diff options
authorChun-wei Fan <>2018-08-13 15:18:26 +0800
committerKjell Ahlstedt <>2018-09-10 15:16:53 +0200
commitfbcc448bac638a7ff26fa8657c1056399a337041 (patch)
parent491728c3b5d44dd86de21da8fbbbb23d4aec6c7c (diff)
Build: Use NMake Makefiles for MSVC Builds
Since the MSVC projects are not created upon 'make dist' but is manually updated, use a set of NMake Makefiles that consumes sigc++/ as needed, so that whenever the list of sources is updated, we do not have to worry that the generated release tarballs have broken Visual Studio build files. The next commit will remove the Visual Studio project files. This should make maintenance of the Visual Studio build files easier.
13 files changed, 471 insertions, 67 deletions
diff --git a/MSVC_NMake/ b/MSVC_NMake/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf68dfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MSVC_NMake/
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# NMake Makefile for building libsigc++ on Windows using Visual Studio
+# The items below this line should not be changed, unless one is maintaining
+# the NMake Makefiles. Customizations can be done in the following NMake Makefile
+# portions (please see comments in the these files to see what can be customized):
+# detectenv-msvc.mak
+# config-msvc.mak
+!include detectenv-msvc.mak
+# Include the Makefile portions with the source listings
+!include ..\sigc++\
+# Include the Makefile portion that enables features based on user input
+!include config-msvc.mak
+!if "$(VALID_CFGSET)" == "TRUE"
+# We need Visual Studio 2017 or later
+!if $(VSVER) < 15
+!if $(VCVERSION) < 1915
+!message Some tests may fail to build for Visual Studio 2017 15.7 or earlier!
+!if "$(VALID_MSC)" == "TRUE"
+# Include the Makefile portion to convert the source and header lists
+# into the lists we need for compilation and introspection
+!include create-lists-msvc.mak
+all: $(LIBSIGC_LIB) all-build-info
+tests: all
+# Include the build rules for sources, DLLs and executables
+!include build-rules-msvc.mak
+!include generate-msvc.mak
+!include install.mak
+!else # "$(VALID_MSC)" == "TRUE"
+ @echo You need Visual Studio 2017 or later.
+!endif # "$(VALID_MSC)" == "TRUE"
+!else # "$(VALID_CFGSET)" == "TRUE"
+all: help
+ @echo You need to specify a valid configuration, via
+ @echo CFG=release or CFG=debug
+!endif # "$(VALID_CFGSET)" == "TRUE"
+!include info-msvc.mak
diff --git a/MSVC_NMake/build-rules-msvc.mak b/MSVC_NMake/build-rules-msvc.mak
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f13bcb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MSVC_NMake/build-rules-msvc.mak
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# NMake Makefile portion for compilation rules
+# Items in here should not need to be edited unless
+# one is maintaining the NMake build files. The format
+# of NMake Makefiles here are different from the GNU
+# Makefiles. Please see the comments about these formats.
+# Inference rules for compiling the .obj files.
+# Used for libs and programs with more than a single source file.
