diff options
authorRobert Managan <>2012-10-17 10:13:16 -0700
committerRobert Managan <>2012-10-17 10:13:16 -0700
commitac56a96935be961ac842c798554e539c4ad2a502 (patch)
parent62d85458b0e7d34a9b5c13052aade3492e8ceb75 (diff)
parentf746753a5c1e18a0768f2fe906c49301bf5076e0 (diff)
merge in changes from other forks/branches
25 files changed, 1031 insertions, 826 deletions
diff --git a/README b/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f82c585..00000000
--- a/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,779 +0,0 @@
- SCons - a software construction tool
-Welcome to the SCons development tree. The real purpose of this tree
-is to package SCons for production distribution in a variety of formats,
-not just to hack SCons code.
-If all you want to do is install and run SCons, it will be easier for you
-to download and install the scons-{version}.tar.gz or scons-{version}.zip
-package rather than to work with the packaging logic in this tree.
-To the extent that this tree is about building SCons packages, the *full*
-development cycle is not just to test the code directly, but to package
-SCons, unpack the package, "install" SCons in a test subdirectory,
-and then to run the tests against the unpacked and installed software.
-This helps eliminate problems caused by, for example, failure to update
-the list of files to be packaged.
-For just working on making an individual change to the SCons source,
-however, you don't actually need to build or install SCons; you
-*can* actually edit and execute SCons in-place. See the following
-sections below for more information:
- How to edit and execute SCons in-place.
- Tips for debugging problems in SCons.
- How to use the automated regression tests.
- An example of how to put the edit/execute/test pieces
- together in a reasonable development workflow.
-Before going further, you can check that this package you have is the
-latest version at the SCons download page:
-Running SCons requires Python version 2.4 or later. There should be
-no other dependencies or requirements to run SCons.
-The default SCons configuration assumes use of the Microsoft Visual C++
-compiler suite on WIN32 systems, and assumes a C compiler named 'cc',
-a C++ compiler named 'c++', and a Fortran compiler named 'g77' (such
-as found in the GNU C compiler suite) on any other type of system.
-You may, of course, override these default values by appropriate
-configuration of Environment construction variables.
-By default, SCons knows how to search for available programming tools
-on various systems--see the SCons man page for details. You may,
-of course, override the default SCons choices made by appropriate
-configuration of Environment construction variables.
-Nothing special.
-You can execute the local SCons directly from the src/ subdirectory by
-first setting the SCONS_LIB_DIR environment variable to the local
-src/engine subdirectory, and then executing the local src/script/
-script to populate the build/scons/ subdirectory. You would do this as
-follows on a Linux or UNIX system (using sh or a derivative like bash or
- $ setenv MYSCONS=`pwd`/src
- $ setenv SCONS_LIB_DIR=$MYSCONS/engine
- $ python $MYSCONS/script/ [arguments]
-Or on Windows:
- C:\scons>set MYSCONS=%cd%\src
- C:\scons>set SCONS_LIB_DIR=%MYSCONS%\engine
- C:\scons>python %MYSCONS%\script\ [arguments]
-An alternative approach is to skip the above and use:
- $ python [arguments]
- keeps the src/ subdirectory free of compiled Python (*.pyc or
-*.pyo) files by copying the necessary SCons files to a local bootstrap/
-subdirectory and executing it from there.
-You can use the -C option to have SCons change directory to another
-location where you already have a build configuration set up.
- $ python -C /some/other/location [arguments]
-For simplicity in the following examples, we will only show the approach.
- NOTE: You don't need to build SCons packages or install SCons if
- you just want to work on developing a patch. See the sections
- about MAKING CHANGES and TESTING below if you just want to submit
- a bug fix or some new functionality. See the sections below about
- BUILDING PACKAGES and TESTING PACKAGES if your enhancement involves
- changing the way in which SCons is packaged and/or installed on an
- end-user system.
-Assuming your system satisfies the installation requirements in the
-previous section, install SCons from this package by first populating
-the build/scons/ subdirectory. (For an easier way to install SCons,
-without having to populate this directory, use the scons-{version}.tar.gz
-or scons-{version}.zip package.)
-Populate build/scons/ using a pre-installed SCons
-If you already have an appropriate version of SCons installed on your
-system, populate the build/scons/ directory by running:
- $ scons build/scons
-Populate build/scons/ using the SCons source
-You can also use this version of SCons to populate its own build directory
-by using a supplied script (see the section above about
- $ python build/scons
-Install the built SCons files
-Any of the above commands will populate the build/scons/ directory with
-the necessary files and directory structure to use the Python-standard
-setup script as follows on Linux or UNIX:
- # cd build/scons
- # python install
-Or on Windows:
- C:\scons\>cd build\scons
- C:\scons\build\scons>python install
-By default, the above commands will do the following:
- -- Install the version-numbered "scons-2.0.0" and "sconsign-2.0.0"
- scripts in the default system script directory (/usr/bin or
- C:\Python*\Scripts, for example). This can be disabled by
- specifying the "--no-version-script" option on the command
- line.
- -- Install scripts named "scons" and "sconsign" scripts in the
- default system script directory (/usr/bin or C:\Python*\Scripts,
- for example). This can be disabled by specifying the
- "--no-scons-script" option on the command line, which is useful
- if you want to install and experiment with a new version before
- making it the default on your system.
- On UNIX or Linux systems, you can have the "scons" and "sconsign"
- scripts be hard links or symbolic links to the "scons-2.0.0" and
- "sconsign-2.0.0" scripts by specifying the "--hardlink-scons" or
- "--symlink-scons" options on the command line.
- -- Install "scons-2.0.0.bat" and "scons.bat" wrapper scripts in the
- Python prefix directory on Windows (C:\Python*, for example).
- This can be disabled by specifying the "--no-install-bat" option
- on the command line.
- On UNIX or Linux systems, the "--install-bat" option may be
- specified to have "scons-2.0.0.bat" and "scons.bat" files installed
- in the default system script directory, which is useful if you
- want to install SCons in a shared file system directory that can
- be used to execute SCons from both UNIX/Linux and Windows systems.
- -- Install the SCons build engine (a Python module) in an
- appropriate version-numbered SCons library directory
- (/usr/lib/scons-2.0.0 or C:\Python*\scons-2.0.0, for example).
- See below for more options related to installing the build
- engine library.
- -- Install the troff-format man pages in an appropriate directory
- on UNIX or Linux systems (/usr/share/man/man1 or /usr/man/man1,
- for example). This can be disabled by specifying the
- "--no-install-man" option on the command line. The man pages
- can be installed on Windows systems by specifying the
- "--install-man" option on the command line.
-Note that, by default, SCons does not install its build engine library
-in the standard Python library directories. If you want to be able to
-use the SCons library modules (the build engine) in other Python
-scripts, specify the "--standard-lib" option on the command line, as
- # python install --standard-lib
-This will install the build engine in the standard Python library
-directory (/usr/lib/python*/site-packages or
-Alternatively, you can have SCons install its build engine library in a
-hard-coded standalone library directory, instead of the default
-version-numbered directory, by specifying the "--standalone-lib" option
-on the command line, as follows:
- # python install --standalone-lib
-This is usually not recommended, however.
-Note that, to install SCons in any of the above system directories,
-you should have system installation privileges (that is, "root" or
-"Administrator") when running the script. If you don't have
-system installation privileges, you can use the --prefix option to
-specify an alternate installation location, such as your home directory:
- $ python install --prefix=$HOME
-This will install SCons in the appropriate locations relative to
-$HOME--that is, the scons script itself $HOME/bin and the associated
-library in $HOME/lib/scons, for example.
-Because SCons is implemented in a scripting language, you don't need to
-build it in order to make changes and test them.
-Virtually all of the SCons functionality exists in the "build engine,"
-the src/engine/SCons subdirectory hierarchy that contains all of the
-modules that make up SCons. The src/script/ wrapper script exists
-mainly to find the appropriate build engine library and then execute it.
-In order to make your own changes locally and test them by hand, simply
-edit modules in the local src/engine/SCons subdirectory tree and use the
-local script (see the section above about EXECUTING SCONS
- $ python [arguments]
-If you want to be able to just execute your modified version of SCons from
-the command line, you can make it executable and add its directory to your
-$PATH like so:
- $ chmod 755 src/script/
- $ export PATH=$PATH:`pwd`/src/script
-You should then be able to run this version of SCons by just typing
-"" at your UNIX or Linux command line.
-Note that the regular SCons development process makes heavy use of
-automated testing. See the TESTING and DEVELOPMENT WORKFLOW sections
-below for more information about the automated regression tests and how
-they can be used in a development cycle to validate that your changes
-don't break existing functionality.
