diff options
authorSadrul Habib Chowdhury <>2010-02-23 20:35:03 -0500
committerSadrul Habib Chowdhury <>2010-02-23 20:35:03 -0500
commit1df022599350ae3882843b772b2bc0869348b894 (patch)
parent94d954b97565a4b2625ca04152fca4e87cf9d730 (diff)
Remove old code.
5 files changed, 8 insertions, 632 deletions
diff --git a/src/canvas.c b/src/canvas.c
index 4cc4fe2..0121892 100644
--- a/src/canvas.c
+++ b/src/canvas.c
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
#include "screen.h"
#include "extern.h"
#include "canvas.h"
+#include "list_generic.h"
extern struct display *display;
extern struct win *fore, *windows;
@@ -307,7 +308,7 @@ struct win *wi;
struct display *d = display;
struct layer *oldflayer = flayer;
flayer = l;
- display_wlist(0, 0, wi);
+ display_windows(0, 0, wi);
flayer = oldflayer;
display = d;
diff --git a/src/extern.h b/src/extern.h
index dc5857e..ee655f5 100644
--- a/src/extern.h
+++ b/src/extern.h
@@ -132,7 +132,6 @@ extern void display_help __P((char *, struct action *));
extern void display_copyright __P((void));
extern void display_displays __P((void));
extern void display_bindkey __P((char *, struct action *));
-extern void display_wlist __P((int, int, struct win *));
extern int InWList __P((void));
extern void WListUpdatecv __P((struct canvas *, struct win *));
extern void WListLinkChanged __P((void));
diff --git a/src/help.c b/src/help.c
index 7b3e3b5..f8ae2fc 100644
--- a/src/help.c
+++ b/src/help.c
@@ -687,632 +687,6 @@ int y, xs, xe, isblank;
-** here is the windowlist
-#if 0
-struct wlistdata;
-static void WListProcess __P((char **, int *));
-static void WListAbort __P((void));
-static void WListRedisplayLine __P((int, int, int, int));
-static void wlistpage __P((void));
-static void WListLine __P((int, int, int, int));
-static void WListLines __P((int, int));
-static void WListMove __P((int, int));
-static void WListUpdate __P((struct win *));
-static int WListNormalize __P((void));
-static int WListResize __P((int, int));
-static int WListNext __P((struct wlistdata *, int, int));
-struct wlistdata {
- int pos;
- int ypos;
- int npos;
- int numwin;
- int first;
- int last;
- int start;
- int order;
- struct win *group;
- int nested;
- int *list;
-static struct LayFuncs WListLf =
- WListProcess,
- WListAbort,
- WListRedisplayLine,
- DefClearLine,
- DefRewrite,
- WListResize,
- DefRestore
-#define WTAB_GROUP_MATCHES(i) (group == wtab[i]->w_group)
-static int
-WListResize(wi, he)
-int wi, he;
- struct wlistdata *wlistdata;
- if (wi < 10 || he < 5)
- return -1;
- wlistdata = (struct wlistdata *)flayer->l_data;
- flayer->l_width = wi;
- flayer->l_height = he;
- wlistdata->numwin = he - 3;
- if (wlistdata->ypos >= wlistdata->numwin)
- wlistdata->ypos = wlistdata->numwin - 1;
- flayer->l_y = he - 1;
- return 0;
-static void
- struct wlistdata * wlistdata = (struct wlistdata *)flayer->l_data;
- if (wlistdata->list)
- Free(wlistdata->list);
- LAY_CALL_UP(LRefreshAll(flayer, 0));
- ExitOverlayPage();
-static void
-WListProcess(ppbuf, plen)
-char **ppbuf;
-int *plen;
- int done = 0;
- struct wlistdata *wlistdata;
- struct display *olddisplay = display;
- int h;
- struct win *group;
- ASSERT(flayer);
- wlistdata = (struct wlistdata *)flayer->l_data;
- group = wlistdata->group;
- h = wlistdata->numwin;
- while (!done && *plen > 0)