+# Format is as follows
+# (all dirs must have a trailing '\'):
+# {$(srcdir)}.$(srcext){$(destdir)}.obj::
+# $(CC)|$(CXX) $(cflags) /Fo$(destdir) /c @<<
+# $<
+# <<
+ $(CXX) $(LIBSIGCPP_CFLAGS) /Fo$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\libsigcpp\ /c @<<
+ $(CXX) $(LIBSIGCPP_CFLAGS) /Fo$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\libsigcpp\ /c @<<
+# Rules for building .lib files
+ rc /fo$@ $<
+# Rules for linking DLLs
+# Format is as follows (the mt command is needed for MSVC 2005/2008 builds):
+# $(dll_name_with_path): $(dependent_libs_files_objects_and_items)
+# link /DLL [$(linker_flags)] [$(dependent_libs)] [/def:$(def_file_if_used)] [/implib:$(lib_name_if_needed)] -out:$@ @<<
+# $(dependent_objects)
+# <<
+# @-if exist $@.manifest mt /manifest $@.manifest /outputresource:$@;2
+$(LIBSIGC_DLL): $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\libsigcpp $(libsigcpp_dll_OBJS)
+ link /DLL $(LDFLAGS) /implib:$(LIBSIGC_LIB) -out:$@ @<<
+ @-if exist $@.manifest mt /manifest $@.manifest /outputresource:$@;2
+# Rules for linking Executables
+# Format is as follows (the mt command is needed for MSVC 2005/2008 builds):
+# $(dll_name_with_path): $(dependent_libs_files_objects_and_items)
+# link [$(linker_flags)] [$(dependent_libs)] -out:$@ @<<
+# $(dependent_objects)
+# <<
+# @-if exist $@.manifest mt /manifest $@.manifest /outputresource:$@;1
+$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\gjs-console.exe: $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\gjs.lib $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\gjs-console $(gjs_OBJS)
+ link $(LDFLAGS) $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\gjs.lib $(GJS_BASE_LIBS) -out:$@ $(gjs_OBJS)
+ @-if exist $@.manifest mt /manifest $@.manifest /outputresource:$@;1
+ @-del /f /q $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\*.pdb
+ @-del /f /q $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\*.dll
+ @-del /f /q $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\*.ilk
+ @-del /f /q $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\*.exp
+ @-del /f /q $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\*.lib
+ @-del /f /q $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\libsigcpp\*.res
+ @-del /f /q $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\libsigcpp\*.obj
+ @-rd $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\libsigcpp
+ @-del /f /q vc$(PDBVER)0.pdb
diff --git a/MSVC_NMake/config-msvc.mak b/MSVC_NMake/config-msvc.mak
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f35a104
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MSVC_NMake/config-msvc.mak
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# NMake Makefile portion for enabling features for Windows builds
+# These are the base minimum libraries required for building gjs.
+# Please do not change anything beneath this line unless maintaining the NMake Makefiles
+!if "$(CFG)" == "debug" || "$(CFG)" == "Debug"
+SIGCPP_BASE_CFLAGS = /I.. /I. /wd4530 /std:c++17
+LIBSIGC_INT_SOURCES = $(sigc_sources_cc:/=\)
+LIBSIGC_INT_HDRS = $(sigc_public_h:/=\)
diff --git a/MSVC_NMake/create-lists-msvc.mak b/MSVC_NMake/create-lists-msvc.mak
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1a7581
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MSVC_NMake/create-lists-msvc.mak
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# Convert the source listing to object (.obj) listing in
+# another NMake Makefile module, include it, and clean it up.
+# This is a "fact-of-life" regarding NMake Makefiles...
+# This file does not need to be changed unless one is maintaining the NMake Makefiles
+# For those wanting to add things here:
+# To add a list, do the following:
+# # $(description_of_list)
+# if [call create-lists.bat header $(makefile_snippet_file) $(variable_name)]
+# endif
+# if [call create-lists.bat file $(makefile_snippet_file) $(file_name)]
+# endif
+# if [call create-lists.bat footer $(makefile_snippet_file)]
+# endif
+# ... (repeat the if [call ...] lines in the above order if needed)
+# !include $(makefile_snippet_file)
+# (add the following after checking the entries in $(makefile_snippet_file) is correct)
+# (the batch script appends to $(makefile_snippet_file), you will need to clear the file unless the following line is added)
+#!if [del /f /q $(makefile_snippet_file)]
+# In order to obtain the .obj filename that is needed for NMake Makefiles to build DLLs/static LIBs or EXEs, do the following
+# instead when doing 'if [call create-lists.bat file $(makefile_snippet_file) $(file_name)]'
+# (repeat if there are multiple $(srcext)'s in $(source_list), ignore any headers):
+# !if [for %c in ($(source_list)) do @if "%~xc" == ".$(srcext)" @call create-lists.bat file $(makefile_snippet_file) $(intdir)\%~nc.obj]
+# $(intdir)\%~nc.obj needs to correspond to the rules added in build-rules-msvc.mak
+# %~xc gives the file extension of a given file, %c in this case, so if %c is, %~xc means .cc
+# %~nc gives the file name of a given file without extension, %c in this case, so if %c is, %~nc means a
+# For libsigc++
+!if [call create-lists.bat header libsigcpp.mak libsigcpp_dll_OBJS]
+!if [for %c in ($(sigc_sources_cc)) do @if "%~xc" == ".cc" @call create-lists.bat file libsigcpp.mak ^$(CFG)\^$(PLAT)\libsigcpp\%~nc.obj]
+!if [@call create-lists.bat file libsigcpp.mak ^$(CFG)\^$(PLAT)\libsigcpp\sigc.res]
+!if [call create-lists.bat footer libsigcpp.mak]
+!include libsigcpp.mak
+!if [del /f /q libsigcpp.mak]
diff --git a/MSVC_NMake/create-lists.bat b/MSVC_NMake/create-lists.bat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef60d5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MSVC_NMake/create-lists.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+@echo off
+rem Simple .bat script for creating the NMake Makefile snippets.
