path: root/contrib/adduser-old.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/adduser-old.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 300 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/adduser-old.c b/contrib/adduser-old.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e920e008..00000000
--- a/contrib/adduser-old.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
-** 03/17/96
-** hacked a bit more, removed unused code, cleaned up for gcc -Wall.
-** --marekm
-** 02/26/96
-** modified to call shadow utils (useradd,chage,passwd) on shadowed
-** systems - Cristian Gafton,
-** 6/27/95
-** shadow-adduser 1.4:
-** now it copies the /etc/skel dir into the person's dir,
-** makes the mail folders, changed some defaults and made a 'make
-** install' just for the hell of it.
-** Greg Gallagher
-** CIN.Net
-** 1/28/95
-** shadow-adduser 1.3:
-** Basically a bug-fix on my additions in 1.2. Thanks to Terry Stewart
-** ( for pointing out one of the many idiotic bugs I introduced.
-** It was such a stupid bug that I would have never seen it myself.
-** Brandon
-** 01/27/95
-** shadow-adduser 1.2:
-** I took the C source from adduser-shadow (credits are below) and made
-** it a little more worthwhile. Many small changes... Here's
-** the ones I can remember:
-** Removed support for non-shadowed systems (if you don't have shadow,
-** use the original adduser, don't get this shadow version!)
-** Added support for the correct /etc/shadow fields (Min days before
-** password change, max days before password change, Warning days,
-** and how many days from expiry date does the account go invalid)
-** The previous version just left all of those fields blank.
-** There is still one field left (expiry date for the account, period)
-** which I have left blank because I do not use it and didn't want to
-** spend any more time on this. I'm sure someone will put it in and
-** tack another plethora of credits on here. :)
-** Added in the password date field, which should always reflect the last
-** date the password was changed, for expiry purposes. "passwd" always
-** updates this field, so the adduser program should set it up right
-** initially (or a user could keep thier initial password forever ;)
-** The number is in days since Jan 1st, 1970.
-** Have fun with it, and someone please make
-** a real version(this is still just a hack)
-** for us all to use (and Email it to me???)
-** Brandon
-** adduser 1.0: add a new user account (For systems not using shadow)
-** With a nice little interface and a will to do all the work for you.
-** Craig Hagan
-** Modified to really work, look clean, and find unused uid by Chris Cappuccio
-** 01/19/95
-** FURTHER modifications to enable shadow passwd support (kludged, but
-** no more so than the original) by Dan Crowson -
-** Search on DAN for all changes...
-** cc -O -o adduser adduser.c
-** Use gcc if you have it... (political reasons beyond my control) (chris)
-** I've gotten this program to work with success under Linux (without
-** shadow) and SunOS 4.1.3. I would assume it should work pretty well
-** on any system that uses no shadow. (chris)
-** If you have no crypt() then try
-** cc -DNO_CRYPT -O -o adduser adduser.c xfdes.c
-** I'm not sure how login operates with no crypt()... I guess
-** the same way we're doing it here.
-#include <pwd.h>
-#include <grp.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/timeb.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#define DEFAULT_SHELL "/bin/bash" /* because BASH is your friend */
-#define DEFAULT_HOME "/home"
-#define USERADD_PATH "/usr/sbin/useradd"
-#define CHAGE_PATH "/usr/sbin/chage"
-#define PASSWD_PATH "/usr/bin/passwd"
-#define DEFAULT_GROUP 100
-#define DEFAULT_MAX_PASS 60
-/* if you use this feature, you will get a lot of complaints from users
- who rarely use their accounts :) (something like 3 months would be
- more reasonable) --marekm */
-#define DEFAULT_USER_DIE /* 10 */ 0
-void main()
- char foo[32];
- char uname[9],person[32],dir[32],shell[32];
- unsigned int group,min_pass,max_pass,warn_pass,user_die;
- /* the group and uid of the new user */
- int bad=0,done=0,correct=0,gets_warning=0;
- char cmd[255];
- struct group *grp;
- /* flags, in order:
- * bad to see if the username is in /etc/passwd, or if strange stuff has
