/* Copyright (c) 2013 * Mike Gerwitz (mtg@gnu.org) * Copyright (c) 2010 * Juergen Weigert (jnweiger@immd4.informatik.uni-erlangen.de) * Sadrul Habib Chowdhury (sadrul@users.sourceforge.net) * Copyright (c) 2008, 2009 * Juergen Weigert (jnweiger@immd4.informatik.uni-erlangen.de) * Michael Schroeder (mlschroe@immd4.informatik.uni-erlangen.de) * Micah Cowan (micah@cowan.name) * Sadrul Habib Chowdhury (sadrul@users.sourceforge.net) * Copyright (c) 1993-2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007 * Juergen Weigert (jnweiger@immd4.informatik.uni-erlangen.de) * Michael Schroeder (mlschroe@immd4.informatik.uni-erlangen.de) * Copyright (c) 1987 Oliver Laumann * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program (see the file COPYING); if not, see * https://www.gnu.org/licenses/, or contact Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1301 USA * **************************************************************** */ #include "config.h" #include "winmsg.h" #include "screen.h" #include "fileio.h" #include "help.h" #include "logfile.h" #include "mark.h" #include "process.h" #include "sched.h" /* TODO: rid global variable (has been renamed to point this out; see commit * history) */ WinMsgBuf *g_winmsg; #define CHRPAD 127 /* maximum limit on MakeWinMsgEv recursion */ #define WINMSG_RECLIMIT 10 /* escape char for backtick output */ #define WINMSG_BT_ESC '\005' /* redundant definition abstraction for escape character handlers; note that * a variable varadic macro name is a gcc extension and is not portable, so * we instead use two separate macros */ #define WINMSG_ESC_PARAMS \ __attribute__((unused)) WinMsgEsc *esc, \ __attribute__((unused)) char **src, \ __attribute__((unused)) WinMsgBufContext *wmbc, \ __attribute__((unused)) WinMsgCond *cond #define winmsg_esc__name(name) __WinMsgEsc##name #define winmsg_esc__def(name) static void winmsg_esc__name(name) #define winmsg_esc(name) winmsg_esc__def(name)(WINMSG_ESC_PARAMS) #define winmsg_esc_ex(name, ...) winmsg_esc__def(name)(WINMSG_ESC_PARAMS, __VA_ARGS__) #define WINMSG_ESC_ARGS &esc, &s, wmbc, cond #define WinMsgDoEsc(name) winmsg_esc__name(name)(WINMSG_ESC_ARGS) #define WinMsgDoEscEx(name, ...) winmsg_esc__name(name)(WINMSG_ESC_ARGS, __VA_ARGS__) static void _MakeWinMsgEvRec(WinMsgBufContext *, WinMsgCond *, char *, Window *, int *, int); /* TODO: remove the redundant arguments */ static char *pad_expand(WinMsgBuf *winmsg, char *buf, char *p, int numpad, int padlen) { char *pn, *pn2; int i, r; padlen = padlen - (p - buf); /* space for rent */ if (padlen < 0) padlen = 0; pn2 = pn = p + padlen; r = winmsg->numrend; while (p >= buf) { if (r && *p != CHRPAD && p - buf == winmsg->rendpos[r - 1]) { winmsg->rendpos[--r] = pn - buf; continue; } *pn-- = *p; if (*p-- == CHRPAD) { pn[1] = ' '; i = numpad > 0 ? (padlen + numpad - 1) / numpad : 0; padlen -= i; while (i-- > 0) *pn-- = ' '; numpad--; if (r && p - buf == winmsg->rendpos[r - 1]) winmsg->rendpos[--r] = pn - buf; } } return