- {
- if ((unsigned char)**ppbuf >= '0' && (unsigned char)**ppbuf <= '9')
- {
- int n = (unsigned char)**ppbuf - '0';
- int d = 0;
- if (n < maxwin && wtab[n] && WTAB_GROUP_MATCHES(n))
- {
- int i;
- for (d = -wlistdata->npos, i = WListNext(wlistdata, -1, 0); i != n; i = WListNext(wlistdata, i, 1), d++)
- ;
- }
- if (d)
- WListMove(d, -1);
- }
- switch ((unsigned char)**ppbuf)
- {
- case 0220: /* up */
- case 16: /* ^P like emacs */
- case 'k':
- WListMove(-1, -1);
- break;
- case 0216: /* down */
- case 14: /* ^N like emacs */
- case 'j':
- WListMove(1, -1);
- break;
- case '\025':
- WListMove(-(h / 2), wlistdata->ypos);
- break;
- case '\004':
- WListMove(h / 2, wlistdata->ypos);
- break;
- case 0002:
- case 'b':
- WListMove(-h, -1);
- break;
- case 0006:
- case 'f':
- WListMove(h, -1);
- break;
- case 0201: /* home */
- WListMove(-wlistdata->pos, -1);
- break;
- case 0205: /* end */
- WListMove(maxwin, -1);
- break;
- case 'a':
- /* All-window view */
- wlistdata->group = 0;
- wlistdata->nested = WLIST_NESTED;
- wlistpage();
- break;
- case 'g':
- /* Toggle nested view */
- wlistdata->nested ^= WLIST_NESTED;
- wlistpage();
- break;
- case 'm':
- /* Toggle MRU view */
- wlistdata->order ^= 1;
- wlistpage();
- break;
- case '\r':
- case '\n':
- case ' ':
- h = wlistdata->pos;
- if (h == maxwin && Layer2Window(flayer) && Layer2Window(flayer)->w_type == W_TYPE_GROUP)
- break;
- if (display && h != maxwin && wtab[h] && (wtab[h]->w_type == W_TYPE_GROUP) && Layer2Window(flayer) == wtab[h])
- {
- wlistdata->group = wtab[h];
- wlistdata->pos = wtab[h]->w_number;
- wlistpage();
- break;
- }
- done = 1;
- if (!display || h == maxwin || !wtab[h] || wtab[h] == D_fore || (flayer->l_cvlist && flayer->l_cvlist->c_lnext))
- WListAbort();
- else if (AclCheckPermWin(D_user, ACL_READ, wtab[h]))
- WListAbort();
- else
- {
- if (wlistdata->list)
- Free(wlistdata->list);
- ExitOverlayPage(); /* no need to redisplay */
- }
- /* restore display, don't switch wrong user */
- display = olddisplay;
- if (h != maxwin)
- SwitchWindow(h);
- break;
- case 0222: /* Mouse event */
- break;
- case 0033:
- case 0007:
- h = wlistdata->start;
- if (h == -1 && Layer2Window(flayer) && Layer2Window(flayer)->w_type == W_TYPE_GROUP)
- {
- struct win *p = Layer2Window(flayer);
- if (wlistdata->group != p)
- {
- wlistdata->group = p;
- wlistpage();
- }
- break;
- }
- WListAbort();
- display = olddisplay;
- if (h >= 0 && wtab[h])
- SwitchWindow(h);
- else if (h == -2)
- {
- struct win *p = FindNiceWindow(display ? D_other : (struct win *)0, 0);
- if (p)
- SwitchWindow(p->w_number);
- }
- done = 1;
- break;
- case '\010': /* ctrl-h */
- case 0177:
- if (!wlistdata->group)
- break;
- wlistdata->pos = wlistdata->group->w_number;
- wlistdata->group = wlistdata->group->w_group;
- if (wlistdata->group)
- wlistdata->pos = wlistdata->group->w_number;
- wlistpage();
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- ++*ppbuf;
- --*plen;
- }
-static void
-WListLine(y, i, pos, isblank)
-int y, i;
-int pos;
-int isblank;
- char *str;
- int n;
- int yoff, xoff = 0;
- struct wlistdata *wlistdata;
- struct win *group;
- struct mchar mchar_rend = mchar_blank;
- struct mchar *mchar = (struct mchar *)0;
- if (i == maxwin)
- return;
- wlistdata = (struct wlistdata *)flayer->l_data;