+if not "%1" == "header" if not "%1" == "file" if not "%1" == "footer" goto :error_cmd
+if "%2" == "" goto error_no_destfile
+if "%1" == "header" goto :header
+if "%1" == "file" goto :addfile
+if "%1" == "footer" goto :footer
+if "%3" == "" goto error_var
+echo %3 = \>>%2
+goto done
+if "%3" == "" goto error_file
+echo. %3 \>>%2
+goto done
+echo. $(NULL)>>%2
+goto done
+echo Specified command '%1' was invalid. Valid commands are: header file footer.
+goto done
+echo Destination NMake snippet file must be specified
+goto done
+echo A name must be specified for using '%1'.
+goto done
+echo A file must be specified for using '%1'.
+goto done
+:done \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MSVC_NMake/detectenv-msvc.mak b/MSVC_NMake/detectenv-msvc.mak
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5dadaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MSVC_NMake/detectenv-msvc.mak
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+# Change this (or specify PREFIX= when invoking this NMake Makefile) if
+# necessary, so that the libs and headers of the dependent third-party
+# libraries can be located. For instance, if building from GLib's
+# included Visual Studio projects, this should be able to locate the GLib
+# build out-of-the-box if they were not moved. GLib's headers will be
+# found in $(GLIB_PREFIX)\include\glib-2.0 and
+# $(GLIB_PREFIX)\lib\glib-2.0\include and its import library will be found
+# in $(GLIB_PREFIX)\lib.
+!if "$(PREFIX)" == ""
+PREFIX = ..\..\vs$(VSVER)\$(PLAT)
+# Location of the PERL interpreter, for running glib-mkenums. glib-mkenums
+# needs to be found in $(PREFIX)\bin. Using either a 32-bit or x64 PERL
+# interpreter are supported for either a 32-bit or x64 build.
+!if "$(PERL)" == ""
+PERL = perl
+# Location of the Python interpreter, for building introspection. The complete set
+# of Python Modules for introspection (the giscanner Python scripts and the _giscanner.pyd
+# compiled module) needs to be found in $(PREFIX)\lib\gobject-introspection\giscanner, and
+# the g-ir-scanner Python script and g-ir-compiler utility program needs to be found
+# in $(PREFIX)\bin, together with any DLLs they will depend on, if those DLLs are not already
+# in your PATH.
+# Note that the Python interpreter and the introspection modules and utility progam must
+# correspond to the build type (i.e. 32-bit Release for 32-bit Release builds, and so on).
+# For introspection, currently only Python 2.7.x is supported. This may change when Python 3.x
+# support is added upstream in gobject-introspection--when this happens, the _giscanner.pyd must
+# be the one that is built against the release series of Python that is used here.
+!if "$(PYTHON)" == ""
+PYTHON = python
+# Location of the pkg-config utility program, for building introspection. It needs to be able
+# to find the pkg-config (.pc) files so that the correct libraries and headers for the needed libraries
+# can be located, using PKG_CONFIG_PATH. Using either a 32-bit or x64 pkg-config are supported for
+# either a 32-bit or x64 build.