- * been typed if the user might be put in group 0
- * done allows the program to exit when a user has been added
- * correct loops until a password is found that isn't in /etc/passwd
- * gets_warning allows the fflush to be skipped for the first gets
- * so that output is still legible
- */
- /* The real program starts HERE! */
- if(geteuid()!=0)
- {
- printf("It seems you don't have access to add a new user. Try\n");
- printf("logging in as root or su root to gain super-user access.\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- /* Sanity checks
- */
- if (!(grp=getgrgid(DEFAULT_GROUP))){
- printf("Error: the default group %d does not exist on this system!\n",
- printf("adduser must be recompiled.\n");
- exit(1);
- };
- while(!correct) { /* loop until a "good" uname is chosen */
- while(!done) {
- printf("\nLogin to add (^C to quit): ");
- if(gets_warning) /* if the warning was already shown */
- fflush(stdout); /* fflush stdout, otherwise set the flag */
- else
- gets_warning=1;
- gets(uname);
- if(!strlen(uname)) {
- printf("Empty input.\n");
- done=0;
- continue;
- };
- /* what I saw here before made me think maybe I was running DOS */
- /* might this be a solution? (chris) */
- if (getpwnam(uname) != NULL) {
- printf("That name is in use, choose another.\n");
- done=0;
- } else
- done=1;
- }; /* done, we have a valid new user name */
- /* all set, get the rest of the stuff */
- printf("\nEditing information for new user [%s]\n",uname);
- printf("\nFull Name [%s]: ",uname);
- gets(person);
- if (!strlen(person)) {
- bzero(person,sizeof(person));
- strcpy(person,uname);
- };
- do {
- bad=0;
- printf("GID [%d]: ",DEFAULT_GROUP);
- gets(foo);
- if (!strlen(foo))
- else
- if (isdigit (*foo)) {
- group = atoi(foo);
- if (! (grp = getgrgid (group))) {
- printf("unknown gid %s\n",foo);
- bad=1;
- };
- } else
- if ((grp = getgrnam (foo)))
- group = grp->gr_gid;
- else {
- printf("unknown group %s\n",foo);
- bad=1;
- }
- if (group==0){ /* You're not allowed to make root group users! */
- printf("Creation of root group users not allowed (must be done by hand)\n");
- bad=1;
- };
- } while(bad);
- fflush(stdin);
- printf("\nIf home dir ends with a / then [%s] will be appended to it\n",uname);
- printf("Home Directory [%s/%s]: ",DEFAULT_HOME,uname);
- fflush(stdout);
- gets(dir);
- if (!strlen(dir)) { /* hit return */
- sprintf(dir,"%s/%s",DEFAULT_HOME,uname);
- fflush(stdin);
- } else
- if (dir[strlen(dir)-1]=='/')
- sprintf(dir+strlen(dir),"%s",uname);
- printf("\nShell [%s]: ",DEFAULT_SHELL);
- fflush(stdout);
- gets(shell);
- if (!strlen(shell))
- sprintf(shell,"%s",DEFAULT_SHELL);
- printf("\nMin. Password Change Days [0]: ");
- gets(foo);
- min_pass=atoi(foo);
- printf("Max. Password Change Days [%d]: ",DEFAULT_MAX_PASS);
- gets(foo);
- if (strlen(foo) > 1)
- max_pass = atoi(foo);
- else
- max_pass = DEFAULT_MAX_PASS;
- printf("Password Warning Days [%d]: ",DEFAULT_WARN_PASS);
- gets(foo);
- warn_pass = atoi(foo);
- if (warn_pass==0)
- warn_pass = DEFAULT_WARN_PASS;
- printf("Days after Password Expiry for Account Locking [%d]: ",DEFAULT_USER_DIE);
- gets(foo);
- user_die = atoi(foo);
- if (user_die == 0)
- user_die = DEFAULT_USER_DIE;
- printf("\nInformation for new user [%s] [%s]:\n",uname,person);
- printf("Home directory: [%s] Shell: [%s]\n",dir,shell);
- printf("GID: [%d]\n",group);
- printf("MinPass: [%d] MaxPass: [%d] WarnPass: [%d] UserExpire: [%d]\n",
- min_pass,max_pass,warn_pass,user_die);
- printf("\nIs this correct? [y/N]: ");
- fflush(stdout);
- gets(foo);
- done=bad=correct=(foo[0]=='y'||foo[0]=='Y');
- if(bad!=1)
- printf("\nUser [%s] not added\n",uname);
- }
- bzero(cmd,sizeof(cmd));
- sprintf(cmd,"%s -g %d -d %s -s %s -c \"%s\" -m -k /etc/skel %s",
- USERADD_PATH,group,dir,shell,person,uname);
- printf("Calling useradd to add new user:\n%s\n",cmd);
- if(system(cmd)){
- printf("User add failed!\n");
- exit(errno);
- };
- bzero(cmd,sizeof(cmd));
- sprintf(cmd,"%s -m %d -M %d -W %d -I %d %s", CHAGE_PATH,
- min_pass,max_pass,warn_pass,user_die,uname);
- printf("%s\n",cmd);
- if(system(cmd)){
- printf("There was an error setting password expire values\n");
- exit(errno);
- };
- bzero(cmd,sizeof(cmd));
- sprintf(cmd,"%s %s",PASSWD_PATH,uname);
- system(cmd);
- printf("\nDone.\n");