- if (wlistdata->nested && wtab[i])
- for (group = wtab[i]->w_group, xoff = 0; group != wlistdata->group;
- group = group->w_group, xoff += 2)
- ;
- yoff = wlistdata->group ? 3 : 2;
- display = Layer2Window(flayer) ? 0 : flayer->l_cvlist ? flayer->l_cvlist->c_display : 0;
- str = MakeWinMsgEv(wliststr, wtab[i], '%', flayer->l_width - xoff, (struct event *)0, 0);
- n = strlen(str);
- if (i != pos && isblank)
- while (n && str[n - 1] == ' ')
- n--;
- if (i == pos)
- mchar = &mchar_so;
- else if (wtab[i]->w_monitor == MON_DONE && renditions[REND_MONITOR] != -1)
- {
- mchar = &mchar_rend;
- ApplyAttrColor(renditions[REND_MONITOR], mchar);
- }
- else if ((wtab[i]->w_bell == BELL_DONE || wtab[i]->w_bell == BELL_FOUND) && renditions[REND_BELL] != -1)
- {
- mchar = &mchar_rend;
- ApplyAttrColor(renditions[REND_BELL], mchar);
- }
- else
- mchar = &mchar_blank;
- LPutWinMsg(flayer, str, (i == pos || !isblank) ? flayer->l_width : n, mchar, xoff, y + yoff);
- if (xoff)
- LPutWinMsg(flayer, "", xoff, mchar, 0, y + yoff);
- if (mchar == &mchar_so)
- flayer->l_y = y + yoff;
-#if 0
- LPutStr(flayer, str, n, i == pos ? &mchar_so : &mchar_blank, 0, y + yoff);
- if (i == pos || !isblank)
- while(n < flayer->l_width)
- LPutChar(flayer, i == pos ? &mchar_so : &mchar_blank, n++, y + yoff);
- return;
-static int
-WListNext(wlistdata, old, delta)
-struct wlistdata *wlistdata;
-int old, delta;
- int i;
- if (old == maxwin)
- return maxwin;
- if (old == -1)
- old = 0;
- else
- {
- for (i = 0; i < maxwin && wlistdata->list[i] != -1; i++)
- if (wlistdata->list[i] == old)
- break;
- if (i < maxwin && wlistdata->list[i] != -1)
- old = i;
- }
- old += delta;
- if (old < 0 || old >= maxwin || wlistdata->list[old] == -1)
- old -= delta;
- return wlistdata->list[old];
-static void
-WListLines(up, oldpos)
-int up, oldpos;
- struct wlistdata *wlistdata;
- int ypos, pos;
- int y, i, oldi;
- wlistdata = (struct wlistdata *)flayer->l_data;
- ypos = wlistdata->ypos;
- pos = wlistdata->pos;
- i = WListNext(wlistdata, pos, -ypos);
- for (y = 0; y < wlistdata->numwin; y++)
- {
- if (i == maxwin || !wtab[i])
- return;
- if (y == 0)
- wlistdata->first = i;
- wlistdata->last = i;
- if (((i == oldpos || i == pos) && pos != oldpos) || (up > 0 && y >= wlistdata->numwin - up) || (up < 0 && y < -up))
- WListLine(y, i, pos, i != oldpos);
- if (i == pos)
- wlistdata->ypos = y;
- oldi = i;
- i = WListNext(wlistdata, i, 1);
- if (i == maxwin || i == oldi)
- break;
- }
-static int
- struct wlistdata *wlistdata;
- int i, oldi, n;
- int ypos, pos;
- wlistdata = (struct wlistdata *)flayer->l_data;
- ypos = wlistdata->ypos;
- pos = wlistdata->pos;
- if (ypos < 0)
- ypos = 0;
- if (ypos >= wlistdata->numwin)
- ypos = wlistdata->numwin - 1;
- for (n = 0, oldi = maxwin, i = pos; i != maxwin && i != oldi && n < wlistdata->numwin; oldi = i, i = WListNext(wlistdata, i, 1))
- n++;
- if (ypos < wlistdata->numwin - n)
- ypos = wlistdata->numwin - n;
- for (n = 0, oldi = maxwin, i = WListNext(wlistdata, -1, 0); i != maxwin && i != oldi && i != pos; oldi = i, i = WListNext(wlistdata, i, 1))
- n++;
- if (ypos > n)
- ypos = n;
- wlistdata->ypos = ypos;
- wlistdata->npos = n;
- return ypos;
-static void
-WListMove(num, ypos)
-int num;
-int ypos;
- struct wlistdata *wlistdata;
- int oldpos, oldypos, oldnpos;
