/* Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. */ /** * 'Understands' plot data positioning. * @constructor * * @param {Array} plotData data that will be displayed */ function Coordinates(plotData) { this.plotData = plotData; height = window.innerHeight - 16; width = window.innerWidth - 16; this.widthMax = width; this.heightMax = Math.min(400, height - 85); this.xMinValue = -0.5; this.xMaxValue = (this.plotData[0].length - 1)+ 0.5; this.processYValues_(); } Coordinates.prototype.processYValues_ = function () { var merged = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.plotData.length; i++) for (var j = 0; j < this.plotData[i].length; j++) merged.push(this.plotData[i][j][0]); var max = Math.max.apply( Math, merged ); var min = Math.min.apply( Math, merged ); // If we have a missing value, find the real max and min the hard way. if (isNaN(min)) { for (var i = 0; i < merged.length; ++i) { if (isNaN(min) || merged[i] < min) min = merged[i]; if (isNaN(max) || merged[i] > max) max = merged[i]; } } var yd = (max - min) / 10.0; if (yd == 0) yd = max / 10; this.yMinValue = min - yd; this.yMaxValue = max + yd; }; /** * Difference between horizontal max min values. */ Coordinates.prototype.xValueRange = function() { return this.xMaxValue - this.xMinValue; }; /** * Difference between vertical max min values. */ Coordinates.prototype.yValueRange = function() { return this.yMaxValue - this.yMinValue }; /** * Converts horizontal data value to pixel value on canvas. * @param {number} value horizontal data value */ Coordinates.prototype.xPoints = function(value) { return this.widthMax * ((value - this.xMinValue) / this.xValueRange()); }; /** * Converts vertical data value to pixel value on canvas. * @param {number} value vertical data value */ Coordinates.prototype.yPoints = function(value) { /* Converts value to canvas Y position in pixels. */ return this.heightMax - this.heightMax * (value - this.yMinValue) / this.yValueRange(); }; /** * Converts X point on canvas to value it represents. * @param {number} position horizontal point on canvas. */ Coordinates.prototype.xValue = function(position) { /* Converts canvas X pixels to value. */ return position / this.widthMax * (this.xValueRange()) + this.xMinValue; }; /** * Converts Y point on canvas to value it represents. * @param {number} position vertical point on canvas. */ Coordinates.prototype.yValue = function(position) { /* Converts canvas Y pixels to value. position is point value is from top. */ var position = this.heightMax - position; var ratio = parseFloat(this.heightMax / position); return this.yMinValue + this.yValueRange() / ratio; }; /** * Converts canvas X pixel to data index. * @param {number} xPosition horizontal point on canvas */ Coordinates.prototype.dataSampleIndex = function(xPosition) { var xValue = this.xValue(xPosition); var index; if (xValue < 0) { index = 0; } else if (xValue > this.plotData[0].length - 1) { index = this.plotData[0].length - 1; } else { index = xValue.toFixed(0); } return index; }; Coordinates.prototype.log = function(val) { document.getElementById('log').appendChild( document.createTextNode(val + '\n')); };