+!if "$(PKG_CONFIG)" == ""
+PKG_CONFIG = pkg-config
+# The items below this line should not be changed, unless one is maintaining
+# the NMake Makefiles. The exception is for the CFLAGS_ADD line(s) where one
+# could use his/her desired compiler optimization flags, if he/she knows what is
+# being done.
+# Check to see we are configured to build with MSVC (MSDEVDIR, MSVCDIR or
+# VCINSTALLDIR) or with the MS Platform SDK (MSSDK or WindowsSDKDir)
+!if !defined(VCINSTALLDIR) && !defined(WINDOWSSDKDIR)
+MSG = ^
+This Makefile is only for Visual Studio 2008 and later.^
+You need to ensure that the Visual Studio Environment is properly set up^
+before running this Makefile.
+!error $(MSG)
+!if ![echo VCVERSION=_MSC_VER > vercl.x] \
+ && ![echo $(_HASH)if defined(_M_IX86) >> vercl.x] \
+ && ![echo PLAT=Win32 >> vercl.x] \
+ && ![echo $(_HASH)elif defined(_M_AMD64) >> vercl.x] \
+ && ![echo PLAT=x64 >> vercl.x] \
+ && ![echo $(_HASH)endif >> vercl.x] \
+ && ![cl -nologo -TC -P vercl.x $(ERRNUL)]
+!include vercl.i
+!if ![echo VCVER= ^\>] \
+ && ![set /a $(VCVERSION) / 100 - 6 >>]
+!if ![del $(ERRNUL) /q/f vercl.x vercl.i]
+!if $(VCVERSION) > 1499 && $(VCVERSION) < 1600
+VSVER = 9
+!elseif $(VCVERSION) > 1599 && $(VCVERSION) < 1700
+VSVER = 10
+!elseif $(VCVERSION) > 1699 && $(VCVERSION) < 1800
+VSVER = 11
+!elseif $(VCVERSION) > 1799 && $(VCVERSION) < 1900
+VSVER = 12
+!elseif $(VCVERSION) > 1899 && $(VCVERSION) < 1910
+VSVER = 14
+!elseif $(VCVERSION) > 1909 && $(VCVERSION) < 2000
+VSVER = 15
+VSVER = 0
+!if "$(VSVER)" == "0"
+MSG = ^
+This NMake Makefile set supports Visual Studio^
+9 (2008) through 15 (2017). Your Visual Studio^
+version is not supported.
+!error $(MSG)
+!if $(VSVER) < 15
+PDBVER = 14
+!if "$(CFG)" == "release" || "$(CFG)" == "Release" || "$(CFG)" == "debug" || "$(CFG)" == "Debug"
+# One may change these items, but be sure to test
+# the resulting binaries
+!if "$(CFG)" == "release" || "$(CFG)" == "Release"
+!if "$(VSVER)" != "9"
+!if "$(PLAT)" == "x64"
+LDFLAGS_ARCH = /machine:x64
+LDFLAGS_ARCH = /machine:x86
+!if "$(VALID_CFGSET)" == "TRUE"
+!if "$(CFG)" == "debug" || "$(CFG)" == "Debug"