-Python comes with a good interactive debugger. When debugging changes
-by hand (i.e., when not using the automated tests), you can invoke SCons
-under control of the Python debugger by specifying the --debug=pdb option:
- $ scons --debug=pdb [arguments]
- > /home/knight/SCons/src/engine/SCons/Script/
- -> default_warnings = [ SCons.Warnings.CorruptSConsignWarning,
- (Pdb)
-Once in the debugger, you can set breakpoints at lines in files in the
-build engine modules by providing the path name of the file relative to
-the src/engine subdirectory (that is, including the SCons/ as the first
-directory component):
- (Pdb) b SCons/Tool/
-The debugger also supports single stepping, stepping into functions,
-printing variables, etc.
-Trying to debug problems found by running the automated tests (see the
-TESTING section, below) is more difficult, because the test automation
-harness re-invokes SCons and captures output. Consequently, there isn't an
-easy way to invoke the Python debugger in a useful way on any particular
-SCons call within a test script.
-The most effective technique for debugging problems that occur during an
-automated test is to use the good old tried-and-true technique of adding
-statements to print tracing information. But note that you can't just use
-"print" statement, or even "sys.stdout.write()," because those change the
-SCons output, and the automated tests usually look for matches of specific
-output strings to decide if a given SCons invocations passes the test.
-To deal with this, SCons supports a Trace() function that (by default)
-will print messages to your console screen ("/dev/tty" on UNIX or Linux,
-"con" on Windows). By adding Trace() calls to the SCons source code:
- def sample_method(self, value):
- from SCons.Debug import Trace
- Trace('called sample_method(%s, %s)\n' % (self, value))
-You can then run automated tests that print any arbitrary information
-you wish about what's going on inside SCons, without interfering with
-the test automation.
-The Trace() function can also redirect its output to a file, rather than
-the screen:
- def sample_method(self, value):
- from SCons.Debug import Trace
- Trace('called sample_method(%s, %s)\n' % (self, value),
- file='trace.out')
-Where the Trace() function sends its output is stateful: once you use the
-"file=" argument, all subsequent calls to Trace() send their output to
-the same file, until another call with a "file=" argument is reached.
-Tests are run by the script in this directory.
-There are two types of tests in this package:
- Unit tests for individual SCons modules live underneath the
- src/engine/ subdirectory and are the same base name as the module
- with "" appended--for example, the unit test for the
- module is the script.
- End-to-end tests of SCons live in the test/ subdirectory.
-You may specifically list one or more tests to be run:
- $ python src/engine/SCons/
- $ python test/ test/
-You also use the -f option to execute just the tests listed in a specified
-text file:
- $ cat testlist.txt
- test/
- test/
- $ python -f testlist.txt
-One test must be listed per line, and any lines that begin with '#'
-will be ignored (allowing you, for example, to comment out tests that
-are currently passing and then uncomment all of the tests in the file
-for a final validation run).
-The script also takes a -a option that searches the tree for
-all of the tests and runs them:
- $ python -a
-If more than one test is run, the script prints a summary
-of how many tests passed, failed, or yielded no result, and lists any
-unsuccessful tests.
-The above invocations all test directly the files underneath the src/
-subdirectory, and do not require that a build be performed first. The script supports additional options to run tests against
-unpacked packages in the build/test-*/ subdirectories. See the "TESTING
-PACKAGES" section below.
- CAVEAT: The point of this section isn't to describe one dogmatic
- workflow. Just running the test suite can be time-consuming, and
- getting a patch to pass all of the tests can be more so. If you're
- genuinely blocked, it may make more sense to submit a patch with
- a note about which tests still fail, and how. Someone else may be
- able to take your "initial draft" and figure out how to improve it
- to fix the rest of the tests. So there's plenty of room for use of
- good judgement.
-The various techniques described in the above sections can be combined
-to create simple and effective workflows that allow you to validate
-that patches you submit to SCons don't break existing functionality and
-have adequate testing, thereby increasing the speed with which they can
-be integrated.
-For example, suppose your project's SCons configuration is blocked by
-an SCons bug, and you decide you want to fix it and submit the patch.
-Here's one possible way to go about doing that (using UNIX/Linux as the
-development platform, Windows users can translate as appropriate)):
- -- Change to the top of your checked-out SCons tree.
- -- Confirm that the bug still exists in this version of SCons
- by using the -C option to run the broken build:
- $ python -C /home/me/broken_project .
- -- Fix the bug in SCons by editing appropriate module files
- underneath src/engine/SCons.
- -- Confirm that you've fixed the bug affecting your project:
- $ python -C /home/me/broken_project .
- -- Test to see if your fix had any unintended side effects
- that break existing functionality:
- $ python -a -o test.log
- Be patient, there are more than 700 test scripts in the
- whole suite. If you are on UNIX/Linux, you can use:
- $ python -a | tee test.log
- instead so you can monitor progress from your terminal.
- If any test scripts fail, they will be listed in a summary at
- the end of the log file. Some test scripts may also report
- NO RESULT because (for example) your local system is the wrong
- type or doesn't have some installed utilities necessary to run
- the script. In general, you can ignore the NO RESULT list.
- -- Cut-and-paste the list of failed tests into a file:
- $ cat > failed.txt
- test/
- test/
- test/
- ^D
- $
- -- Now debug the test failures and fix them, either by changing
- SCons, or by making necessary changes to the tests (if, for
- example, you have a strong reason to change functionality, or
- if you find that the bug really is in the test script itself).
- After each change, use the -f option to examine the
- effects of the change on the subset of tests that originally
- failed:
- $ [edit]
- $ python -f failed.txt
- Repeat this until all of the tests that originally failed
- now pass.
- -- Now you need to go back and validate that any changes you
- made while getting the tests to pass didn't break the fix
- you originally put in, and didn't introduce any *additional*
- unintended side effects that broke other tests:
- $ python -C /home/me/broken_project .
- $ python -a -o test.log
- If you find any newly-broken tests, add them to your "failed.txt"
- file and go back to the previous step.
-Of course, the above is only one suggested workflow. In practice, there
-is a lot of room for judgment and experience to make things go quicker.
-For example, if you're making a change to just the Java support, you
-might start looking for regressions by just running the test/Java/*.py
-tests instead of running all of " -a".
-We use SCons (version 0.96.93 later) to build its own packages. If you
-already have an appropriate version of SCons installed on your system,
-you can build everything by simply running it:
- $ scons
-If you don't have SCons version 0.96.93 later already installed on your
-system, you can use the supplied script (see the section
- $ python build/scons
-Depending on the utilities installed on your system, any or all of the
-following packages will be built:
- build/dist/scons-2.0.0-1.noarch.rpm
- build/dist/scons-2.0.0-1.src.rpm
- build/dist/scons-2.0.0.linux-i686.tar.gz
- build/dist/scons-2.1.0.alpha.yyyymmdd.tar.gz
- build/dist/scons-2.1.0.alpha.yyyymmdd.win32.exe
- build/dist/
- build/dist/scons-doc-2.1.0.alpha.yyyymmdd.tar.gz
- build/dist/scons-local-2.1.0.alpha.yyyymmdd.tar.gz
- build/dist/
- build/dist/scons-src-2.1.0.alpha.yyyymmdd.tar.gz
- build/dist/
- build/dist/scons_1.3.0-1_all.deb
-The SConstruct file is supposed to be smart enough to avoid trying to
-build packages for which you don't have the proper utilities installed.
-For example, if you don't have Debian packaging tools installed, it
-should just not build the .deb package, not fail the build.
-If you receive a build error, please report it to the scons-devel
-mailing list and open a bug report on the SCons bug tracker.
-Note that in addition to creating the above packages, the default build
-will also unpack one or more of the packages for testing.
-A full build will unpack and/or install any .deb, .rpm., .local.tar.gz,, .src.tar.gz,, .tar.gz, and .zip packages into
-separate build/test-*/ subdirectories. (Of course, if a package was
-not built on your system, it should not try to install it.) The script supports a -p option that will run the specified tests
-(individually or collectively via the -a option) against the unpacked
-build/test-/* subdirectory:
- $ python -p deb
- $ python -p rpm
- $ python -p local-tar-gz
- $ python -p local-zip
- $ python -p src-tar-gz
- $ python -p src-zip
- $ python -p tar-gz
- $ python -p zip
-(The canonical invocation is to also use the -a option so
-that all tests are run against the specified package.)
-Not guaranteed to be up-to-date (but better than nothing):
- A subdirectory for benchmarking scripts, used to perform timing
- tests to decide what specific idioms are most efficient for
- various parts of the code base. We check these in so they're
- available in case we have to revisit any of these decisions in
- the future.
