# Ansible playbook to setup buildbot instance # http://scons.org/wiki/InstallingBuildbotSlaves # # Send questions to: # # anatoly techtonik # --- # host is overridable with --extra-vars 'host=address' - hosts: "{{ host | default('localhost') }}" vars: - botuser: scons2 - hgrc: /home/{{ botuser }}/.hgrc tasks: # --- install requirements --- - name: ubuntu/debian - make sure mercurial is installed apt: pkg={{ item }} with_items: - mercurial - python-virtualenv - name: create .hgrc if necessary stat: path={{ hgrc }} register: st - file: path={{ hgrc }} owner={{ botuser }} state=touch when: not st.stat.exists - name: enable mercurial purge extension ini_file: dest={{ hgrc }} backup=yes section=extensions option=hgext.purge value=