diff --git a/MSVC_NMake/ b/MSVC_NMake/
index e966547..e3fb672 100644
--- a/MSVC_NMake/
+++ b/MSVC_NMake/
@@ -1,66 +1,14 @@
## This file is part of libsigc++.
-msvc_net2017_data = \
- libsigc++3.sln \
- libsigc++3.vcxproj \
- libsigc++3.vcxproj.filters \
- sigc++config.h \
- sigc.rc \
- sigc-build-defines.props \
- sigc-debug-dll-build-defines.props \
- sigc-install.props \
- sigc-release-dll-build-defines.props \
- sigc-version-paths.props \
- sigc-install.vcxproj \
- test_accum_iter.vcxproj \
- test_accum_iter.vcxproj.filters \
- test_accumulated.vcxproj \
- test_accumulated.vcxproj.filters \
- test_bind.vcxproj \
- test_bind.vcxproj.filters \
- test_bind_ref.vcxproj \
- test_bind_ref.vcxproj.filters \
- test_bind_refptr.vcxproj \
- test_bind_refptr.vcxproj.filters \
- test_bind_return.vcxproj \
- test_bind_return.vcxproj.filters \
- test_compose.vcxproj \
- test_compose.vcxproj.filters \
- test_copy_invalid_slot.vcxproj \
- test_copy_invalid_slot.vcxproj.filters \
- test_cpp11_lambda.vcxproj \
- test_cpp11_lambda.vcxproj.filters \
- test_custom.vcxproj \
- test_custom.vcxproj.filters \
- test_disconnect.vcxproj \
- test_disconnect.vcxproj.filters \
- test_disconnect_during_emit.vcxproj \
- test_disconnect_during_emit.vcxproj.filters \
- test_exception_catch.vcxproj \
- test_exception_catch.vcxproj.filters \
- test_hide.vcxproj \
- test_hide.vcxproj.filters \
- test_limit_reference.vcxproj \
- test_limit_reference.vcxproj.filters \
- test_mem_fun.vcxproj \
- test_mem_fun.vcxproj.filters \
- test_ptr_fun.vcxproj \
- test_ptr_fun.vcxproj.filters \
- test_retype.vcxproj \
- test_retype.vcxproj.filters \
- test_retype_return.vcxproj \
- test_retype_return.vcxproj.filters \
- test_signal.vcxproj \
- test_signal.vcxproj.filters \
- test_size.vcxproj \
- test_size.vcxproj.filters \
- test_slot.vcxproj \
- test_slot.vcxproj.filters \
- test_slot_disconnect.vcxproj \
- test_slot_disconnect.vcxproj.filters \
- test_trackable.vcxproj \
- test_trackable.vcxproj.filters \
- test_track_obj.vcxproj \
- test_track_obj.vcxproj.filters \
- test_visit_each.vcxproj \
- test_visit_each.vcxproj.filters
+msvc_nmake_data = \
+ build-rules-msvc.mak \
+ config-msvc.mak \
+ create-lists.bat \
+ create-lists-msvc.mak \
+ detectenv-msvc.mak \
+ generate-msvc.mak \
+ info-msvc.mak \
+ install.mak \
+ \
+ sigc++config.h \
+ sigc.rc
diff --git a/MSVC_NMake/generate-msvc.mak b/MSVC_NMake/generate-msvc.mak
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68159bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MSVC_NMake/generate-msvc.mak
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# NMake Makefile portion for code generation and
+# intermediate build directory creation
+# Items in here should not need to be edited unless
+# one is maintaining the NMake build files.
+# Create the build directories
+ @-mkdir $@
diff --git a/MSVC_NMake/info-msvc.mak b/MSVC_NMake/info-msvc.mak
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbf0ade
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MSVC_NMake/info-msvc.mak
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# NMake Makefile portion for displaying config info
+ @echo.
+ @echo ----------
+ @echo Build info
+ @echo ---------
+ @echo Build Type: $(CFG)
+ @echo.
+ @echo ==============================
+ @echo Building libsigc++ Using NMake
+ @echo ==============================
+ @echo nmake /f CFG=[release^|debug] ^<PREFIX=PATH^>
+ @echo.
+ @echo Where:
+ @echo ------
+ @echo CFG: Required, use CFG=release for an optimized build and CFG=debug
+ @echo for a debug build. PDB files are generated for all builds.
+ @echo.
+ @echo PREFIX: Optional, the path where dependent libraries and tools may be
+ @echo found, default is ^$(srcrootdir)\..\vs^$(short_vs_ver)\^$(platform),
+ @echo where ^$(short_vs_ver) is 15 for VS 2017 and so on; and
+ @echo ^$(platform) is Win32 for 32-bit builds and x64 for x64 builds.
+ @echo.
+ @echo ======
+ @echo A 'clean' target is supported to remove all generated files, intermediate
+ @echo object files and binaries for the specified configuration.