- Miscellaneous utilities used in SCons development. Right now,
- some of the stuff here includes:
- -- a copy of the script we use to translate an Aegis change
- into a CVS checkin
- -- a script that runs pychecker on our source tree
- -- a script that counts source and test files and numbers
- of lines in each
- -- a script for synchronizing the Aegis tree to SourceForge
- -- a prototype script for capturing sample SCons output
- in xml files
- -- a script that can profile and time a packaging build of
- SCons itself
- -- a copy of xml_export, which can retrieve project data
- from SourceForge
- -- scripts and a Python module for translating the SCons
- home-brew XML documentation tags into DocBook and
- man page format
- Build script for running SCons from the current source code
- checkout. This copies SCons files to bootstrap/ subdirectory,
- and then executes SCons with the supplied command-line arguments.
- This doesn't exist yet if you're looking at a vanilla source
- tree. This is generated as part of our build process, and it's
- where, believe it or not, we *build* everything.
- The Aegis configuration, governing much of how we use Aegis to
- build, test, control source, etc.
- Files needed to construct a Debian package. The contents of this
- directory are dictated by the Debian Policy Manual
- ( The package will not be
- accepted into the Debian distribution unless the contents of this
- directory satisfy the relevant Debian policies.
- SCons documentation. A variety of things here, in various
- stages of (in)completeness.
- Stuff to generate files for Gentoo Linux.
- Documentation of SCons administrative procedures (making a
- change, releasing a new version). Maybe other administrative
- stuff in the future.
- A copy of the copyright and terms under which SCons is
- distributed (the Open Source Initiative-approved MIT license).
- A copy of the copyright and terms under which SCons is
- distributed for inclusion in the scons-local-{version} packages.
- This is the same as LICENSE with a preamble that specifies
- the licensing terms are for SCons itself, not any other
- package that includes SCons.
- The Python modules we use for testing, some generic modules
- originating elsewhere and some specific to SCons.
- What you're looking at right now.
- A README file for inclusion in the scons-local-{version}
- packages. Similar to this file, but stripped down and modified
- for people looking at including SCons in their shipped software.
- Script for uploading changes for review to Rietveld installation
- at
- The .spec file for building our RPM packages.
- Script for running SCons tests. By default, this will run a
- test against the code in the local src/ tree, so you don't
- have to do a build before testing your changes. Aegis uses
- it with an option that requires that you've done a build
- (aeb) before running tests.
- The "Makefile" for the SCons distribution.
- (It has been pointed out that it's hard to find the SCons API
- in this SConstruct file, and that it looks a lot more like a
- pure Python script than a build configuration file. That's
- mainly because all of the magick we have to perform to deal with
- all of the different packaging formats requires a lot of pure
- Python manipulation. In other words, don't look at this file
- for an example of how easy it is to use SCons to build "normal"
- software.)
- Where the actual source code is kept, of course.
- Template files, used by Aegis to give you a head start when you
- aenf or aent a new file.
- End-to-end tests of the SCons utility itself. These are
- separate from the individual module unit tests, which live
- side-by-side with the modules under src/.
-See the src/RELEASE.txt file for notes about this specific release,
-including known problems. See the src/CHANGES.txt file for a list of
-changes since the previous release.
-The doc/man/scons.1 man page is included in this package, and contains a
-section of small examples for getting started using SCons.
-Additional documentation for SCons is available at:
-SCons is distributed under the MIT license, a full copy of which is
-available in the LICENSE file.
-Please report bugs by following the detailed instructions on our Bug
-Submission page:
-You can also send mail to the SCons developers' mailing list:
-But even if you send email to the mailing list please make sure that you
-ALSO submit a bug report to the project page bug tracker, because bug
-reports in email often get overlooked in the general flood of messages.
-An active mailing list for developers of SCons is available. You may
-send questions or comments to the list at:
-You may request a subscription to the developer's mailing list by sending
-email to:
-Subscription to the developer's mailing list is by approval. In practice,
-no one is refused list membership, but we reserve the right to limit
-membership in the future and/or weed out lurkers.
-There is also a low-volume mailing list available for announcements
-about SCons. Subscribe by sending email to:
-There are other mailing lists available for SCons users, for notification
-of SCons code changes, and for notification of updated bug reports and
-project documents. Please see our mailing lists page for details.
-If you find SCons helpful, please consider making a donation (of cash,
-software, or hardware) to support continued work on the project.
-Information is available at:
-Check the SCons web site at:
-Steven Knight
-knight at baldmt dot com
-With plenty of help from the SCons Development team:
- Chad Austin
- Charles Crain
- William Deegan
- Steve Leblanc
- Greg Noel
- Gary Oberbrunner
- Anthony Roach
- Greg Spencer
- Christoph Wiedemann
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d2492baf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,753 @@
+SCons - a software construction tool
+Welcome to the SCons development tree. The real purpose of this tree is to
+package SCons for production distribution in a variety of formats, not just to
+hack SCons code.
+If all you want to do is install and run SCons, it will be easier for you to
+download and install the scons-{version}.tar.gz or scons-{version}.zip package
+rather than to work with the packaging logic in this tree.
+To the extent that this tree is about building SCons packages, the *full*
+development cycle is not just to test the code directly, but to package SCons,
+unpack the package, "install" SCons in a test subdirectory, and then to run
+the tests against the unpacked and installed software. This helps eliminate
+problems caused by, for example, failure to update the list of files to be
+For just working on making an individual change to the SCons source, however,
+you don't actually need to build or install SCons; you *can* actually edit and
+execute SCons in-place. See the following sections below for more
+ `Making Changes`_
+ How to edit and execute SCons in-place.
+ `Debugging`_
+ Tips for debugging problems in SCons.
+ `Testing`_
+ How to use the automated regression tests.
+ `Development Workflow`_
+ An example of how to put the edit/execute/test pieces
+ together in a reasonable development workflow.
+Latest Version
+Before going further, you can check that this package you have is the latest
+version at the SCons download page:
+Execution Requirements
+Running SCons requires Python version 2.4 or later (Python 3 is not
+yet supported). There should be no other dependencies or requirements
+to run SCons.
+The default SCons configuration assumes use of the Microsoft Visual C++
+compiler suite on WIN32 systems, and assumes a C compiler named 'cc', a C++
+compiler named 'c++', and a Fortran compiler named 'g77' (such as found in the
+GNU C compiler suite) on any other type of system. You may, of course,
+override these default values by appropriate configuration of Environment
+construction variables.
+By default, SCons knows how to search for available programming tools on
+various systems--see the SCons man page for details. You may, of course,
+override the default SCons choices made by appropriate configuration of
+Environment construction variables.
+Installation Requirements
+Nothing special.
+Executing SCons Without Installing
+You can execute the local SCons directly from the src/ subdirectory by first
+setting the SCONS_LIB_DIR environment variable to the local src/engine
+subdirectory, and then executing the local src/script/ script to
+populate the build/scons/ subdirectory. You would do this as follows on a
+Linux or UNIX system (using sh or a derivative like bash or ksh)::
+ $ setenv MYSCONS=`pwd`/src
+ $ setenv SCONS_LIB_DIR=$MYSCONS/engine
+ $ python $MYSCONS/script/ [arguments]
+Or on Windows::
+ C:\scons>set MYSCONS=%cd%\src
+ C:\scons>set SCONS_LIB_DIR=%MYSCONS%\engine
+ C:\scons>python %MYSCONS%\script\ [arguments]
+An alternative approach is to skip the above and use::
+ $ python [arguments]
+ keeps the src/ subdirectory free of compiled Python (\*.pyc or
+\*.pyo) files by copying the necessary SCons files to a local bootstrap/
+subdirectory and executing it from there.
+You can use the -C option to have SCons change directory to another location
+where you already have a build configuration set up::
+ $ python -C /some/other/location [arguments]
+For simplicity in the following examples, we will only show the
+ Note: You don't need to build SCons packages or install SCons if you just
+ want to work on developing a patch. See the sections about `Making
+ Changes`_ and `Testing`_ below if you just want to submit a bug fix or
+ some new functionality. See the sections below about `Building Packages`_
+ and `Testing Packages`_ if your enhancement involves changing the way in
+ which SCons is packaged and/or installed on an end-user system.
