// -*- c++ -*- /* Copyright 2002, The libsigc++ Development Team * Assigned to public domain. Use as you wish without restriction. */ #include "testutilities.h" #include #include #include #include #include namespace { std::ostringstream result_stream; struct foo : public sigc::functor_base { // choose a type that can hold all return values typedef int result_type; int operator()(int i) { result_stream << "foo(int " << i << ") "; return i > 0; } int operator()(int i, int j) { result_stream << "foo(int " << i << ", int "<< j << ") "; return i + j; } int operator()(int i, int j, int k) { result_stream << "foo(int " << i << ", int " << j << ", int " << k << ") "; return 0; } }; struct foo_void : public sigc::functor_base { typedef void result_type; void operator()(int i) { result_stream << "foo_void(int " << i << ")"; } }; int bar(int i, int j) { result_stream << "bar(int " << i << ", int " << j << ") "; return i + j; } bool simple(bool test) { result_stream << "simple(bool " << test << ") "; return test; } void egon(std::string& str) { result_stream << "egon(string '" << str << "')"; str = "egon was here"; } struct book : public sigc::trackable { book(const std::string& name) : name_(name) {} std::string& get_name() { return name_; } operator std::string& () { return get_name(); } private: std::string name_; //non-copyable: book(const book&); book& operator=(const book&); }; } // end anonymous namespace int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { auto util = TestUtilities::get_instance(); if (!util->check_command_args(argc, argv)) return util->get_result_and_delete_instance() ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE; // replacing bind1st, bind2nd result_stream << sigc::bind<0>(foo(), -12345)(5); util->check_result(result_stream, "foo(int -12345, int 5) -12340"); result_stream << sigc::bind<1>(foo(), -12345)(5); util->check_result(result_stream, "foo(int 5, int -12345) -12340"); // multiple sigc::bind(foo(), 1, 2)(); util->check_result(result_stream, "foo(int 1, int 2) "); // bind from end sigc::bind<-1>(foo(), 4)(3); util->check_result(result_stream, "foo(int 3, int 4) "); sigc::bind(foo(), 4)(3); util->check_result(result_stream, "foo(int 3, int 4) "); // used together sigc::bind<0>(sigc::bind<0>(foo(), 7), 8)(); util->check_result(result_stream, "foo(int 7, int 8) "); // void return sigc::bind(foo(), 9, 10)(11); // (only returned void if typeof() would be supported) util->check_result(result_stream, "foo(int 11, int 9, int 10) "); sigc::bind(foo_void(), 12)(); util->check_result(result_stream, "foo_void(int 12)"); // function pointer instead of functor sigc::bind(&bar, 13, 14)(); util->check_result(result_stream, "bar(int 13, int 14) "); // method pointer instead of functor book test_book("otto"); result_stream << sigc::bind<0>(&book::get_name, sigc::ref(test_book))(); util->check_result(result_stream, "otto"); // test return type of bind_functor::operator() overload with no arguments result_stream << sigc::bind(foo(), 15)(); util->check_result(result_stream, "foo(int 15) 1"); result_stream << sigc::bind(&simple, true)(); util->check_result(result_stream, "simple(bool 1) 1"); // test references std::string str("guest book"); sigc::bind(&egon, sigc::ref(str))(); // Tell bind that it shall store a reference. result_stream << " " << str; // (This cannot be the default behaviour: just think about what happens if str dies!) util->check_result(result_stream, "egon(string 'guest book') egon was here"); sigc::slot sl; { book guest_book("karl"); sl = sigc::bind(&egon, sigc::ref(guest_book)); sl(); result_stream << " " << static_cast(guest_book); util->check_result(result_stream, "egon(string 'karl') egon was here"); } // auto-disconnect sl(); util->check_result(result_stream, ""); // This causes a crash when using g++ 3.3.4 or 3.3.5 (but not 3.4.x) when not specifying // the exact template specialization in visit_each_type() - see the comments there. // It looks like the auto-disconnect does not work, so the last sl() call tries // to access the guest_book data again. return util->get_result_and_delete_instance() ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE; }