- int pos, up;
- wlistdata = (struct wlistdata *)flayer->l_data;
- oldpos = wlistdata->pos;
- oldypos = wlistdata->ypos;
- oldnpos = wlistdata->npos;
- wlistdata->ypos = ypos == -1 ? oldypos + num : ypos;
- pos = WListNext(wlistdata, oldpos, num);
- wlistdata->pos = pos;
- ypos = WListNormalize();
- up = wlistdata->npos - ypos - (oldnpos - oldypos);
- if (up)
- {
- LScrollV(flayer, up, 2, 2 + wlistdata->numwin - 1, 0);
- WListLines(up, oldpos);
- LaySetCursor();
- return;
- }
- if (pos == oldpos)
- return;
- WListLine(oldypos, oldpos, pos, 0);
- WListLine(ypos, pos, pos, 1);
- LaySetCursor();
-static void
-WListRedisplayLine(y, xs, xe, isblank)
-int y, xs, xe, isblank;
- ASSERT(flayer);
- if (y < 0)
- {
- wlistpage();
- return;
- }
- if (y != 0 && y != flayer->l_height - 1)
- return;
- if (!isblank)
- LClearArea(flayer, xs, y, xe, y, 0, 0);
-static int
-WListOrder(wlistdata, ind, start, group)
-struct wlistdata *wlistdata;
-int ind, start;
-struct win *group;
- int i;
- if (ind >= maxwin)
- return ind;
- if (ind == 0)
- for (i = 0; i < maxwin; i++)
- wlistdata->list[i] = -1;
- if (wlistdata->order == WLIST_MRU)
- {
- if (start == -1)
- start = windows->w_number;
- }
- else
- {
- if (start == -1)
- start = 0;
- while (start < maxwin && !wtab[start])
- start++;
- }
- if (start >= maxwin || !wtab[start])
- return ind;
- if (!WTAB_GROUP_MATCHES(start))
- {
- while (start < maxwin && (!wtab[start] || !WTAB_GROUP_MATCHES(start)))
- if (wlistdata->order != WLIST_MRU)
- start++;
- else if (wtab[start]->w_next)
- start = wtab[start]->w_next->w_number;
- else
- start = maxwin;
- if (start >= maxwin || !wtab[start])
- return ind;
- }
- wlistdata->list[ind++] = start;
- if (wlistdata->nested && wtab[start]->w_type == W_TYPE_GROUP)
- ind = WListOrder(wlistdata, ind, -1, wtab[start]);
- if (wlistdata->order != WLIST_MRU)
- start++;
- else if (wtab[start]->w_next)
- start = wtab[start]->w_next->w_number;
- else
- return ind;
- return WListOrder(wlistdata, ind, start, group);
-display_wlist(onblank, order, group)
-int onblank;
-int order;
-struct win *group;
- display_windows(onblank, order, group);
- return;
-#if 0
- struct win *p;
- struct wlistdata *wlistdata;
- if (flayer->l_width < 10 || flayer->l_height < 6)
- {
- LMsg(0, "Window size too small for window list page");
- return;
- }
- if (onblank)
- {
- debug3("flayer %x %d %x\n", flayer, flayer->l_width, flayer->l_height);
- if (!display)
- {
- LMsg(0, "windowlist -b: display required");
- return;
- }
- p = D_fore;
- if (p)
- {
- SetForeWindow((struct win *)0);
- if (p->w_group)
- {
- D_fore = p->w_group;
- flayer->l_data = (char *)p->w_group;
- }
- Activate(0);
- }
- if (flayer->l_width < 10 || flayer->l_height < 6)
- {
- LMsg(0, "Window size too small for window list page");
- return;
- }
- }
- else
- p = Layer2Window(flayer);
- if (!group && p)
- group = p->w_group;
- if (InitOverlayPage(sizeof(*wlistdata), &WListLf, 0))
- return;
- wlistdata = (struct wlistdata *)flayer->l_data;
- wlistdata->list = calloc(maxwin, sizeof(int));
- flayer->l_mode = 1;
- flayer->l_x = 0;
- flayer->l_y = flayer->l_height - 1;
- wlistdata->start = onblank && p ? p->w_number : -1;
- wlistdata->order = (order & 0x1);
- wlistdata->group = group;
- wlistdata->pos = p ? p->w_number : WListNext(wlistdata, -1, 0);
