line_vars() Default('.', command_line.build_dir) # Just make copies, don't symlink them. SetOption('duplicate', 'copy') packaging_flavors = [ ('tar-gz', "The normal .tar.gz file for end-user installation."), ('local-tar-gz', "A .tar.gz file for dropping into other software " + "for local use."), ('zip', "The normal .zip file for end-user installation."), ('local-zip', "A .zip file for dropping into other software " + "for local use."), ('src-tar-gz', "A .tar.gz file containing all the source " + "(including tests and documentation)."), ('src-zip', "A .zip file containing all the source " + "(including tests and documentation)."), ] test_tar_gz_dir = os.path.join(command_line.build_dir, "test-tar-gz") test_src_tar_gz_dir = os.path.join(command_line.build_dir, "test-src-tar-gz") test_local_tar_gz_dir = os.path.join(command_line.build_dir, "test-local-tar-gz") test_zip_dir = os.path.join(command_line.build_dir, "test-zip") test_src_zip_dir = os.path.join(command_line.build_dir, "test-src-zip") test_local_zip_dir = os.path.join(command_line.build_dir, "test-local-zip") unpack_tar_gz_dir = os.path.join(command_line.build_dir, "unpack-tar-gz") unpack_zip_dir = os.path.join(command_line.build_dir, "unpack-zip") if is_windows(): tar_hflag = '' # python_project_subinst_dir = os.path.join("Lib", "site-packages", project) # project_script_subinst_dir = 'Scripts' else: tar_hflag = 'h' # python_project_subinst_dir = os.path.join("lib", project) # project_script_subinst_dir = 'bin' indent_fmt = ' %-26s ' Help("""\ The following aliases build packages of various types, and unpack the contents into build/test-$PACKAGE subdirectories, which can be used by the runtest.py -p option to run tests against what's been actually packaged: """) aliases = sorted(packaging_flavors + [('doc', 'The SCons documentation.')]) for alias, help_text in aliases: tw = textwrap.TextWrapper( width=78, initial_indent=indent_fmt % alias, subsequent_indent=indent_fmt % '' + ' ', ) Help(tw.fill(help_text) + '\n') Help(""" The following command-line variables can be set: """) for variable, help_text in command_line.command_line_variables: tw = textwrap.TextWrapper( width=78, initial_indent=indent_fmt % variable, subsequent_indent=indent_fmt % '' + ' ', ) Help(tw.fill(help_text) + '\n') revaction = SCons_revision revbuilder = Builder(action=Action(SCons_revision, varlist=['COPYRIGHT', 'VERSION'])) env = Environment( ENV=command_line.ENV, BUILD=command_line.build_id, BUILDDIR=command_line.build_dir, BUILDSYS=command_line.build_system, COPYRIGHT_YEARS=copyright_years, COPYRIGHT=copyright, DATE=command_line.date, DEB_DATE=deb_date, DEVELOPER=command_line.developer, DISTDIR=os.path.join(command_line.build_dir, 'dist'), MONTH_YEAR=month_year, REVISION=command_line.revision, VERSION=command_line.version, TAR_HFLAG=tar_hflag, ZIP=zip_path, ZIPFLAGS='-r', UNZIP=unzip, UNZIPFLAGS='-o -d $UNPACK_ZIP_DIR', # ZCAT=zcat, # ZIPID=zipit, TEST_SRC_TAR_GZ_DIR=test_src_tar_gz_dir, TEST_SRC_ZIP_DIR=test_src_zip_dir, TEST_TAR_GZ_DIR=test_tar_gz_dir, TEST_ZIP_DIR=test_zip_dir, UNPACK_TAR_GZ_DIR=unpack_tar_gz_dir, UNPACK_ZIP_DIR=unpack_zip_dir, BUILDERS={'SCons_revision': revbuilder, 'SOElim': soelimbuilder}, PYTHON='"%s"' % sys.executable, PYTHONFLAGS='-tt', ) Version_values = [Value(command_line.version), Value(command_line.build_id)] installed_local_files = create_local_packages(env) update_init_file(env) # # # # # Documentation. # Export('command_line', 'env', 'whereis', 'revaction') SConscript('doc/SConscript') # Copy manpage's into base dir for inclusion in pypi packages man_pages = env.Install("#/", Glob("#/build/doc/man/*.1")) # Build packages for pypi wheel = env.Command('$DISTDIR/SCons-${VERSION}-py3-none-any.whl', ['setup.cfg', 'setup.py', 'SCons/__init__.py']+man_pages, '$PYTHON setup.py bdist_wheel') zip_file = env.Command('$DISTDIR/SCons-${VERSION}.zip', ['setup.cfg', 'setup.py', 'SCons/__init__.py']+man_pages, '$PYTHON setup.py sdist --format=zip') tgz_file = env.Command('$DISTDIR/SCons-${VERSION}.tar.gz', ['setup.cfg', 'setup.py', 'SCons/__init__.py']+man_pages, '$PYTHON setup.py sdist --format=gztar') # Now set depends so the above run in a particular order env.Depends(tgz_file, [zip_file, wheel]) # NOTE: Commenting this out as the manpages are expected to be in the base directory when manually # running setup.py from the base of the repo. # NOTE: This used by distro package maintainers. # env.AddPostAction(tgz_file, Delete(man_pages)) # TODO add auto copyright date to README.rst, LICENSE # TODO build API DOCS