+ @echo.
+ @echo An 'install' target is supported to copy the build (DLLs, utility programs,
+ @echo LIBs, along with the introspection files if applicable) to appropriate
+ @echo locations under ^$(PREFIX).
+ @echo ======
+ @echo.
diff --git a/MSVC_NMake/install.mak b/MSVC_NMake/install.mak
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4903a25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MSVC_NMake/install.mak
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# NMake Makefile snippet for copying the built libraries, utilities and headers to
+# a path under $(PREFIX).
+install: all
+ @if not exist $(PREFIX)\bin\ mkdir $(PREFIX)\bin
+ @if not exist $(PREFIX)\lib\sigc++-$(LIBSIGC_MAJOR_VERSION).$(LIBSIGC_MINOR_VERSION)\include\ mkdir $(PREFIX)\lib\sigc++-$(LIBSIGC_MAJOR_VERSION).$(LIBSIGC_MINOR_VERSION)\include
+ @if not exist $(PREFIX)\include\sigc++-$(LIBSIGC_MAJOR_VERSION).$(LIBSIGC_MINOR_VERSION)\sigc++\adaptors\ @mkdir $(PREFIX)\include\sigc++-$(LIBSIGC_MAJOR_VERSION).$(LIBSIGC_MINOR_VERSION)\sigc++\adaptors
+ @if not exist $(PREFIX)\include\sigc++-$(LIBSIGC_MAJOR_VERSION).$(LIBSIGC_MINOR_VERSION)\sigc++\functors\ @mkdir $(PREFIX)\include\sigc++-$(LIBSIGC_MAJOR_VERSION).$(LIBSIGC_MINOR_VERSION)\sigc++\functors
+ @if not exist $(PREFIX)\include\sigc++-$(LIBSIGC_MAJOR_VERSION).$(LIBSIGC_MINOR_VERSION)\sigc++\tuple-utils\ @mkdir $(PREFIX)\include\sigc++-$(LIBSIGC_MAJOR_VERSION).$(LIBSIGC_MINOR_VERSION)\sigc++\tuple-utils
+ @copy /b $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\$(LIBSIGC_LIBNAME).dll $(PREFIX)\bin
+ @copy /b $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\$(LIBSIGC_LIBNAME).pdb $(PREFIX)\bin
+ @copy /b $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\$(LIBSIGC_LIBNAME).lib $(PREFIX)\lib
+ @for %h in ($(LIBSIGC_INT_HDRS)) do @copy "..\sigc++\%h" "$(PREFIX)\include\sigc++-$(LIBSIGC_MAJOR_VERSION).$(LIBSIGC_MINOR_VERSION)\sigc++\%h"
+ @copy "sigc++config.h" "$(PREFIX)\lib\sigc++-$(LIBSIGC_MAJOR_VERSION).$(LIBSIGC_MINOR_VERSION)\include\"
diff --git a/ b/
index 501d554..7a8ef5c 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ dist_noinst_SCRIPTS =
include $(srcdir)/MSVC_NMake/
-dist_noinst_DATA = $(addprefix MSVC_NMake/,$(msvc_net2017_data)) CMakeLists.txt sigc++config.h.cmake
+dist_noinst_DATA = $(addprefix MSVC_NMake/,$(msvc_nmake_data)) CMakeLists.txt sigc++config.h.cmake
DISTCLEANFILES = MSVC_NMake/sigc++config.h
diff --git a/README b/README
index 8635835..c2b3e51 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Overview of the distribution:
tests/ programs testing and verifying proper behaviour
- MSVC_NMake/ project files for building the library with MSVC++ 2017
+ MSVC_NMake/ NMake Makefiles for building the library with MSVC++ 2017 and later
diff --git a/ b/
index f5e712c..e5d2e50 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile
-# Copy the generated configuration headers into the MSVC project directories.
+# Copy the generated configuration headers into the MSVC NMake directory.
[cp -f sigc++config.h MSVC_NMake/sigc++config.h])