pn2; } int AddWinMsgRend(WinMsgBuf *winmsg, const char *str, uint64_t r) { if (winmsg->numrend >= MAX_WINMSG_REND || str < winmsg->buf || str >= winmsg->buf + MAXSTR) return -1; wmb_rendadd(winmsg, r, str - winmsg->buf); return 0; } winmsg_esc_ex(Wflags, Window *win) { *wmbc->p = '\0'; if (win) AddWindowFlags(wmbc->p, wmbc_bytesleft(wmbc), win); if (*wmbc->p) wmc_set(cond); wmbc_fastfw0(wmbc); } winmsg_esc(Pid) { wmbc_printf(wmbc, "%d", (esc->flags.plus && display) ? D_userpid : getpid()); } winmsg_esc_ex(Backtick, int id, Window *win, int *tick, struct timeval *now, int rec) { Backtick *bt; char *btresult; if (!(bt = bt_find_id(id))) return; /* TODO: not re-entrant; static buffer returned */ btresult = runbacktick(bt, tick, now->tv_sec); _MakeWinMsgEvRec(wmbc, cond, btresult, win, tick, rec); } winmsg_esc_ex(CopyMode, Event *ev) { if (display && ev && ev != &D_hstatusev) { /* Hack */ /* Is the layer in the current canvas in copy mode? */ Canvas *cv = (Canvas *)ev->data; if (ev == &cv->c_captev && cv->c_layer->l_layfn == &MarkLf) wmc_set(cond); } } winmsg_esc(EscSeen) { if (display && D_ESCseen) { wmc_set(cond); } } winmsg_esc_ex(Focus, Window *win, Event *ev) { /* small hack (TODO: explain.) */ if (display && ((ev && ev == &D_forecv->c_captev) || (!ev && win && win == D_fore))) esc->flags.minus ^= 1; if (esc->flags.minus) wmc_set(cond); } winmsg_esc(HostName) { if (*wmbc_strcpy(wmbc, HostName)) wmc_set(cond); } winmsg_esc_ex(Hstatus, Window *win, int *tick, int rec) { if (!win || win->w_hstatus == NULL || *win->w_hstatus == '\0') return; _MakeWinMsgEvRec(wmbc, cond, win->w_hstatus, win, tick, rec); } winmsg_esc_ex(PadOrTrunc, int *numpad, int *lastpad, int padlen) { /* TODO: encapsulate */ WinMsgBuf *winmsg = wmbc->buf; uint64_t r; wmbc_putchar(wmbc, ' '); wmbc->p--; /* TODO: temporary to work with old code */ if (esc->num || esc->flags.zero || esc->flags.plus || esc->flags.lng || (**src != WINESC_PAD)) { /* expand all pads */ if (esc->flags.minus) { esc->num = (esc->flags.plus ? *lastpad : padlen) - esc->num; if (!esc->flags.plus && padlen == 0) esc->num = wmbc->p - winmsg->buf; esc->flags.plus = 0; } else if (!esc->flags.zero) { if (**src != WINESC_PAD && esc->num == 0 && !esc->flags.plus) esc->num = 100; if (esc->num > 100) esc->num = 100; if (padlen == 0) esc->num = wmbc->p - winmsg->buf; else esc->num = (padlen - (esc->flags.plus ? *lastpad : 0)) * esc->num / 100; } if (esc->num < 0) esc->num = 0; if (esc->flags.plus) esc->num += *lastpad; if (esc->num > MAXSTR - 1) esc->num = MAXSTR - 1; if (*numpad) wmbc->p = pad_expand(winmsg, winmsg->buf, wmbc->p, *numpad, esc->num); *numpad = 0; if (wmbc->p - winmsg->buf > esc->num && !esc->flags.lng) { int left, trunc; if (wmbc->trunc.pos == -1) { wmbc->trunc.pos = *lastpad; wmbc->trunc.perc = 0; } trunc = *lastpad + wmbc->trunc.perc * (esc->num - *lastpad) / 100; if (trunc > esc->num) trunc = esc->num; if (trunc < *lastpad) trunc = *lastpad; left = wmbc->trunc.pos - trunc; if (left > wmbc->p - winmsg->buf - esc->num) left = wmbc->p - winmsg->buf - esc->num; if (left > 0) { if (left + *lastpad > wmbc->p - winmsg->buf) left = wmbc->p - winmsg->buf - *lastpad; if (wmbc->p - winmsg->buf - *lastpad - left > 0) memmove(winmsg->buf + *lastpad, winmsg->buf + *lastpad + left, wmbc->p - winmsg->buf - *lastpad - left); wmbc->p -= left; r = winmsg->numrend; while (r && winmsg->rendpos[r - 1] > *lastpad) { r--; winmsg->rendpos[r] -= left; if (winmsg->rendpos[r] < *lastpad) winmsg->rendpos[r] = *lastpad; } if (wmbc->trunc.ellip) { if (wmbc->p - winmsg->buf > *lastpad) winmsg->buf[*lastpad] = '.'; if (wmbc->p - winmsg->buf > *lastpad + 1) winmsg->buf[*lastpad + 1] = '.'; if (wmbc->p - winmsg->buf > *lastpad + 2) winmsg->buf[*lastpad + 2] = '.'; } } if (wmbc->p - winmsg->buf > esc->num) { wmbc->p = winmsg->buf + esc->num; if (wmbc->trunc.ellip) { if (esc->num - 1 >= *lastpad) wmbc->p[-1] = '.'; if (esc->num - 2 >= *lastpad) wmbc->p[-2] = '.'; if (esc->num - 3 >= *lastpad) wmbc->p[-3] = '.'; } r = winmsg->numrend; while (r && winmsg->rendpos[r - 1] > esc->num) winmsg->rendpos[--r] = esc->num; } wmbc->trunc.pos = -1; wmbc->trunc.ellip = false; if (*lastpad > wmbc->p - winmsg->buf) *lastpad = wmbc->p - winmsg->buf; } if (**src == WINESC_PAD) { while (wmbc->p - winmsg->buf < esc->num) wmbc_putchar(wmbc, ' '); *lastpad = wmbc->p - winmsg->buf; wmbc->trunc.pos = -1; wmbc->trunc.ellip = false; } } else if (padlen) { *wmbc->p = CHRPAD; /* internal pad representation */ (*numpad)++; } wmbc->p++; /* TODO: temporary; see above */ } /** * Processes rendition * * The first character of SRC is assumed to be (unverified) the opening brace * of the sequence. */ winmsg_esc(Rend) { char rbuf[RENDBUF_SIZE]; uint8_t i; uint64_t r; (*src)++; for (i = 0; i < (RENDBUF_SIZE-1); i++) { char c = (*src)[i]; if (c && c != WINESC_REND_END) rbuf[i] = c; else break; } if (((*src)[i] == WINESC_REND_END) && (wmbc->buf->numrend < MAX_WINMSG_REND)) { r = 0; rbuf[i] = '\0'; if (i != 1 || rbuf[0] != WINESC_REND_POP) r = ParseAttrColor(rbuf, 0); AddWinMsgRend(wmbc->buf, wmbc->p, r); } *src += i; } winmsg_esc(SessName) { char *session_name = strchr(SocketName, '.') + 1; if (*wmbc_strcpy(wmbc, session_name)) wmc_set(cond); } winmsg_esc_ex(TruncPos, uint8_t perc, bool ellip) { /* TODO: encapsulate */ wmbc->trunc.pos = wmbc_offset(wmbc); wmbc->trunc.perc = perc; wmbc->trunc.ellip = ellip; } winmsg_esc_ex(WinNames, const bool hide_cur, Window *win) { Window *oldfore = NULL; size_t max = wmbc_bytesleft(wmbc); if (display) { oldfore = D_fore; D_fore = win; } /* TODO: no need to enforce a limit here */ AddWindows(wmbc, max - 1, hide_cur | (esc->flags.lng ? 0 : 2) | (esc->flags.plus ? 4 : 0) | (esc->flags.minus ? 