+Assuming your system satisfies the installation requirements in the previous
+section, install SCons from this package by first populating the build/scons/
+subdirectory. (For an easier way to install SCons, without having to populate
+this directory, use the scons-{version}.tar.gz or scons-{version}.zip
+Populate build/scons/ using a pre-installed SCons
+If you already have an appropriate version of SCons installed on your system,
+populate the build/scons/ directory by running::
+ $ scons build/scons
+Populate build/scons/ using the SCons source
+You can also use this version of SCons to populate its own build directory
+by using a supplied script (see the section above about
+`Executing SCons Without Installing`_)::
+ $ python build/scons
+Install the built SCons files
+Any of the above commands will populate the build/scons/ directory with the
+necessary files and directory structure to use the Python-standard setup
+script as follows on Linux or UNIX::
+ # cd build/scons
+ # python install
+Or on Windows::
+ C:\scons\>cd build\scons
+ C:\scons\build\scons>python install
+By default, the above commands will do the following:
+- Install the version-numbered "scons-2.0.0" and "sconsign-2.0.0" scripts in
+ the default system script directory (/usr/bin or C:\\Python\*\\Scripts, for
+ example). This can be disabled by specifying the "--no-version-script"
+ option on the command line.
+- Install scripts named "scons" and "sconsign" scripts in the default system
+ script directory (/usr/bin or C:\\Python\*\\Scripts, for example). This can be
+ disabled by specifying the "--no-scons-script" option on the command line,
+ which is useful if you want to install and experiment with a new version
+ before making it the default on your system.
+ On UNIX or Linux systems, you can have the "scons" and "sconsign" scripts be
+ hard links or symbolic links to the "scons-2.0.0" and "sconsign-2.0.0"
+ scripts by specifying the "--hardlink-scons" or "--symlink-scons" options on
+ the command line.
+- Install "scons-2.0.0.bat" and "scons.bat" wrapper scripts in the Python
+ prefix directory on Windows (C:\\Python\*, for example). This can be disabled
+ by specifying the "--no-install-bat" option on the command line.
+ On UNIX or Linux systems, the "--install-bat" option may be specified to
+ have "scons-2.0.0.bat" and "scons.bat" files installed in the default system
+ script directory, which is useful if you want to install SCons in a shared
+ file system directory that can be used to execute SCons from both UNIX/Linux
+ and Windows systems.
+- Install the SCons build engine (a Python module) in an appropriate
+ version-numbered SCons library directory (/usr/lib/scons-2.0.0 or
+ C:\\Python\*\\scons-2.0.0, for example). See below for more options related to
+ installing the build engine library.
+- Install the troff-format man pages in an appropriate directory on UNIX or
+ Linux systems (/usr/share/man/man1 or /usr/man/man1, for example). This can
+ be disabled by specifying the "--no-install-man" option on the command line.
+ The man pages can be installed on Windows systems by specifying the
+ "--install-man" option on the command line.
+Note that, by default, SCons does not install its build engine library in the
+standard Python library directories. If you want to be able to use the SCons
+library modules (the build engine) in other Python scripts, specify the
+"--standard-lib" option on the command line, as follows::
+ # python install --standard-lib
+This will install the build engine in the standard Python library directory
+(/usr/lib/python\*/site-packages or C:\\Python*\\Lib\\site-packages).
+Alternatively, you can have SCons install its build engine library in a
+hard-coded standalone library directory, instead of the default
+version-numbered directory, by specifying the "--standalone-lib" option on the
+command line, as follows::
+ # python install --standalone-lib
+This is usually not recommended, however.
+Note that, to install SCons in any of the above system directories, you should
+have system installation privileges (that is, "root" or "Administrator") when
+running the script. If you don't have system installation
+privileges, you can use the --prefix option to specify an alternate
+installation location, such as your home directory::
+ $ python install --prefix=$HOME
+This will install SCons in the appropriate locations relative to $HOME--that
+is, the scons script itself $HOME/bin and the associated library in
+$HOME/lib/scons, for example.
+Making Changes
+Because SCons is implemented in a scripting language, you don't need to build
+it in order to make changes and test them.
+Virtually all of the SCons functionality exists in the "build engine," the
+src/engine/SCons subdirectory hierarchy that contains all of the modules that
+make up SCons. The src/script/ wrapper script exists mainly to find
+the appropriate build engine library and then execute it.
+In order to make your own changes locally and test them by hand, simply edit
+modules in the local src/engine/SCons subdirectory tree and use the local script (see the section above about `Executing SCons Without
+ $ python [arguments]
+If you want to be able to just execute your modified version of SCons from the
+command line, you can make it executable and add its directory to your $PATH
+like so::
+ $ chmod 755 src/script/
+ $ export PATH=$PATH:`pwd`/src/script
+You should then be able to run this version of SCons by just typing ""
+at your UNIX or Linux command line.
+Note that the regular SCons development process makes heavy use of automated
+testing. See the `Testing`_ and `Development Workflow`_ sections below for more
+information about the automated regression tests and how they can be used in a
+development cycle to validate that your changes don't break existing
+Python comes with a good interactive debugger. When debugging changes by hand
+(i.e., when not using the automated tests), you can invoke SCons under control
+of the Python debugger by specifying the --debug=pdb option::
+ $ scons --debug=pdb [arguments]
+ > /home/knight/SCons/src/engine/SCons/Script/
+ -> default_warnings = [ SCons.Warnings.CorruptSConsignWarning,
+ (Pdb)
+Once in the debugger, you can set breakpoints at lines in files in the build
+engine modules by providing the path name of the file relative to the
+src/engine subdirectory (that is, including the SCons/ as the first directory
+ (Pdb) b SCons/Tool/
+The debugger also supports single stepping, stepping into functions, printing
+variables, etc.
+Trying to debug problems found by running the automated tests (see the
+`Testing`_ section, below) is more difficult, because the test automation
+harness re-invokes SCons and captures output. Consequently, there isn't an
+easy way to invoke the Python debugger in a useful way on any particular SCons
+call within a test script.
+The most effective technique for debugging problems that occur during an
+automated test is to use the good old tried-and-true technique of adding
+statements to print tracing information. But note that you can't just use
+"print" statement, or even "sys.stdout.write()" because those change the
+SCons output, and the automated tests usually look for matches of specific
+output strings to decide if a given SCons invocations passes the test.
+To deal with this, SCons supports a Trace() function that (by default) will
+print messages to your console screen ("/dev/tty" on UNIX or Linux, "con" on
+Windows). By adding Trace() calls to the SCons source code::
+ def sample_method(self, value):
+ from SCons.Debug import Trace
+ Trace('called sample_method(%s, %s)\n' % (self, value))
+You can then run automated tests that print any arbitrary information you wish
+about what's going on inside SCons, without interfering with the test
+The Trace() function can also redirect its output to a file, rather than the
+ def sample_method(self, value):
+ from SCons.Debug import Trace
+ Trace('called sample_method(%s, %s)\n' % (self, value),
+ file='trace.out')
+Where the Trace() function sends its output is stateful: once you use the
+"file=" argument, all subsequent calls to Trace() send their output to the
+same file, until another call with a "file=" argument is reached.
+Tests are run by the script in this directory.
+There are two types of tests in this package:
+1. Unit tests for individual SCons modules live underneath the src/engine/
+ subdirectory and are the same base name as the module with ""
+ appended--for example, the unit test for the module is the
+ script.
+2. End-to-end tests of SCons live in the test/ subdirectory.
+You may specifically list one or more tests to be run::
+ $ python src/engine/SCons/
+ $ python test/ test/
+You also use the -f option to execute just the tests listed in a specified
+text file::
+ $ cat testlist.txt
+ test/
+ test/
+ $ python -f testlist.txt
+One test must be listed per line, and any lines that begin with '#' will be
+ignored (allowing you, for example, to comment out tests that are currently
+passing and then uncomment all of the tests in the file for a final validation
+The script also takes a -a option that searches the tree for all of
+the tests and runs them::
+ $ python -a
+If more than one test is run, the script prints a summary of how
+many tests passed, failed, or yielded no result, and lists any unsuccessful
+The above invocations all test directly the files underneath the src/
+subdirectory, and do not require that a build be performed first. The script supports additional options to run tests against unpacked
+packages in the build/test-\*/ subdirectories. See the `Testing Packages`_
+section below.
+Development Workflow
+ Caveat: The point of this section isn't to describe one dogmatic workflow.
+ Just running the test suite can be time-consuming, and getting a patch to
+ pass all of the tests can be more so. If you're genuinely blocked, it may
+ make more sense to submit a patch with a note about which tests still
+ fail, and how. Someone else may be able to take your "initial draft" and
+ figure out how to improve it to fix the rest of the tests. So there's
+ plenty of room for use of good judgement.
+The various techniques described in the above sections can be combined to
+create simple and effective workflows that allow you to validate that patches
+you submit to SCons don't break existing functionality and have adequate
+testing, thereby increasing the speed with which they can be integrated.