- wlistdata->ypos = wlistdata->npos = 0;
- wlistdata->numwin = flayer->l_height - (group ? 4 : 3);
- wlistdata->nested = (order & WLIST_NESTED);
- wlistpage();
-#if 0
-static void
- struct wlistdata *wlistdata;
- char *str;
- int pos;
- struct win *group;
- wlistdata = (struct wlistdata *)flayer->l_data;
- group = wlistdata->group;
- LClearAll(flayer, 0);
- if (wlistdata->start >= 0 && wtab[wlistdata->start] == 0)
- wlistdata->start = -2;
- WListOrder(wlistdata, 0, -1, group);
- pos = wlistdata->pos;
- if (pos == maxwin || !wtab[pos] || !WTAB_GROUP_MATCHES(pos))
- {
- if (wlistdata->order == WLIST_MRU)
- pos = WListNext(wlistdata, -1, wlistdata->npos);
- else
- {
- /* find new position */
- if (pos < maxwin)
- while(++pos < maxwin)
- if (wtab[pos] && WTAB_GROUP_MATCHES(pos))
- break;
- if (pos == maxwin)
- while (--pos >= 0)
- if (wtab[pos] && WTAB_GROUP_MATCHES(pos))
- break;
- if (pos == -1)
- pos = maxwin;
- }
- }
- wlistdata->pos = pos;
- display = 0;
- str = MakeWinMsgEv(wlisttit, (struct win *)0, '%', flayer->l_width, (struct event *)0, 0);
- if (wlistdata->group)
- {
- LPutWinMsg(flayer, "Group: ", 7, &mchar_blank, 0, 0);
- LPutWinMsg(flayer, wlistdata->group->w_title, strlen(wlistdata->group->w_title), &mchar_blank, 7, 0);
- LPutWinMsg(flayer, str, strlen(str), &mchar_blank, 0, 1);
- }
- else
- {
- LPutWinMsg(flayer, str, strlen(str), &mchar_blank, 0, 0);
- }
- WListNormalize();
- WListLines(wlistdata->numwin, -1);
- LaySetCursor();
-static void
-struct win *p;
- struct wlistdata *wlistdata;
- int i, n, y;
- if (p == 0)
- {
- wlistpage();
- return;
- }
- wlistdata = (struct wlistdata *)flayer->l_data;
- n = p->w_number;
- if (wlistdata->order == WLIST_NUM && (n < wlistdata->first || n > wlistdata->last))
- return;
- i = wlistdata->first;
- for (y = 0; y < wlistdata->numwin; y++)
- {
- if (i == n)
- break;
- i = WListNext(wlistdata, i, 1);
- }
- if (y == wlistdata->numwin)
- return;
- WListLine(y, i, wlistdata->pos, 0);
- LaySetCursor();
** The bindkey help page
diff --git a/src/process.c b/src/process.c
index b12eafb..add2c2a 100644
--- a/src/process.c
+++ b/src/process.c
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
#include "logfile.h"
#include "layout.h"
#include "viewport.h"
+#include "list_generic.h"
extern struct comm comms[];
extern char *rc_name;
@@ -2202,7 +2203,7 @@ int key;
if (!*args)
- display_wlist(0, WLIST_NUM, (struct win *)0);
+ display_windows(0, WLIST_NUM, (struct win *)0);
else if (!strcmp(*args, "string"))
if (args[1])
@@ -2244,7 +2245,7 @@ int key;
if (i == argc)
- display_wlist(blank, flag, (struct win *)0);
+ display_windows(blank, flag, (struct win *)0);
case RC_HELP:
diff --git a/src/socket.c b/src/socket.c
index 0f08d60..680a150 100644
--- a/src/socket.c
+++ b/src/socket.c
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
#include "extern.h"
+#include "list_generic.h"
static int CheckPid __P((int));
static void ExecCreate __P((struct msg *));
@@ -1442,9 +1443,9 @@ struct msg *m;
struct display *olddisplay = display;
flayer = D_forecv->c_layer;
- display_wlist(1, WLIST_NUM, (struct win *)0);
+ display_windows(1, WLIST_NUM, (struct win *)0);
noshowwin = 1;
- display = olddisplay; /* display_wlist can change display */
+ display = olddisplay; /* display_windows can change display */