8 : 0), win ? win->w_number : -1); if (display) D_fore = oldfore; if (*wmbc->p) wmc_set(cond); wmbc_fastfw0(wmbc); } winmsg_esc_ex(WinArgv, Window *win) { if (!win || !win->w_cmdargs[0]) return; wmbc_printf(wmbc, "%s", win->w_cmdargs[0]); wmbc_fastfw0(wmbc); if (**src == WINESC_CMD_ARGS) { for (int i = 1; win->w_cmdargs[i]; i++) { wmbc_printf(wmbc, " %s", win->w_cmdargs[i]); wmbc_fastfw0(wmbc); } } } winmsg_esc_ex(WinNum, Window *win) { if (esc->num == 0) esc->num = 1; if (!win) { wmbc_printf(wmbc, "%*s", esc->num, esc->num > 1 ? "--" : "-"); } else { wmbc_printf(wmbc, "%*d", esc->num, win->w_number); } wmc_set(cond); } winmsg_esc_ex(WinCount, Window *win) { if (esc->num == 0) esc->num = 1; if (!win) { wmbc_printf(wmbc, "%*s", esc->num, esc->num > 1 ? "--" : "-"); } else { int count = 0; for (Window *w = win; w; w = w->w_prev_mru) { if (esc->flags.minus) { if (w->w_group == win->w_group && w->w_type != W_TYPE_GROUP) { count++; } } else { count++; } } wmbc_printf(wmbc, "%*d", esc->num, count); } wmc_set(cond); } winmsg_esc_ex(WinLogName, Window *win) { if (win && win->w_log && win->w_log->fp) wmbc_printf(wmbc, "%s", win->w_log->name); } winmsg_esc_ex(WinTty, Window *win) { if (win && win->w_tty[0]) wmbc_printf(wmbc, "%s", win->w_tty); } winmsg_esc_ex(WinSize, Window *win) { if (!win) wmbc_printf(wmbc, "--x--"); else wmbc_printf(wmbc, "%dx%d", win->w_width, win->w_height); } winmsg_esc_ex(WinTitle, Window *win) { if (!win) return; if (*wmbc_strcpy(wmbc, win->w_title)) wmc_set(cond); } winmsg_esc_ex(WinGroup, Window *win) { if (!win || !win->w_group) return; if (*wmbc_strcpy(wmbc, win->w_group->w_title)) wmc_set(cond); } winmsg_esc_ex(Cond, int *condrend) { if (wmc_is_active(cond)) { bool chg; wmbc->p = wmbc->buf->buf + wmc_end(cond, wmbc_offset(wmbc), &chg); if (chg) wmbc->buf->numrend = *condrend; wmc_deinit(cond); return; } wmc_init(cond, wmbc_offset(wmbc)); *condrend = wmbc->buf->numrend; } winmsg_esc_ex(CondElse, int *condrend) { if (wmc_is_active(cond)) { bool chg; wmbc->p = wmbc->buf->buf + wmc_else(cond, wmbc_offset(wmbc), &chg); /* if the true branch was discarded, restore to previous rendition * state; otherwise, we're keeping it, so update the rendition state */ if (chg) wmbc->buf->numrend = *condrend; else *condrend = wmbc->buf->numrend; } } /* TODO: this is temporary until refactoring is complete and this code need not * be abstracted */ static void _MakeWinMsgEvRec(WinMsgBufContext *wmbc, WinMsgCond *cond, char *str, Window *win, int *tick, int rec) { int oldtick = *tick; WinMsgBuf *tmp = wmb_create(); if (tmp == NULL) Panic(0, "%s", strnomem); /* create message in a new buffer and merge into our own */ MakeWinMsgEv(tmp, str, win, WINMSG_BT_ESC, 0, NULL, rec + 1); if (*wmbc_mergewmb(wmbc, tmp)) wmc_set(cond); /* TODO: handle some other way; not re-entrant */ if (!