+For example, suppose your project's SCons configuration is blocked by an SCons
+bug, and you decide you want to fix it and submit the patch. Here's one
+possible way to go about doing that (using UNIX/Linux as the development
+platform, Windows users can translate as appropriate)):
+- Change to the top of your checked-out SCons tree.
+- Confirm that the bug still exists in this version of SCons by using the -C
+ option to run the broken build::
+ $ python -C /home/me/broken_project .
+- Fix the bug in SCons by editing appropriate module files underneath
+ src/engine/SCons.
+- Confirm that you've fixed the bug affecting your project::
+ $ python -C /home/me/broken_project .
+- Test to see if your fix had any unintended side effects that break existing
+ functionality::
+ $ python -a -o test.log
+ Be patient, there are more than 700 test scripts in the whole suite. If you
+ are on UNIX/Linux, you can use::
+ $ python -a | tee test.log
+ instead so you can monitor progress from your terminal.
+ If any test scripts fail, they will be listed in a summary at the end of the
+ log file. Some test scripts may also report NO RESULT because (for example)
+ your local system is the wrong type or doesn't have some installed utilities
+ necessary to run the script. In general, you can ignore the NO RESULT list.
+- Cut-and-paste the list of failed tests into a file::
+ $ cat > failed.txt
+ test/
+ test/
+ test/
+ ^D
+ $
+- Now debug the test failures and fix them, either by changing SCons, or by
+ making necessary changes to the tests (if, for example, you have a strong
+ reason to change functionality, or if you find that the bug really is in the
+ test script itself). After each change, use the -f option to
+ examine the effects of the change on the subset of tests that originally
+ failed::
+ $ [edit]
+ $ python -f failed.txt
+ Repeat this until all of the tests that originally failed now pass.
+- Now you need to go back and validate that any changes you made while getting
+ the tests to pass didn't break the fix you originally put in, and didn't
+ introduce any *additional* unintended side effects that broke other tests::
+ $ python -C /home/me/broken_project .
+ $ python -a -o test.log
+ If you find any newly-broken tests, add them to your "failed.txt" file and
+ go back to the previous step.
+Of course, the above is only one suggested workflow. In practice, there is a
+lot of room for judgment and experience to make things go quicker. For
+example, if you're making a change to just the Java support, you might start
+looking for regressions by just running the test/Java/\*.py tests instead of
+running all of " -a".
+Building Packages
+We use SCons (version 0.96.93 later) to build its own packages. If you
+already have an appropriate version of SCons installed on your system, you can
+build everything by simply running it::
+ $ scons
+If you don't have SCons version 0.96.93 later already installed on your
+system, you can use the supplied script (see the section above
+about `Executing SCons Without Installing`_)::
+ $ python build/scons
+Depending on the utilities installed on your system, any or all of the
+following packages will be built::
+ build/dist/scons-2.0.0-1.noarch.rpm
+ build/dist/scons-2.0.0-1.src.rpm
+ build/dist/scons-2.0.0.linux-i686.tar.gz
+ build/dist/scons-2.1.0.alpha.yyyymmdd.tar.gz
+ build/dist/scons-2.1.0.alpha.yyyymmdd.win32.exe
+ build/dist/
+ build/dist/scons-doc-2.1.0.alpha.yyyymmdd.tar.gz
+ build/dist/scons-local-2.1.0.alpha.yyyymmdd.tar.gz
+ build/dist/
+ build/dist/scons-src-2.1.0.alpha.yyyymmdd.tar.gz
+ build/dist/
+ build/dist/scons_1.3.0-1_all.deb
+The SConstruct file is supposed to be smart enough to avoid trying to build
+packages for which you don't have the proper utilities installed. For
+example, if you don't have Debian packaging tools installed, it should just
+not build the .deb package, not fail the build.
+If you receive a build error, please report it to the scons-devel mailing list
+and open a bug report on the SCons bug tracker.
+Note that in addition to creating the above packages, the default build will
+also unpack one or more of the packages for testing.
+Testing Packages
+A full build will unpack and/or install any .deb, .rpm., .local.tar.gz,, .src.tar.gz,, .tar.gz, and .zip packages into separate
+build/test-\*/ subdirectories. (Of course, if a package was not built on your
+system, it should not try to install it.) The script supports a -p
+option that will run the specified tests (individually or collectively via
+the -a option) against the unpacked build/test-/\* subdirectory::
+ $ python -p deb
+ $ python -p rpm
+ $ python -p local-tar-gz
+ $ python -p local-zip
+ $ python -p src-tar-gz
+ $ python -p src-zip
+ $ python -p tar-gz
+ $ python -p zip
+(The canonical invocation is to also use the -a option so that all
+tests are run against the specified package.)
+Contents of this Package
+Not guaranteed to be up-to-date (but better than nothing):
+ A subdirectory for benchmarking scripts, used to perform timing tests
+ to decide what specific idioms are most efficient for various parts of
+ the code base. We check these in so they're available in case we have
+ to revisit any of these decisions in the future.
+ Miscellaneous utilities used in SCons development. Right now,
+ some of the stuff here includes:
+ - a script that runs pychecker on our source tree;
+ - a script that counts source and test files and numbers of lines in each;
+ - a prototype script for capturing sample SCons output in xml files;
+ - a script that can profile and time a packaging build of SCons itself;
+ - a copy of xml_export, which can retrieve project data from SourceForge;
+ and
+ - scripts and a Python module for translating the SCons home-brew XML
+ documentation tags into DocBook and man page format
+ Build script for running SCons from the current source code checkout. This
+ copies SCons files to bootstrap/ subdirectory, and then executes SCons
+ with the supplied command-line arguments.
+ This doesn't exist yet if you're looking at a vanilla source tree. This
+ is generated as part of our build process, and it's where, believe it or
+ not, we *build* everything.
+ Files needed to construct a Debian package. The contents of this directory
+ are dictated by the Debian Policy Manual
+ ( The package will not be
+ accepted into the Debian distribution unless the contents of this
+ directory satisfy the relevant Debian policies.
+ SCons documentation. A variety of things here, in various stages of
+ (in)completeness.
+ Stuff to generate files for Gentoo Linux.
+ Documentation of SCons administrative procedures (making a change,
+ releasing a new version). Maybe other administrative stuff in the future.
+ A copy of the copyright and terms under which SCons is distributed (the
+ Open Source Initiative-approved MIT license).
+ A copy of the copyright and terms under which SCons is distributed for
+ inclusion in the scons-local-{version} packages. This is the same as
+ LICENSE with a preamble that specifies the licensing terms are for SCons
+ itself, not any other package that includes SCons.
+ The Python modules we use for testing, some generic modules originating
+ elsewhere and some specific to SCons.
+ What you're looking at right now.
+ A README file for inclusion in the scons-local-{version} packages.
+ Similar to this file, but stripped down and modified for people looking at
+ including SCons in their shipped software.
+ Script for uploading changes for review to Rietveld installation at
+ The .spec file for building our RPM packages.
+ Script for running SCons tests. By default, this will run a test against
+ the code in the local src/ tree, so you don't have to do a build before
+ testing your changes.
+ The file describing to SCons how to build the SCons distribution.
+ (It has been pointed out that it's hard to find the SCons API in this
+ SConstruct file, and that it looks a lot more like a pure Python script
+ than a build configuration file. That's mainly because all of the magick
+ we have to perform to deal with all of the different packaging formats
+ requires a lot of pure Python manipulation. In other words, don't look at
+ this file for an example of how easy it is to use SCons to build "normal"
+ software.)
+ Where the actual source code is kept, of course.
+ End-to-end tests of the SCons utility itself. These are separate from the
+ individual module unit tests, which live side-by-side with the modules
+ under src/.
+See the src/RELEASE.txt file for notes about this specific release, including
+known problems. See the src/CHANGES.txt file for a list of changes since the
+previous release.
+The doc/man/scons.1 man page is included in this package, and contains a
+section of small examples for getting started using SCons.
+Additional documentation for SCons is available at:
+SCons is distributed under the MIT license, a full copy of which is available
+in the LICENSE file.
+Reporting Bugs
+Please report bugs by following the detailed instructions on our Bug
+Submission page:
+You can also send mail to the SCons developers' mailing list:
+But even if you send email to the mailing list please make sure that you ALSO
+submit a bug report to the project page bug tracker, because bug reports in
+email often get overlooked in the general flood of messages.
+Mailing Lists
+An active mailing list for developers of SCons is available. You may
+send questions or comments to the list at:
+You may request a subscription to the developer's mailing list by sending
+email to:
+Subscription to the developer's mailing list is by approval. In practice, no
+one is refused list membership, but we reserve the right to limit membership
+in the future and/or weed out lurkers.
+There is also a low-volume mailing list available for announcements about
+SCons. Subscribe by sending email to:
+There are other mailing lists available for SCons users, for notification of
+SCons code changes, and for notification of updated bug reports and project
+documents. Please see our mailing lists page for details.
+If you find SCons helpful, please consider making a donation (of cash,
+software, or hardware) to support continued work on the project. Information
+is available at:
+For More Information
+Check the SCons web site at:
+Author Info
+Steven Knight, knight at baldmt dot com,
+With plenty of help from the SCons Development team:
+- Chad Austin
+- Dirk Baechle
+- Charles Crain
+- William Deegan
+- Steve Leblanc
+- Rob Managan
+- Greg Noel
+- Gary Oberbrunner
+- Anthony Roach
+- Greg Spencer
+- Christoph Wiedemann
+- Russel Winder
+\... and many others.
diff --git a/SConstruct b/SConstruct
index 4fd8c812..44079916 100644
--- a/SConstruct
+++ b/SConstruct
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# SConstruct file to build scons packages during development.
-# See the README file for an overview of how SCons is built and tested.
+# See the README.rst file for an overview of how SCons is built and tested.
# When this gets changed, you must also change the copyright_years string
# in QMTest/ so the test scripts look for the right string.
diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
index 44939114..338bba91 100644
--- a/bin/
+++ b/bin/
@@ -305,11 +305,10 @@ t.replace_assign('default_version', repr(version_string))
# Update README
-t = UpdateFile('README')
-if DEBUG: t.file = '/tmp/README'
+t = UpdateFile('README.rst')
+if DEBUG: t.file = '/tmp/README.rst'
t.sub('-' + t.match_pat + '\.', '-' + version_string + '.', count = 0)
-# the loop below can be removed after all 1.x.y releases are dead
-for suf in ['tar', 'win32', 'zip']:
+for suf in ['tar', 'win32', 'zip', 'rpm', 'exe', 'deb']:
t.sub('-(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\.%s' % suf,
'-%s.%s' % (version_string, suf),
count = 0)
diff --git a/src/CHANGES.txt b/src/CHANGES.txt
index c903ece9..29cb6a33 100644
--- a/src/CHANGES.txt
+++ b/src/CHANGES.txt
@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@
+ From Alexey Klimkin:
+ - Fix nested LIBPATH expansion by flattening sequences in subst_path.
From eyan on Bitbucket:
- Print target name with command execution time with --debug=time
@@ -37,6 +40,8 @@ RELEASE 2.X.X -
From Rob Managan:
- Updated the TeX builder to support the \newglossary command
in LaTeX's glossaries package and the files it creates.
+ - Improve support for new versions of biblatex in the TeX builder
+ so biber is called automatically if biblatex requires it.
RELEASE 2.2.0 - Mon, 05 Aug 2012 15:37:48 +0000
diff --git a/src/engine/SCons/ b/src/engine/SCons/
index 9237c8a9..45cf8765 100644
--- a/src/engine/SCons/
+++ b/src/engine/SCons/
@@ -1440,6 +1440,21 @@ def exists(env):
x = s("${_concat(PRE, LIST, SUF, __env__)}")
assert x == 'preasuf prebsuf', x
+ def test_concat_nested(self):
+ "Test _concat() on a nested substitution strings."
+ e = self.TestEnvironment(PRE='pre', SUF='suf',
+ L1=['a', 'b'],
+ L2=['c', 'd'],
+ L3=['$L2'])
+ x = e.subst('$( ${_concat(PRE, L1, SUF, __env__)} $)')
+ assert x == 'preasuf prebsuf', x
+ e.AppendUnique(L1 = ['$L2'])
+ x = e.subst('$( ${_concat(PRE, L1, SUF, __env__)} $)')
+ assert x == 'preasuf prebsuf precsuf predsuf', x
+ e.AppendUnique(L1 = ['$L3'])
+ x = e.subst('$( ${_concat(PRE, L1, SUF, __env__)} $)')
+ assert x == 'preasuf prebsuf precsuf predsuf precsuf predsuf', x
def test_gvars(self):
"""Test the Environment gvars() method"""
env = self.TestEnvironment(XXX = 'x', YYY = 'y', ZZZ = 'z')
diff --git a/src/engine/SCons/ b/src/engine/SCons/
index 870c195b..f3de57ce 100644
--- a/src/engine/SCons/
+++ b/src/engine/SCons/
@@ -131,12 +131,14 @@ class _PathList(object):
value = env.subst(value, target=target, source=source,
if SCons.Util.is_Sequence(value):
- result.extend(value)
- continue
+ result.extend(SCons.Util.flatten(value))
+ elif value:
+ result.append(value)
elif type == TYPE_OBJECT:
value = node_conv(value)
- if value:
+ if value:
+ result.append(value)
+ elif value:
return tuple(result)
diff --git a/src/engine/SCons/ b/src/engine/SCons/
index 212c761f..e83fc50d 100644
--- a/src/engine/SCons/
+++ b/src/engine/SCons/
@@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ class subst_pathTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
return s
self.env = FakeEnvironment(AAA = 'aaa', NULL = '')
+ from SCons.Environment import Environment
+ self.env = Environment(AAA = 'aaa', NULL = '')
def test_node(self):
"""Test the subst_path() method on a Node
@@ -120,6 +122,40 @@ class subst_pathTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
assert result == ('aaa',), result
+ def test_list_of_lists(self):
+ """Test the subst_path() method on substitution of nested lists.
+ """
+ pl = SCons.PathList.PathList((['$AAA', '$AAA'], '$NULL'))
+ result = pl.subst_path(self.env, 'y', 'z')
+ assert result == ('aaa', 'aaa'), result
+ def test_subst_nested(self):
+ """Test the subst_path() method on nested substitution of strings.
+ """
+ self.env.Append(L1 = ['a', 'b'],
+ L2 = ['c', 'd'],
+ L3 = ['$L2'])
+ pl = SCons.PathList.PathList(['$L1'])
+ result = pl.subst_path(self.env, 'y', 'z')
+ assert result == ('a', 'b'), result
+ self.env.Append(L1 = ['$L2'])
+ pl = SCons.PathList.PathList(['$L1'])
+ result = pl.subst_path(self.env, 'y', 'z')
+ assert result == ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'), result
+ self.env.Append(L1 = ['$L3'])
+ pl = SCons.PathList.PathList(['$L1'])
+ result = pl.subst_path(self.env, 'y', 'z')
+ assert result == ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'c', 'd'), result
+ def test_another_env(self):
+ """Test the subst_path does lazy evaluation.
+ """
+ pl = SCons.PathList.PathList(('$AAA', '$NULL'))
+ result = pl.subst_path(self.env, 'y', 'z')
+ assert result == ('aaa',), result
+ e = self.env.Clone(AAA = 'bbb')
+ result = pl.subst_path(e, 'y', 'z')
+ assert result == ('bbb',), result
class PathListCacheTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
diff --git a/src/engine/SCons/Tool/ b/src/engine/SCons/Tool/
index 83b54f7a..352ba775 100644
--- a/src/engine/SCons/Tool/
+++ b/src/engine/SCons/Tool/
@@ -77,7 +77,10 @@ def generate(env,**kw):
""" Generate `msgfmt` tool """
import SCons.Util
from SCons.Tool.GettextCommon import _detect_msgfmt
- env['MSGFMT'] = _detect_msgfmt(env)
+ try:
+ env['MSGFMT'] = _detect_msgfmt(env)
+ except:
+ env['MSGFMT'] = 'msgfmt'
MSGFMTFLAGS = [ SCons.Util.CLVar('-c') ],
@@ -92,7 +95,10 @@ def generate(env,**kw):
def exists(env):
""" Check if the tool exists """
from SCons.Tool.GettextCommon import _msgfmt_exists
- return _msgfmt_exists(env)
+ try:
+ return _msgfmt_exists(env)
+ except:
+ return False
# Local Variables:
diff --git a/src/engine/SCons/Tool/ b/src/engine/SCons/Tool/
index 87b3eec8..5e9c0e4c 100644
--- a/src/engine/SCons/Tool/
+++ b/src/engine/SCons/Tool/
@@ -79,7 +79,10 @@ def generate(env,**kw):
""" Generate the `msginit` tool """
import SCons.Util
from SCons.Tool.GettextCommon import _detect_msginit
- env['MSGINIT'] = _detect_msginit(env)
+ try:
+ env['MSGINIT'] = _detect_msginit(env)
+ except:
+ env['MSGINIT'] = 'msginit'
msginitcom = '$MSGINIT ${_MSGNoTranslator(__env__)} -l ${_MSGINITLOCALE}' \
# NOTE: We set POTSUFFIX here, in case the 'xgettext' is not loaded
@@ -104,7 +107,10 @@ def generate(env,**kw):
def exists(env):
""" Check if the tool exists """
from SCons.Tool.GettextCommon import _msginit_exists
- return _msginit_exists(env)
+ try:
+ return _msginit_exists(env)
+ except:
+ return False
# Local Variables:
diff --git a/src/engine/SCons/Tool/ b/src/engine/SCons/Tool/
index 78eb2c5f..f3710ab3 100644
--- a/src/engine/SCons/Tool/
+++ b/src/engine/SCons/Tool/
@@ -70,7 +70,10 @@ def _POUpdateBuilderWrapper(env, target=None, source=_null, **kw):
def generate(env,**kw):
""" Generate the `xgettext` tool """
from SCons.Tool.GettextCommon import _detect_msgmerge
- env['MSGMERGE'] = _detect_msgmerge(env)
+ try:
+ env['MSGMERGE'] = _detect_msgmerge(env)
+ except:
+ env['MSGMERGE'] = 'msgmerge'
POTSUFFIX = ['.pot'],
POSUFFIX = ['.po'],
@@ -88,7 +91,10 @@ def generate(env,**kw):
def exists(env):
""" Check if the tool exists """
from SCons.Tool.GettextCommon import _msgmerge_exists
- return _msgmerge_exists(env)
+ try:
+ return _msgmerge_exists(env)
+ except:
+ return False
# Local Variables:
diff --git a/src/engine/SCons/Tool/ b/src/engine/SCons/Tool/
index 06957552..5f24df0a 100644
--- a/src/engine/SCons/Tool/
+++ b/src/engine/SCons/Tool/
@@ -129,6 +129,9 @@ LaTeXAction = None
# An action to run BibTeX on a file.
BibTeXAction = None
+# An action to run Biber on a file.
+BiberAction = None
# An action to run MakeIndex on a file.
MakeIndexAction = None
@@ -344,7 +347,9 @@ def InternalLaTeXAuxAction(XXXLaTeXAction, target = None, source= None, env=None
must_rerun_latex = True
# Now decide if biber will need to be run.
- # The information that bibtex reads from the .bcf file is
+ # When the backend for biblatex is biber (by choice or default) the
+ # citation information is put in the .bcf file.
+ # The information that biber reads from the .bcf file is
# pass-independent. If we find (below) that the .bbl file is unchanged,
# then the last latex saw a correct bibliography.
# Therefore only do this once
@@ -357,11 +362,11 @@ def InternalLaTeXAuxAction(XXXLaTeXAction, target = None, source= None, env=None
content = open(target_bcf, "rb").read()
if content.find("bibdata") != -1:
if Verbose:
- print "Need to run bibtex on ",bcffilename
+ print "Need to run biber on ",bcffilename
bibfile = env.fs.File(SCons.Util.splitext(target_bcf)[0])
- result = BibTeXAction(bibfile, bibfile, env)
+ result = BiberAction(bibfile, bibfile, env)
if result != 0:
- check_file_error_message(env['BIBTEX'], 'blg')
+ check_file_error_message(env['BIBER'], 'blg')
must_rerun_latex = True
# Now decide if latex will need to be run again due to index.
@@ -880,6 +885,11 @@ def generate_common(env):
if BibTeXAction is None:
BibTeXAction = SCons.Action.Action("$BIBTEXCOM", "$BIBTEXCOMSTR")
+ # Define an action to run Biber on a file.
+ global BiberAction
+ if BiberAction is None:
+ BiberAction = SCons.Action.Action("$BIBERCOM", "$BIBERCOMSTR")
# Define an action to run MakeIndex on a file.
global MakeIndexAction
if MakeIndexAction is None:
@@ -939,6 +949,10 @@ def generate_common(env):
env['BIBTEXFLAGS'] = SCons.Util.CLVar('')
+ env['BIBER'] = 'biber'
+ env['BIBERFLAGS'] = SCons.Util.CLVar('')
+ env['BIBERCOM'] = CDCOM + '${TARGET.dir} && $BIBER $BIBERFLAGS ${SOURCE.filebase}'
env['MAKEINDEX'] = 'makeindex'
env['MAKEINDEXFLAGS'] = SCons.Util.CLVar('')
diff --git a/src/engine/SCons/Tool/ b/src/engine/SCons/Tool/
index 17e055f1..64436b8e 100644
--- a/src/engine/SCons/Tool/
+++ b/src/engine/SCons/Tool/
@@ -271,7 +271,10 @@ def generate(env,**kw):
import SCons.Util
from SCons.Tool.GettextCommon import RPaths, _detect_xgettext
- env['XGETTEXT'] = _detect_xgettext(env)
+ try:
+ env['XGETTEXT'] = _detect_xgettext(env)
+ except:
+ env['XGETTEXT'] = 'xgettext'
# NOTE: sources="$SOURCES" would work as well. However, we use following
# construction to convert absolute paths provided by scons onto paths
# relative to current working dir. Note, that scons expands $SOURCE(S) to
diff --git a/test/TEX/ b/test/TEX/
index 94b0a6a2..a63fb3f0 100755
--- a/test/TEX/
+++ b/test/TEX/
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ if not latex:
test.skip_test("Could not find 'pdflatex'; skipping test.\n")
biber = test.where_is('biber')
-if not latex:
+if not biber:
test.skip_test("Could not find 'biber'; skipping test.\n")
gloss = os.system('kpsewhich biblatex.sty')
diff --git a/test/TEX/ b/test/TEX/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..95b56171
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/TEX/
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+# a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+# distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+# permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+# the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+# in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+__revision__ = "__FILE__ __REVISION__ __DATE__ __DEVELOPER__"
+Test creation of a Tex document that uses the biblatex package
+It uses the default backend, could be bibtex or biber.
+Require both be installed
+Test courtesy Rob Managan.
+import TestSCons
+import os
+test = TestSCons.TestSCons()
+latex = test.where_is('pdflatex')
+if not latex:
+ test.skip_test("Could not find 'pdflatex'; skipping test.\n")
+biber = test.where_is('biber')
+if not biber:
+ test.skip_test("Could not find 'biber'; skipping test.\n")
+bibtex = test.where_is('bibtex')
+if not bibtex:
+ test.skip_test("Could not find 'bibtex'; skipping test.\n")
+biblatex = os.system('kpsewhich biblatex.sty')
+if not biblatex==0:
+ test.skip_test("biblatex.sty not installed; skipping test(s).\n")
+test.write(['SConstruct'], """\
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import os
+env = Environment(ENV=os.environ)
+main_output = env.PDF('bibertest.tex')
+sources_bib_content = r"""
+ title={Title},
+ author={Author, A},
+ year={%s},
+ publisher={Publisher},
+test.write(['ref.bib'],sources_bib_content % '2013' )
+Hello. This is boring.
+And even more boring.
+# All (?) the files we expect will get created in the docs directory
+files = [
+ 'bibertest.aux',
+ 'bibertest.bbl',
+ 'bibertest.blg',
+ 'bibertest.fls',
+ 'bibertest.log',
+ 'bibertest.pdf',
+ '',
+for f in files:
+ test.must_exist([ f])
+pdf_output_1 ='bibertest.pdf')
+test.write(['ref.bib'],sources_bib_content % '1982')
+pdf_output_2 ='bibertest.pdf')
+pdf_output_1 = test.normalize_pdf(pdf_output_1)
+pdf_output_2 = test.normalize_pdf(pdf_output_2)
+# If the PDF file is the same as it was previously, then it didn't
+# pick up the change from 1981 to 1982, so fail.
+test.fail_test(pdf_output_1 == pdf_output_2)
diff --git a/test/TEX/ b/test/TEX/
index d0663f70..a6fbd483 100755
--- a/test/TEX/
+++ b/test/TEX/
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
__revision__ = "__FILE__ __REVISION__ __DATE__ __DEVELOPER__"
-Test creation of a Tex document that uses the multibib package
+Test creation of a Tex document that uses the biblatex package
Test courtesy Rob Managan.