*tick || oldtick < *tick) *tick = oldtick; wmb_free(tmp); } /* TODO: const char *str for safety and reassurance */ char *MakeWinMsgEv(WinMsgBuf *winmsg, char *str, Window *win, int chesc, int padlen, Event *ev, int rec) { static int tick; struct timeval now; int qmnumrend = 0; int numpad = 0; int lastpad = 0; WinMsgBufContext *wmbc; WinMsgEsc esc; WinMsgCond *cond; /* TODO: temporary to work into existing code */ if (winmsg == NULL) { if (g_winmsg == NULL) { if ((g_winmsg = wmb_create()) == NULL) Panic(0, "%s", strnomem); } winmsg = g_winmsg; } if (rec > WINMSG_RECLIMIT) return winmsg->buf; cond = calloc(1, sizeof(WinMsgCond)); if (cond == NULL) Panic(0, "%s", strnomem); /* set to sane state (clear garbage) */ wmc_deinit(cond); /* TODO: we can get rid of this once winmsg is properly handled by caller */ if (winmsg->numrend > 0) winmsg->numrend = 0; wmb_reset(winmsg); wmbc = wmbc_create(winmsg); if (wmbc == NULL) Panic(0, "%s", strnomem); tick = 0; gettimeofday(&now, NULL); for (char *s = str; *s; s++) { if (*s != chesc) { if ((chesc == '%') && (*s == '^')) { s++; if (*s != '^' && *s >= 64) wmbc_putchar(wmbc, *s & 0x1f); continue; } wmbc_putchar(wmbc, *s); continue; } if (*++s == chesc) /* double escape ? */ continue; /* initialize escape */ if ((esc.flags.plus = (*s == '+')) != 0) s++; if ((esc.flags.minus = (*s == '-')) != 0) s++; if ((esc.flags.zero = (*s == '0')) != 0) s++; esc.num = 0; while (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9') esc.num = esc.num * 10 + (*s++ - '0'); if ((esc.flags.lng = (*s == 'L')) != 0) s++; switch (*s) { case WINESC_COND: WinMsgDoEscEx(Cond, &qmnumrend); break; case WINESC_COND_ELSE: WinMsgDoEscEx(CondElse, &qmnumrend); break; case WINESC_HSTATUS: WinMsgDoEscEx(Hstatus, win, &tick, rec); break; case WINESC_BACKTICK: WinMsgDoEscEx(Backtick, esc.num, win, &tick, &now, rec); break; case WINESC_CMD: case WINESC_CMD_ARGS: WinMsgDoEscEx(WinArgv, win); break; case WINESC_WIN_NAMES: case WINESC_WIN_NAMES_NOCUR: WinMsgDoEscEx(WinNames, (*s == WINESC_WIN_NAMES_NOCUR), win); break; case WINESC_WFLAGS: WinMsgDoEscEx(Wflags, win); break; case WINESC_WIN_TITLE: WinMsgDoEscEx(WinTitle, win); break; case WINESC_WIN_GROUP: WinMsgDoEscEx(WinGroup, win); break; case WINESC_REND_START: WinMsgDoEsc(Rend); break; case WINESC_HOST: WinMsgDoEsc(HostName); break; case WINESC_SESS_NAME: WinMsgDoEsc(SessName); break; case WINESC_PID: WinMsgDoEsc(Pid); break; case WINESC_FOCUS: WinMsgDoEscEx(Focus, win, ev); break; case WINESC_COPY_MODE: WinMsgDoEscEx(CopyMode, ev); break; case WINESC_ESC_SEEN: WinMsgDoEsc(EscSeen); break; case WINESC_TRUNC_POS: WinMsgDoEscEx(TruncPos, ((esc.num > 100) ? 100 : esc.num), esc.flags.lng); break; case WINESC_PAD: case WINESC_TRUNC: WinMsgDoEscEx(PadOrTrunc, &numpad, &lastpad, padlen); break; case WINESC_WIN_SIZE: WinMsgDoEscEx(WinSize, win); break; case WINESC_WIN_NUM: WinMsgDoEscEx(WinNum, win); break; case WINESC_WIN_COUNT: WinMsgDoEscEx(WinCount, win); break; case WINESC_WIN_LOGNAME: WinMsgDoEscEx(WinLogName, win); break; case WINESC_WIN_TTY: WinMsgDoEscEx(WinTty, win); break; } } if (wmc_is_active(cond) && !wmc_is_set(cond)) wmbc->p = wmbc->buf->buf + wmc_end(cond, wmbc_offset(wmbc), NULL) + 1; wmbc_putchar(wmbc, '\0' ); wmbc->p--; /* TODO: temporary to work with old code */ if (numpad) { if (padlen > MAXSTR - 1) padlen = MAXSTR - 1; pad_expand(winmsg, winmsg->buf, wmbc->p, numpad, padlen); } if (ev) { evdeq(ev); /* just in case */ ev->timeout = 0; } if (ev && tick) { now.tv_usec = 100000; if (tick == 1) now.tv_sec++; else now.tv_sec += tick - (now.tv_sec % tick); ev->timeout = (now.tv_sec * 1000 + now.tv_usec / 1000); } free(cond); wmbc_free(wmbc); return winmsg->buf; } char *MakeWinMsg(char *s, Window *win, int esc) { return MakeWinMsgEv(NULL, s, win, esc, 0, NULL, 0); } static int WindowChangedCheck(char *s, WinMsgEscapeChar what, int *hp) { int h = 0; int l; while (*s) { if (*s++ != (hp ? '%' : '\005')) continue; l = 0; s += (*s == '+'); s += (*s == '-'); while (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9') s++; if (*s == 'L') { s++; l = 0x100; } if (*s == WINESC_HSTATUS) h = 1; if (*s == (char)what || ((*s | l) == (int)what)) break; if (*s) s++; } if (hp) *hp = h; return *s ? 1 : 0; } void WindowChanged(Window *win, WinMsgEscapeChar what) { int inwstr, inhstr, inlstr; int inwstrh = 0, inhstrh = 0, inlstrh = 0; int got, ox, oy; Display *olddisplay = display; Canvas *cv; if (what == WINESC_WFLAGS) { WindowChanged(NULL, WINESC_WIN_NAMES | 0x100); WindowChanged(NULL, WINESC_WIN_NAMES_NOCUR | 0x100); } if (what) { inwstr = WindowChangedCheck(captionstring, what, &inwstrh); inhstr = WindowChangedCheck(hstatusstring, what, &inhstrh); inlstr = WindowChangedCheck(wliststr, what, &inlstrh); } else { inwstr = inhstr = 0; inlstr = 1; } if (win == NULL) { for (display = displays; display; display = display->d_next) { ox = D_x; oy = D_y; for (cv = D_cvlist; cv; cv = cv->c_next) { if (inlstr || (inlstrh && win && win->w_hstatus && *win->w_hstatus && WindowChangedCheck(win->w_hstatus, what, NULL))) WListUpdatecv(cv, NULL); win = Layer2Window(cv->c_layer); if (inwstr || (inwstrh && win && win->w_hstatus && *win->w_hstatus && WindowChangedCheck(win->w_hstatus, what, NULL))) { if (captiontop) { if (cv->c_ys - 1 >= 0) RefreshLine(cv->c_ys - 1, 0, D_width -1 , 0); } else { if (cv->c_ye + 1 < D_height) RefreshLine(cv->c_ye + 1, 0, D_width - 1, 0); } } } win = D_fore; if (inhstr || (inhstrh && win && win->w_hstatus && *win->w_hstatus && WindowChangedCheck(win->w_hstatus, what, NULL))) RefreshHStatus(); if (ox != -1 && oy != -1) GotoPos(ox, oy); } display = olddisplay; return; } if (win->w_hstatus && *win->w_hstatus && (inwstrh || inhstrh || inlstrh) && WindowChangedCheck(win->w_hstatus, what, NULL)) { inwstr |= inwstrh; inhstr |= inhstrh; inlstr |= inlstrh; } if (!inwstr && !inhstr && !inlstr) return; for (display = displays; display; display = display->d_next) { got = 0; ox = D_x; oy = D_y; for (cv = D_cvlist; cv; cv = cv->c_next) { if (inlstr) WListUpdatecv(cv, win); if (Layer2Window(cv->c_layer) != win) continue; got = 1; if (inwstr) { if (captiontop) { if (cv->c_ys -1 >= 0) RefreshLine(cv->c_ys - 1, 0, D_width - 1, 0); } else { if (cv->c_ye + 1 < D_height) RefreshLine(cv->c_ye + 1, 0, D_width - 1, 0); } } } if (got && inhstr && win == D_fore) RefreshHStatus(); if (ox != -1 && oy != -1) GotoPos(ox, oy); } display = olddisplay; }