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ latex = test.where_is('pdflatex')
if not latex:
test.skip_test("Could not find 'pdflatex'; skipping test.\n")
-gloss = os.system('kpsewhich biblatex.sty')
-if not gloss==0:
+biblatex = os.system('kpsewhich biblatex.sty')
+if not biblatex==0:
test.skip_test("biblatex.sty not installed; skipping test(s).\n")
diff --git a/test/TEX/ b/test/TEX/
index 9250e4e4..b0e5ee4b 100644
--- a/test/TEX/
+++ b/test/TEX/
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ latex = test.where_is('latex')
if not latex:
test.skip_test("Could not find tex or latex; skipping test(s).\n")
-gloss = os.system('kpsewhich comment.sty')
-if not gloss==0:
+comment = os.system('kpsewhich comment.sty')
+if not comment==0:
test.skip_test("comment.sty not installed; skipping test(s).\n")
# package hyperref generates foo.out
diff --git a/test/TEX/ b/test/TEX/
index 66676edd..fcfe5a88 100644
--- a/test/TEX/
+++ b/test/TEX/
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ pdflatex = test.where_is('pdflatex')
if not pdflatex:
test.skip_test("Could not find pdflatex; skipping test(s).\n")
-gloss = os.system('kpsewhich listings.sty')
-if not gloss==0:
+listings = os.system('kpsewhich listings.sty')
+if not listings==0:
test.skip_test("listings.sty not installed; skipping test(s).\n")
test.write(['SConstruct'], """\
diff --git a/test/TEX/ b/test/TEX/
index a2ae4ec2..cdb9b872 100644
--- a/test/TEX/
+++ b/test/TEX/
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ latex = test.where_is('latex')
if not latex:
test.skip_test("Could not find 'latex'; skipping test.\n")
-gloss = os.system('kpsewhich multibib.sty')
-if not gloss==0:
+multibib = os.system('kpsewhich multibib.sty')
+if not multibib==0:
test.skip_test("multibib.sty not installed; skipping test(s).\n")
diff --git a/test/packaging/ b/test/packaging/
index 2a898ff0..c8f22ca8 100644
--- a/test/packaging/
+++ b/test/packaging/
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Test the --package-type option.
import TestSCons
+import SCons.Tool.rpmutils
_python_ = TestSCons._python_
@@ -67,12 +68,12 @@ env.Package( NAME = 'foo',
""" % locals())
src_rpm = 'foo-1.2.3-0.src.rpm'
-machine_rpm = 'foo-1.2.3-0.*.rpm'
+machine_rpm = 'foo-1.2.3-0.%s.rpm' % SCons.Tool.rpmutils.defaultMachine()'package PACKAGETYPE=rpm', stderr = None)
test.must_exist( src_rpm )
-test.must_exist_one_of( [machine_rpm] )
+test.must_exist( machine_rpm )
test.must_not_exist( 'bin/main.c' )
test.must_not_exist( '/bin/main.c' )
@@ -80,7 +81,7 @@'-c package PACKAGETYPE=rpm', stderr = None)'package --package-type=rpm', stderr = None)
test.must_exist( src_rpm )
-test.must_exist_one_of( [machine_rpm] )
+test.must_exist( machine_rpm )
test.must_not_exist( 'bin/main.c' )
test.must_not_exist( '/bin/main.c' )
diff --git a/test/packaging/rpm/ b/test/packaging/rpm/
index 91feba16..b77dfd16 100644
--- a/test/packaging/rpm/
+++ b/test/packaging/rpm/
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Assert that files created by the RPM packager will be removed by 'scons -c'.
import TestSCons
+import SCons.Tool.rpmutils
_python_ = TestSCons._python_
test = TestSCons.TestSCons()
@@ -88,9 +89,9 @@ test.up_to_date( arguments='.' ) arguments='-c .' )
src_rpm = 'foo-1.2.3-0.src.rpm'
-machine_rpm = 'foo-1.2.3-0.*.rpm'
+machine_rpm = 'foo-1.2.3-0.%s.rpm' % SCons.Tool.rpmutils.defaultMachine()
-test.must_not_exist_any_of( [machine_rpm] )
+test.must_not_exist( machine_rpm )
test.must_not_exist( src_rpm )
test.must_not_exist( 'foo-1.2.3.tar.gz' )
test.must_not_exist( 'foo-1.2.3.spec' )
diff --git a/test/packaging/rpm/ b/test/packaging/rpm/
index 4b75de4c..2ef0dfd0 100644
--- a/test/packaging/rpm/
+++ b/test/packaging/rpm/
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ These are x-rpm-Group, description, summary and the lang_xx file tag.
import os
-import glob
+import SCons.Tool.rpmutils
import TestSCons
@@ -95,30 +95,29 @@ env.Alias ( 'install', prog )'', stderr = None)
src_rpm = 'foo-1.2.3-0.src.rpm'
-machine_rpm = 'foo-1.2.3-0.*.rpm'
+machine_rpm = 'foo-1.2.3-0.%s.rpm' % SCons.Tool.rpmutils.defaultMachine()
test.must_exist( src_rpm )
-test.must_exist_one_of( [machine_rpm] )
+test.must_exist( machine_rpm )
test.must_not_exist( 'bin/main' )
-machine_rpm_path = glob.glob(machine_rpm)[0].lstrip('./')
cmd = 'rpm -qp --queryformat \'%%{GROUP}-%%{SUMMARY}-%%{DESCRIPTION}\' %s'
os.environ['LANGUAGE'] = 'de'
-out = os.popen( cmd % test.workpath(machine_rpm_path) ).read()
+out = os.popen( cmd % test.workpath(machine_rpm) ).read()
test.fail_test( out != 'Applikation/büro-hallo-das sollte wirklich lang sein' )
os.environ['LANGUAGE'] = 'fr'
-out = os.popen( cmd % test.workpath(machine_rpm_path) ).read()
+out = os.popen( cmd % test.workpath(machine_rpm) ).read()
test.fail_test( out != 'Application/bureau-bonjour-ceci devrait être vraiment long' )
os.environ['LANGUAGE'] = 'en'
-out = os.popen( cmd % test.workpath(machine_rpm_path) ).read()
+out = os.popen( cmd % test.workpath(machine_rpm) ).read()
test.fail_test( out != 'Application/office-hello-this should be really long' )
os.environ['LC_ALL'] = 'ae'
-out = os.popen( cmd % test.workpath(machine_rpm_path) ).read()
+out = os.popen( cmd % test.workpath(machine_rpm) ).read()
test.fail_test( out != 'Application/office-hello-this should be really long' )
@@ -177,7 +176,7 @@ env.Alias ( 'install', [ prog, man_pages ] )'--install-sandbox=blubb install', stderr = None)
test.must_exist( src_rpm )
-test.must_exist_one_of( [machine_rpm] )
+test.must_exist( machine_rpm )
diff --git a/test/runtest/ b/test/runtest/
index d406be49..bcbc0625 100644
--- a/test/runtest/
+++ b/test/runtest/
@@ -43,7 +43,9 @@ test_pass_py = os.path.join('test', '')
head, python = os.path.split(TestRuntest.python)
head, dir = os.path.split(head)
-mypython = os.path.join(head, dir, os.path.pardir, dir, python)
+# We have to normalize the python path here, because some installations don't like
+# getting called with "/bin/../bin/python" as first argument, e.g. Fedora 17 Desktop.
+mypython = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(head, dir, os.path.pardir, dir, python))
def escape(s):
return s.replace('\\', '\\\\')
diff --git a/test/sconsign/script/ b/test/sconsign/script/
index 865b6075..3b43defd 100644
--- a/test/sconsign/script/
+++ b/test/sconsign/script/
@@ -40,7 +40,11 @@ _obj = TestSCons._obj
test = TestSConsign.TestSConsign(match = TestSConsign.match_re,
diff = TestSConsign.diff_re)
-CC = test.detect('CC', norm=1)
+# Note: Here we pass the full search PATH of our current system to
+# the detect() method. This way we try to ensure that we find the same
+# compiler executable as the SConstruct below, which uses
+# os.environ['PATH'] too.
+CC = test.detect('CC', ENV={'PATH' : os.environ.get('PATH','')}, norm=1)
CC_dir, CC_file = os.path.split(CC)
CC = re.escape(CC)
diff --git a/test/update-release-info/ b/test/update-release-info/
index 654a25c1..d3125c7b 100644
--- a/test/update-release-info/
+++ b/test/update-release-info/
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ import TestRuntest
TestSCons = 'QMTest/' .split('/')
-README = 'README' .split('/')
+README = 'README.rst' .split('/')
ReleaseConfig = 'ReleaseConfig' .split('/')
SConstruct = 'SConstruct' .split('/')
Announce = 'src/Announce.txt' .split('/')
@@ -154,6 +154,8 @@ These files are a part of 33.22.11:
+ scons-33.22.11.rpm
+ scons-33.22.11.deb
@@ -211,6 +213,8 @@ These files are a part of 33.22.11:
+ scons-2.0.0.alpha.yyyymmdd.rpm
+ scons-2.0.0.alpha.yyyymmdd.deb
""", mode = 'r')